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01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

I have a problem with Spring security, are there somebody here who have spring security/rest experience
I have asked it on SO but unfortunately still no answer
Q: Spring Rest/Security - Requests are not authenticated

hpnsI want to secure my restful application which I developed with Spring and Hibernate using OAuth2, I have UserEntity *<----->* RoleEntityand I have Implemented GrantedAuthority, UserDetails and UserDetailsService interfaces using above entities correctly. I have configured an OAuth2 Resource and ...

@AshuKumar what are these?

Global_Variable globalVariable = new Global_Variable();
Global_JsonTags jsonTags = new Global_JsonTags();
i took variables from these files
it is showing error
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan let me edit
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan paste.ofcode.org/qp8UQiCrdXdJxRPBbVsqYC --> updated file
@SweetWisherツ yes ? I am sleepy. Btw how are you running your app ?
@TheLittleNaruto from cmd
what is ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> abc = downloading_notificatin();

added platform
@SweetWisherツ what command ?
now when I execute build cmd, nothing is happening
Did you do like this :
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan just update this line ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> abc = new ArrayList<>(); and it will be fine
ionic add platform android
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
And how did you create the project?
@AshuKumar now it shows error here abc.add("demo");
ionic start myToDoList blank
Also do you have set Java home and Android sdk path set in environment variable?
@TheLittleNaruto can we go in ur room or mine... ? just to avoid distrubance
@TheLittleNaruto yup all set
bcz I can run android project :/
updated , now it will work :)
@SweetWisherツ you can ? Then what's the problem
@TheLittleNaruto uffff, m talking about native.
I can build & run native app but not ionic one
@SweetWisherツ give me 5 minutes I need to wash my face so that sleepiness will get away. ;)
@TheLittleNaruto come in my room :/
@AshuKumar stiil error
u r creatign arraylist of Hasmap ?
dude, i changed that ArrayList<String> abc = new ArrayList<>(); @AdityaVyas-Lakhan
u can only add hashmap in abc
@AshuKumar i cant see that o-O
show me then
@AshuKumar what?
sorry :P got confused b/w aahu and aditya
@SweetWisherツ i updated that line with String arayList
theres only a value but no key
dude , check this @AdityaVyas-Lakhan paste.ofcode.org/bDc24VRGfnRXmQbrK7MT5W
its not even a hashmap :P
it needs key and value
dude you are declaring hashmap and inserting string
@AshuKumar its
try {
ArrayList<String> abc = downloading_notificatin();
@ColdFire i know,
damn it is showing old
@the time up
give your pc access @AdityaVyas-Lakhan
team viewer?
@SweetWisherツ Yeah! Rubbing my eyes.
@TheLittleNaruto there
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan yes
splashes water into fox's face
i wish i can share,but some of the grt snr ppl sitting beside me
fox fox
you re awake now? ;)
@ColdFire hey
fox fox
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan paste.ofcode.org/Rmq8brfiGg94wTvXkw6aQh created new paste
cat cat
@Hans1984 Kind of ;)
rabbit rabbit
lobster lobster
poor rabbit :(
balls balls
where is he
probably drunk and on drugs at some festival
but who knows
@AshuKumar manifest
<service android:name=".LocalService">

right sir
@ColdFire sir today in good mood
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, LocalService.class);
@ColdFire check skype please
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan call service from Activity
@AshuKumar sure
Time to make some tea
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan is it working ?
bye all :)
@MukeshRana on trip , friends as boy not allowed but girls are allowed :D
if you want to go with me you need to dress as Girl :D
Android Studio is a pain
Once upon a random build, I get over 30 errors. I'm going to shoot it in the head...
I've never seen such a crap IDE. Why can't I develop Java Applications on VS? :(
still 2h to go :/
hey crab Do you know where rabbit is?
havent seen him in a while
@Hans1984 8 minutes until weekend
Does anyone like Zelda music?
cat cat crab crab -->> where is rabbit rabbit @Hans1984 @ballBreaker @rekire @TheLittleNaruto @AshuKumar
where is he
busy eating carrots?
or pancakes
bye guys
ba bye @rekire
@kitty I dunno man!
ok ok
m also dont knw
steals kittys tobacco
hope u guys are fine
saves kittys health
not at all
by now i dont even know how that feels anymore
:D :D :D
eats all of the tobacco instead of chewing it
dies from nicotine overdose
posted on September 09, 2016 by Cody Toombs

Project Fi is an ambitious effort to give customers an experience devoid of the problems endemic to cellular carriers in the United States. It's low-cost, easy to manage with a simple app, and it even breaks new ground with intrinsic support for multi-network connectivity. However, in some ways, Fi wasn't really finished at launch. It spent many months as an invite-only service and lacked a

hey @ballBreaker
@AshuKumar no sir :(
Michael is here but his bot is not
cta catctatctatctatca
@ColdFire not much man, just chillen, doin' a little bit of work
cat dj
Had an interview yesterday ^^
Will find out today on the status
I'm not expecting the job, but who knows lol
well you never know
i didnt expect to get this job at all
but i still got it
Yeah you never know what kind of competition you're up against
i probably hat none
thats the only explanation
this wa smy competition
so they had to decide
do with chose the cat doing its nails or...
a cat would be the worst employee
they are cocky and picky
you cant work with them
did you read what i removed
sort of
you did it too fast tho
its christmas already
i wish..
i try to stay positive and keep my christmas hat on at all times
you never know
now thats a good cat
Hi guys!
I need your help! I've been working on it since 2 days and can't figure out why this button does not work.
@Daniele 404 error
ops... give me a sec
please, have a look, I'd really appreciate if you could help me fix it
@Daniele this is related to app biling
@Daniele i will definitely look and try to help (if i can)
thanks a lot man!
@TheLittleNaruto update; well maybe not but there is com.android.tools.build.builder in version 2.2.0-rc2
@TheLittleNaruto just reverse it one minute back and watch what Arnab says
@Shubham any luck?
2 hours later…
haha I just found a brilliant nickname in a video: suk mike hok
did you ever write an firefox extension?
I'm sick of ads and I want to write a small adblocker
very trivial one
it work wonders
use adblock
Here is Germany is a company which uses some dirty tricks to show ads even with enabled adblocker. I found a pattern to block this ads but this is not possible with adblock plus
ad there domain to adblock plus
you can make the filter list in adblock
as I already said it is not possible with adp
I am very familiar with that addon I wrote dozens of rules but this is out of scope
i see
I found that script the css class is randomly generated
haha I found a small trick I just have to block one method :D
you just need to hock document.querySelector I do that now and check for known args when I find one I throw an exception to kill that script
yeah nice
just as a background for you it seems that they use random urls for their ads hosted on the same domain as the html content
url based blocking is impossible
i see
1 hour later…
posted on September 09, 2016 by Cody Toombs

You've probably heard the advice to not believe everything you read on the Internet. That wisdom applies to many things, but the most recent example is a silly news story circulating about code supposedly discovered in Whatsapp for Android. According to a post on Reddit, the text "FUCK APPLE" is used heavily throughout the compiled code of Whatsapp. Given the comical and slightly scandalous

01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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