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@DoggyBot websocket ok
@LunarWatcher Good
and there DoggyBot runs on websockets
wait what?
what is the alternative?
Now I am getting a timeout on every freaking request or what?
@geisterfurz007 polling
Means? Request every x seconds?
polling checks every x seconds
sockets get requests when they happen
uses a lot of data traffic if it has to manually check every x seconds even if there is nothing new
and it is heavy to run
Isn't the normal Oak code websocket based?
not when I started creating DoggyBot
It was added 9 days ago or something
6 days
When I got the source it was polling only, sadly
as it has gotten me rate limited repeatedly
Yeah I can imagine that Michael had the same issue :D
@AshuKumar For keeds, RO needs to be strict
DoggyBot online. Woof woof!
@DoggyBot you alive?
@LunarWatcher checks for heartbeat Guess so runs back into the field
@DoggyBot why
@LunarWatcher Because
Now that I built the jar, I need to reupload the source
posted on July 28, 2017 by Research Blog

Posted Avneesh Sud, Software Engineer, Machine Perception Recently Google Machine Perception researchers, in collaboration with Daydream Labs and YouTube Spaces, presented a solution for virtual headset ‘removal’ for mixed reality in order to create a more rich and engaging VR experience. While that work could infer eye-gaze directions and blinks, enabled by a headset modified with eye-trackin

@ChewCat @geisterfurz007 @jagapathi @Hans1984 The DoggyBot source code
@DoggyBot are you alive?
@LunarWatcher checks for heartbeat Guess so runs back into the field
@LunarWatcher , are you there ?
I am getting this error
@DoggyBot --l are you alive|*checks for heartbeat*. Guess so. *runs back into the field*|I am replying to you, ain't I?|NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm dead
@LunarWatcher checks for heartbeat Guess so runs back into the field
@IccheGuri yup
cannot resolve symbol Network
@LunarWatcher Added response with trigger are you alive
I am getting error in this line .
import android.net.Network
And it is an Android project? Everything works fine?
Other Android imports works fine?
Yes it is an android project
Everything works file .
I am getting this error
/home/sultan/StudioProjects/android-client/app/src/main/java/edu/cmu/cs/gabriel/network/ResultReceivingThread.java:23: error: cannot find symbol
import android.net.Network;
symbol: class Network
location: package android.net
1 error
create a paste with the full code (if the class is over 100 lines, cut the methods starting with getters, setters, and finally methods, Make sure you keep constructors, fields and imports. Remove comments)
@IccheGuri Rebuild the project
Could be you added an import or changed a Gradle file, or the build failed
no I have not changed anything
failed builds lead to errors on basic imports, the only things that work when the build fails is the classes in your project
still, rebuild
@LunarWatcher Do //silence instead, works better than telling me to shut up
@DoggyBot are you alive?
@LunarWatcher You need at least one response
@LunarWatcher checks for heartbeat Guess so runs back into the field
@DoggyBot are you alive?
@LunarWatcher checks for heartbeat Guess so runs back into the field
@LunarWatcher , cant understand
@IccheGuri do a gradle build
What are Read Receipts on Whatsapp?
the class exists, there is no reason it shouldn't be found
@CrashBandicoot I guess whatsapp has payment of some kind, so the receipts for Whatsapp purchases
I am getting another error
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Is it responsible for not found of Network class ??
@LunarWatcher xD. There's an option to disable Read Receipts on WhatsApp: faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/28000015
check the details
if it is an error in your java file, it is fine
Does that mean you can read someone's text, and they won't know you read it?
otherwise there is a problem
the java file error would be the network import not recognized
the java file shows red mark in this ;line
I replied to someone a week ago, they've been online but the blue ticks haven't come up...
import android.net.Network
that's fine then
that is the issue at hand, if there was a Gradle issue that would be a problem. Build failing at that line is fine considering the issue
now, why wouldn't that line be fine?
how to build gradle ?
I can sync gradle
sync gradle requires a change in the gradle file
If you want to do that, just go into build.gradle and press space
then how can I build gradle ?
bad timing there cough
thank you for making stop this bot
find the last line of the gradle file, make sure it is a new line
or at least the end of the line
press space and sync
any change to a Gradle file shows that sync popup
gradle build successful
as in the error is gone?
the error exists
ok tell me one thing
I have android API 19
What is requirement to have this class ?
I get where you are going, checking
there is no @since annotation
top-right corner, you need API 21
That would explain why it is an error, you target an API where the class doesn't exist
//silence stop
//silence none
@LunarWatcher Stopped silence
@LunarWatcher Woof woof! runs out and herds some sheep
@LunarWatcher , what should I do ?
you have two options
1) Set targetApi to 21 or higher and minApi to 21
2) create your own class
3) set targetApi to 21 and minApi to whatever you feel like, and create your own class for pre-api 21
I have set targetApi 21
Now the plugin for api 21 is downloading
the thing is, if you want backward compatibility for lower API levels, you still need to make your own class for connecting on those API levels.
if you target 21 and don't provide an alternative for the API's below 21, then (you guessed it) you get an error
the error would be "android.net.Network requires minimum API to be 21"
Give this as answer in my question
I voted^^
hello all i have got a query regarding services .i remember posting it on this group
is there anybody whose well versed with playing with services
Q: Service not restarting using START_STICKY on devices above API Level 25(Nougat)

Donny DominicI have got a service in my app which needs to be restarted after app removed from recent task list. Service restarts for API level 25 and below but not for 25 and above versions.Please help me with this issue and would like to know the best way to restart a service which is compatible to all OS...

anybody there live here ?
now that shouldn't happen
why is it wrong
@DoggyBot wtf
@LunarWatcher Type //help to see all my commands.
@DonnyDominic not sure
Implemented web sockets
the chat api there isn't implemented with the silence yet
35 messages moved to Trash can

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