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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

@Harish not working?
so there is title not set?
@PiYusHGuPtA data not saving i in the projectdetailsbean
@PankajSharma in all the fragments i'm setting the ((HomeScreen) getActivity()).setTitle("FragmentName"); this way
is it right?
@JaiSoni There??????
@PankajSharma Are you there?
@Harish if it is working then fine
@PankajSharma when coming back to the fragmentactivity it is not changing previous title is showing not changing only in the fragmentactivity
change it on first fragment which one is default loaded
@PankajSharma i tried that doing in the fragment also but it is not applying
Anyone done Oath requesting in android?
@PankajSharma Are you there?
@PiYusHGuPtA one help..
@Aravin Yes ask
@PiYusHGuPtA i got this error
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
unfortunately i change my OS..
now my app shows like Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.

You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
@Aravin Yes you need to uninstall first and then run again
@PiYusHGuPtA i dont want to uninstall my app..
because it has lot of live server datas..cllient is using now..
@berserk there?
@Aravin have you any time export your apk file?
yes @PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA not understand..
@Aravin have you any time export your apk file?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes...
@Aravin have you generate certificate for app before
@berserk free some times?
@PiYusHGuPtA nope i never generate certificate..
@PiYusHGuPtA if you have any query, please ask
@berserk i have sent you mail check it
then i give u issue
@JaiSoni hi whats up
@PiYusHGuPtA is that possibel to get the debugkeystore from old source or apk s..
no @Aravin
@berserk any solution for my query..
@berserk i dont want to uninstall my app...
what is ur query? :)
@PiYusHGuPtA I installed
@berserk i changed my ubuntu OS..
i dont have any common debugkeystore.
So you lost your previous debug.keystore?
And want to recreate it?
@berserk yes..
at the same time i dont want to unistall my previous app..
I guess it is non-recoverable
oh god.....
But why do u want it?
now my app shows like this
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.

You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
u can;t install without uninstalling
as the signatures are diff
@berserk is that any way without uninstall..
@berserk see in that i want to show child view data but can't display
Clear Data @Aravin
@Aravin No. because you have a different signature now
@berserk have you checked code?
@B.rohitNare clear data also ask to unistall..
Nope for clearing data you dont need to uninstall
Gimme 1 min @PiYusHGuPtA
@B.rohitNare nope clear data also ask to uninstall..
Well how you running the APP in your emulator or Device
@B.rohitNare device..nexus 7
Hey guys, quick android question. Creating buttons programatically, trying to set a pre-defined style to the button using the constructor 'new Button(this, null, R.style.StyleName)', but it's not working. Have pasted some code here: pastie.org/private/hkcsuec7gibwhfrbwm9c3q Can anyone see anything I'm missing, or is it just not possible this way?
@B.rohitNare @berserk is that possible to get the debug keystore from my old workspace...
@Aravin depends where it was present last time
@PiYusHGuPtA yes i have the code
@berserk i have my old workspace backup...
Go to its window
check the path there
and browse that path
Hi guys.here my problem is I am trying to post values to server from android client. Here at android side the values mapped with Namevaluepair.I printed all namevaluepairs.but at server all thosevalues are receiving null values
can you guys tell me why I am getting this issue
my service is Spring MVC Rest service
check the requested parameters you send
@Aravin Not sure mate, might you cant
@berserk my old workspace and current workspace are all in same path...
i checked and printed all the values.its printing correct values only
@B.rohitNare :( so no way.......bad time for me..
but when i print at server its receving null values
@One show me your web service coe.
and client code too
List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(8);

params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("businessName", mbusinessname));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("address1", maddress1));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("businessphone", mbusinessphone));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("email", memail));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("zipCode", mzipCode));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("locationcount", mlocationcount));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("businesstypeid", mbusinesstypeid));
@berserk have you seen project details bean class?
@One use paste.ofcode.org for long code dude
Well get back to emulator with your app
@JaiSoni There??
@berserk got it bro?
@PankajArora could you please give me a sample app for changing the title of the pages in fragments using customactionbar
@Harish tabs sample?
@One i am asking for the server side code man..if you have?
@PankajArora fragments changing custom actionbar title.
i pasted
@Harish take a textview and chnge its text man
can you show me the screen which you want to design
@Harish come here

 Dev Kingdom(Canadian Droid Dev)

Programming is like sex if you don't enjoy it, just get exper...
@berserk there?
@One where are the requested parameter in your web service'
i pasted
can you check it once
I am appending param values in httpPost
with url and param values right
@B.rohitNare @B.rohitNare last time CLONED the OS(everything similar in two aystem) for two system so other system have the same keystore or different..
so will it not automatocally set the values from bean class?
sorry got some work
@berserk have u checked? Okay nopoe
gimee some time i will get back to u
dont know mate
@George02 turns out the emulator for 4.4 does not work properly with orientation changes, all I had to do was change the emulator to android 4.2 and ecerything runs properly
last time i use CLONEZILLA to install the OS(for two systems). Now the other system have the same debug keystore or different ).
@berserk some minor mistake i have done
@PiYusHGuPtA can u mail me the issue?
i will chk later
@berserk you got my mail id. there is my number. So miscall today will call you
@Pankaj are you there?
can anyone help me how to find javascript from string.
@rekire @JaiSoni @PankajSharma
@UchihaSasuke ehm what?
@rekire no idea
@One now leaving offc
i am getting string in which i have javaScript ...i wanted to check that string javaScript so i can removed it..how could i do it..
@Pankaj ok
@berserk @B.rohitNare @PankajSharma thanks bro...i managed to get old keystore and solved..
bye guys
@berserk Bye...
@AnPel so ... when you change the orientation onCreate() method is called ?
@George02 with physical devices and emulators running versions except 4.4, it does as it should. In 4.4 emulator it does not, turns out its a bug in the 4.4 emulator
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

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