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GM all
@Andro YEs ?
oohhhhh @RoshanJha
@SweetWisherツ Hi
@RoshanJha Hie
How are you my friend ?
good morning to all
Q: ViewFlow & CircleFlowIndicator - Null Pointer Exception

MysteriousI am using ViewFlow & CircleFlowIndicator to view & show circle to indicate changes in View Still i am showing same text for each and every View, see below image : Note: still showing "Remember Life" in textView1 and "Instantly search memories for friends ......" in textView2 Now i want to ...

@JaiSoni good morning bhai
@neerajkirola good moring
Good Morning all
@Anil VGM
Good morning @ALL
Hi Can't I run maps on emulator?
I am right now not getting errors but map tiles are not visible
@Harish good morning
@Harish @RoshanJha @all @PiYusHGuPtA Good Morning
@JaiSoni to muje kon wish karega?
@JaiSoni Good Morning
@PiYusHGuPtA I can't see profile pic so I don't know who is OL in room
@JaiSoni Oh nope. also see whats app profile pic
@PiYusHGuPtA I am only able to see zoom control not map on android device
@RoshanJha bro then just check ur api key if it is wrong then u can't see map
Its ok
@PankajSharma good moring
@PiYusHGuPtA good moring
@ v. gd mrng @Anil
@RoshanJha Hve u got error of authentication in logcat?
@PiYusHGuPtA No
Zoom control is visible but but rest of area is white screen
@PiYusHGuPtA u can see what's app profile pic here :P
@RoshanJha that means ur google api key is wrong
@JaiSoni bro pls look at hat demo
how to create 3d bar in android ? @rekire @JaiSoni @PiYusHGuPtA @PankajAndroid
I want like this. @PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA :P I was missing single character in my API Key, its working now thanks, I can't believe that I can do mistake in copy paste too
@RoshanJha Oh great
good morning guys
I am getting map in emulator also now
@KetanAhir I would draw such simple bars myself
@KetanAhir good morning
@rekire good moring
@Anil good morning
@rekire @KetanAhir Good Morning
@rekire right now I drawing it using canvas...but it is hard to handle bar size when text length changes
@Anil @JaiSoni very good morning
gm all...:)
Anyone familiar with push notification in android ?
@KetanAhir It's just math ;)
hi all
@TheLittleNaruto @JaiSoni hi
vgm @TheLittleNaruto @Indiandroid @JaiSoni
@TheLittleNaruto I found your download^^
@rekire GM..:)
@Indiandroid @rekire VGM :D
@rekire glad to hear that ;) what about my english version recommendation?;)
@TheLittleNaruto I guess nobody read that yet (except me)
@rekire That makes me feel bad T.T
Hi guys , I need ur help with
Q: How to design circular User Interface in android

AlpeshI am working on an application where I want to design user interface as below. I want to perform the click action on the any of these get clicked. Example I clicked on the "family" so i want to redirect the user to some page according to the selection from here. I want to design it in such a way ...

@TheLittleNaruto the related staff will read it in about 2h I guess
@rekire O-O That makes me feel good :D
@Indiandroid @TheLittleNaruto VGM
@JaiSoni GM :D
@TheLittleNaruto a few step away from 1k :)
hehe.. Great!
You'll reach soon ;)
@JaiSoni just three upvotes ;)
@rekire yes
@PiYusHGuPtA I need to add MapFragment in my main framelayout
@TheLittleNaruto hope so
Any idea how to compair classes with Class<?> I would guess that implements will not work
@KetanAhir u can use 9 png
hey guys how are you all
hows going on
i am good :P
@chintankhetiya HI
I m fine.. say about u
good as always :)
@all good for you
@all sorry I meant that but that sould be always false... I mean e.g. Activty instanceOf Class<Activity> must be false or not
@Rufus good morning
@chintankhetiya vgm :D
@Anil Very good morning
That works myObj.getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz) @all
@rekire @JaiSoni i want to save some extra information of File
do you have idea how can i
not only file name
@rekire if u extend class A to B then if u check b instanceOf A it will be true
@chintankhetiya extra information means ?
@JaiSoni yeah true but if you want to set the class based on an index you need to use Class<?> and that makes it a little more complex
not only file name
@Rufus who are you
@all I'm the one who sent to you in heaven!
@chintankhetiya other than info provided by File object
@Rufus lolz
@all no autograph please!
you deserve it :P
@JaiSoni i have read the doc nothing there in which i can store some unique info
if i save the file with abc name and if user changed it then how can i compare that file name with my original data
so i need to store some des which user can't change it
Hello guys
I need your help
Hi Neetu,
Have you seen roulttle game?
@all so, how are you today?
Hello Rufs
@Rufus as always, doggy type :P
@Neetu, it Rufus, FYI
so what you wanna do with roulttle game?
@NeetuShrivastava are you busy in playing same game?
how i create that kind of view
1 to 36 numbers are there
in an grid form
can you post same screen here?
ya sure
using this link you can check
Q: How To Create a Rotating Wheel Control?

AkashGI am trying to implement the Rotatory wheel in android, just like the image displayed below.I came across the tutorial from this link. But i want to implement just as shown in the below image.The wheel consists of individual images.Does anybody have any idea regarding this implementation?? Any he...

@PiYusHGuPtA hi
@chintankhetiya check this stackoverflow.com/questions/4604223/…
hope it can help u
@NeetuShrivastava Android Exp opening in CIS ?
Hi @TheLittleNaruto
@NeetuShrivastava hi
I am good :D You say ?
@Rufus Robin Bhai, Where did this name (Rufus) come from?
Is that the band ?
@TheLittleNaruto I know that name Rufus primary from the Harry Potter books...
I need your suggestion
@rekire Yeah! that could be . I knew this character. It was just, dint strike at first place. Also I hated watching Harry Porter always. i really dont like it.
I read the books serveral years ago
you mean like 200-300 years ago ? :P
@NeetuShrivastava Yes do ask.
@TheLittleNaruto more likely 7 years ago
hehe Alright!
What do I suppose to understand from this pic, Robin Bhai ?
@TheLittleNaruto run @Rufus is comming with his gun :P
I copied the name from one of game character for mine character :P
Ohh! I see. and look at us, we had a discussion on your name.
how to moveable Marker in android
like ur Image can u plz suggest
using this link you can check
@Appu So, we can see who is more busy , what rank does he have ;)
plzz check this link
i want to create this type of
Which one ? The wheel or the grid items ?
grid items
you can put bet on every line and corner as weel
Cant you make GridView for 1-36 items ?
we cant make this view using grid
@NeetuShrivastava I am talking about 1-36 items. Of course rest item will be aligned according to Grid.
@JaiSoni Can you please mail me the Aviary SDK we use to implement ?
hai , how to view PDF from URL without download in android
@Angel u need to use this "http://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url="+ pdfUrl
Where pdfUrl is url
hi all
i am stuck in problem could you help me to solve out this prob
@PiYusHGuPtA hi
$9 per hour
i have arraylist and parcelable object but i dont know how to send to another fragment
Jesus Christ!
please suggest
@Rufus hi
@user3458375 see this code
GiftFragment giftFragment = new GiftFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt("position", position);
args.putSerializable("data", giftDetailsDatas);
@PiYusHGuPtA great trick, but I got an error message about bandwidth
@rekire for wt?
don't matter it seems to be related to my google account
hi pankaj
hello @user3458375
this code is use for send data type but i want to send arraylist to other fragment
args.putSerializable("data", giftDetailsDatas);
this line send the parceable aobject arraylist
@PiYusHGuPtA in this way user can download pdf file
@Angel No he can just show pdf file. if he wants then he download
i what without download option
any lib available/
@Angel for that i have to check
user can only view the file from url
friend.... inapp purchase demo project (android )
@TheLittleNaruto I wil send it tonight
@JaiSoni and me??
Q: Estimote : Show notification when the app is closed

HarishHow to show notification when the app is closed with estimote api.As it is having default BeaconService we need to implement it in the application level to show the notification when the app is closed.So for that i'm trying with the following code. Activity:- public class Dashboard extends Act...

@TheLittleNaruto Who? Rekire or Chintan?
@Appu what?
@PiYusHGuPtA sorry bro.. I am not able to get ur code
@Appu hi
how r u
@Angel ??
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto @chintankhetiya @Appu I have a query related to GCM
Why I can't receive notification if user force stop my app ?
hai , how to view PDF from URL without download in android
Q: Smily above the text in spannable string

AjitI used the below code to add image span. Drawable happySmiley = ctx.getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.img_smile); happySmiley.setBounds(0, 0, happySmiley.getIntrinsicWidth(), happySmiley.getIntrinsicHeight()); Drawable sadSmiley = ctx.getResources() .getDrawable(...

@JaiSoni no idea maybe a service is running in the background
Hi all, Please answer this post
Q: ExpandableListview - Update View OF Group view while clicking on the child items

nareshI was integrated expandable list view. I have two problems here. I am trying to update the UI of Group view label while clicking on the Child view Item. But here my problem is I am unable to access group view in getChildView() method. 2.How to make child items are single choice / Multichoice ...

@rekire I hv found this question stackoverflow.com/questions/20838415/…
Q: How can I receive notifications from GCM when application is stopped

estokeGCMIntentService (extends GCMBaseIntentService) doesn't receive notifications if the application is not running. From : http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-3.1.html Launch controls on stopped applications Note that the system adds FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES to all broadcast ...

@chintankhetiya mota bhai
Hi everyone.

I've got this game and essentially I've made a separate service to play the audio files. I've done this as it seems like a cleaner way otherwise I've got old/new audio references throughout my game logic.

However I recently discovered that by starting a service it's an asynchronous call and as such isn't available immediately. How can I effectively work with this? Should I maintain a separate 'queue' that unloads once the service has started?

Thanks everyone.
@Chris use a thread
hi pankaj
@JaiSoni thank you for sharing that was new for me
how do i read parcelable array list in another activity
@Shyildo Hey how are you
@rekire Could you explain it a bit more? Isn't a thread gonna have the same problems by being asynchronous as well?
@rekire We have realize this last month.. now my TL hv asked us to implement something related to GCM.. so I hv tell him the issue and he said show me where it is documented
@chintankhetiya thank you
@Chris with a thread you have the full control because it is not managed. if you use e.g. blocking methods like semaphores etc you can stop the thread if you don't need it and play other tracks if required
@JaiSoni helpful tha kya ?
I got an arrayIndexOutOFBoundException. I couldn't able to find the index value 4 for why it calls at runtime.can you tell me if you find any suggestion regarding to this. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25482546/arrayindexoutofboundexception-at-videolistfragment/25482652?noredirect=1#comment39770897_25482652
@chintankhetiya a bit.. I hv something to shoe my TL
@JaiSoni Okay good
@chintankhetiya Fine bro n u /
good evening to all... :)
@JeetenParmar good evening
does anyone knw hw to use javascript in TextView ??? I want to use MathJax.
javascript in TextView??
@JaiSoni, yeah...
i want to use mathjax in textview.. @JaiSoni
@Shyildo good , :)
hows going
@JeetenParmar I don't think u can do it with textview.. u need webview
@JaiSoni, they are using Webview.
I want it in textview
I don't think script is supported by Textview
Hey everyone !
@ItachiUchiha hi
Does a API exist to search APP's on playstore along with their ratings ?
@rekire I was confirming with littelnaruto whether you or @chintankhetiya is very busy person.
@JaiSoni Hey
guys i want to play m3u8 file in android have any idea ?
@Appu ohh
I am sorry, I have lots of work today and it's been hectic ;/ @JaiSoni
@chintankhetiya hello!
@Appu hey man whats up !!
@chintankhetiya wasn't it a simple listing of souces?
what no html? :(
@chintankhetiya not good
2¹⁰+1 thanks unicode :D
dint work :(
@JaiSoni this will return me my app data !
I want a general search, like we do on the website
handler kese use krte hai btao ?
i want to use with async task to avoid ANR
can i use handler with async task ?
@ErumHannan what kinda handler ?
i dnt have any idea about this but interviewer ask i have 100 images in service and want to display in UI one by one but if i download all 100 and display one by one it will take time and will show ANR on UI to avoid this i will use handler to download image and deliver result to UI thread one by one
so that jitni images download hui hoongi wo display hoti jain gi
can u help me to resolve thi task
application not responding
@ErumHannan Handlers are same as background tasks !
its easy, you need to download images using a separate task and then when the image is downloaded, show them on the ui !
@ErumHannan use download manager class for this
@ErumHannan its good for single but if are talking about 100 so it will hit every process and you know already that some time bitmap arise problem because bitmap don't have GC so so you need LRU cache ...use Download manager class or use Lazyloader class it will be working in background
one thing more
will i put all my images url with comma separated like this in my web service : [{url1 image },{url 2 image }]
is it fine will i recieve json like this ?
@ErumHannan Are you using php for webservices ?
@ErumHannan so use array and put that array in json
@Shyildo why ?
what happen
@Shyildo @rekire @JaiSoni @Appu
i have implement this github.com/yixia/VitamioBundle
working fine :)
fro live streaming m3u8 file
@ErumHannan ok bye
@chintankhetiya looks great
Hello all
hey @Karl
How are you today?
a little busy as everyday :D
what's about you?
Working on my compost pile this morning. Happy with how much topsoil I'm getting out of it today!
well I should do that too, but that is such a terrible task that I ignored it yet^^
I take my smart phone with me and stream music. I also tend to get lost in thought while I'm doing it...
how do you handle branchs, stones and other trash?
Stones I take with me, as I'm filling in some low spots, branches, I break up [large ones were previously stacked to an evening fire. Trash, I have a tub I toss it all in, I will sort recyclables/metal out later...
I'm doing old school style composting. I have a pile. No containers, no barriers. I'm shoveling it, screening it, making a new pile...
Most sticks I encounter are less than a finger in length...
[Or at least they will be]
in my case that branches where too wet for fireing them. yeah should be short... my one is filled by a couple of person and not everyone cutes them in so short parts. however my topsoil is still there from my last sieving (not sure if this word here is in the right context). my one is between two concrete walls, which is more helpful for the height of the pile
I agree about the pile size, but I'm not planning on making it that large ever.
Green branches from bushes get added, once the leaves are gone, I add them to the firewood pile....
Makes good kindling...
@Karl that makes sense... my parents never made fire so there was never a reason for keeping the branches
You can "cut" them with a shovel....
What about the other people?
Do they make fires? If you start a place to stack the wood, others will eventually follow.
I can remember several cases where that caused serveral splashes... most of them where always in a deapth were the ground was wet
our garden is quiet small and there is no really good place for that
I move them to the top of the pile before I do it...Hopefully, I will hit others when I do it...
Is the garden along the walls?
when clicked on notification i need to show corresponding view for that PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivities(
currentContext, 0, new Intent[] { i },
PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);i have written it. but it is not going to that view..?
How to show corresponding view when clicked on notification
@Harish I wouldn't want that in my compost pile! :P
I have NO experience with Android yet [still looking for a teacher] but I'm wondering if you need to do a redraw after that...
@Karl we have a much complex structure of our garden it is at the same height as the first floor of the house and there are just some square meters there is floor is on the same level
@rekire Understood. You seem like a smart person, [not going to guess gender] you should be able to find a place to start a stack of firewood.
@rekire could you please help me...
@Harish The second comment was an attempt to be helpful.
@Harish I go home in some minutes bad timing now
@rekire oh! any suggestion..
@Karl I'm male ;)
Sorry to hear. :P
@Harish you need to set the data url manually too. there is a android bug which overrides similar pending intents
I missed your comment...
@rekire thanks i'll try..
and now I have to go bye guys
Bye guys @ALL
Bye dude!
See you
Good bye
2 hours later…
does anybody use mongodb ?
6 hours later…

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