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12:13 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ardent Coder
@JonClements Is this really spam? I mean, he showed a solution using some tool which made the work easier. Please go through it once. And I don't remember if I had reported anymore unfair audits since then which might have contributed to my current review ban. — Ardent Coder 1 min ago
12:27 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
If you’re referring to How can I add a submenu option for the main menu options using dialog in BASH?, this wasn’t closed by three moderators, but by regular users. Stack Overflow is an international community. Why do you care whether they’re “foreign”? Be constructive and edit your question instead. — user4642212 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CybernetiX S3C
So why was it closed if my answer wasn't answered? I also edited the above question. — CybernetiX S3C 53 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Laurel
This is an unnecessarily hard way of doing things when you can just reword your comment to have some word(s) before -1, as noted in the question. — Laurel 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CybernetiX S3C
So why was it closed, if my answer wasn't answered? I also edited the above question. The assumption was simple. Read the original question. Then read their answer. I asked about using dialog box. The person didn't give me anything related. Instead, closed it. I don't care where anyone is from. I just do not appreciate the rapid response to an inconclusive answer. — CybernetiX S3C 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
we also do not appreciate you attitude here. As @user4642212 said, be constructive and focus on content instead of attacking people. — Temani Afif 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CybernetiX S3C
Then how about helping me answer the either post? There is no attitude here. I was asking a legit question in this page, and on another. This page is merely asking how can someone close someones question without answering. This isn't the first time. — CybernetiX S3C 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jon Clements
@CybernetiXS3C sometimes people make mistakes - don't sweat the small stuff - it was in the re-open queue and probably opened eventually if enough reviewers thought it had enough detail from your edit to do so. That edit would have been better if the edit sounded less ranty/shouty, didn't needed the images, and just put in a clearly explained paragraph about why it wasn't a duplicate... Anyway - it's open now. — Jon Clements ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CybernetiX S3C
You both asked me to be constructive? How about my question asked specifically about using dialog box to create submenus... How about my original question actually has the snippet of code I am working with that shows the dialog function... How about their answer does not remotely relate... Tell me how to be more constructive... Tell me where I am attacking.... — CybernetiX S3C 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CybernetiX S3C
@JonClements Thanks. I added that other stuff and screenshots to prove my point of no relations. My post was very specific. Details showing snippets, and exactly what I was attempting to do. As of this comment and my previous, I was starting to get pissed. Either way, I could not have been any clearer on what I am asking for. — CybernetiX S3C 1 min ago
1:23 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Machavity
Just to be clear, you noticed because they were mostly your questions? — Machavity 48 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gromiczek
@Machavity No, only one of them was mine. I noticed because I watch the [unity3d] tag — gromiczek 1 min ago
1:49 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Samuel Liew
I'm more curious about why you kept deleting and undeleting your post, since that broke the reopen review and users cannot see what you have changed. — Samuel Liew ♦ 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Asadefa
@SamuelLiew It was last deleted a while ago. — Asadefa 40 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Keith Stein
@AaronShekey I can confirm that it still looks as shown in the bug report. I'm using Google Chrome 83.0.4103.61 as well (latest version at time of writing). imgur.com/QUBm9vCKeith Stein 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Vada Poché
I never once said that it's not necessary, so please do not lie. I was merely questioning the way it's being implemented. You were the one asserting several opinions as if it were truth. You've included several assertions with this response of yours as well, and are also strangely stating that you've not seen the data. Italicising text has absolutely no value, when you're not able to back up your claims with actual data. — Vada Poché 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Samuel Liew
Yes, but it still broke the reopen review, since the revision from May 14 didn't appear in the May 20 reopen stackoverflow.com/posts/55892756/timelineSamuel Liew ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
The question you 1st ask in your post is "How can I reopen my question?" & that is what the post is closed as a duplicate of. That is different from your title & addition, so clearly it is not the case that you "could not have been any clearer on what I am asking for". If that's not your question, edit. Re your title, what did your research show before asking this? The situation you describe is consistent with the help re closure as duplicate, so the answer is clearly yes, so why ask this & are you actually trying to express something other than what you put in your post? (Rhetorical.) — philipxy 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Asadefa
@SamuelLiew Well, I didn't understand the concept of deleting it causing trouble with reopen vote review queues. — Asadefa 1 min ago
2:27 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
Unfortunately there isn't anything surprising about a bunch of questions in a tab meriting downvotes. — philipxy 6 secs ago
2:39 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by dxiv
I will give the benefit of the doubt to the downvoter that they might have meant to explain why, but the system blocked them from doing that for the pretense of decorum ;-) — dxiv 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
I just looked at half a dozen & they mostly merited downvotes per the help center. — philipxy 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
How am I supposed to list them? — Ann Zen 6 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
@AnnZen What research have you done about what problems eval might have? (Rhetorical.) (Such research was called for before posting your question here.) — philipxy 1 min ago
3:01 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
The question you 1st ask in your post here is "How can I reopen my question?" & that is what the post is closed as a duplicate of. That is different from your title & addition. If that's not your question, edit. Re your title, what did your research show before asking this? The situation you describe is consistent with the help re closure as duplicate, so the answer is clearly yes, so why ask this & are you actually trying to express something other than what you put in your post? (Rhetorical.) — philipxy 25 secs ago
1 hour later…
4:25 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
It really does not matter how exactly post closed as duplicate - the way to re-open it is always the same - edit and vote to re-open (if you can). Since first edit after closure will put post in re-open queue for review make sure your edit actually makes it clear how duplicate does not solve your problem (beware that variations of "not a f**ing duplicate" is not enough, edit needs to explain why) — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 1201ProgramAlarm
I think this needs a cleanup of the incorrectly tagged questions, not a burn. There are plenty of old loopback questions that predate loopbackjs that properly use it (along with some of the newer ones, of course). — 1201ProgramAlarm 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@Dharman indeed in most cases suggesting to use eval in both JavaScript and Python (or any other form of runtime code parsing/execution) is a wrong answer... But it is not wrong to post wrong answers. — Alexei Levenkov 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 1201ProgramAlarm
Perhaps adding some clarification to the "was this helpful" prompt that it will close the question as a duplicate? It is easy enough for another question to be helpful in some way but not provide a complete answer. — 1201ProgramAlarm 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
I've edited in existing explanations from the question since those clearly did not satisfy OP. @OstapB. please review that edit and update if you feel necessary. — Alexei Levenkov just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
This can't be an answer to the question as exactly this was already written under the linked question. I've edited the question with that information. I'm not exactly sure what you wanted to say with posting exactly the same explanation that already present as your own answer. Note that posting without attribution is not welcome and providing zero content of your own is not "answering" from SO/meta point ofview. — Alexei Levenkov 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
This is trivial to work around in legitimate usage; just reword the comment. For example: "The read function returns -1 to indicate an error. You should be checking errno and/or perror immediately after any call to read." — Cody Gray ♦ 40 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
@Alexei Not really sure what you were thinking with that last edit. You know that answers don't belong in questions.... — Cody Gray ♦ 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by dxiv
@CodyGray That's what I did after I realized the flunk. But the message in the red box gives no useful indication in that direction. What is "that content"? Which "downvote"? See the edit I made to the post and the paragraph right above it. And btw, still beats me how a post I put up for discussion was misconstrued as a duplicate of a feature-request, which incidentally is also tagged as status-completed whatever that's supposed to mean. — dxiv 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
I agree that the question is not "primarily opinion-based". You are looking for an objective, reasoned answer, ideally with citations. It seems to me that makes it suitable for Stack Overflow. I'm not a subject matter expert, so I don't quite feel comfortable overriding the community members who voted to close this, but I will say that I am uncomfortable with the closure. Perhaps this would be a better fit for Software Engineering? — Cody Gray ♦ 48 secs ago
5:19 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Shog9's answer explains why it was marked as [status-completed]: the filter was tweaked to reduce the amount of false positives. — Cody Gray ♦ 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
It is by design that the message in the red box does not give much useful indication. We don't want users to trivially work around the restrictions. The vast majority of comments that are caught by this filter should not be posted at all. We just have to trust that the users posting legitimate comments that are incorrectly caught will be smart enough to figure out how to reword their comment, as you were. As for marking this question as a duplicate, the tags you use do not disqualify questions as being duplicates. When two questions have the same answer, they are duplicates. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@CodyGray those are not answers, it is information OP presumably already had about the post. I know that it is somewhat putting words in OP's mouth but on other hand assuming that they are not able to read and comprehend comments to linked question seem even more offensive... So I though they clearly looking for some other explanation compared to what they already seen on the linked question. But undoing that edit is fine by me - there is no way to actually know what additional info OP was trying to get. — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@CodyGray I voted "unclear" instead to let OP edit the question to clarify what they looking for. — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
@Alexei I think you are perhaps reading too much into this. Obviously, Stack Overflow gets a lot of users who do not understand why general computer-usage questions are off-topic. If they did understand that, they probably wouldn't ask so many of them here. They may well have read the comments you cited, but not understood why they were making the claim that they were. Heck, I work with people who think it's "programming" any time you have a console window on your screen... — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
5:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
@drapkin11 Currently, you cannot see a history of your own review bans. Only moderators can see this history. It is widely agreed that this is a bug, or at least a severe limitation. The good news is that developers and a UX researcher are currently working on revamping the whole review system, and review bans in particular. I can confirm that one of the changes will indeed be to show you a history of your previous failed review audits and review ban messages. Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA for the release of this feature. In the meantime, you can ask a moderator to retrieve it for you. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
Not according to the documentationRobert Longson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gnat
Does this answer your question? Serial downvotes for single taggnat 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Asadefa
@RobertLongson Ok — Asadefa 56 secs ago
5:51 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
I cannot think of any use cases for this, except possibly on Meta where we were discussing the badge itself. However, there is no real need to render it as a badge. Using the name is sufficient. It will be obvious from context that you are talking about a badge. There is never a use for this on the main site: you should not be discussing badges there. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
6:23 AM
Error while calling API: HTTP 400 fetching URL https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/comments. Body is: {"error_id":502,"error_message":"Violation of backoff parameter","error_name":"throttle_violation"}
7:09 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
My problem with that is that I don't see how it's helpful. As far as I know, questions don't get "stuck" in Triage, not really. The Triage queue runs through basically all of its questions relatively quickly. Where things do get stuck is in the close-vote queue. For example, this question took 4 hours 2 minutes to go through Triage with a "Unsalvageable" result. It then moved into the CV queue and spent more than 14 days in the CV queue, but didn't get a single review. The problem in getting things closed isn't Triage, it's the CV queue. — Makyen 1 min ago
7:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nico Müller
@Cody Gray What would have been the proper process for me to ask a moderator? This question was flagged as duplicated and for whatever reason massively downvoted. Where is the proper place to ask for feedback like the one I got from BDL in the comment section? — Nico Müller 48 secs ago
8:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
On Stack Overflow, "duplicate" does not mean "identical text". If it did, then, yes, it could be trivially automated. However, on Stack Overflow, duplicate means "these two questions have the same answer". That requires a human to identify, and sometimes it even requires a subject-matter expert who already knows the answer. — Cody Gray ♦ 58 secs ago
8:59 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
You can ask a moderator about your review ban history on Meta. Note that that is not what you asked here. You pointed out that 2 users agreed with your decision, you asked on what basis the ban was calculated, and you stated your belief that the length of the ban was too long. All of that is answered by the question that this one was closed as a duplicate of. Those are all also things that the community strongly disagrees with, which is why this question got downvoted. More generally, downvotes on Meta just mean disagreement, not that you aren't allowed to ask the question. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
A red dot does not mean "ban". A red dot means that there are things in the queue that need reviewing. If you're banned, you're unable to review anything, but the UI does not convey that. It's another shortcoming of the review UI, which the team is working to resolve in a future update. Review bans are our only way of conveying to you that you've been reviewing incorrectly, but the system does a very poor job of alerting you to this. That's a UX bug, and the only way mods have to compensate is lengthening the ban, hoping you'll be more likely to notice. This is all discussed in the dupe. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
Error while calling API: HTTP 400 fetching URL https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/comments. Body is: {"error_id":502,"error_message":"Violation of backoff parameter","error_name":"throttle_violation"}
9:37 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by EOF
That's an interesting proposal, but it basically means that duplicates don't close the question anymore. This would require a fair bit of reworking the user interface to reasonably show multiple duplicates. Also, I still remember documentationSE or whatever it was called, so my trust in this kind of experiment is limited. — EOF 1 min ago
10:13 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by anatolyg
Editing your question in a significant way will increase its visibility - the system will put it on the front page. It may be obvious, but worth mentioning. — anatolyg 48 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Patrice
I always like these questions, that ALWAYS seem to skip the very important 'are these questions deserving of upvotes in the first place' — Patrice 1 min ago
2 hours later…
12:33 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robin Davies
@CodyGray : Android is a "trendy new technology"?! I mean it's lovely that you choose to play with a language that (used to) limit itself to updates once per decade. I work professionally, in C#, Java, Android, .net, C#, WPF, all of which are evolving quickly, and all of which I have PROFESSIONAL responsibility to keep current with. And all of these languages and environments have problems with out-of-date answers. — Robin Davies 1 min ago
1:23 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by toolic
Does this answer your question? How do I deal with non-English content?toolic 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick
Flag them as Unclear (Needs details or clarity in the flagging menu) — Nick 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
You've only ever had two flags on non-English content declined. Both of these were declined because you raised custom moderator flags (flag -> "in need of moderator intervention). Non-English posts do not require moderator intervention. You should flag them for one of the standard "not suitable for this site" reasons. You seem to have learned this from the declined flags already. You have had 2 such "unclear" flags "disputed" after community review, but neither of these were on questions that had ever been written in any language other than English. So, I'm not sure what you're confused about. — Cody Gray ♦ 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
The reason why your Triage review was wrong was because you picked "Requires Editing". The "Requires Editing" option means that a regular community member could edit the question so that it meets our guidelines. That can't happen for non-English posts. Those can only be edited by the original author, and that's not what "requires editing" means. — Cody Gray ♦ 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hakan Dilek
Thanks for the brief analysis @CodyGray. It did really help to understand the distinction between flags. — Hakan Dilek 1 min ago
1:49 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Sure thing. We really do need better guidance/UX surrounding Triage and, in particular, the "Requires Editing" button. That is something that the team is currently working on. You'll find plenty of discussion about that here on Meta by searching "requires editing". But I've already summarized what you need to know, which is that it is for questions with grammar errors, formatting issues, etc., which can be fixed by anyone. If the edit must come from the original asker (OP), then you should mark it as "unsalvageable" and raise a flag (e.g., "needs details or clarity"). — Cody Gray ♦ 59 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
There is nothing for Stack Overflow to do unless the DMCA is filed against content on Stack Overflow. It is up to the author of the repo to file a counter notice. That said, I am not a lawyer, so you know, find a lawyer. Also, that link says the process takes 10-14 days before the content is reenabled. — Heretic Monkey 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Nick
"... code submitted to Stack Overflow is licensed under a Creative Commons license." - Yes which means that the work built upon the code has to be covered under the same license and provide attribution and a link to the license. — Nick 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
How I suspect these DMCA fraudsters work is to scrape websites to find "copied" texts, file a takedown notice and send both involved owners an invoice. One invoice is for resolving the takedown notice, the other is a finders fee ... — rene 59 secs ago
2:09 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
I think we should rename [loopback] to [network-loopback], [loopback4] to [loopbackjs4], and [loopbackjs] to [common-word-but-in-js] ;-). — Heretic Monkey 42 secs ago
2:45 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
@Nick according to meta information, the repository is under MIT. (you can check the user repositories in their profile) — Braiam 8 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
"The copyright claim is for code posted as an answer" actually, for code posted as question. The link isn't a link to an answer, but a question. — Braiam 1 min ago
3:17 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Danack
@HereticMonkey I can't see if the person who filed the complaint is the same person who answered the question. If they are the same person, then it would be reasonable for SO to stop them posting any more answers imo, if they aren't going to abide by stackoverflows terms and conditions. — Danack 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Aaron Shekey
Got it. The markdown page, not the rendered output page. Fix is in! — Aaron Shekey ♦ 1 min ago
1 hour later…
4:23 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jon Clements
Nope - it won't. — Jon Clements ♦ 47 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Servy
And if you actually cared, you can see plenty of hard data in the other comments on this very question, so your unwillingness to so much as read through the page you're on, while still demanding radical changes in a feature you have almost no experience using doesn't result in a persuasive argument. — Servy 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Servy
@VadaPoché You did say it's not necessary, "I don't really need to be "tested" a few times every week". So no, I didn't lie. Interesting that you're now backtracking though. Did you lie earlier when you said that quote? I have lots of first hand experience reviewing. You have basically none. And I didn't say I haven't seen the data, just that I haven't looked at the numbers recently. You apparently haven't at all, and, again, you're the one proposing a radical change, the burden is on you to show that the change is necessary, not on me to try to prove your point for you. — Servy 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by peterh - Reinstate Monica
It only works in comments, and not always even there. — peterh - Reinstate Monica 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Wai Ha Lee
I think (I'm not sure) that your (suggested) edit will appear in their Responses\Revisions page, e.g here. It may only appear once the suggested edit has been approved though. — Wai Ha Lee 28 secs ago
4:51 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
How come it's not always there? — Ann Zen 22 secs ago
5:09 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
Perhaps we should have neither, as Hans pointed out, they are terms used in many languages, for the same effect. — Braiam 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Johannes Kuhn
Thanks for the reply. I see that this idea is somewhat controversial. And I did not solve how this should be represented in the UI. I never meant that it should not close the question. But for the UI: Should it add a synthetic answer, that people can vote on? But at least it would allow to gather data on the accuracy of the duplicates. — Johannes Kuhn 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
Thanks. I always go to stack overflow with [python] tag. — Ann Zen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
What do you mean by "Someone I suggest an edit"? "Sometimes I suggest an edit"? "I suggest an edit for someone"? Something else? (Please respond by editing your question (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar), not here in comments.) — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by wim
The change is not implemented (yet). At this stage it's just an idea being proposed on meta, to gauge whether the community agrees with that or not. Votes are showing that community strongly agrees, so hopefully we will see the feature live sometime in 6-8 weeks! — wim 1 min ago
5:51 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BDL
We don't even know whether the author of said question/answer is the one who filed the DCMA request. So who do you want to ban? — BDL 39 secs ago
6:03 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BDL
@Danack: Is this your repository? Or are you in any way authorized by the repository owner to get in contact with SO? The first step step in any way is to file a counter notice, but this may only be done by the owner of the repo or someone authorized by the owner. I'm not sure how SO (or anyone on meta) would be able to help with that. — BDL 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander O'Mara
6:25 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BDL
The second bullet point is questionable. Distributing answers to the same problem over multiple pages will not make them easier to find. — BDL 1 min ago
7:23 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by drapkin11
@CodyGray thanks for your response and your service to the SO community. Since I think it may be useful for others, can I post my question about the "history of one's own review bans" on Meta? You can then answer it there or I can just update it by copying your answer there. — drapkin11 1 min ago
7:53 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by aronchick
I guess my take is "is it appropriate" is not really an opinion necessarily. E.g. "is it appropriate to store 1 TB of database for a real time database on a 5400 rpm drive"? — aronchick 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by aronchick
Ok, reworded it to get rid of "is it appropriate" — aronchick 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CertainPerformance
Add the none language tag — CertainPerformance 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CertainPerformance
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
Does this answer your question? how to turn off colorization?user4642212 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stevec
@CertainPerformance sorry to have asked it, I knew it would be somewhere — stevec 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stevec
@CertainPerformance brilliant! thanks. should I delete this question? — stevec 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
Hint for searching: Stack Exchange search isn’t very good, so use Google and search like this: site:meta.stackoverflow.com disable syntax-highlighting. — user4642212 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
@stevec I wouldn't delete this. Duplicate questions aren't inherently bad. They provide signposts, so other people have an easier time finding the answers. — Makyen 15 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gnat
@Makyen I understand that close queue is not quite efficient. But that doesn't look like a good reason to keep questions polluting inappropriate queue (that is, if stats show that it's indeed inappropriate and that there are enough such questions to bother - because without stats there is no way to know). As for your 4-hours example, it doesn't look like reasonably quick to me sorry. Not to mention that I have seen questions stuck in triage for twice as much — gnat 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by stevec
@user4642212 thanks I will remember to search that way. Regarding the related question, I hadn't encountered this sort of structure before <!-- language: lang-<language> --> It looks like HTML commenting, with some key/value inside. — stevec 2 mins ago
1 hour later…
9:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
Per meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/392550/…, over 10,000 questions were reopened in 2019 — Robert Longson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Some old stats are available here. The details have almost certainly changed since then, but the answer to your question is "more than you think". A staff member will be required to get you the updated numbers. Let's let upvotes judge how many people are eager to see this, and thus whether it's worthy of a staff member's time to try and compile some stats. — Cody Gray ♦ 50 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. — Cody Gray ♦ 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
Thanks for the answer upvote. — Ann Zen 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
The link links to a page that doesn't exist. — Ann Zen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by HelpingHand
What answers like this one usually leave out is a guideline what to do with posts "in between". This discussion is referenced by some duplicate-closed posts, so I'm not referring to the example of the OP of this meta thread, but to another post. I believe I'm not the only user who experiences this problem and doesn't decide towards "close it because it is low quality [...]" or "don't edit it because it is pretty good the way it is and your edit contributes a negligible part" - but one of the cases in between.HelpingHand 20 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by HelpingHand
What answers like this one usually leave out is a guideline what to do with posts "in between". This discussion is referenced by some duplicate-closed posts, so I'm not referring to the example of the OP of this meta thread, but to another post. I believe I'm not the only user who experiences this problem and doesn't decide towards "close it because it is low quality [...]" or "don't edit it because it is pretty good the way it is and your edit contributes a negligible part" - but one of the cases in between.HelpingHand 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by HelpingHand
What answers like this one usually leave out is a guideline what to do with posts "in between". This discussion is referenced by some duplicate-closed posts, so I'm not referring to the example of the OP of this meta thread, but to another post. I believe I'm not the only user who experiences this problem and doesn't decide towards "close it because it is low quality [...]" or "don't edit it because it is pretty good the way it is and your edit contributes a negligible part" - but one of the cases in between.HelpingHand 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind the next time I review :) — Ann Zen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jon Clements
I think the stats for the last 30 days (for 10k+ users) is available at stackoverflow.com/tools/… @Cody - so it's not exactly secret info and the numbers seem to be in proportion with the ones from last year... — Jon Clements ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
I didn't know "thank you" was something to be removed. — Ann Zen 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
I'm going to take your rewording as my justification to re-open this question. As I noted in the edit summary, I removed the Python tag because I don't see anything related to Python in the question. (It isn't important that you happen to be using Python in order to interact with your database. Tags should describe the question itself, not the environment/milieu.) If I'm missing something due to my lack of domain knowledge, feel free to reinstate the tag. (But you probably want to use the generic [python] tag, not a version-specific tag, since this definitely isn't version-specific.) — Cody Gray ♦ 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daedalus
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Salutations, signatures, 'thank you', and other types of fluff should all be removed from posts here. If you think of this site as being more like Wikipedia (a place you go to find high-quality answers to programming questions), then it makes more sense. It isn't about the people; it's about the content. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Your first bullet point seems like utter nonsense. At best, it's a completely unsubstantiated claim, and one that runs entirely counter to my experience. If there are truly such a large number of questions in your tags of interest falsely marked as duplicates, then please do something about it: post on Meta, vote to re-open them, etc. Your second bullet point is exactly why we close questions as duplicates. The duplicate is kept around, serving as a pointer to the main question, precisely because different people may tend to use different wording to describe the same problem. — Cody Gray ♦ 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ann Zen
I see. I never thought of it until i saw so many posts with 'thanks in advance', and that made me think it was better to thank. — Ann Zen 1 min ago
10:29 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonas Wilms
other related questions that came to my mind: How many reopen votes were casted from review? How many reopened questions came into the queue through a vote, and how many through an edit? Given that closure UX is something that the community team is currently working on, this is definetly interesting. — Jonas Wilms 1 min ago
10:59 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Angelo Fuchs
Tough luck getting this to any relevant attention anymore. The current direction of SO is inclusive for everybody except the people it originally catered (actual experts). This here was my personal last attempt to become part of the SO community and it went slowly down from here. The ****up with Monica and the immense exodus since then have closed the coffin altogether. Whatever will be here in the future will not be the site I once joined or cared for. — Angelo Fuchs 1 min ago
11:13 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Iter Ator
-1 This is a duplicate — Iter Ator 1 min ago
11:39 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Icepickle
I hate it, questions now get closed as duplicates that are absolutely not duplicates just so that people can get some badges... — Icepickle 1 min ago

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