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12:21 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Allowing you to type anything you want in the field, but heavily implying that the source should be something accessible on the Web was very much by design. These flags go to moderators, who manually verify the reports of plagiarism. How do you expect us to verify something when you give us an ISBN and page number (assuming we don't have that exact copy/edition of the book, which we almost certainly don't, even though I have a massive library of books)? Having it on the Web makes it immediately verifiable. If it's not on the web, you likely need to provide other evidence (e.g., photos). — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
12:33 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by President James K. Polk
Kinda sounds like you MacGyvered it. I'm jealous. — President James K. Polk 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
@gparyani because most other sites have no need for a custom flag for this. Either flag volume is so low it's not creating any issues for handling or there's almost never anything flagged as plagiarism. Adding flag reasons makes flagging harder, so we want to limit the number as much as reasonable. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
12:51 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gparyani
@CodyGray One thing that this answer includes is plagiarism from ChatGPT or other AI sources, where there isn't exactly a URL one can provide - instead, it'd be "the output of [x] from generator [y]". Also, what are users supposed to do if something's plagiarized from a print source? Just not report it? With regards to such reports, most local libraries and universities provide access to databases where one can enter the ISBN and have access to the book to verify the plagiarism. These may not provide stable links, and the procedure to access them would be different for each institution. — gparyani 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
When entirely plagiarized posts are edited to entirely correctly quoted posts, what is the official policy on all-quote posts being allowed & where is it given? Right now there is still the vaguely given & inconsistently applied notion that that is discouraged & a moderator might delete such a post & a flag for that might or might not succeed. And please add appropriate mention/references in site plagiarism messaging/documentation. — philipxy 36 secs ago
6 hours later…
7:01 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
Your statements are not quite accurate. No answer is currently, or has ever been, deleted on your second most recent question. There were two answers deleted on your most recent question (on which you're currently offering a bounty) and one from your third most recent question. As to why, all three answers were in violation of "Temporary policy: ChatGPT is banned" — Makyen ♦ 14 secs ago
7:46 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mark Rotteveel
@user3386109 In my experience for very obvious duplicates, they can be very on point and specific. I find them occasionally helpful to be able to close as a duplicate without searching on DuckDuckGo. — Mark Rotteveel 1 min ago
8:00 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adriaan
"Automatic removal of reputation for old, high-scoring posts deleted as plagiarism (while deleted)" can I go back through my approved plagiarism flags over the past years and have the helpful ones adhere to this policy retroactively? I've flagged multiple 50+ scoring posts for plagiarism — Adriaan 47 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by jps
Thanks for the quick update of the script. This way the list doesn't get rubbed under my nose but I can still get the occasional laugh by looking at what the SO algorithm considers related ;) — jps 1 min ago
8:16 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dalija Prasnikar
I only see Related questions below answers when there is no answer, yet. On questions with answers Related questions are on a side, like they used to be. — Dalija Prasnikar 11 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@gparyani as ChrisF stated in the comments on the announcements, you should still be using a custom mod flag for ChatGPT content. Print sourced plagiarism should (obviously) still be reported, but if possible, try to link to an publicly accessible version of the printed source. — Cerbrus 15 secs ago
8:43 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@Adriaan I'd think so. Rep earned from plagiarism should be revoked, regardless of if the contributions are deleted before or after this new toolink. — Cerbrus just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nina Scholz
@DalijaPrasnikar, even if so, the answering is much mor complicated as before in terms of worksflow without scolling. — Nina Scholz 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
@NinaScholz "the answering is much mor complicated as before in terms of worksflow without scolling." you can enable keyboard shortcuts if you go in your profile. With keyboard shortcuts, you can press a to directly focus the answer box. This is in no way an endorsement of the related questions being in the middle of the page but a workaround for slightly easier navigation in the page. — VLAZ 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GoWiser
@Gimby AI's are trained on it, developers waste time reading it - I guess if you want other developers to waste their time and get buggy code generation in any future version of GPT (or the like), then it's obviously a good idea to obfuscate the best solutions OR make them believe that there is no solution. — GoWiser 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GoWiser
@MisterMiyagi Your comment is misrepresenting what I wrote in my question, the link I provided in my question and my comments. — GoWiser 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GoWiser
@MisterMiyagi "As comments tried to tell you, it takes an actionable strategy ...". I suggested an actionable automated strategy!! ... — GoWiser 1 min ago
9:53 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by James Whiteley
"ChatGPT is actually training" to be clear, ChatGPT 3 doesn't use chats you have with it as its training data. You can't "teach" it something new and have it be able to use that new knowledge in separate conversations. Probably not an important point at this point but I thought I'd point it out. — James Whiteley 1 min ago
10:10 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Vladimir F Героям слава
One should really find out if the people clicking on them so much found what they were looking for or were desperately clinking on many of them and found nothing useful. — Vladimir F Героям слава just now
10:26 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@GoWiser Please clarify how I am misrepresenting what you wrote. Both the title and body clearly are about "users allowed to accept their own answer", so presumably I didn't misrepresent your focus. The rest of the comment is how the topic seems to me in terms of implications, so I'm not sure how it's even possible to misrepresent what you wrote. — MisterMiyagi 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Karl Knechtel
IMO you will never, ever, ever convince the staff to remove a feature that links pages to each other with any plausible justification, given their financial incentive to get people to visit more pages and thus see more ads. — Karl Knechtel 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@GoWiser "I suggested an actionable automated strategy!!" Please do so in the meta-question itself. Preferably more than a single sentence and actually exploring implications and edge cases. For example, taking the suggestion of "negative usefulness" – presumably, that is negative vote score? Is a zero-score answer already "negative", similar to the q/a ban? What happens if an answer is accepted and then its score changes? Why does usefulness equate correctness? — MisterMiyagi 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
@TravisJ for what little it's worth, there is a dedicated post coming. They just decided it was a good idea to roll out a high-visibility feature before they had an announcement to go with it, because reasons? — Zoe stands with Ukraine ♦ 15 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abel LIFAEFI MBULA
This looks like we are citing the question itself, as @CodyGray says. Here's another question I have: how to cite multiple answers ? — Abel LIFAEFI MBULA 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thom A
"There is a necessity of using code to summarize a problem in this place?" No, there is no requirement for code to be in the question. If that question will be well received, due to a lack of evidence of an attempt (and research) is a completely different question. — Thom A 55 secs ago
10:56 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Samuel Liew
I'm assuming you are asking this based on this latest question you asked on main. In that case please see the linked duplicates. — Samuel Liew ♦ 8 secs ago
11:08 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by DavidG
I presume you are seeing higher clickthrough rates because the box is so very visible. For me, it is getting in the way of answers to the question I'm looking at. Not sure if I'm just resistant to change or is this one actually bad UX. — DavidG 18 secs ago
11:23 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
"Here is" + Singular <> "Here are" + Plural. (Basic Grammar) — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CodeCaster
11:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
Hum..., indeed..., seems to be accepted from a "grammatical virus quolloquiality" point of view... (But I still don't like it...) (Thans for the Link btw...) — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CodeCaster
I like informal language abuse, hope it doesn't distract too much. — CodeCaster 8 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CodeCaster
Clippy: "You seem to be interested in JavaScript, why don't you go read our most popular JavaScript questions?"CodeCaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
Well..., I don't want to start a "Discussion" here and pollute this Thread/your Answer (I'll remove my Comments in a mini-while), but I nearly wanted to mention "distract" in my previous Comment indeed... I know for myself, I get "a bit annoyed" when I see what I think is a "blatant" Typo/Grammar Error, ... and don't read any further or can't focus on the rest of the Post, only scanning it searching some more Typos/Grammar Mistakes... — chivracq 15 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by DavidG
'@chivracq I stopped caring about grammar and spelling a long time ago. Take into consideration people who don't have English as their first language or are dyslexic for example. Correcting people online rarely works out for the best! — DavidG 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
@DavidG, yeah well, I have very little "Trust" in the "Coding Quality" of a Software Product when I spot "poor English" in the Comments/Varnames in the Code or on their Website... + Correct Spelling is important for Search Engines when posting Questions/Answers for other Users to find those Threads, at least for important Keywords... — chivracq 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thom A
"Is there a better way" certainly, at best, is too broad. "Better" doesn't have a definition and what is "better" is subjective; less code, faster compile time, faster run time, easier to read for a "new" developer, doesn't use additional libraries, etc, etc. The second question, "Is there a way to let VSCode using the dynamic imports everywhere (in the tests folder, for the .spec. files)?", however, does appear to be more on topic. Perhaps what the question actually needs is a little bit of an edit. — Thom A 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by DavidG
@chivracq One of the best devs I have ever worked with was not English and regularly spelled variable names incorrectly. It does not matter. — DavidG 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
@DavidG, well, try to explain to Runtime Engines that spelling Commands does not matter, ... and be happy if they only respond with "Syntax Error" + a Number if you are lucky...! — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CodeCaster
@DavidG I'm not a native speaker, but I attempt to write readable posts with correct grammar and spelling, and I'd love to get comments on what I can improve. — CodeCaster 35 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
You have one account for all Stack Exchange websites. It's automatic. — Cerbrus 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Michael M.
This post probably got so many upvotes because a lot of people were experiencing the same issue, not necessarily because it was a good question. IMO posts like these shouldn't be audits because they're failed mostly due to genuine disagreement rather than negligence. Compared to LQA and SE queue audits, they're too difficult. — Michael M. 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adrian Mole
This is nice but it doesn't appear to cover plagiarism in tag-Wikis. Currently, for wiki edits made by users with <20k rep, such "copied content" can be used as a "Reject" reason in the Suggested Edits review queue. But, from what I can tell, this doesn't alert mods and there is no way to actually flag a tag-Wiki or a suggested edit. — Adrian Mole 16 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Michael M.
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rohit Gupta
@MichaelM. - I would say that is a good indication that it shouldn't be an audit question. — Rohit Gupta 33 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rohit Gupta
@ThomA - I agree that it could do with an edit, but it did not get an edit, so I would say it's not a suitable question for audit. — Rohit Gupta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
Alright, I've deleted my previous Comments, ... and I'm happy with "These are the ids...". :wink: // Capital to "do" and placing the closing double quote after the Dot...? // OK, I'm out...! — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
What stopped you from trying and finding out? — Gimby 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
" I hadn't marked them correct because they didn't completely solve the issue I was facing in the question, but they did brought me a step closer to it." - Warning: you didn't accept them. The green check mark does not imply "this is correct". Like so many people, you are misinterpreting that pretty pointless feature. — Gimby 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by l4mpi
Just piling on to the other comments - this change is bad as the "related" questions are in most cases just unrelated random posts, so positioning them more prominently is a bad idea. I noticed it just now under a question closed as a duplicate, where it is especially bad as it's competing for attention with the duplicates list in the close notification. Please rollback ASAP. — l4mpi 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BDL
The user had a voting correction recently, might be related. — BDL 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
Given the closure of this question relating to ChatGPT, and my first instinct was it was generated by ChatGPT, my guess is that it was generated by ChatGPT — Security Hound 13 secs ago
12:50 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Machavity
@AbelLIFAEFIMBULA Answers have their own URL structure for easy citation. There's a "Share" link below each one that will give you said URL. I would structure your citations as my example for questions does — Machavity ♦ 1 min ago
1:01 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonathan Leitschuh
> is it just this particular answer that you're facing the editing issue with, and no other answers? Yes, that is indeed the one — Jonathan Leitschuh 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Donald Duck
In the case of "known good" audits like this one, you can remove it from the review queue yourself by downvoting and/or voting to close. — Donald Duck 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
What do you mean by applications? Other Stack Exchange sites? — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
There are exceptions. SEDE doesn't log in automatically. But there a button, "Log in using Stack Overflow", so entering credentials may not be needed. — Peter Mortensen 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
"were engaging with related questions at an exponential rate" Oh no. If this engagement at an exponential rate remains in place there might be a dangerous engagement explosion happening. Or what is meant by "engaging at an exponential rate" here? — Trilarion 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
Like HTML, (single) line breaks do not render here. It is time to learn Markdown. — Peter Mortensen 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
@Adriaan While I can't expressly state that it's always the case, mods have generally reached out to the CMs to get high-scoring plagiarised posts disassociated from the poster, so I don't think that's necessary. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by OverLordGoldDragon
@PeterMortensen What? — OverLordGoldDragon 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
The focus of the post notice is on the reason the post was deleted - plagiarism. Removing all links to resources about how to fix plagiarism seems like it would leave the user very confused and even less likely to improve the post. While I understand what you're getting at, I feel like it's best to focus on one problem at a time. The mods are well-equipped to respond to requests for undeletion to explain any blockers if they still exist. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by OverLordGoldDragon
@PeterMortensen I don't get what you're talking about. My post, or the deleted answer? Your "source vs rendered" doesn't explain things to me. — OverLordGoldDragon 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
Sorry, I give up. Maybe somebody else can explain it? — Peter Mortensen 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adriaan
@Catija does disassociation automatically revoke the reputation gained, even when the post was +3 and >90 days old when it was deleted? — Adriaan 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by OverLordGoldDragon
If you're going to write comments suggesting the OP wrote their post the way they did because of ignorance, maybe it is time to learn social skills. @PeterMortensen — OverLordGoldDragon 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by tdy
@Catija If you're referring to missing "reference" hyperlink, that was just because I transcribed the message from an image. I wasn't suggesting to remove the "reference" hyperlink. I've hyperlinked it now to avoid confusion. — tdy 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by davidbak
Missed the AB test, sorry. "Related questions" are completely unrelated and a major waste of space. As someone who frequents C++ questions I was unsurprised to see this list show up for a question - these are simply high-vote C++ questions that have nothing to do with anything, the "What is the --> operator in C++" is unrelated to any legitimate question as it is just a confusion about a joke. For the record, this is the question this list was from. — davidbak 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
@Adriaan Disassociation means that the post is no longer connected to their account - as such, the next time the rep recalculation runs, it will not find that post to include in the calculation. That's not precisely the same as revoking the reputation because it means the reputation never happened at all... but... yes. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
@Gimby: Well, at least it is one more usability data point supporting the feature's removal (or change). — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jugal Thakkar
The edit mentions, that if a tag is not popular enough, the burnination can happen within the mods and the community should be involved only for popular tags that a lot of people have favourites. @MisterMiyagi — Jugal Thakkar 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
The issues in that answer's formatting are pretty irrelevant... — Cerbrus 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by davidbak
Missed the AB test, sorry, or I would have commented sooner. "Related questions" are completely unrelated and a major annoyance. As someone who frequents C++ questions I was unsurprised to see this list show up for a question - these are simply high-vote C++ questions that have nothing to do with the question asked; the "What is the --> operator in C++ Q?" is unrelated to any legitimate question as it is just a confusion about a joke. — davidbak 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@JugalThakkar Mods are not subject matter experts. They are not expected to gauge, for example, whether a tag is rarely used because it is niche or nonsense. Popularity by itself is not a reliable metric for whether there are experts or not; that's why the community is involved. — MisterMiyagi 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Samuel Liew
Comments have been moved to chat; please do not continue the discussion here. Before posting a comment below this one, please review the purposes of comments. Comments that do not request clarification or suggest improvements usually belong as an answer, or in Stack Overflow Chat. Comments continuing discussion may be removed. — Samuel Liew ♦ 8 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Bollinger
Simply put: I hate it. Sorry. I don't care a whit about the click-through rate. — John Bollinger 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
Burnination is not for unpopular tags. It's for not useful tags. In fact, some of the burninations are proposed for very widely used tags that nonetheless serve no purpose for categorising content. We do not do burninations just because a tag has few questions or low activity. Take a look at the burnination criteria. It seems more and more like you're proposing a solution to a fictional problem because all the arguments you come up with don't even align with how burnination works. Can you clearly explain what problem you think there is? — VLAZ 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by anotherDev
This answer is meta on a meta level. — anotherDev 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Bollinger
Here would be a better metric for something possibly relevant to the related questions: reduction in questions being closed as dupes. — John Bollinger 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
@TimPost They did! I'm unbanned now. Just gotta make sure I don't skrew up again and learn from my mistakes. Thanks! — Blue Robin 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
I feel the "To request undeletion, …" ordering is better than "If you edit your post …" since it a) directly gets authors at what they want and b) makes it clearer that editing/revision is a prerequisite for undeletion. — MisterMiyagi 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
With the MRE, do I need to include other statements that are implied like bot.run, intents, instancing bot, and other statements? Thanks! — Blue Robin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
@PeterMortensen Dreaming is free, so there is no reason to stop doing that :) — Gimby 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
Probably just a mistake. They happen. A single declined flag isn't going to affect anything. Your flag was correct if the phrasing matches what you presented. — Kevin B 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
Here's a stretch - maybe instead of it being unfriendly, it's just "no longer needed"? It's conversational and not orthogonal to the actual post itself. — Makoto 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
Ok. Thanks @KevinB. The end result does affect my understanding of what I should flag or not. I hope I wasn't very imprecise in my recollection. Since the comment is gone, I have to rely on my memory. I'm think I got the gist of it right. — Steve Marooni 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
@Makoto I didn't flag it as "no longer needeed" because I thought it was unfriendly. If the phrasing more or less matches what I describe above, wouldn't' you say it's unfriendly? — Steve Marooni 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
I'd lean more towards it being not needed, personally. Both types of comments are not needed but I'd conjecture someone being unfriendly is someone who intentionally goes out of their way to belittle someone based on their background, creed or circumstance rather than a blanket, not exactly friendly but not exactly targeted, snarky remark. — Makoto 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@BlueRobin - Yes; The bug was fixed. — Security Hound 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@stunlocked - You obviously have more than a handful of deleted questions. The advice is the same, as the duplicate to this question, submit high quality questions once every 6 months. Moderators have the ability to confirm you the warning was displayed. — Security Hound 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by l4mpi
@JohnBollinger re "I don't care a whit about the click-through rate, and I don't know why you do" - a click-through is an additional page visit, which means an additional opportunity to show ads, so the simplest explanation as to why SO cares is ad dollars. — l4mpi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
ok, I think that just saying "you need to learn social skills" it's unkind on itself. Maybe I'm wrong. That's what I try to figure out. — Steve Marooni 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by aynber
Could the comment have been deleted by the commenter, after it was flagged? I can't remember if those flags show as Declined or something else. — aynber 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by tdy
@MisterMiyagi I'm not tied to my particular wording. I was just trying to highlight that the current wording invites users to think, "Oh so if I add a citation to my copy-pasted answer, they'll undelete it." (Maybe I shouldn't provide a wording sample because it seems comments are now about my specific sample instead of the overall idea.) — tdy 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BDL
@Makoto: I consider telling someone to learn social skills as rather rude. It's certainly not something I would expect to hear in a normal conversation. — BDL 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
I've seen that comment in context... It was definitely an insult. Someone tried to convey something to the author of that comment, but failed to get the point across, at which point the author deemed it necessary to insult someone for their implied lack of social skills... — Cerbrus 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@BDL: It's not that I disagree, but I could see both flags realistically applying here. — Makoto 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
Ask how to do it in ES6 or a future spec specifically, I would say. There is not just "Javascript" (or ecmascript), it is split up into different specification versions each introducing new features. A good example that I make use of myself a lot is the Map and Set. No more abusing arrays as primitive hash tables for me. — Gimby 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
@Makoto I don't think that's the point here. I could have used another type of flag. But my question is "was I right or wrong on marking it as unfriendly". — Steve Marooni 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@aynber: That could be the case, yea. — Cerbrus 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
i'm pretty sure all flags that are "ended" due to deletion alone are marked "helpful" — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
If't like that, @aynber, I would think it a very silly system that send the potentially wrong signal to users flagging comments. — Steve Marooni 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stunlocked
@SecurityHound I deleted them after I was banned. Not sure how it helps that moderators see that I didn't get the warning, since they can't help me anyway — stunlocked 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
Thanks @Cerbrus. Do you remember if my phrasing of the comment above is more or less correct, and mostly represents the comment I flagged? Should I correct something? — Steve Marooni 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
Just for clarity, the comment WAS removed. Only that the "unkind" flag declined. I interpreted (right or wrong) the chain of events as a moderator looking at the comment, deciding all the comments could be deleted, but that my flag should be decliend because I flagged something that wasn't "unfriendly enough". — Steve Marooni 35 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abdul Aziz Barkat
@SteveMarooni you could look in this comment archive (archives all comments on meta) and see if you can find it I guess. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
Thanks @AbdulAzizBarkat. No idea something like that existed. Wow! — Steve Marooni 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by E_net4
I understood that the comment was removed, @SteveMarooni. But the flag outcome leaves the false idea that you should not have flagged it (or flagged it as unfriendly), which I say was wrong. In any case, moderators have made mistakes in the past, and this may have been just another mistake. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/402442/… meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/389413/…E_net4 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@stunlocked - Deleting a question is never a solution. By deleting your questions, you only made it harder to reach the required quality threshold, thus making the 6 month rate limit no longer necessary. Since you deleted those questions, which must have been more than a handful (more than 5), since question bans are not a result of a couple (2-3) of poorly received questions. — Security Hound 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Marooni
Ok, thanks @E_Net4 — Steve Marooni 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
"as there is even a Collective" - collectives have no say in what's on-topic — Zoe stands with Ukraine ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nico Haase
@ZoestandswithUkraine but having one with (from my POV) a lot of off-topic questions looks like it should't have been created in the first place — Nico Haase 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
Various "tools" have blurred the lines of what is and isn't programming, Azure and AWS in particular. — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
Collectives are a business decision mods and the community have exactly 0 say in. The fact that a collective seems to encourage more off-topic questions because of its perceived closer association to some organisation is a side-effect we now get to live with. — Zoe stands with Ukraine ♦ 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
It was on this MSO question instead, @Cerbrus — Andrew T. 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thom A
Just judge each question on it's own merit, just like you normally would. If it's not on-topic then vote to close it; that it's part of a collective is irrelevant. — Thom A 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Donald Duck
Suggestion for another metric: 5. % of users who, after landing on a page with a related questions module and clicking on one of the related questions, upvoted the related question or one of its answers (good: higher, showing that more users found the related question helpful). — Donald Duck 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thom A
As an example, in a recent post about the Microsoft Collection, they (Microsoft) suggested that [azure-billing] be renamed to [azure-cost-management]; the real fact of the matter is that billing is completely off-topic for Stack Overflow, and not one staff member that reviewed their request seemed to think about that. — Thom A 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ChrisMM
And now I've added Related Question to be filtered out by my add block. It is extremely irritating to deal with it below questions. When it was on the right side, it wasn't a problem and could easily be ignored. — ChrisMM 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
As an example... billing management does often involve some programming. The programming bits certainly are on topic on SO, but the billing part is not. Would, then, a question about obtaining billing info be on topic, given that it can be solved through the CLI? Where does billing stop and programming begin? — Kevin B 53 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
Oh I derped, thanks @AndrewT. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Erik A
The only way I could see this not being an accident is if a mod decided NLN was not a severe enough flag and unfriendly/unkind or rude/abusive should've been used instead to have the comment removed more urgently — Erik A 1 min ago
3:55 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Donald Duck
[ Boson ] New comment posted by l4mpi
It doesn't make sense for anonymous users either, because the recommendations are simply nonsense - at best they're a list of popular questions with similar tags. Also, just being anonymous doesn't mean the users don't have an account, they might simply not be logged in in that context. Personally, I'm logged into SO in my main browser but often use it elsewhere, e.g. in a private browsing window if I don't want stuff to pollute my history, in separate browsers I use for testing webapps when I'm testing and quickly need to look something up, or even on remote systems (e.g. cytrix etc). — l4mpi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
I disagree because not everyone who is clicking those links are doing it because they think the recommendations are useful to the problem they're solving. It's more likely they're just exploring "interesting" questions. — Kevin B 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
At this point it is a safe assumption that ChatGPT has something to do with it when answers go up in smoke. — Gimby 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by zcoop98
If you want to be as helpful as possible, I'd argue that editing in that note from the documentation that you quoted would be an excellent addition to the answer, since it provides context on appropriate usage of the answer's solution. But as-is, I completely agree that the edit in question wasn't appropriate. — zcoop98 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by l4mpi
Fine, but in that case, it should be namend "popular questions" or whatever, not "related questions". They're simply not related in any reasonable sense of the word. — l4mpi 32 secs ago
4:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CodeCaster
But think of the engagement! And the click-through-rate (CTR)! And how happy the investors become of those numbers! — CodeCaster 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
"I suddenly started seeing a section called "related questions"" related questions have always been there for a long time, but it's now more noticeable due to the recent related questions within the answers list. — Andrew T. 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by racitup
Bit of a silly question... I use SO clearly and I care what happens to it, clearly you DGAS about anything... — racitup 35 secs ago
4:43 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
As I commented when this was proposed, just knowing clicking has increased is not helpful, you need to measure extinction, whether a person keeps clicking, whether after trying clicking they believe clicking will benefit them, and it likely won't, because the search facility is so bad (albeit partly because askers phrase so poorly in post titles & bodies). — philipxy 22 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
"status-complete" - there are now 2 down votes on the question and it will not show up as known-good audit. — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Berthold
@ThomA - "If it's not on-topic then vote to close it; that it's part of a collective is irrelevant" This is exactly what should happen. In the post you reference, the rename was removed from the proposal based on community response, and the suggestion is now to burninate azure-billing and retag on-topic questions with tags that are more clearly connected to the programming aspects that Kevin mentioned. The collective is meant to bring focus on the subject area, and that post is part of working with the community on tag cleanup and optimization. — Berthold ♦ 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by The_spider
I do not see in how a post that is completely plagiarized from another post can be salvaged. Just adding a reference to the original writer doesn't help there, as answers that are completely from another source are also not allowed, even with reference. — The_spider 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thom A
Yes, it was actually really good to see that community feedback was taken onboard and even caused the planned implementation to be different to what Microsoft had proposed, @Berthold . It was more of a "shame" that some things got to the post at all, like that [azure-billing] should be renamed (rather than burninated). — Thom A 1 min ago
5:23 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by tripleee
Just change the title to "Almost Certainly Unrelated Questions" and we have a winner. — tripleee just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by tripleee
Believe us, it's not better anywhere else. — tripleee 22 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
(If the links really were to possible duplicates & people were reasonably given motivation to flag new questions as duplicates ...) It is useful to answerers in that they should not be answering questions that already have answers in the list but should be flagging as duplicate. — philipxy 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Drew Reese
"We believe displaying related questions within the answers list will allow users to get to the most relevant content sooner. If users typically ignore the sidebar, this new option could allow them to naturally discover related questions." Wrong, now avid users will just be conditioned to scroll further past the noise to get to the actual relevant information, or run scripts to remove it. — Drew Reese 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
So I did a clarity edit, and I believe I fixed the problems with the post. — Blue Robin 16 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
Is this using the new wizard? or the old one. Looks like the old one, — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
I believe it could be stopped by having a captcha every 20 upvotes stopping the bot if they don't complete the captcha. This would definitely slow down any script. — Blue Robin 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
possibly, however a daily limit is much simpler and less intrusive. — Kevin B 47 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
@BlueRobin sure, but you still have the problem of someone bored and wanting to mess with the site manually entering the captchas. A more relevant question is why anyone would need to upvote more than 30 comments per day. — Ryan M ♦ 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
@RyanM Maybe if they are SUPER active. With a captcha + a cooldown for each upvote, it would be extremely hard to actively upvote random comments on Stack Overflow. Anyone who would do that would be the definition of insane. — Blue Robin 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Lover of Structure
And I thought it was a bug when I got the "This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed." message twice in close succession ... — Lover of Structure 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Berthold
@ThomA Certainly if the proposal had been to rename a tag to "azure-billing", that's something we would have flagged before bringing the proposal to the community. But given that the tag existed already and the proposal was to rename it to something that matched the name of one of their products, it seemed like a valid proposal. And, as it turns out, there is some nuance there in terms of being on-topic. The domain experts are in the community and the purpose of the post was to bring the proposals to all of you. From my perspective it has worked as intended but feedback is welcome as always. — Berthold ♦ 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bella_Blue
We really appreciate this feedback. We are taking all of this into consideration, and have already been in the process of preparing another Meta post that addresses most of these concerns for tomorrow. Also, thanks for the metrics you suggested, this gives us some ideas on which we can build some funnels within our event tracking platform to analyze. We are adding a lot more metrics to capture engagement from when users click on related questions so we will have a lot more insights to share. — Bella_Blue ♦ 50 secs ago
6:28 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
Quoting a (non-stock) rejection reason, that question isn't VLQ, it just needs to be closed — Zoe stands with Ukraine ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user
I suppose you might be able to say it needs more details- Ex. debugging details about the follow button and its id/class, and perhaps details about inputs to their program such as how the input will specify who to follow. I'm not sure if the detail about android is all that important. I don't know about VLQ. If you don't like it, you can downvote it. — user 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bacco
Highlighting @AndrewT. link, a lot of relevant info and feedback here: A/B testing related questions within answers list (experiment has graduated). — Bacco 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
That question is not very low quality. This one is: "I haz a problem!11 SADSFD sdsdsdsfs sfes halp, yes?" — Dharman ♦ 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Laurel
I assume you have "[1]:link, [2]:link, [3]:link", separated by one line break each at the bottom. Try adding an additional line between each. If that doesn't work, add line breaks in the text where you have the links ("[here][1]"). — Laurel 1 min ago
7:06 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
@philipxy That's a question that's probably bigger than this specific discussion, so it might make sense as a new question. The current documentation does hedge as it says that mods may delete it rather than "will", but it often ends up being left to mod discretion. If it's helpful, these cases where disassociations happen to preserve high-scoring content are extremely rare. I've probably seen only 3-5 in the hundreds (thousands?) of cases of plagiarism mods have handled over the last few months. — Catija ♦ 33 secs ago
7:24 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
@philipxy That's a question that's probably bigger than this specific discussion, so it might make sense as a new question. The current documentation does hedge as it says that mods may delete it rather than "will", but it often ends up being left to mod discretion. If it's helpful, these cases where disassociations happen to preserve high-scoring content are extremely rare. I've probably seen only 3-5 in the hundreds (thousands?) of cases of plagiarism mods have handled over the last few months. — Catija ♦ 18 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
Yeah, so I do understand your point (and apologies if I focused too much on your specific variation). I think we're going to leave it as is for now but, since we'll be keeping an eye on this, we can certainly also watch the flags on these posts from the OP to determine whether the message is causing confusion and mods are frequently declining requests to undelete due to the post having other issues than merely the unsourced content. :) — Catija ♦ 11 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@BlueRobin I really don’t see what you mean by that. The recent edit only added some imports and a vague instruction how to stitch together two code snippets. This doesn’t address what I write at all - the largest part of the question and the mre are still for a separate error. — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Laurel
If you're excited to try out this flag but don't know where to start, grab a sentence out of your favorite docs, put it in quotes in SO search, and see what comes up. (Whatever excitement I had about this has become the usual horror — more gets plagiarized than you realize.) — Laurel 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user
@TravisJ thanks for saying what I was too lazy to try to find a nice way to say on MSEuser 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GTAE86
I just deleted a post I created that only had 5 views, no votes up or down nor comments nor answers. I lost 2 points. — GTAE86 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
@GTAE86 what did you do to earn the two points you lost? — Kevin B 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@ZoestandswithUkraine I guess doing it the way they did is consistent with past rollouts, FWIW. Change now, announce later. — TylerH 1 min ago
8:19 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@qrsngky Please don't recommend users put code fences around error messages. They should put them in block quotes instead and only use single backticks around parts of the error message that are code. — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
Can you include a screenshot of the entire body of the input box(es) showing you the error message? Or include it here in your meta post? It will be difficult to — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
I assumed you meant the product Azure Cosmos, but it seems like you actually just mean cosmos in a more general term (e.g. "all Azure products"). I've reverted that part of my edit but please specify so I am sure what you mean, so that I can help answer. We can in part blame Azure for creating a product named Azure Cosmos... — TylerH 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
I'm not sure what to put in the MRE that wouldn't already be implied. I added import statements from the advice of Karl, but other than that, I have no clue. I think I understand what you mean by the sub-questions. Just edited my post. Does this fix the issue? — Blue Robin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine
@Dharman Wouldn't that be outright rude/abusive? — EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine 44 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Ah. I see why there's the VLQ flag now. My assumptions were wrong. I wish they would change the flag descriptions for clarity. — Blue Robin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
The recent change makes the mre good. You still have two errors, though, and it is unclear how the first relates to the second as well as which one is actually produced by the mre. — MisterMiyagi 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by devlin carnate
I think it's hysterical that the "fix" for low click through rate on the "related links" was not to make the "related links" actually related, but to instead shove them in our faces :D If this is the "fix", I'd suggest you further improve it by changing the section title to Completed Unrelated Links. — devlin carnate 44 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by The_spider
The focus on click rates on themselves and not user satisfaction makes me think about the trust thermocline, which was already brought under my attention by the advertisements for technology courses. — The_spider 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Robin
I see now. If I completely remove the stack trace, would it be ok? (I'm not at my PC atm, and might need to add the 2nd stack trace later) — Blue Robin 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by van dench
I commonly use a web browser as a developer, that doesn't make questions about them necessarily on-topic. A question about GA would be on topic if it's a problem about developing with the SDK, but this seems to be about their control panel, which isn't really a programming problem. — van dench 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by President James K. Polk
I think those edits were appropriate as they were simply noise for the question. You were campaigning to keep the question from being closed in the prologue of your question. — President James K. Polk 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
While this is likely better answered by the mods, who are handling most of these flags, based on my experience of handling plagiarism-related CM escalations, I try to keep the following in mind: First I check the date of posting. Is the SO post newer or older? If it's older, it's not plagiarism on the SO end... otherwise, it likely is. Second I compare the username of the SO user with the author of the older content (where available). If they match or I have other reasons to think they may be the same person, it's not plagiarism... otherwise, I treat it as such. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by JK.
Just because you fail to understand what is on topic does not mean that the question is on topic. — JK. 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
While this isn't perfect (particularly in the latter case), these checks do exist on the mods' end of things - though they're not built in. Additionally, in cases where the user is the original author, a flag stating such and offering evidence of such would likely lead to a quick undeletion of the post. The new UX is actually an improvement, as in cases where we disassociated, it would require a CM to reassociate to get the rep back. Now, the mod need only undelete and the rep will return. — Catija ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ben Voigt
@Catija : I already mentioned it, but "Is the SO post newer or older?" Newer or older than what? The date/time claimed by the other copy? Is any proof required that said date is accurate? — Ben Voigt 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Catija
While I don't do it, generally the mods and even the people raising plagiarism flags will use web archive links to show that the non-SO content is older. Plus, much of the copied content is on SO, so the dates can't be fudged. — Catija ♦ 55 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ben Voigt
In any case, there should be some kind of written guidance about this both to those who cast plagiarism flags and to those authors who may be flagged wrongly. — Ben Voigt 46 secs ago
9:19 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
You may want to clarify why the text that you claim was incorrectly removed was related to problem you were trying to solve - to me the edit look garden variety fluff removeal and in no way related to closing of the question. You also may clarify how the second update that was removed by mod was supposed to clarify the original question. At this point I feel you justify FR with unrelated events. — Alexei Levenkov 42 secs ago
9:39 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Karl Knechtel
Ideally, yes. I don't think there is very much required boilerplate with a Discord bot. On the other hand - some questions where people have problems writing a Discord bot, don't actually require a Discord bot to reproduce the problem. It's at least worth checking, for example, whether the issue you're experiencing is just a logical issue in a calculation you want the bot to do, or a general issue with async. — Karl Knechtel 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ian Campbell
Suggestion for another metric: Percentage of users who land on a related question page and then copy a portion of that page (higher better, because they copied that code to use it). I think you keep up with copies, right? — Ian Campbell 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by epascarello
This feature is so annoying. It makes it a pain to reference the question with all that junk in between the textbox and question. I have yet to see the right thing listed for questions I know have duplicates. — epascarello 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
For authors whose posts are flagged wrongly, they can simply raise a moderator intervention flag, as suggested in the post notice. In practice, I don't think I've ever seen a plagiarism deletion reversed for a falsely backdated post, and maybe one or two (out of thousands) for being the actual author of the content. — Ryan M ♦ 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
For flaggers...I mean, I'd hope it's obvious that the source needs to predate the post. Additionally, the bulk of plagiarism flags are cast by a small group of people who are in close contact with moderators (and each other), so tips and assistance on verifying such things are easy to come by. In general, I haven't really seen much, if any, in the way of falsely backdating posts. It tends to be either 1) the date of the source material, or 2) falsely newer (presumably to appear "fresher" to searchers). — Ryan M ♦ 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
In general, I haven't really seen much, if any, in the way of falsely backdated posts when searching for sources. It tends to be either 1) the date of the source material, or 2) falsely newer (presumably to appear "fresher" to searchers). The SO scraping sites tend to be quite obvious, either being obvious copies of the source question (sometimes run through machine translation) or long lists of semi-related content poorly strung together. — Ryan M ♦ 38 secs ago
9:57 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
This seems to be asking about what SO is going to do to prevent nefarious activity occurring in the outside world. SO has never really set policy or created site features that were contingent upon any particular behavior in the outside world, and it is unreasonable to expect them to do so. If this is not what you meant, please clarify. — TylerH 1 min ago
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