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12:12 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ray
What I think is harmful about downvotes is their anonymity. If you downvote something, your identity should be known and you should be prepared to justify your downvote. — Ray 33 secs ago
12:38 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by okovko
@BDL Preferred in the context of the three things you listed... obviously... — okovko 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by okovko
This is BS. It is practical to compare the safety and fundamental efficiency of various implementations for similar tasks. StackOverflow is just a toxic community. — okovko 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by okovko
@deceze I've read a lot of really high quality Q/As on StackOverflow where questions and answers were very long and discussed tradeoffs. These are the highest quality and most useful answers on StackOverflow. I don't know why or when SO decided to become Twitter, but this is lame, and I will be finding a new community. — okovko 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ansgar Wiechers
@DougR. Nice try shifting the blame, but no. Only the person who is asking a question is responsible for the question. Period. If that question is of poor quality (e.g. b/c it's lacking essential information to the point of being unanswerable, or is flat-out asking "give me da codez"), then nobody but the person writing the question is to blame for that. We're already helping out as best we can, but SO (at least up to now) was never a place to teach people basic troubleshooting or problem analysis skills, b/c it simply doesn't have the tools for that kind of thing. — Ansgar Wiechers 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by jscs
Having a reward for it in the software has a systemic implication, @SecurityHound. It's marked very very clearly as desirable behavior. If done right, this could be a new tool for helping folks understand the reasons duplicate closure exists and why, when used properly, it is a helpful action (instead of being the hostile reflex of a power-mad elite noob-hating moderator). — jscs 1 min ago
1:40 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@jscs - I see far to many invalid edits (by low reputation users) that seem to be proposed for the 2 reputation that provides. I guess I might just be cynical. — Security Hound 50 secs ago
1:52 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by okovko
As this is a duplicate question, delete your answer, or delete my question for me. — okovko 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Shaido - Reinstate Monica
@YorSubs: Without reading the original transcript and from puzzling things together from here and there over time, my understanding is that Monica argued that writing in a gender neutral way should be allowed (i.e., not using any pronouns by default). The first version of the CoC explicitly did not allow for this which is why this was discussed. In the revised CoC, gender neutral writing is accepted but this revision came first after Monica was fired and the events that followed. At that point in time, there were already a lot of other issues, e.g. how SE handled the whole situation. — Shaido - Reinstate Monica 25 secs ago
1 hour later…
3:22 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by S.S. Anne
I thought you said you were going to close it, but no hurry. — S.S. Anne just now
3:40 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Then it’s unclear to me why we need this. What problem does it solve? Also, I have a great idea! Let’s build a new standard that integrates the features from both OAuth and WebAuth! — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
4:04 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonesome Reinstate Monica
@tkruse Excellent point. Agreed. And if the letters "monica" are too messy to touch, this could be "ModeratorGate2019" or something that is narrow enough to specify the concrete eruption, yet broad enough to capture the broad scale and impact of the event. — Jonesome Reinstate Monica 15 secs ago
1 hour later…
5:08 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Snow
It may not be an actual "job", but it's reasonably on-topic and provides money in exchange for developer-related services. Is there a policy against that? (there may well be) — Snow 1 min ago
1 hour later…
6:22 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BSMP
I would have expected a job posting to cost more than an ad on the main site. It's kind of weird they even want to use a Jobs posting for this. (A main site ad is probably less likely to rub people the wrong way.) — BSMP 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
Why do you care? It's not a particularly time-sensitive thing, is it? — yivi 58 secs ago
6:48 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by okovko
Delete my question. — okovko 1 min ago
7:24 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
You mean firefox ESR? — Robert Longson 51 secs ago
1 hour later…
8:36 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BSMP
I think they want to know why you see yourself as a member of a community as opposed to just someone with an account who uses the site. — BSMP 1 min ago
1 hour later…
10:04 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick A
Because comments are second class citizens. If it was edited while you were asking for more information in your comment then your comment will likely just end up being flagged as NLN and deleted anyway — Nick A 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
The question is a feature-request. So I guess a rationale about why implementing it would not be possible or desirable would be in order. — yivi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@yivi: yea, good point. Updated my answer. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
10:28 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by deceze
The websocket is already open and will notify you about changes to the question. It probably wouldn't be a significant change to also push events about edited comments through the same open socket. On the backend that's just one more trigger. (Obviously I'm armchair sys-adminning here…) — deceze ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@deceze: slightly updated my answer. It was mostly the added traffic / calls / triggers that make me think it might be too much load. — Cerbrus 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ArunPratap
@TheWanderer thanks for reply i am aware about that i am just asking about tag should wen include that or not? — ArunPratap just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheWanderer
ASP.NET is a framework written in C#. It'd be weird to see answers about it written in another language. — TheWanderer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by xdtTransform
Isn't VB.NET supported for both .NET Core and .NET Standard class libraries? — xdtTransform 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ArunPratap
@xdtTransform ya that's why i am asking that if accepted answer is related to c# should we add c# tag in that question? — ArunPratap 15 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick A
@ArunPratap Tags should be used for what the question is about (asp.NET), not what it contains (C#). (See the Irrelevant Tags suggested edit rejection reason: "This edit introduces tags that do not help to define the topic of the question. Tags should help to describe what the question is about, not just what it contains.") — Nick A 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheWanderer
If it's anything like the relationship between Android and Java, I don't really think it needs the language tag. A lot of ways to do something in pure Java can either be done better in Android because of additional APIs, or can't be done in the same way, because Android strips certain Java APIs. — TheWanderer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
I think it would be more efficient if the OAuth providers implements Webauthn in their authentication flows. Probably some already have at least as a second factor choice to add support for usb keys and fingerprint readers. — Gimby 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ArunPratap
thanks @NickA i got it but as i can see on stack overflow A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question and as i know C#, Visual Basic, and F# languages can be used to write applications and libraries for .NET Core. that's why i wanted to know that. — ArunPratap 29 secs ago
11:20 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MikeBeaton
@usr2564301 Out of curiosity: why were you asking? — MikeBeaton 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by JNat
Agreed on the process being ill-defined at the moment, @Machavity — what we hope to be able to accomplish is that it is clarified, and simplified, from start to finish. — JNat ♦ 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by usr2564301
Me, I hate images-of-code with a passion. It can only mean that the OP has the utmost contempt for those willing to help strangers out if OP doesn't even bother to post something we can copy. The latest development does not bode well for the next gen of programmers: literal screenshots, a phone-taken photo of what the OP is looking at. — usr2564301 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MikeBeaton
Without wanting to self-incriminate, a lot (though of course not all) of the first questions are such rubbish that it's hard not to react (inappropriately?) to what looks just like that kind of 'contempt'! Or one can assume good faith (which is probably true, even in 90% of the cases that look rubbish), and have a hard life that way. Or, perhaps, stay away from the review queues! — MikeBeaton 36 secs ago
1 hour later…
12:38 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hans Passant
It is a big enough tag by itself, 41.5k questions and 14.3k users that favored it. The [c#] tag does get used on existing questions, but less than half of all questions have it. Technically it can be used in any language that supports generics, practically only C# is ever used. No, it doesn't need [c#]. — Hans Passant 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by peterh - Reinstate Monica
Congrat for stepping over the 2^2^2^2 (=65536) rep limit. — peterh - Reinstate Monica just now
1:02 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cindy Meister
Given the short amount of time a comment is allowed to be edited before it locks... how often does this happen to you? — Cindy Meister 22 secs ago
1:24 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Doug R.
@AnsgarWiechers - I agree that the person asking the question is responsible for the question. But users don't learn how to ask quality question by being told that their questions are lacking, they learn how to ask quality questions by being educated. It's like handing somebody a gun without teaching any gun safety alongside. — Doug R. 1 min ago
2:16 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 12379095
Just what happened to Monica? Why was she let go? BTW, Good Riddance Monica, if she caused all the uproar and fire fight.. — 12379095 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tinus Jackson
Is it just me or does this survey feel alot like its pointed to info stack overflow need for the teams* ? Feels like a promotion — Tinus Jackson 2 mins ago
2:28 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
"Our policy is that if it is paid, we still permit it" is not a policy at all. There must be some sort of standards for job ads. One would think that a company that cares so much about pronouns might also care about slave labor, minimum wages, or clearly unethical enterprises. The problem with these ads is not necessarily that they are unethical, it is that they violate the spirit of a job site. Why should I wade through a bunch of ads that don't have anything to do with finding a real job? — Robert Harvey 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hans Passant
Copy/paste tested code from your programming editor. — Hans Passant 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by atiyar
@HansPassant, Usually I do exactly that. — atiyar 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick A
Ctrl-K is an easier formatting shortcut — Nick A 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
That said, the problem with these particular ads is not necessarily that they are unethical, it is that they violate the spirit of a job site. Why should I wade through a bunch of ads that don't have anything to do with finding a real job? — Robert Harvey 27 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
"Our policy is that if it is paid, we still permit it" is not a policy at all. There must be some sort of standards for job ads. One would think that a company that cares so much about pronouns might also care about slave labor, minimum wages, or clearly unethical enterprises. — Robert Harvey 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by NullDev
you can add your code in between two ``` [code] ``` as well. — NullDev 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
I don't see any particularly urgent mandate here. The OP didn't ask for C# and answers could potentially be in another language like VB.NET. — Robert Harvey 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick A
Does this answer your question? How do I format my code blocks? (It even has a gif to show you how! :D) — Nick A 55 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
We used to have standards here. Folks knew when something was hinky, and so did the company. I see those standards being gradually eroded over time. — Robert Harvey 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by atiyar
@NickA, looks like it does. Sorry, should have looked it up :( — atiyar 14 secs ago
3:08 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user56reinstatemonica8
This seems like a very solvable problem, just like "What if people do reviews but get it wrong?" was solvable. The few users who sign up and are then rude will likely get flags or feedback from other users who sign up to this. Most "rudeness" comes from tired users who dislike hand-holding and want a higher ratio of advanced-level content: those users will avoid this feature, and will have a better time because users who do like helping newbies took that slack. — user56reinstatemonica8 1 min ago
3:22 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user56reinstatemonica8
The strangest thing about the negative reaction is, it would immediately take some questions that need work off the homepage, away from users fed up of such questions, for opt-in users to fix (I'd have opted in, it's much like what I did on other SE sites). Those questions would only hit the homepage if/when they become high quality. But that's still a bad thing, because conscientious new users who want to ask questions right so much they explicitly ask for help might succeed? It honestly looks like a knee-jerk "New users, boo!", or even "Keep failing, we enjoy the rage!" — user56reinstatemonica8 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user56reinstatemonica8
1) could be solved through design. 2)-3) could have some natural equilibrium if the current average response time is posted on ticking the box ("3 days? Yikes, I'll just take my chances"). 4) is no worse than the current situation, and might lessen the damage of lazy users assuming people who opt-in are more patient than the average user. 5) is one to see how it goes, there's no harm in good duplicates being posted then duped because they catch more searches. 6) again can be solved through design and labelling — user56reinstatemonica8 1 min ago
3:44 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ansgar Wiechers
Whoa! Giving someone a place for asking questions and handing someone a gun are two different things entirely. Let's be very clear about that, m'kay? — Ansgar Wiechers 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Geoff Dalgas
@trilarion yes, the Oneboxes are a snapshot and captured the moment they are rendered. Toggling the live version is possible by editing the original question or answer, which captures another snapshot. — Geoff Dalgas ♦ 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ansgar Wiechers
Also, I continually fail to see what's so un-common-sense-ish about "read a tutorial when starting with a new language", or "google the error message before asking a question", or "tell people what you've tried before, so they don't waste their (and everyone else's) time suggesting the same thing again". Even I was able to see basic things like that myself when I started, and I'm certainly not some kind of genius. [2/2] — Ansgar Wiechers 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ansgar Wiechers
As mentioned before, curators were already providing guidance (NB: I'm talking about the tags I was active in, I can't speak for the entirety of SO). However, guidance takes time, and unless the number of curators increases with the number of people asking questions (which I don't see happening), you can either provide guidance to a limited number of askers and none to the rest, or provide less guidance to everyone. Pick your poison. [1/2] — Ansgar Wiechers 1 min ago
4:24 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick A
My prefered method is to downvote answers iif its a blatant duplicate, and the user who answered isn't so new they wouldn't understand that — Nick A 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
Depends. Does the site want to be the place people go to ask questions, or the place where people go to find answers? — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blastfurnace
I love this question with all my heart, thank you. — Blastfurnace 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@KevinB IMO it wants to be both. But I don't see how that's relevant here--I'm not discussing asking v. finding, I'm discussing answering dupes. — Dave Newton 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
Right. and, if we want people to come here to ask questions, we have to be able to allow people to answer them, even in cases like this, if we want them to keep coming back. but that's diametrically opposed to being the place where people want to find answers if no cleanup is done after the fact to stop this dupe + answer from further cluttering search. — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@KevinB That's whether or not we want the site to be a place where people go to answer questions--and obviously we do. But not pell-mell; there's a convention not to add answers that add no value, which answering a clear dupe would fall under. — Dave Newton 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
What i'm saying is the problem is bigger than that. It's long been rather standard that duplicates and their answers shouldn't be downvoted simply because they're duplicates. Your definition here fits that description, other than the answer being a duplicate, it's a correct, useful answer. but this answer isn't as good or complete as existing answers, should we do anything about that? The standing answer to that is no, hence the dupes shouldn't be downvoted policy. — Kevin B 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
What i'm getting at is the why this question was asked in the first place. How did we get here. Why did the asker get past the "Does this answer your question?" phase of asking a question, when there's clearly a well known well written duplicate for this question. It's because search failed on multiple levels. — Kevin B 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@KevinB I'm guessing the search succeeded, or was at least close--it's either UX or PEBKAC. — Dave Newton 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
I agree. The current policy as at odds with improving the situation we are in. — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@KevinB And I'm saying that adding additional, pointless, distracting answers to clear dupes adds zero value at best, is detrimental at medium, and is harmful at worst. — Dave Newton 1 min ago
5:06 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
"we have to be able to allow people to answer them" So if a question is a duplicate, @KevinB , and a user wants to add a new spin to that duplicate, then they should answer on the flagged dupe. Having different information on different questions, that ask the same question, makes the "right" answer harder to find, not easier. Answers on (very) duplicate answers doesn't help things over all, it actually makes finding information harder. if all the information is in one place, then it's there for all to see and contribute to. — Larnu 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
I personally find the fact that I sometimes have to search through 3-4 questions with the same question to get 3-4 answers that, combined, answer everything I wanted incredibly frustrating. If they were all on the same answer, my user experience would have been far greater. — Larnu just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
@Larnu I absolutely agree, I'm more in the boat of duplicates being deleted, along with their answers, after a short period of time rather than the current situation where they live forever. — Kevin B 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonas Wilms
Encourage answerers to find duplicates maybe? Give them those shiny internetpoints ... — Jonas Wilms 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@JonasWilms Interesting idea, although I think the dupe hunt should begin w/ the OP. — Dave Newton 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
"although I think the dupe hunt should begin w/ the OP" I cannot agree more, however, my opinion of many (new) user's attitude is "ask first, get duplicate answer later, look never"; and then you get the (not uncommon, but not rare) "Ask first, get dupe flag, not read dupe, ask again." >_< — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
I'd prefer a solution that works for both camps. Make duplication not a closure, and auto-delete any duplicates that don't rise above a certain threshold after 30 days. say, a score of 2-3. answers can keep answering, askers get their specific answers, and the pearls can be merged over to the target dupe in edge cases as they do now. — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonas Wilms
The OP has to read through the dupe and apply it to the exact usecase. That takes time. Time for answerers ... — Jonas Wilms 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@Larnu Then the site needs to do a better job of surfacing dupes and making them actionable. I'm not sure what else can be done there, though. — Dave Newton 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave Newton
@KevinB One approach (which may already be done on an ad hoc basis) would be to tune the dupe reference (uh I mean the earlier question that the new question is a dupe of) title and/or content. Identifying question "cohorts" could be automated to a degree; it already is via the existing lookup. Modifying titles/content might be semi-automatable, not sure. — Dave Newton 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Michael - Where&#39;s Clay Shirky
@GeoffDalgas The markdown looks good! Thank you! — Michael - Where's Clay Shirky 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Michael - Where&#39;s Clay Shirky
I concur with @S.S.Anne. If there's a post that someone viewing feels should be changed, the "edit" link is right there, and presumably the new behavior will kick in. — Michael - Where's Clay Shirky 7 secs ago
5:58 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scott Seidman
@Alex, I teach our department's Design course, and am often looking for the right tool. We have a loosely organized group of faculty that lead all the departmental programs in Engineering, and the Assistant Dean of Engineering participates. I'd be interested in investigating Teams, but I'm not sure the "per-user" billing model (generous though it is for non-profits) will work in our environment. Perfectly willing to chat about it, if you want. — Scott Seidman 1 min ago
6:20 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by LLSv2.0
Maybe we need a privilege to "fuse" duplicates into one post with all the relevant information of both? — LLSv2.0 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 1201ProgramAlarm
@Larnu You forgot the "Ask first, get answer/dup answer, delete account" sequence. — 1201ProgramAlarm 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Let me fix that slightly for you, @1201ProgramAlarm "Ask homework question, get answer, delete before any upvotes and without accepting so teacher doesn't find it when you hand in homework." ;) </cynicism>Larnu 21 secs ago
6:48 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
Somebody was talking at one point about making an "answer as dupe" functionality. Where you can essentially change the dupe vote with an answer that points to another question. This can work alleviate some of the problems around dupes because people just don't like them, even when we do dupe closure with the best of intentions - to help them find an answer. It's still stigmatised as it's a closure. So, if re-framed as an "answer" and "accepting" it will fly a lot better with people who receive that. — VLAZ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
With that said, the duplicate finding and linking is one of the worst experiences for me. Sometimes finding a dupe is hard because everything is scattered. Or even if it isn't, it still relies on the search functionality which isn't very accurate a lot of times. The whole process of finding the correct target often feels like a slog. And it's even worse when it's a research OP should have done. Not always the case though - sometimes the asker lacks vocabulary or knowledge to search for the right thing. That's fine. But often it's something that can be found. — VLAZ 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BSMP
@RobertHarvey That they didn't respond with their entire Terms of Service agreement for employers using the Jobs site doesn't imply they'd be OK with slave labor. — BSMP 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Daily dose of irony: a "too many comments" flag on a question asking how to "reduce the noise". The conversation that was here has been moved to chat. :-) — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
or maybe it's really time to consider a delete queue — Temani Afif 1 min ago
7:14 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
@Temani But delete votes aren't very abundant, are they? How many do you get a day at your rep level? — yivi 1 min ago
7:24 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
@yivi I get 30 per day which is a good amount to be spent on a queue — Temani Afif 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
@Temani Yeah, 30 sounds like reasonable amount. I get 6 or 7. — yivi 1 min ago
8:12 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Florian Hilfenhaus
@Gimby you are right. If for example OpenId would support it, all is done. The only disadvantage is that OpenId can track you. — Florian Hilfenhaus 5 secs ago
8:24 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by S.S. Anne
I get 5. I hardly use them, though. Mainly only old stuff or really bad crap. — S.S. Anne 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by S.S. Anne
I shall humbly distribute my downvote :P -- just kidding. I need a TL;DR for this whole thing so I can read later and understand. — S.S. Anne 50 secs ago
8:38 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
I would like to see some stats on how many comments get edited in the 5 minute grace period to get an idea how often comments are edited overall. I assume a smaller percentage would benefit from this feature. — rene 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Montgomery
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Harvey
@BSMP: Which is why I followed up that comment with the one right below it. — Robert Harvey 6 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
I don't think it's too bad but the reply from SO is also not very satisfactory. If jobs search on Jobs doesn't work well because of spam it's not our problem, it's their problem and they should solve it. — Trilarion 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
It's not noise for visitors, which are not logged in. They are directly forwarded to the duplicate target by the system. — Trilarion 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@JohnMontgomery the possible dupe answer (which was not accepted) states If there was no other activity on the post, then there is an existing solution - just delete your comment and repost the edited version. There is no need for a more complicated solution. Actually, the process of copy, delete, comment, paste, amend, submit is more complicated than edit, amend, submit so no, it doesn't answer my question :) — djv 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hovercraft Full Of Eels
It looks like the problem has been resolved. You may wish to delete this question as it no longer appears to have relevance. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
Why not just write another comment with the added content? — Trilarion 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@Trilarion yes that's possible but 1. It adds to the comment count and 2. I personally would prefer one large comment of one stream of consciousness over two or more related comments. If this is enabled, one would have the option to do either. — djv 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
To the downvoters, does your vote represent unwillingness to make this change, or an actual dislike of this feature, or both? Could you explain? — djv 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Montgomery
@djv The core of that feature request seems to be same as yours, and it's status-declined so that seems like an answer to me. — John Montgomery just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
@Trilarion it's only the case if the question has no answer. The issue is to have the duplicate answers, not the duplicate questions — Temani Afif 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Edeki Okoh
I did not know only moderators can refund bounties like that. Thank you! — Edeki Okoh 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave
Given that comments aren't supposed to be for extended discussions if one wants to add to a comment the delete and re-post method seems like a perfectly reasonable solution. There are a LOT more things that could use developers attention. I have no data but it seems that this situation is not very common. — Dave 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
@TemaniAfif Then it's noise for everyone. — Trilarion 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
I guess people just think that there is a sufficiently good solution and the additional effort is not worth it. There may be better uses of the existing resources. — Trilarion 56 secs ago
9:28 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@HereticMonkey "The clarification should be edited into the post, and the comment deleted." that's news to me. Where is this documented? — djv 59 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
Comments are for clarification of a question or answer. The clarification should be edited into the post, and the comment deleted. Within this view of the utility of comments how does this feature request make sense? — Heretic Monkey 1 min ago
9:52 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonas Wilms
Comments could then also be edited to totally change the meaning. That makes it harder to follow, and to moderate. — Jonas Wilms 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
Comments are temporary "Post-It" notes left on a question or answer. You should not expect them to be around forever. Once a clarification has been made, an edit added to the post to include new information, or the issue in the comment is otherwise resolved, it is subject to deletion. I guess that comes from a FAQ from comments on Meta SO though. The first sentence, however, is straight from the privilege page for commentingHeretic Monkey 35 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by andre_ss6
@CindyMeister So what? I felt that it wasn't in violation of the site rules. The fact that I answered it or not makes no difference whatsoever. Either it's in violation or it's not. Also, having someone else's question closed makes no difference for me as an answerer, including reputation. It only made a difference for me in the sense that I wanted to help improve SO. And I don't think it's too broad. I answered because as soon as I saw it I remembered how my coworkers had asked that question themselves for a long time. The question, however, have since been deleted... Ludicrous. — andre_ss6 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@JonasWilms I think 1. Allow edits to comments indefinitely as long as it is the last comment on a post. handles that. If a comment is already replied to then you shouldn't be able to change it. Currently, you can still change it in this case, as long as you are within 5 minutes. My request wouldn't mess with that. — djv just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by SecretAgentMan
Questions on entropy are on topic at CrossValidated (stats.SE) and they have a notation tag. — SecretAgentMan 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@HereticMonkey thanks. The word temporary there is interesting. However, there are innumerable comments out there which add so much to a question that nobody should ever delete. I don't think they are always treated as temporary in practice. Also a comment with a suggestion to edit an answer may not be honored. Should it be deleted after some time in that case? (hypothetical situation) — djv 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
There have been a few posts about that; see Should we stop commenting altogether? for instance. — Heretic Monkey 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
Maybe we should follow a statistical approach. If there are already sufficient duplicates of a question we start deleting a few of them - those with lowest amount of visitors or lowest amount of combined answer scores. — Trilarion 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by djv
@HereticMonkey I mean, you can edit to correct a typo, but not edit to change the meaning of or improve an answer - leaving constructive criticism, for example. A comment is the only appropriate tool for that. — djv 1 min ago
10:22 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by usr2564301
@EdekiOkoh: why would this hinge on refunding the bounty or not? Bounties are an investment to attract attention to questions. If that question is off-topic, it should not have received a bounty in the first place – but, "oops I didn't realize" is not an excuse for asking an off-topic question, and neither is it for putting a bounty on one. — usr2564301 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
I'd personally avoid it. It might be closed as or Unclear or Needs Focus if you don't define the problem well enough. And even if you do, you might be stuck with Opinion Based. The "best way to X" questions tend to be problematic as there is no one "best" and even if you define it different people might go for different approaches. You might get better reception if you narrow it to few choices something along the lines of "Given characteristics X, Y, and Z, should I go for option A or option B" or otherwise have a defined list of possibilities. — VLAZ 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Edeki Okoh
It does not hinge on refunding a bounty. The question is why I cannot raise a flag on bountied questions and Makoto stated why - I can but I need to make it a moderator flag and not a normal off topic flag. since its bountied — Edeki Okoh 1 min ago
10:42 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by M.O.
Thanks! I like how you said it. If I don't specify enough and give options it might not be taken as a good question. I will think about posting it. Thanks for your input — M.O. 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dave S
A good way to phrase these types of questions would be to identify a few different ways to do it, provide some examples and ask about the benefits and drawbacks of each technique. Then users can be informed while avoiding the issue of "which is best" — Dave S 44 secs ago

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