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04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

GM all
@SweetWisherツ Gm JhansiKiRani
@all GM
vgm all
@SweetWisherツ morning sweety
1 hour later…
vgm all
Good AfternoonGuys :)
@TheLittleNaruto good noon kumar-sama.. :)
@Flash Good Noon! Good Noon!
I think I should take shower first before starting my work.
@TheLittleNaruto holiday?
@Flash What?? No!
@TheLittleNaruto then shower at this time ? where?
@Flash I am working from home! not in office! So, I can take shower whenever I want to.
@TheLittleNaruto I see -_-
1 hour later…
hey guys and gals, and flashes and babies and @Joe'sMorgue
Have you used BounceInterpolator btw?
@berserk What now? I can rofl on that message.
@berserk No! What is it ?
Animation Interpolator
the name sounds intersting though
it gives bouncy effect
yeah, it is good
@Flash @Kaushik have you used BounceInterpolator?
@berserk -kun flashes ?
Here only 1 Flash..! -_-
umm.. I just had some query regarding that
Tho I found a workaround, tanks :)
@Flash lol.
:) okay pal :)
(: (:
@MukeshRana Yo
Rekire seems busy in vacation @TheLittleNaruto ?
nope @berserk
@Shyam Hehhehe.. u remember :)
hws ya ?
@SweetWisherツ Yup, I am fine. u say?
@Flash Yes! Busy in his fun work!
@Shyam Awesome :)
@Kaushik ok okay, It is solved for me:)
@Malwinder Do you have any .so files genrated?
A: Work is hard, let's color the walls

juergen dStack Overflow - Professionals at work

posted on December 30, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@berserk yes..
well, strange then
maybe you missed different architectures.
I am using gradle:2.0.0-alpha3
not experimental..
what is causing the exception?
lib not found exception?
Yes bro..
can you show me full lib folder screenshot?
@Malwinder It should be in root directory i guess
@berserk sure..
@berserk armeabi-v7a is the only folder in lib
its shown above..
and there is only one so file named: libsensorgraph.so
@TheLittleNaruto lib is in root directory
@TheLittleNaruto hi my push notification cant view the redmi device
@Malwinder hmm. it missed some architectures.
@berserk Thanks, how to resolve the exception?
@Malwinder wrong place
it should inside main/jniLibs
let me try..
didnt worked..
It is saying library should be here: lib/armeabi-v7a/libsensorgraph.so
I placed library in there but still
getting issue.. :/
6 mins ago, by senti
@TheLittleNaruto hi my push notification cant view the redmi device
@berserk can you please explain which architectures it missed?
A: JNI folder in Android Studio

TiagoNowadays there is an easier method than the accepted answer. All you have to do is create a folder called "jniLibs" under your /src directory (ie, /app/src/jniLibs) and place your .so files there. It will look like this: app | src | jniLibs | armeabi ...

I placed it inside main/jniLibs but still getting same exception
did you written System.loadLibrary
and can you check jniLibs present in build folder
@Malwinder would like to show stacktrance
I wrote System.loadlibrary
what you have written in that
sensorgraph this or libsensorgraph this
System.loadlibrary("sensorgraph") this is the write
and put lib folder inside main/jniLibs
and make your device support that chipsset
or show me gradle file and build.gradl file
build.gradle: pastebin.com/RZWK3GVv
Exception log is same as in my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/34524709/…
Dear Gradle! Want to play with me by showing this creepy message : Error:(12, 0) Error: NDK integration is deprecated in the current plugin. Consider trying the new experimental plugin. For details, see http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/gradle-experimental. Set "android.useDeprecatedNdk=true" in gradle.properties to continue using the current NDK integration.
For fuck sake! I have written that already!
sourceSets {
main {
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['native-libs']
jni.srcDirs = [] //disable automatic ndk-build
you aware of how the gradle build script work in android ?
@TheLittleNaruto don't rush whenever new version has been released...that's y I used to wait
not much..
Can you please tell how to resolve the exception?
RTFM of gradle script
@Flash mmm. Okay
Good Noon Guys :)
@Flash Yo
Good neowwrning
all 3 evil boys :3
united again :D
prepare what? xD
@berserk nothing just wrong copy paste ;)
@TheLittleNaruto ROLF
@TheLittleNaruto not yet answered (._.)
@maveň What is gdk ? Never heard!
hi everyone! i've implemented google analytics in all of my activities, bt in d analytics report, it delays while displaying a screen. can u plz help me with what d issue is?
@ParthaChakraborty Well Every update will take at least 24 hours. Have Patience!
But if you want to check Real Time OverView, There is a menu "Real Time" or something like that where you can check the number users currently using your app.
@TheLittleNaruto, u misunderstood me. i am talking about real time mscreen overview
Ohh okay! Then keep using the app, It'll take at least 2-3 minutes.
@TheLittleNaruto, u sure na?
@maveň I think, They have stopped development in their Google Glass APIs. So I don't think you can work on it anymore, Not sure though that's what I heard few months ago!
@ParthaChakraborty I am!
@TheLittleNaruto why they stoped ?
@maveň Because their idea failed!
@TheLittleNaruto & cardboard ?
@TheLittleNaruto I think they are working on new version of google glasses.
yup gen 2
@berserk they lower the cost by 20k this year
Well then we'll have to be patient!
@maveň Great! Still it is costly for me!
@TheLittleNaruto I just saw GG in pics..I havn't worn it yet
same here
same here
@Flash lol but I did
I got google cardboard tho..
i.sstatic.net/QaJ8F.png check this and tell that is the reason why they stopped providing gdk for uppr versions
@berserk man..cool
how is it
hi everyone , May I ask a question?
@maveň :)
cool :)
tho not much clarity
may be
@vinitsaxena Hi! Sure!
@berserk what have u tried so far...I mean any game or good apps
The new Google+ Profile Page doesn't let me know the number of views of my profile so far! That's bad. :/
I watched videos lol.
@TheLittleNaruto Actually I need to make a widget for date. But I did not find a way how i can regularly change date on UI.
@Flash just videos
@TheLittleNaruto g+ may die soon :xD
@vinitsaxena How about the existing one i.e. DatePicker ?
@maveň Dreaming bro ?
@TheLittleNaruto :P
@berserk have u started app development for cardboard
not yet
we should...
But busy with projects :(
:( same here...can't get the rid of F job
@TheLittleNaruto Actually that does not work because I have some custom design. Please have a look on the link: dropbox.com/s/fd6qfi6oj5syumq/…
busy busy everywhere
Rana u r busy posting pic on fb yesterday.. ?
@MukeshRana @berserk
@TheLittleNaruto: If I added a text view for date you i can change it on regular basis.
@vinitsaxena Why don't you make each field as EditText and with some restrictions?
like for Hours, user won't be able to enter anything except 00-23
@Flash yea I am busy too :(
Naruto-sama seems free
Guys any idea about removing item from RecyclerView with animation?
Feel free to slap me if noob question, but I am not getting much help.
@berserk we have default animation for RecyclerView as well
but we need to use notifyItemAdd for it to work right
notifyItemRangeChanged(mPosition, mList.size());
use this for removal of an item from RecyclerView
                notifyItemRangeChanged(mPosition, mArrayList.size());
like this right?
k thx
:( ︵ヽ(^ل͜^)ノ︵ (:
Guys Please let me know if you know any guys/gals from Myanmar!
and who knows Burmese!
why? O_O
Is Hinata from Myanmar..?
I am trying to add another language feature to my app i.e Burmese; And I have no idea what English word stands for what Burmese word.
Your welcome.
@berserk ikr ?
Well Sometime Google does not translate many words
@TheLittleNaruto ikr :p
So I have to look for Synonym of that word and It's a hard work!
I am not a data entry executive. for God sake!
haha, know that feeling
Jesus! They don't even a word for "Verification". Google is suggesting me to write this "ဟုတ်မှန်ကေြင်း သက်သေခံခြင်း" instead which means "They said Witness" .
Are you kidding me ?
Guess, I have got no choice but leave this word in English only
Try to find some community where you can get some help from Burma users.
Let me check if they have forum on stackexchange
lol Somebody is calling me from Amritsar, Punjab!
must be berserk
Well That's strange! Nobody whom I know is from Amritsar
no no
berserk is From Chandigarh!
must be girl
@Flash @TheLittleNaruto switch places then.
We will go to Pune or Banglore @berserk
@TheLittleNaruto M I right?
First Naruto-sama will go..then I will...
Where ? Bangalore ?
@Flash I means : "listen to me" :p
@berserk thanks
gal gal sun ja tu meri plz ( have to sing one day )
u must have gf..soni kudiyan there
no :(
Guess I am too sarcastic for them.
what about rana?
haha dunno
@berserk u r my bro..I m sarcastic too :(
@berserk Boy! You keep your sarcasm to yourself when you guys are dealing with gals!
@Flash He has!
@MukeshRana hi
@Flash :'(
@TheLittleNaruto Teach us sensei!
so many gals but I have no skills :'(
yeah :'(
I keep on getting error inflating class com.viewpagerindicator.circlepagerindicator in 4.4.2 but it works in lolipop
Dig deep into log.
You will get the exact reason.
I also saw some RelativeLayout bugs in 4.4.2.
I have the parent layout (relative layout) for viewpagerindicator
This is the log pastie.org/10660413
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.viewpagerindicator.CirclePageIndicator
It works well with other versions
@berserk lol Now I am single like you guys. You should better ask @Muk @DroidDev
Data Entry job is done!
@berserk why it throws class not found in 4.4 only
I am not sure.
i have one doubt in edit text lisner with button will u help me?
this is my sample image
in that in i enter 2000 and click submit button i want to change the below value
this is my code
@droid_dev imports
@Rahul I can see import entry
import com.viewpagerindicator.CirclePageIndicator;
CirclePageIndicator check import of this file
can you see import above?
open this class CirclePageIndicator and check imports of that file
@droid_dev are you using eclipse ?
android studio
where you are getting that error
I am getting error in 4.4.2 but works in 5.0, 6.0. When i try to access the screen it throws error with class not found
@droid_dev on Device ?
Yes on device and emulator both
copy that file in your porject and check again
you mean add the dependency again??
@droid_dev are you using jar ?
or module project
compile 'com.mcxiaoke.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1'
compile 'com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1'
try with this
and add mvenCenteral() in repository dsl
kisine activeandroid library use kiya hai kya?
fir bhi ek question hai..
I tried all the libraries but same issue @Rahul
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.activeandroid.TableInfo com.activeandroid.ModelInfo.getTableInfo(java.lang.Class)' on a null object reference
@droid_dev i'm using jakeWharton lib
and its run on 4.4,5,marshmellow
do you have jar file?
@Rahul why to use jakewharton?
are koi to bato na...
are you using a library project??
@droid_dev yes
@RavindraPawar Have you read the error message and tried analysing the problem?
on a null object reference your object is asking for memory give him some memory dude @RavindraPawar
but havent found any anser
Well, I can't really help in solving NPEs.
what is NPE's?
@Rahul what happn?
Post the line of code where exception occurs.
@droid_dev import as the module project
and added to my project
Yeah doing that now
public Order(String personName, String personAge) {
this.personName = personName;
this.personAge = personAge;
super ko exception aa raha hai
Is order some custom object you made?
Post the whole class.
@Table(name = "Person")
public class Order extends Model {

// Notice how we specified the name of our column here
@Column(name = "personName")
public String personName;

// Notice how we specified the name of our column here
@Column(name = "personAge")
public String personAge;

// @Column(name = "personScore")
//public Score personScore;

public Order() {
// Notice how super() has been called to perform default initialization
// of our Model subclass

public Order(String personName, String personAge) {
and i calling method from other class
@Table(name = "Person")
public class Order extends Model {

// Notice how we specified the name of our column here
@Column(name = "personName")
public String personName;

// Notice how we specified the name of our column here
@Column(name = "personAge")
public String personAge;

// @Column(name = "personScore")
//public Score personScore;

public Order() {
// Notice how super() has been called to perform default initialization
// of our Model subclass

public Order(String personName, String personAge) {
Trying to use horizontal scroll view with Radio group and custom layout as radio button for this layout gyazo.com/34095b23eec86f9be7bc4971eb5b5b58 but when we tap on last size previous size remains selected. isn't radio group allows one selection at a time
@Rahul I have one more query.
@droid_dev ??
                                public void add() {
                                    Order order=new Order(String.valueOf(amt),rate);
                                    order.save(); }
@berserk ??
@droid_dev those radiobutton inside radioGroup
Yes @Rahul
hey got the ans..
yes , wait a sec
I am reading the code
Thanks berserk..If you are using the activeandroid library then you have to initialize it first..
That's call
What is Model class?
it is from ActiveAndroive library
Sorry, it is too nested.
I need to check by writing whole code.
I like how I'm special enough to be named individually when someone says hi
For a hatchling, why not?
its ok @berserk
will see tomorrow..
I do deserve it, don't I
You are born with it.
may be ...............,may be not
I need example for conversion of zip file to Pdf. In that Zip file may be anything like image or text
@TheLittleNaruto umm...that might count to overconfidence in me....though, I think @Muk can definitely advice
@DroidDev Well.. @berserk @Flash need the advice badly!
If you can help, that would be great for those poor guys. :D
3 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto hey @ber @Fla keep your distance from these things as much as you can. Relationships usually take away your independence.... :P
@DroidDev lol That was not helpful at all.
@TheLittleNaruto I think that's as real help...as they are going to get ;)
@DroidDev Poor Boys!
@TheLittleNaruto haha....ok....@ber @Fla try to...I don't know...propose a girl...maybe
@DroidDev lol Do you want 'em get beaten badly ?
@TheLittleNaruto umm...I think that's the only way :P
@DroidDev Anyway, any plan for 31st Dec night ?
btw! @berserk @DroidDev @Flash If you guys are fan of WWE; You can see it live on 16th/17th January in coming year 2016 in New Delhi.
@TheLittleNaruto of-course...do you need to ask?
@TheLittleNaruto not a fan :P
@DroidDev May be in your contacts some will be fan; Let 'em know. And yes Tickets are available on Bookmyshow!
@TheLittleNaruto hmm...thanks for the info
I'll let'em know
omg! Lemmy died!
He is the one who had sung "Ace of spades"
if you guys haven't heard the song yet
04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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