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01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

@DroidDev Can you show me your style.XML ?
3 hours later…
@Flash @MukeshRana can someone pls look into it stackoverflow.com/questions/32181995/…
u there?
posted on August 25, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hi @HimanshuAgarwal need your help
github.com/TonicArtos/StickyGridHeaders i m using this library but i have to customize it as per requirement that is .....
they are taking an arrays .... for content displaying and same as displaying header from the same array first charaacter i have to
customize it like i will pass arrayobjectlist > getIsSectionPrivate true then render HeaderView -----> then check getisSectionPrivateArray.length > 0 then render its all content and then again check if getIsSectionPublic ->true then render HeaderView and then check getisSectionPublicArray.length > 0 then render its all content
i am not getting what you want to do
you need sticky header for gridviews ?
imgur.com/CahCCqI i have to achieve this layout
pls check this
yup sticky header for gridveiws but i also need footer for every section of gridview like "VIEW MORE "
good morning guys
@rekire gm:)
@Flash vgm
Good Morning Guys :)
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@rekire vgm
What of phone do you own?
Moto G 1st Gen
I want to check some api
anyone can pls look into this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/32181995/…
Just tell me @rekire
send the link via wa... that is a app which observes currently only badges on launcher icons. start the app once to enable the broadcast recievers and send me let's say tomorrow a screenshot :)
this is a research project
@rekire Screen shot of the app ?
badges on launcher icons ?
what do you mean ? @reki
btw; I removed BitBucket plugin; because it sucks badly.
Switched to source tree.
hey @TheLittleNaruto
here's my styles.xml

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->

nothing special in it :/
@TheLittleNaruto yes a screenshot of the app, but let it collect some time data^^ it just saves the packagename and the current badge count of any apps that send out a notification that they want to have a badge on its icon (something like on this screen)
@TheLittleNaruto GM..Naruto-sama
anyway...this issue is also posted on google @TheLittleNaruto
no solutions yet
@DroidDev That's what I wanted to see; your problem has been solved, my dear friend.
btw am I the only person who has problems with pinning android studio to his windows bar?
@TheLittleNaruto starts dancing but how? :/
@rekire never tried doing that
@rekire But the badges concepts are limited to Samsung devices only; isn't it ?
@Flash vgm Flash
@DroidDev add an item attribute to your app theme textColorPrimary and secondaryTextColor
@TheLittleNaruto no not at all based on my research
@TheLittleNaruto I think its also there in sony ericson
@rekire I see; Well I want to check your research then anyway
@DroidDev Ah ok... SO limited to two brands android phones only; But as @rekire is saying it's something else.
@TheLittleNaruto hmm...let me try and thanks, but, it might take me time when I figure out where to write them <item> tags. Out of <style> or inside it. You know, I am just practicing android after about a year or so
@TheLittleNaruto it is also working on my htc, there are some more brands, but I don't have them in mind
added in <style> tag
@rekire Guess; I am an idiot.... I don't even know about that many devices which supports badges on launcher icons....
@TheLittleNaruto until I researched that I didn't know it too. btw my app currently not support samsung^^
@rekire Samsung should be killed anyway; nothing to worry if your app is not working in such piece of shit.
@TheLittleNaruto eh? they almost own the market. about 50% of all devices are samsung
@TheLittleNaruto ya, did something like that. Now adding colors in color.xml
@rekire That is making me crazy; why still people using that device...... I hate it :-/
@DroidDev Okay do that already,, Com'on
@TheLittleNaruto I don't love that devices too. but there are also apple users out there which I cannot understand too.
hahaha :D
Agreed, Your grace!
@TheLittleNaruto isComingOn
@DroidDev thanks for that On
that did not solve the problem :/
That's fucking weird....
Which device you're testing on ?
samsung s4
@rekire You see ^
did you check the issue in the link that I posted above?
@TheLittleNaruto hehe
I did already; that is the reason why I had pinged you
@DroidDev Can you try some other devices ?
it only occurs until user don't swipe or touch the PagerTabStrip
And confirm me ?
ok, give me 5 minutes
Sure; take it already...
ok, issue successfully reproduced in micromax
Lets give that thing 5min already...
That doesn't look good.
people reproduced it on nexus 5 too
Nexus 5 ? Are you sure ?
I also tried changing current page programatically in starting, notifying adapter and all that
@TheLittleNaruto at-least two people said that in link that I posted above
lemme check
oh...total 4
issues also reproduced on Android M developer preview
@DroidDev Ohh Man! I am using 23 android build tool version as well;
@TheLittleNaruto mwahahaha
But I dont have such issue
I was just brushing up my android. This is so much like old days, days when I started android studio
An eclipse question..
Is it possible to declare custom variables in .classpath file?
@TheLittleNaruto one comment on that issue:
> I was working with PagerTitleStrip and got this error after updated to 23.0.0. and titles won't show at all even whe swiping, but if I use PagerTabeStrip works after the first swipe... It was driving me crazy I thought I changed something to my app's code, at least now I know it's a damn bug... Hope fix this as soon as possible =/
@DroidDev Wait; Yet I didn't tested on Samsung. On my Moto G; that's working...
@TheLittleNaruto what OS?
@DroidDev 5.0.2
Gud mrng guys :)
can u pls see this i m using gridview with sticky headers using this lib github.com/TonicArtos/StickyGridHeaders now they are using arrays from values folder for diplsyaing contents and header
but i want to customize it to show only data from my passed arraylist ...= i will pass arrayobjectlist > getIsSectionPrivate true then render HeaderView -----> then check getisSectionPrivateArray.length > 0 then render its all content and then again check if getIsSectionPublic ->true then render HeaderView and then check getisSectionPublicArray.length > 0 then render its all content
well, I haven't used this library but I am sure that you can easily do this with your dynamic arraylist with minor changes
no with minor changes i tried but its not working perfectly i wantlike this section1 --- all arrays records of section1 ....section1 footer --->section2 -> content -> section footer how will i render header fro my arraylist
@MukeshRana inide adapter
you can make use of Hashtable
in which you have header --> yourArraylist of content
Hashtable<String,List<Modal>> hm=new Hashtable<String,List<Modal>>();
something like that
i will assign different key to hash table like ---> for header i will set key "header" for conetnt i will set key "CONTENT" ?
imgur.com/CahCCqI i want layout like this is there any api that supports gridlayout with sticky headers and footer for every section
data in hashtable will be placed like this

header1 pointing to header1 cotent
header2 pointing to header2 content
ok then how will i render layout ---> like if there is header heading then how will i say to render header layout
and then if there is content then how will i ask to render content layout
2 hours later…
@DroidDev So far; I have tested on moto g 1st and htc desire and samsung S duos; No such problem I faced
@TheLittleNaruto did you update to latest?
I mean level 23?
@DroidDev Well; I guess YES; Have a look: hastebin.com/uhikoxihiq.vbs
@TheLittleNaruto umm...I am using v13. Maybe I should try changing it to v7
@DroidDev wtf is that ?
Are you using Eclipse ?
@TheLittleNaruto support library -_-
@TheLittleNaruto nope
on the other hand, how is ok-http library?
maintaining my http library is now a tedious task that I don't have time for and while I was away from android, my android team just left the task of updating it and now it is all just a bunch of deprecated methods
Add this in your dependencies block :
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.0'
Remove that v13
@DroidDev It is good; Though I use it for caheing only.
yup, now trying that
I use Volley+okhttp.
That is faster than retrofit
@TheLittleNaruto hmm...lemme check volley
I use Volley + ball
Greetings! @Joe :D
Welcome on board!
I never used a library for REST calls before. Just the time shortage, otherwise, I'd still have updated mine, that I wrote about a year ago
i need to call 3 functions based on parameters
I had an interview in Reliance; The Tech Head took my interview. He asked me if I use any 3rd party libs for making Network call; I said yes I use Volley+okhttp.
He replied if you gonna join our company forget about using these third party shits.
Make your own lib.
ie: if(condition1) {method1;} else if (condition2) {method2) else {method3}
I thought of asking him; Are you crazy ?
Why would I waste my time ?
is there any better way to write this than a bunch of ugly condition statements - ie. there could be added conditions
@SusheelJavadi I would give the condition within a single method.
ok, any design pattern i should be using ?
lunch time brb
Might be easier to read than nested if else
@TheLittleNaruto because high customisability, no extra tasks, less useless code and you learn a hell lot of shit!
@TheLittleNaruto no FragmentPagerAdapter import in v7 :/
@Joe'sMorgue the condition's could increase
to like 10...so i was thinking i was missing some design pattern :)
That makes it sound like a better argument for a [Switch?] Case statement...
ya, I would use switch
Somebody agrees with me....
Who hoo!!!!!!
One in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm on a roll!!!!!
That's gotta be a new record!
....Sorry, it's 5AM, I've been up for an hour, and rather be sleeping, but unable to for an unknown reason...
Ow! My back!
Hi [again]
Are you following me?
You missed it!
I had a streak going!
I hit a new record on number of good suggestions!
how many?
hi @TheLittleNaruto
ONE in a row! :)
Can't wait to tell the wife, she won't believe it!
you wont believe it
today i accomplished ONE good suggestion IN A ROW!
She will ask who gave me the idea to begin with...such a loving wife
no that you achieved your final life goal
what are you gonna do now?
All this thinking has wore me out...I'm gonna take a nap!
hi @AndroidDev
hey sweetie
Yeah...I'm a party animal...
who isnt
@TheLittleNaruto :|
But, I LIVE IT! ...nite
yoooohhhooo recycler view with horizontal :D
:D its amazing, i was so confuse :dd
using this library just want to show gridview with footer and some hardcde image for now
but i m getting issues to even integrate a simple code
it's not a pro sample
didnot get u ?
in this example, it's use json for loading data and picasso with recycler view;)
yes but i dnt want to use json
yes i have to use picasso but i will pass image url directly in my model class
i need this json btw
listen ...
i just want to show some random images for now then will do server part later
and where they are using recyclervew ?
so, you need help or ... ?:D
where r they using recyclerview
i'm talking about above javatechig link
no i m just talking about github.com/liaohuqiu/android-cube-app
i m using this
and gteting issues in it
sry, i haven't any experience with this lib
cant u seee this ?
its not working or ... ?
i m just trying to create fragment and show data in gridview and getting issues in it
but that contains
and i m unable to import thi class
ohoom, wait
i m coming in 15mins pls check
@DroidDev wtf ?
@Hans1984 Hey
@AndroidDev :D
What's up kid ? You seem happy!
i'm good
Q: ViewPager not getting updated using FragmentStatePagerAdapter

droid_devI've a two fragments, Fragment A and Fragment B. Fragment A lists all products and Fragment B shows detail about the product and its images. Fragment A calls Fragment B and Fragment B fetches data from web service and sets to ViewPager using Adapter. Initially it displays correct image but there...

i did this horizontal recycler view
look at his nose
@Erum - did you add these libarays into the project ?
did you find a newb job yet @TheLittleNaruto
Yes; I guess 3. But noone wants to wait for me. I have to serve 3 months of notice period in current company.
@Hans ^
:/ \:
man i hate those selfmade librarys
with 20 classes just to solve one problem
that's right
@Erum - i think you need to find this address or class : in.srain.cube.views.ptr.PtrClassicFrameLayout
this is an address
im trying to find it, but, it seems , its not there
@Hans1984 hahaha
yooohoo,, it's amazing
guys, this is the linearlayout for each item in recycler viiew layout
thats why i try to stay away from these "projects"
rather use some so code
is there any way for showing that textview, below the circle imageview?
i can't use Relativelayout, because LinearLayout manager and recycler view
and i like to use more of my own,messed up code, instead of just copy&paste
@AndroidDev you can use it
You're a great entertainer; I wish I could make you my pet. :D @AndroidDev
try out it gonna work
even your layoutmanager is horizontal
fucking idiot
i was thinking if i cant use it
it's working like a Fucking Bitch :D
btw you can also give your change layout orientation
i already didit
@AndroidDev hell yeah! That's what I was talking about; I wish... ;D
What do you think ? @Hans1984 Am I right ?
pardon me wht i wa sbusy making faces
yes he might be a great entertainer
guys, come on:d
it's nice
what about this one? two boxers
i know this one :D
shquile o'neal
famouse basketball player if you didn't know :p
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

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