yaar there is am stucking when i pass number of Phone book which has 10 to 15 contact am getting ressponse from server using web service while
when i post number of Phone book which has 150 contact am not getting response very frsit time i have to launch app again then am getting response please hlp
yaar there is am stucking when i pass number of Phone book which has 10 to 15 contact am getting ressponse from server using web service while when i post number of Phone book which has 150 contact am not getting response very frsit time i have to launch app again then am getting response please hlp where am doing mistke pastie.org/9443842 ,pastie.org/9443845 here is my code
@Anil I guess that the string is longer than the TCP package size that causes that getLine does not return anything. that causes that the method blocks because the read buffer is full... quiet complex I know the solution is to read it into a string without using a readline
example 2 should be fine: howtodoinjava.com/2013/05/01/… even if this is about files. in java is every i/o handler a stream so that also works for sockets/network connections
@john create a linear layout set height and width in 2 dp and create a anim folder in res folder make a scale anim in resource and add ur code Animation scale_anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(activity, R.anim.scale_anim);
example 2 should be fine: http://howtodoinjava.com/2013/05/01/3-ways-to-read-files-using-java-nio/ even if this is about files. in java is every i/o handler a stream so that also works for sockets/network connections
in my previous version, i used sqlite database... and nw in new version, i have added 2 new tables in database... so when user update app, will it update database at user side itself ???
@JeetenParmar you have somewhere a db version number you should increase it and handle the update your self. there is a onDatebaseUpdate function where you can add your code
anyone has idea how to point value in seekbar i already have value i just want to show that value in seekbar my pointer should adjust on the provided values in android
@Swap-IOS-Android here is apps available in market so this possible put cant achieve seen lib for aidl file https://github.com/alaasalman/ussdinterceptor