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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 14:00

@appu LOL!!!
@appu can you have a look ( again ) at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16563687/android-connot-open-database-file-error

Now getting error :-
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: employee (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM employee

But I added the employee table already
@ramesh I think I can solve your problem as I have done that inclusion of external db file couple of times. But I have to know your track before I can help you.
okey ... I just created a database file named "database" ( no extensions ) which created with "sqlitebrowser" and copied that file in "assets/databases/" folder .. SO that my database file looks like "assets/databases/database" ... Then I added that code
can you look my queation at stackoverflow.com/questions/16563687/…
@ramesh Does your employee table contain many records?
or is it at just testing level.
Because I wanna guide you from scratch.
as the reasons might be several for that no such table exception.
Thanks.. I just added a couple of records in employee table
Then it's not a big deal. Just start it from scratch as I say.
ok sure
Create a new database in sqlite databasebrowser file-->new database
that database file couldn't have any extensions right ?
You don't keep any extension
Just name it as EmployeeDB
Android Studio is slower than eclipse
Remember the path where you are actually creating the file.
its in assets folder
I saved @ appu
which assets folder?
you mean you saved it in the workspace?
reply as quick as you can.
@kongkea I never heard android studio.
@appu .. yea in my application workspace
assets folder
Just create in a separate folder.
Like D:/databasefiles/EmployeeDB
Don't do it in workspace.
ok ... not in my work space right ?
Yeah. Because we can later copy this file.
Any folder which is not in workspace.
What did you copy?
ok done :)
@Appu the new release of Android IDE. android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/05/…
Don't copy anything until I say to you.
After ADT-Bundle
not copied .. just saved the file
@kongkea I hate that ADTBundle. It created mess.
@ramesh Okay. Now did it prompt the create table dialog?
may I have t run my app ?
Good Morning guys.... :)
The new release is preview edition. go and try it together. @Appu
@ramesh You are unable to follow me I believe.
yes I can follow you
I just did as you said
saved the database in a folder
Then why are you asking running your app?
We are still on Sqlite broswer.
3 mins ago, by Appu
@ramesh Okay. Now did it prompt the create table dialog?
on sqlite browser after creating new database in a folder.
no its showing 2 columns in "Database structure"
employee and android_metadata
How come it shows tables without creating any tables in new database
You are doing something wrong.
oh sorry @appu I just created 2 tables ... really sorry
@ramesh Then create an employee table only first.
and show me the screenshot of it after inserting data.
carefully insert data by not leaving the column datatypes.
I created two columns "_id" and "name"
Okay. Can you extend the emplyee tree and show me in the database structure.
Ofcourse your query is correct.
yes sure
Okay. Fine.
Now go to executesql
CREATE TABLE "android_metadata" ("locale" TEXT DEFAULT 'en_US')
execute this query.
yes done
table created
can you show me the screenshot
db structure.
Okay. Now goto again execute sql
INSERT INTO "android_metadata" VALUES ('en_US')
show me browse data of this table.
Okay. Now copy this db file by going to the place where you saved it.
ok copied
paste it in assets by opening your project in the project explrer of your eclipse.
Make sure to delete old files if there are any in your assets folder.
Now check it manually by going to your workspace whether the file is copied.
good morning
Morning! ^_^
does someone follow the google io?
No ;(
I can't listen.
But the stuff is online
Yeah. Only when I am at home.
its there
Okay. Now in sqlite browser go to file---> open database --> browse to workspace and then open the database which is in assets folder
This is to ensure that your db file is not corrupted while copying
it has been opened correctly
check all the tables and columns in it. Those should be same as you showed me in the previous pictures.
I mean two tables.
yes.. it showing perfectly
I'm watching the keynote
Anyone here used Spring in the real world?
@ramesh Okay. Now copy this code by creating a class named DataBaseHelper.
can I create the class in my project ?
Yeah name it as DataBaseHelper.
and paste that code.
yes done bozz
I mean do it according to your activity file
call the setDatabase() in the onCreate at the end
ok done
check my code
@ramesh Okay. Paste this method in the DataBaseHelper class.
check this one.
getting this
sorry, editing mistake.
make it cursor
ok done
create a button and set onclick listener for that in your activity
@All hello
@ramesh and call this getAllEmpNames() in that onclicklistener like this List<String> emplist= dbHelper. getAllEmpNames();
doing that
let me know the result.
yea !!! I can list my employee table names
@ramesh Ha! Finally.
@Appu appu is pro
yes .... Appu the Great !!!
@appu from Kerala ?
@ramesh Let me post it as an answer. But how can I answer such a lengthy one? :/
@ramesh Nope. I am from Hyd. You?
I am from Kerala
That's cool. I like nature over there.
can you send your fb link ?
yea .... welcome ... always
fine. Send me your fblink , will send you request.
sent it. Delete it
@ramesh You can delete the above message.
Yeah. That's my name.
Don't display
ok one more think .. how can I show a single row by "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE _id=1" ?
or ... id=1" ?
@ramesh Posted an answer.
accepted BoSS
@ramesh Thanks. BTW I am not boss :P
@ramesh he is good guy always eager to help others
Oh no
I have to say thanks ... ya.. you are right ...
Can we leave this topic?
@Appu ok let's discuss something new
Back to my work.
uh pretty cool that new google maps
@Pratik I have to finis my task by the end of the day. later.
@Appu k dude
@rekire how is it?
@rekire new google map
@all good mrng mates...
I'm just looking the keynote from yesterday
@kumarsu gm
it gets 3d you can scroll out until you see the coulds (live) and the whole earth including the stars etc
@rekire it is loading
@rekire cool
@rekire thanks for link..it's loading
@rekire Download it now
I hope you have time :-))
that are almost 4 hours
@rekire I normally watch those presentation at 2x normal speed
than I cannot understand the language
I'm no native spreaker
@rekire yeah if i was watching Chinese Mandarin or Japense I would need to slow it down
well I can just say some words in chinese so that would not help me to slow down^^
@rekire yup it is of 4 hour lenght
does someone use the Android Studio?
does anyone use spring?
@Chad nope
Yea !!! I downloaded Android Studio .. My tram leader said its awsome
@Pratik no problem
@Chad @Neil uses it I believe. But he isn't in yet.
@rekire @kongkea said it is somewhat slower than eclipse.
@Appu Thanks I just wanted to tallk to somebody about it. Im currently just watching some videos on it and needed to get a handle with the global picture how it ties everything in together.
Q: Add support libary to Android Studio project

rekireI just installed the new Android Studio and I'm looking for a way to import the support libary for Android. Where is the option for that? In eclipse that are just two clicks. I googled for it but found nothing. Surely it is too new.

Okay. He will be notified whenever he logs in by my ping @Chad
i really want to know if I can get many rep with this simple question^^
I have upvoted it. But I didn't really get started with Android studio yet.
I can just guess that a person who asks a basic question very early can get much rep for that^^
Can any one tell me how to move my project libs to tomcat and how can i use in eclipse
hey guys , i am happy today bz i am at home :P
@chintankhetiya i am happy today bz ur at home :P
how are you guys ?
@Appu @rekire @Villan @Pratik
@chintankhetiya mad people should not roam on roads .. tc @ home :P
I'm fine I just look what I missed on the google io
@Villan yeah , same thought , then why you are roam on public road , it could be dangerous :P
@HEllo All
Q: Paint View Zoom with Image not properly zoom : Android

kyogsI used canvas in order to zoom paint view with image including using setImageMatrix(). As shown below class use for zoom and draw line.But problem arised, that is entire screen became to zoom in/out then when i click on paint button i pass one Boolean as false which draw line on touch of finger....

@chintankhetiya Hello! I am good. How about you? Why are you at home?
@Neil Ciao, buon giorno
@Appu Heya
Manage to find the mistake in your program?
@Neil Yeah. I have done it in another way.
BTW do you use Spring?
2 hours ago, by Appu
@Chad @Neil uses it I believe. But he isn't in yet.
@Appu I've tried to use it in a couple projects, but I found it a bit difficult to use so the library ended up not really helping much
I'm sure it was because I was just using it wrong or I didn't know how to use it properly
I think I assumed it would instantiate objects and assign them to my class, and I had a hard time just getting it do to that
@chintankhetiya i m fine dude.
@chintankhetiya how r u?
@Appu hii
@Neil hii
@Pratik Hey
@Neil what's up?
@Pratik work rolls eyes
@Neil :)
@Neil Oh! That's sad. I though you were very familiar with that. I have to start learning that spring too.
@Pratik Hello!
@Appu what's up?
Q: Use support library in android projects and libary

rekireI'm using the new Android Studio, I'm looking for a way to use the support library from multiple projects. Basically I have a project that uses the ActionBarSherlock this projects requires the support library. So I added a referece as like in this question. Now I have the problem that my main pr...

it looks cool but it has bugs :(
Hi to all., Have you used "Scoreloop" @Pratik @Appu @Neil
@Appu I can tell you what I know
I can even tell you what I don't know, but it may not make much sense
@Pratik Nothing much.
@Tamilselvan Sorry , I don't know even the purpose of it.
@Neil Okay. Actually it is first started by @Chad .
How come you can tell me the things that you don't know :P
@Appu hm its k thaks:-)
@Appu Penguins can fly.
That is something I don't know.
Think about it logically: if the things I know were a subset, it would be the union of all things which are fact and the things that I understand
So logically, things I don't know is the inverse of that subset, which is to say, things that are fact which I don't understand or things I understand that are not fact
Rolls eyes
hello guys
@Harish Yo!
Hi everybody,
I have a question: is there any way to disable the swipe between tabs with ABS in one part of the fragment?
@Appu @chintankhetiya My layout is loading on mobile Device,But it's not loading on Tablet Device?
I have defined Different layout folders
and placed there xml file
@String You have asked the same question a long back. Strange it didn't get solved yet.
@Appu yes,not Solved
dammed my actionbarsherlock project is suddenly broken and not R.java will be generated
some ideas? Note: I did not change one line of code!
@rekire clear and run.
I did that about 10 times without success :D
@rekire there must be some issue related to one of your xmls
well I would expect that if I had changed any files but I did not
I checked it with version control there are no changes
there is just a new file called build.gradle
I renamed it and will check now what will happen
@rekire yup sometimes it happens surprisingly..
now it hangs... this is gonna to be one of these days..
@rekire Hi, I did that question, check it here stackoverflow.com/questions/11794528/…
@Ivan I'm using the actionbarsherlock for month without problems
so it is not in general a getting started problem
well not in eclipse
@rekire ok, sorry
no problem ;)
@rekire finally.
I go eating now...
@rekire byee
is there a way to start the compeiler preaction manually?
I hope to find the error why the R.java is not generated
@rekire i don't know how to check manually..
@rekire still u r getting erroe?
I'm getting no error just the stupid R.java is not generated so the hole app is broken
@rekire ohh sry..but still it is not generating.sad.
no and I have also no idea why bacause I changed no files I just updated the android sdk
@rekire have you update v21+
@rekire update*
I think I use v22
@rekire is xml visible ?or fire some error..because i have also updated yesterday..and i had problem with displaying xml
I just saw that there is another file to update
@rekire i had error like after i have updated to 22v “The Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version XX.X.X or above?”
I had no error messages
@rekire than it's good
strange aapt just crashes
@rekire i have also passed through this type of problem in past
@rekire R cannot resolve to variable..
well the last time I had such kind of error there was at least a warning
it works
@rekire congrates
@rekire i think it should some issue related to Eclipse
but again I did nothing
nothing IMHO relevent
@rekire see this
@rekire is it possible to make sections to progresbar?
not as far I know
@appu are you sleeping you write nothing
@rekire he is offline
Q: Android Studio install on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found?

Jaison BrooksI downloaded the Studio and attempted to launch the program This is running on Windows 7 64 bit with Java 1.7. Durning installation my Java 1.7 is detected, and the rest of the installation goes through just fine. However when attempting to launch from the desktop icon, nothing happens. Looking ...

ahh so much upvotes in a so sort period
@rekire you are right.
@rekire seems to be today's hot question.
no.... I don't beleve it...
@rekire how to find latitude and longitude by providing location address?any reference??
it runs!
@rekire :)
@rekire you are pro..
A pro would not need 2 hours to figger that out^^
about the position I used that api the last time 6 years ago sorry I don't have the in mind
@rekire lolz
I programmed for android 0.92
@rekire Busy in fixing my issues :/ .Anyways happy thing is that I am in a good progress of reducing them one by one.
@rekire ya that's y u r pro...:)
well okay than I am a pro
@Appu hii
@Appu where were you?
fixing bugs
@rekire k..:)
Appu is in high demand
John Boker arrives from Sky
why is main method not out side class in java like in c++
@DevZer0 good guys always demanded...
android studio now works... stupid JAVA_HOME.
I had the same fun
@JohnBoker If you use the support libary see also stackoverflow.com/q/16583613/995926
@rekire i do use actionbarsherlock and the support library, but didnt have this problem.
I had less luck
@rekire even me too
I wasted hours to fix that
@EF Because java is a complete OOP , while c++ is not. You couldn't code even a single logic thing out of class in java.
@Appu in general are the advantages from c++ the oop concept
Sorry? @rekire
AFIK c is in most cases used for spagetti code (not sure if this is propper translated) while c++ has classes or is that in general wrong?
is the UI design better on Android Studio over Eclipse ADT?
I am not much pro. I haven't learned c++ at all, but I know a little bit. But I did learn c when I was doing my graduation. Yeah c is much of coding, there would be no ready-made methods much. I think Neil could justify this better as he worked on C++ too extensively. @rekire
I also not sure how internally a c++ programm is started I guess that there is just a kind of callback which is a static function where the oop part is invoked
BRB. cya later.
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 14:00

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