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12:45 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick
Martijn deleted it and undeleted it (unknown why), before re-opening and re-closing as a duplicate. It entered the re-open queue at the exact same time the re-closure happened. Why... idk — Nick 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by tgdavies
@Nick Thanks -- as my curiosity is partially satisfied, should I delete this Q? — tgdavies 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick
Nah, the question is fine and still doesn't have a definitive answer for the why it being closed would put it in the reopen queue — Nick 1 min ago
1:20 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by PM 2Ring
On a related note, many members, especially newbies, assume that deleting a badly received question is the right thing to do. It isn't. Deleted questions are still counted in the question ban algorithm. OTOH, if a question is accumulating a lot of downvotes, deletion does prevent further downvotes. (This doesn't apply to the question linked in the OP because it has no up or down votes). Ideally, the OP of a bad question should improve it, but that's not always possible, eg when the question is totally off-topic. — PM 2Ring 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by PM 2Ring
There was a glitch a few days ago that may be related. — PM 2Ring 1 min ago
1:40 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Felipe Alameda A
@E_net4: If an asker accepting an answer does not show you helped that particular asker, then ¿what does? I sure hope it is not reputation. — Felipe Alameda A 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@FelipeAlamedaA it may be surprising, but voting does :) It is the sole purpose of voting (abstracted of the reputation points as their side-effect). There is one unchecked assumption that you seem to have - that we are here to help this one particular person with a problem. We are not. We are here to help countless others that come after them (which is indicated by the trickle of votes valuable contributions always get over the years). Helping the OP is nice, of course, but it is just a side effect. [1/2] — Oleg Valter 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
Measuring helpfulness by a side effect is akin to measuring how many people have been cured of the common cold with a guillotine. [2/2] — Oleg Valter 9 secs ago
2:02 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Felipe Alameda A
@E_net4: If an asker accepting an answer does not show you helped that particular asker, then ¿what does? — Felipe Alameda A 34 secs ago
3 hours later…
4:52 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by l0b0
Thank you for the quick fix! — l0b0 40 secs ago
2 hours later…
6:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
Often new users mistakenly believe that a duplicate question must ask the same question they are asking to be legitimate. Often is the case is that the reason a question is closed as a duplicate is due to the fact the answer to that duplicate also answers the question. A question being closed as a duplicate allows the answer to the question(s) to be found more accessible. There are often many ways to phrase a question, but if the answer to those multiple different questions phrased differently is identical, they are ultimately duplicates of one another. I am not sure context ultimately matters — Security Hound 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
This sounds like a good use case for a userscript. — Ryan M 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@RyanM it is indeed :) — Oleg Valter 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Lazar Đorđević
@cigien I think that it is better just to mention previous answer and add what you really want to add. Why would someone read for example accepted answer and after that see few full answers adding no value in part that is from old question (I seen this on old popular questions)? Answer is good, but it's wasting of time for reader. — Lazar Đorđević 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user16320675
you missed the declared purpose of this site, (unfortunately) it is not aimed to help one person with one given mission/assignment, but to be a collection of questions and answers to (hopefully) help developers in general - there is no point in having explanation that and why it is urgent or that like in such a question (similar to "thank you"and "have a good day") [I am not defending the site, just telling how I see it - and still trying to help (comments) even on closed questions] — user16320675 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@RyanM Is "userscript" supposed to mean something in this context? Have a link at all? — Callum Morrisson 27 secs ago
7:07 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
Userscript at wikipedia. It's just like an extension, only you just have on extension and it fires all the scripts for you. — Scratte 6 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@Scratte so their suggestion is to fix it myself? Presumably by consuming an API or by scrapping every question page? That seems a little... inappropriate given the context of this question. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
It would be preferable if it was implemented by Stack. However, if you search for the tag feature-request, you'll find that more often than not, Stack doesn't. Sometimes they do it within 6-8 time units, in the most common range of months to years. So if this is something you really want.. ;) — Scratte 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@Scratte fair enough, it's not affecting me that much, and definitely doesn't bother me enough to want to "fix" it myself. Still, why would anyone prefer to see the modifier's information against a question instead of the questioner's? — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abdul Aziz Barkat
@CallumMorrisson When someone edits a post it gets bumped. In case you already have seen that question before it is helpful to have a link directly to the edited post (since there can be many answers on a question) so you can see the new information quickly. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
That is a very good question, and I have no idea why there's no button to view that information instead. It annoys me that I get last activity on the "Question" tab on user profiles too. I'm usually only interested in when they posted the Question, not when someone posted an Answer or edited it. Feel free to drop into the Userscript newbies and friends chat room :) — Scratte 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@AbdulAzizBarkat isn't that what bookmarks are for? Anyway, my question is why you'd want to see Modifer INSTEAD OF Questioner, not why you'd want to see that it was modified. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Akshay kn
@JuanMendes , Waiting a day is pointless imo. In this answer, theyre telling us to not to hurry, to wait, think, debug till it becomes minimal and on another thread (meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/251739/…) they're telling us to post the question asap so youll get the answer in time. This is a paradox I guess. — Akshay kn 36 secs ago
7:49 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abdul Aziz Barkat
Well, if you are checking many questions each day a bookmark for all you find even a little interesting would not be very useful. As to the modifier it makes sense to show their name since their modification caused the bump. Also don't discount edits so much an edit just may improve the post significantly (or deface it wildly). And to be fair the user and their reputation should not be that important when opening the question. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 33 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@AbdulAzizBarkat how often have you answered a question asked by someone with a reputation of 50 or less only to have the question sit there forever without them responding to you or any of the other Answerers? It's happened to me quite a bit, and it makes me feel like I've wasted effort on trying to help someone that maybe didn't need help, or didn't need the help I was trying to give them. It's very discouraging sometimes. I've deleted most of my answers like that now as they seem pointless. — Callum Morrisson 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
I think your view of how this site is suppose to work is off. A Question is like a dictionary entry. So what if the poster doesn't come back? The entry is there and it needs to be answered. Other users should find it when they need it. That's the point. It was never the intention to be a help desk where you help one person and then that's it. And you shouldn't delete your Answers just because the "entry-maker" doesn't show up again. — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@Scratte different strokes I guess. I use this site to keep my brain active when I'm working on something boring, and to get exposure to new and interesting ideas. The latter I get from seeing the other answers on questions I'm interested in, the former I can only get from feedback to my answers. — Callum Morrisson 27 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
At a stretch, if you think that a small number of begging comments might be heeded (or the culture can be shifted so that answerers are encouraged to take it into account) then the begging should go in the comments, separate from the question. It's fluff because the question itself may be useful for other readers with the same problem, but the urgency will not be. — halfer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
People have always had much more freedom in comments to add context to their question - but equally if I see begging in a comment, and it has no other value, then I will flag as No Longer Needed and it will quickly be mod-hidden. So there is a debate as to whether it is worth someone doing this, given that the default mod position is to remove unless truly useful. — halfer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
I get "stray votes" on Answers that I posted a long time ago. Some people get accepts on Answers they posted years ago. I'll comment on an old Answer and ask for clarifications or point out an inconsistency even if I have no stake on the thread myself. As long as you post something that you vouch for, don't delete it :) Your effort could help someone. Maybe that someone has an account and vote on it, but maybe they don't. To me it doesn't matter that much. I know I put something there that may be useful to others :) — Scratte 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
It's not that their edit is irrelevant, it's that THEY did the editing. I hadn't realised that tag curators/moderators didn't have their own portals/pages, that seems like a significant design gap. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
I'm going to accept this as the answer. I wasn't aware that anyone other than people trying to answer questions would be using the main landing page. — Callum Morrisson 8 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Speaking of irrelevant modifications, check out the edit someone just made to this question. Why would anyone be interested in the fact that he did that? — Callum Morrisson 6 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by E_net4
@FelipeAlamedaA This was never about that particular answer. Please read the comments which were already directed at you here. A useful question/answer will organically garner upvotes over time, which is still a better metric of usefulness than acceptance. — E_net4 1 min ago
8:52 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
@CallumMorrisson that edit removed meta noise from your question which is highly relevant and not superfluous. I assume we both agree that we can't have the system decide that an edit didn't change the intent of the question. Still, it might be that a visitor previously was unsure if your question was asked on the right place and your own expressed hesitation lead to them moving on, instead of providing an answer. With the edit they might circle back and feel empowered now to provide an awesome answer that might even support your point of view. — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
Do know that the landing page algorithm uses your historic use of the site to provide you with the best possible matches for interesting posts. — rene 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
That "meta noise" (assuming you're referring to the removal of "EDIT") was the difference between it looking like I know how to think/write sequentially, and it looking like I'm incapable of structuring information in a consumable manner. And there are better ways to communicate that this was in fact the right place to ask my question, a comment would have sufficed. Fixing the spelling mistake makes sense given he was already in there doing his fiddling. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@BoogaRoo "That last bullet point does not have a single thing that improves the questions (nor answers). None of that will help future readers." – Why do you think those questions will not help future readers learn the lesson that the asker has now? — Ooker 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
@CallumMorrisson No, a comment is never, ever a better way to fix content. And they not only removed EDIT. Please don't make it sound like the editor did something incorrect. They improved the post for future, that is all that counts. How the original OP feels about and edit is irrelevant. — rene 28 secs ago
9:27 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@user16320675 please check my update for my reply to your point — Ooker 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@halfer thanks for your suggestion. I have updated the answer — Ooker 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user16320675
you didn't get my point... after lets say one month or one year, how relevant is it to have "I need this ASAP" or "this is urgent" in the question? For other users seeking answers for same problem? maybe in a comment, but not added to the question, as asked in this question (trying to express what I see as the sites thinking) — user16320675 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abdul Aziz Barkat
"Ask questions, get answers, no distractions" - tour - Stack Overflow. "this is urgent" == distractionAbdul Aziz Barkat 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@user16320675 the it is basically what Booga Roo concerns. Why do you think those questions will not help future readers learn the lesson that the asker has now? — Ooker 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@AbdulAzizBarkat Why do you think those questions will not make a help future readers learn the lesson that the asker now, and therefore no longer distraction for them? — Ooker 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Marco Sulla
I like the idea — Marco Sulla 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Marco Sulla
I find it useful when the answer you're interested is far away from the top of the list of a bundle of answers. — Marco Sulla 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user16320675
again, it is not the question that will not help, it is the additional non-necessary-information about being urgent that does not help and so should not be added to the question (what this topis is about: "... may I add "urgent" or other similar phrases to my question, ...") — user16320675 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
This is a FAQ, the answers are the communities considered opinion on this point. Your answer really doesn't fit here. If you want to have a discussion it's best you ask another question but be prepared for it to be downvoted too. — Robert Longson 38 secs ago
10:10 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martín Nieva
When I seek for help, I always say "Thank you very much beforehand :))" because I really mean it, I really thank the person that will help me. Why is it fake? — Martín Nieva 13 secs ago
10:27 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by jonrsharpe
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stevec
@jonrsharpe Thanks, that's actually perfect. Basically if the solution's the same, then it should be considered a duplicate. — stevec 33 secs ago
10:49 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Essentially, @stevec, yes. Different questions can still have the same solution, and so an existing different question, with the same answer, can still be a duplicate candidate. If the new question is good though you can still up vote it, if you wish. This means that the post won't be deleted (by the roomba) and so can act as a "signpost" for future users with the same question. — Larnu 57 secs ago
11:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Felipe Alameda A
@ Net4: OK. But my original comment was always about particular askers. Regarding others comments, I do not agree with their opinions although I appreciate and respect them. — Felipe Alameda A 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
If you don't want to be "distracted" by the Winter Bash, you can turn it off. I would suggest that's why the option is there. — Larnu 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Sabito 錆兎
I am sorry, I don't understand your question even after reading it three times... What does adding fluff to a post have to do with etiquette, inclusivity, and the Winter bash? I am assuming you wrote an answer to the question you linked and it was deleted and now you are contesting the deletion... A screenshot & clarification would be much appreciated... — Sabito 錆兎 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dan Mašek
@Sabito錆兎 Deleted about half an hour, with score +0/-10. — Dan Mašek 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Felipe Alameda A
@ Net4: OK. But my original comment was always about particular askers. Regarding others comments, I do not agree with their opinions although I respect them. — Felipe Alameda A 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by E_net4
@FelipeAlamedaA 1) Focusing on the asker so much is not quite the right way to make great content. So this is the part where we'll just have to agree to disagree. 2) I saw your comment by chance, people are not notified when you mistype their display names like that. — E_net4 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
Your question relies on the premise that the code of conduct only applies to people on the site who do not ask questions. This is false. Question askers are also supposed to abide by the same rules. That also means they have to be respectful. Demanding their question is more high priority and that unpaid volunteers should rush to their aid is not at all what I'd consider "respectful". — VLAZ 16 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Felipe Alameda A
@Net4: Yes. My bad, left an extra space. Thank you for mentioning. And yes, we agree to disagree. But that's ok. — Felipe Alameda A 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Suraj Rao
WRT the linked post, I think you are not considering people who click on SO links looking for solutions to similar problems. They have wade through explanation on how this is urgent for them. They should do their best to demonstrate why it's beneficial for people to help them urgently etc. making it a distraction.... — Suraj Rao 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stevec
@Larnu great info. Thank you — stevec just now
12:07 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Patrice
Also....... Can we calm down on how we look at the word 'inclusive'? It was meant as 'no bigotry'. I don't think trying to use that to stop 'urgency-ism' is the intent. We are not the be all end all of all things programming. — Patrice 26 secs ago
12:20 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
I removed all the part that's related to my other post. I think you all have missed my point. I don't want to detest, I just want to make clear on how we define distraction. That's all — Ooker 29 secs ago
1 hour later…
1:20 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
If you want to answer a question, you should do so in the answers, @Ooker , not in the question. The Question is for the Question. — Larnu 14 secs ago
1:55 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@Larnu which part I answer the question? — Ooker 59 secs ago
2:45 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
Our core goal is to build the library of useful answers to useful questions. Nothing less, nothing more. What does the marketing text from the tour have to do with our goal here? And how Winter Bash, and "be nice", and CoC are connected with each other? — Oleg Valter 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@OlegValter isn't that marketing text should also be our core goal as well? If not, where should I find them? Would other activities and policies of the site (which Winter Bash, "be nice", and CoC are examples) be counted as distraction to the core goal? — Ooker 29 secs ago
3:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jeanne Dark
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jörg W Mittag
@skomisa: But (at least according to the OP) we are not talking about "two closely related" questions (your interpretation) but about "two different things" (the OP's interpretation). — Jörg W Mittag 1 min ago
3:54 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
So, I reviewed some questions and was not surprised to find python questions without the python tag and crapshot tags where the asker basically adds as many tags as possible. I don't see any benefit to these tags other than wasting tag space that could prevent people from not using the correct ones. — Braiam 1 min ago
4:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
Also keep in mind that the substantial majority of visitors can't interact with your posts in any way which will notify you. Logged-out users and users with < 15 reputation can't actually upvote, let alone leave a comment (50 rep) or downvote (125 rep). — Makyen ♦ 11 secs ago
4:37 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
Note that @jonrsharpe quote should be evaluated in context of the last sentence: "There are many ways to ask the same question, and a user might not be able to find the answer if they're asking it a different way". The objective of closing as duplicates isn't that all answers are in the same place, but all answers to the same question are. — Braiam just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Someone_who_likes_SE
if you are question banned on the main site improve your existing questions, don't ask on meta — Someone_who_likes_SE 1 min ago
5:31 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by skomisa
@JörgWMittag The OP stated "in this case they're tightly related questions" in a comment above. Two questions within any post are necessarily about "two different things", but that says absolutely nothing about whether they are "closely related" or about "one problem only". For the post under discussion you don't need to be a subject matter expert to appreciate that the issues raised are about the same problem. I'll be impressed if you can make a solid case that the linked OP should have created two separate questions on SO, rather than asking them in a single post. — skomisa 52 secs ago
5:42 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jeanne Dark
Day 1: Visited, Day 2: Didn't visit, Day 3: Visited, Day 4: Visited,..., Day 123: Visited. Wouldn't that make "Visited 122 days, 121 consecutive"? — Jeanne Dark 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Abdul Aziz Barkat
Uhh, you contradict yourself, doesn't your 2nd possibility ("Visited 2 days, 1 consecutive") have "consecutive days be exactly 1 less then the total number of days"? — Abdul Aziz Barkat 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
"No matter what you do, you can't have the number of consecutive days be exactly 1 less then the total number of days." is contradicted by the 2nd result in your table. — cigien 13 secs ago
6:40 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by questionto42
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz There was a misunderstanding. There are different editors around for < and > 2000 rep. But the feature-request is about the editor for < 2000 reputation and then, there is no such big title to click on. The question is edited. — questionto42 51 secs ago
1 hour later…
7:47 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by jarlh
SQL/PSM (i.e. the ISO/ANSI SQL stored procedures) has a case statement - which I wouldn't tag as switch-statement. — jarlh 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Flash Thunder
yeah it's really annoying .... still not fixed. For example when you start to write something without even hitting the list button - like 1. something and then you want to use a code formatting in the new line, it simply doesn't work — Flash Thunder 1 min ago
2 hours later…
9:22 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
We've closed it for you. You can delete it or if not the system will likely delete it for you eventually. It's not really salvageable I'm afraid. — Robert Longson 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe
Open-ended discussions aren't on-topic here. Use reddit, quora, or some other site instead — Zoe 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by mohamed ELGHACHI
Thanks a loooot. You are great — mohamed ELGHACHI 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
Rollback edits you don't like, don't make the question useless. — MegaIng 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
@CallumMorrisson As I said rollback edits you don't like, and if people insist raise a mod flag. I assume everyone making edits was just trying to help, as appose to you right now. — MegaIng 46 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Nevermind, just figured out deleting my profile will anonymise it without relying on some god-hand to intervene. Will sort itself out in 24hrs — Callum Morrisson 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andras Deak
@CallumMorrisson indeed, and that is the appropriate response to... I'm not sure what. 5 downvotes on your feature request? — Andras Deak 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Downvotes? who cares about that, my name is against a botched travesty of grammar and structure and I have no control over that. Your system lets people come in and edit willy-nilly "because we're sure they'll do a great job". — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
@AndrasDeak Look at the edit history. he is also deleting all his comments. He is butthurt that people are editing his question. (Also read the now onside discussion from others on the question and answer) — MegaIng 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
"botched travesty of grammar and structure"? The edits made by others are: removing a "is this the correct place question", which isn't needed, then -> than and a slight change in the title which you could have just rollbacked. Your edits include: making the question useless, twice. — MegaIng 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
If those simple changes are enough to make you go in a grant rage and leaving this page, Thank you, we don't need people like you here. — MegaIng 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Agreed 98712345 — Callum Morrisson 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 3limin4t0r
Alternatively you could try one of the other StackExchange sites. For this specific question Software Recommendations is probably the best fit. — 3limin4t0r 1 min ago
10:00 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@Makyen that is another good reason to always display the Questioner's reputation against each question. If the Answerer's can't have a dialog with them, then the chance of them being able to address any potential XY issues, etc. is reduced. It doesn't invalidate low-rep Questioner's, but it gives Answerer's a little more information about the overall limitations going in. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
@CallumMorrisson That is wrong, since Questioner can very much comment on their own questions. — MegaIng 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Can they comment on the answers to that question? — Callum Morrisson 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MegaIng
@CallumMorrisson I very sure that the answer is yes. — MegaIng 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
Then "with < 15 reputation can't actually upvote, let alone leave a comment (50 rep) or downvote (125 rep)" (from the mod) is not accurate. — Callum Morrisson 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Callum Morrisson
@MegaIng you are correct though, low-rep Questioners can comment on both their questions and the answers to them. I just found a few in my history where exactly that has happened. — Callum Morrisson 1 min ago
10:59 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
@CallumMorrisson I was responding to the conversation flow which had shifted from being about the question asker, to being about future visitors to the site, in particular, visitors other than the asker of the question. [You've deleted your half of the comments, so that's not as clear.] Yes, the author of a question or answer can comment on that post and any answers to their questions. I was trying to point out that the vast majority of users who visit the site and who, potentially, benefit from your (everyone's) answers are unable to interact with your answers in a way which notifies you. — Makyen ♦ 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
[Such visitors can still click on upvoting and downvoting, but those "votes" are recorded separately and are not easily seen.] However, that doesn't mean that those visitors aren't getting benefit from answers, even old answers which have little or no interaction from the original asker. In fact, the primary purpose of Stack Overflow, and the entire Stack Exchange network, is to generate a repository of questions and answers which are helpful to future visitors. That the answers we write also help the person who asked them is an additional benefit, but it's not primary. — Makyen ♦ 45 secs ago
11:17 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
"... and I stopped accepting answers for that single reason." => Hum..., "lucky" for you you don't (need to) ask Qt's in the (small) Tag I answer, as I guess I wouldn't even try to help you... I always check the "Behaviour" on the Site for Askers with Rep >1 about their previous Qt's and how they "handled" them, and hum [1/25] for the last 25 Qt's, that would be a complete "Show-Killer" for me... I find it a bit of a "strange" Stance for an Answerer with 27k-Rep, 70 Qt's and 1000 Answers... — chivracq 10 secs ago

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