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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@all GM
the last day of the year :'(
all will get older
Hi...Need help in facebook login integration in android
I have one login screen where i have put facebook login button once I click on this button it has to move to another activity. But when i click on login it comes back to login screen then goes to another activity. I dont want to come back to login screen. Please help me
You can't, but you can change your xml layout to what you want then start the activity you want
some thing like loading screen or so...
@PeterTang @Anjali @MehulPatel VGM
GM JaiPrakash
@TheLittleNaruto nopcy...is it good?
Gm fellas.. :)
@TheLittleNaruto no, not yet
Tho I am not interested in watching naruto's legacy.
I still have to complete naruto story.
Gm @Flash
GM to All...
Good Morning Guys :)
@DroidDev Yes of course! Much better than fillers.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'
@berserk Lazy boy!
Hi Anyone tell, Local Notification every Day at specific Time in android, how to achieve this one?
@TheLittleNaruto so its about naruto's son, who is taking chunin exams, right?
@DroidDev Yes right
@Flash Checking...
@TheLittleNaruto I am more interested in the fight where naruto goes to moon
@DroidDev Then wait forever or read manga!
@TheLittleNaruto I think that movies is already out
@DroidDev Yes
@Flash Are you using HttpClient that comes with org.apache package ?
Or anything which comes apache package
@TheLittleNaruto i m using volley
like NameValuePair/basicNameValuePair
@Flash You sure about it ? You're nowhere using apache package ?
Also show me your module's build.gradle file
nope..it was working before 2 days..might be some libs or jar cause this error
Specially the dependencies part
@TheLittleNaruto wait let me check
@TheLittleNaruto haha I am not lazy, I am waiting for fillers to get over
@Flash Also if your any lib/jar dependency is using deprecated legacy apache package, Do consider my updated answer : stackoverflow.com/a/32473859/1944896
Which sounds impossible tho
@berserk You'll wait forever
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk Hi
37 secs ago, by berserk
Which sounds impossible tho
@Sakthi Hi.
Local Notification every Day at specific Time in android, how to achieve this one?
Use alarm manager.
Use alarm manager.
@TheLittleNaruto cool..I m using this compile 'org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped:org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped.org.apache.http.client:4.1.2'
so need to add useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
thanks +1
So you lacked legacy, I see.
@Flash No need to add that dependency if you have added this useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
Remove that dependency
I have mentioned that in my answer
@TheLittleNaruto If I need to use Service for this one?
my answer helped 2 guys already from yesterday including @Flash Wow!
can u show me sample code
@Sakthi Service why would you use service
Answer of the year 2015 for Naruto-sensai @berserk @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto I don't saw yesterday notification means, two can able to see two notification. for this case, I think use service.
@Sakthi See if device goes reboot, all set alarm will be vanished! So you'll have to take care of that as well. i.e. Once device reboots, you'll have to reset the alarms again.
still showing same error
tem I changed minifyEnabled false
@Flash that'll disable proguard. Don't do that
yup but I can't figure out problem
I need to solve 3 major bugs
@TheLittleNaruto Okay buddy, I'm not aware of this one. Please show me sample code.
@Flash Add following rule to your proguard:
-dontwarn org.apache.commons.**
-keep class org.apache.http.** { *; }
-dontwarn org.apache.http.**
@TheLittleNaruto yup
@berserk It's annoying
Where is my kunai
Were you sharing something boy ?
Tim Post is too busy guy!
I think I should mail him for an update.
coz he is CM
Good Morning Guys :)
@MukeshRana Good Morning
Let me mail him already
Good meowrrning
Mail for?
well yesterday someone was talking about gals
posted on December 31, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

WTF I had seen.. I really want to join that room
Don't blame me, enter at ur own riskz
You can even find animalz tehre.
Humanz r animalz too, basically..
@berserk for asking update on SO goodies
oh okay
Try finding him in tavern.
Or yeah, just mail him.
@berserk I did already!
just now!
now don't say you talk with two girls because I know that two girls very well
Don't be surprised, everyone talk with their two girls at least once in a week
hi how can I count the listview items?
I ain't talk with my handz
@TheLittleNaruto cool.
Thanks ^^
@mahdiazarm listview.getAdapter().getItemCount()
@berserk I used this but my app gets crash
Did you set adapter before calling this?
Check what exception you are getting in logcat.
12-31 10:00:24.073 2238-2238/com.vdp.paradiseradio E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.vdp.paradiseradio, PID: 2238
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0
well, you are getting error at somewhere else
what you did is... setText(int)
oh! yes how did I miss that? I putted an int in a toast
haha, there you go
Actually there is a method getString(int) where int must be a resource id
So... crash :)
yes but android studio always give me an error
i don't know why it didn't give error this time
You mean logcat?
no error in coding
what is lint?
errors that android give before run the app
in line errors
@berserk the value is not true
i have 5 items in my list view but it give me 2
Are you sure? :p
well, not sure, must be some problem in code
line of code you are using for getting count?
there is an asynctask that get data from a url and after the async task executed i call this method to get the listview item count
do you want i paste my code somewhere?
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk @JaiprakashSoni howz going on ?
Weird bug
@KetanAhir hey :)
@berserk What bug ?
The selection ?
@KetanAhir Hey :)
@KetanAhir hi
@berserk Do you think while selecting text you have pressed alt+shift by mistake ?
@TheLittleNaruto how r u
@TheLittleNaruto alt+shift+insert
I am not pressing anything.
And it is just happening in this xml only.
@JaiprakashSoni I am fine. You say ?
@berserk press alt+shift+insert to toggle box selection mode
I closed and reopened it and it is fine now.
@berserk answer me plz
@KetanAhir nice, it worked!
@mahdiazarm yeah, post code
@TheLittleNaruto I m good
@berserk it's my favorite feature
@KetanAhir I see, so that's toggle box selection mode. I'll have a look
I often use it to copy-paste
@KetanAhir well, I never felt the need of that selection box
@KetanAhir Nice!
@berserk I was also using in ecplipse
Thanks for that
coz I always have to select snippits, which need full lines.
eats Thanls
@mahdiazarm First of all, why are you passing application context in adapter? O_O
it is wrong?
Use activity's context.
@TheLittleNaruto @Flash If you like anime music, youtube.com/watch?v=xsjq1RJ2sXA
3 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Thanks for that
Check edit ^^
i'm new in android and i learned this from a youtube video
well, did they really said pass the application context?
then? ._.
is it good now?>> adapter = new Songs_Single_ArrayAdapter(Songs_Single.this, R.layout.songs_single_row, postList);
but same problem
It is correct actually.
Yeah, problem is different, was just correcting something else.
size of postList?
@RobinHood :d
there is 5 item in my listview
but i still get 2
size of postList arraylist? ._.
what is postlist?
you mean posts that i give using asynctask?
    adapter = new Songs_Single_ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(), R.layout.songs_single_row, postList);
^ that
oh ok
postList.size() give me 0
ah, u just initialize it above, sorry
where is async?
its outside of the oncreate
but in the songs_single class
i will post it noww
@TheLittleNaruto I almost listen it everyday.
@berserk me too
@mahdiazarm Size of arraylist in onPostExecute() ?
@TheLittleNaruto Wait for chimera ant arc, u will love that one
@berserk I am yet to watch that.
@berserk yessssss tnx a lot loool
@TheLittleNaruto oh, watch soon :p
@mahdiazarm Where are you from ?
@mahdiazarm umm.. what did I did that helped you? O_O
@berserk Osu!
@berserk Size of arraylist in onPostExecute()
i set the size of the array list in onPostExecute
@RobinHood Nice
@TheLittleNaruto iran
@mahdiazarm Great! We got another guy from Iran in this room: @TheGuy
@TheLittleNaruto for Real?
sounds good
Yeah! You can tag him! And ask!
tnx my problem solved
@mahdiazarm ok cool :)
@berserk @Flash @JaiprakashSoni @Muk @KetanAhir @Robin @Droid @Shyam Good News guys : facebook.com/kumaaaaar/posts/1182212735124021
looks like it is related to some govt. jobs.. am i right?
Now those who takes bribe in personal interview will have no chance. :)
@MukeshRana Yes!
okay.. cool
so the merit list will be the only basis of selection now?
not even a single interview?
For only Group C & D
i.e. Junior level
Okay.. I don't have much understanding about these govt. posts
The higher level does require a good candidates
So personal interviews are necessary
@TheLittleNaruto umm.. is it good? #NoIdeaWhatItIs
@berserk It is good!
regarding the bribe thing!
Also junior level is for the people who are less educated, don't have higher education like us.
So, Clearing written exam will be enough for them imo
well corrupter will find some other way to take bribe
That is possible, I won't deny it.
But still... It's better.
lets see
is it for Gujarat only?
or for whole India?
Only Central Government Exams
lol.. I already said i don't know about these govt. posts :P
hehe NP :) I am here to explain! :D
Do you try for govt. jobs?
Not really! Before I thought of! But now I like private sectors only.
Yo.. I don't like govt. jobs at all
Just in case; if you guys don't know: Most of the bribes have been taken at Interview time only specially in junior level jobs.
yeah I heard of that. it is a very usual practice
people are dying to have a govt job
Yes. That is why this idea is good.
and they don't hesitate to pay such a hefty amount at the time of interviews
btw.. going for a lunch.. catch you later
happy appetite
Some Ghost ?
@TheLittleNaruto - i can hear you :D
@TheGuy You got a friend from your country : @mahdiazarm
yeah, sounds great:)
@TheGuy hi i'm was waiting for you
really? :]
yes it is good to see someone from your country in here
always :)
how old are you?
how about u ?
i'm 19 too intered 20 last month
glad finally there is someone in my age who interested on android :)
what is your level in android?
i don't know
how much do you know about android?
medium like me or pro or super pro?
how much **do** you know about android? that's a tough question
yes that's right i miss that
@TheLittleNaruto - you tell him :)
He is learning many languages all together. @mahdiazarm I can't really tell how much he knows.
But He is a good kid like you, Working hard
And learning
how many?
web design, Android, c++,c, and ....seems like you got surprised !
i just know html,css, a little php and now android
Sounds good! @TheGuy Kid! You guys can work together.
a little @TheGuy
Also there will be advantage of medium of communication as both of you guys know Persian.
@TheLittleNaruto - sure
yes @TheLittleNaruto Of course!
Do you have a telegram account?
and what is your id or number then?
sharing contact info is prohibited in this site, but you can save it i will delete it
@TheLittleNaruto Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment
yes i know that
@Flash You'll have to login I guess
@TheGuy @mahdiazarm Delete !
i saved too and send you a message
you know i'm creating my first app for android and i really need someone to help me in fix my app bugs
no problem
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah good news NAMO rocks :)
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. seriously a ghost
@MukeshRana can u please tell me ScalingLogic what depncies or Jar file we ll have to add in android studio
@MukeshRana Yes! ;)
@ResearchDevelopment ScalingLogic ? I didn't get you
look this example am trying to implment this
so what problem you are getting?
its done
@TheLittleNaruto there @berserk @MukeshRana
yes @Flash
Hi Guys, What does 30L mean in Java ?
okay just wanna confirm u guys r alive..! @MukeshRana
@Flash Lol
Guys Please help me with some question, i am not Java Coder , i am C# , and i need to have this Class in C# pastebin.com/LPhdKmMq
there is only 3 part i don't understand
What is 30L and what is l >>>= 8; and whats the use of
    catch (Object obj)
        return null;
@Pedram hi
@Flash HI
I have problem 'android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f030026' after compile library to jar
any solutions?
3000000000 cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer (type int)
its 64-bit so long
because compiler can't understand..so that we need to put L
@KrisGroove clean and rebuild ur project ?
this is my script to make JAR
// build a jar with source files
task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
from android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
classifier = 'sources'
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar

// Build a jar file in addition to the default aar file
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
def name = variant.buildType.name
def task = project.tasks.create "jar${name.capitalize()}", Jar
task.dependsOn variant.javaCompile
task.from variant.javaCompile.destinationDir
artifacts.add('archives', task);
@Flash ah Tnx i guessed as much so 30L = 3000000000
@Pedram wait let u know will try another 2 que's answer
Tnx :D
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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