@MukeshRana Have a doubt, getLineBounds() is of class TextView what exactly does it return ? As per the docs the Y-coordinate of the baseline what is the baseline ?
when the problem get solved, its no longer toughest. So I simply don't know the toughest of all except I came into android programming that might be the toughest decision lol
I'm stuck at one prob. I want user to select only one radio button out of many. Right now, User can select many radio buttons. Here is the code. paste.ofcode.org/gA8NpjtRfmwVDpHCiraZki
@MukeshRana they can ignore, but I'd suggest against it. You can post anything in room, as long as you remove it, so it doesn't become a problem later. Its one of un-written rules here. If it becomes a problem, then its on RO how they want to handle.