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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

@Appu @Concentrated_Attitude @Anil @KetanAhir Good morning all
@JaiSoni Hey, morning!
morning mitra @JaiSoni
GM everybody
GM saheb
@gIrL @PankajSharma @CapDroid GM
@JaiSoni GM
Good Morning All
@CapDroid @JaiSoni Good morning
Idd mubarak to all
not idd bro
Good morning guys @ALL
know that yet
@JaiSoni @CapDroid @Anjali @Anil VGM
@PankajSharma No
@PiYusHGuPtA how to change the title of the page when coming back using screen back button
hello good morning everyone
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma @CapDroid gm...:)
@navya vgm
@navya Gm Ji
@navya VGM
@Concentrated_Attitude Hey bro, how are you?
@KanakSony Hey wel come
@navya @HimanshuAgarwal VGM
@JaiSoni gm...:)
any Phonegap developer?
gm guys
@rekire morning :)
@navya have u told to ur sr for problem?
@PiYusHGuPtA Hi..
need a help here if anyone knows...
no not yet..i am trying first then i will say ..@PankajSharma
@rekire VGM
anyone worked on fragments? please help me
@KanakSony Hows you???
@PiYusHGuPtA good-good :)
Hey anyone worked on JAVA apps?
good mornings friendz :)
Eid mubarak..dua mein yad raakhna
@MysticMagic Hey morning
@JaiSoni Hey bro there??
@KanakSony Hi
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni had implemented demo for expandable in which m using bean class issue is can't get child data. Sending you demo
@rekire there ?
@PiYusHGuPtA morning
@JaiSoni Check your mail please
@MysticMagic Hows you?
yes received.. downloading
@Manoj welcome
@JaiSoni Ok
Hi all i hope u all fine
@JaiSoni vgm
@PiYusHGuPtA I am good.. you?
@CapDroid i am cool as usual hows going work in d days
@MysticMagic I am also fine.
@rekire I hv tried ur solution for reclyclerView scroll.. but it's not working
int pos = (int)recycler.getChildItemId(child); here pos is -1 for all child
@JaiSoni In short time i will also work on recycle views.
@JaiSoni but now problem with that expandable LV
@Manoj Yes we'r fine.
@JaiSoni Have you downloaded?
Hi all
I am having q regarding WS for Android Which is written using JAVA Hibernate
My stub generated using apache cxf web service is any one familliar with it
@Concentrated_Attitude all izz well here
@AditiK sorry no idea
@CapDroid Gm bro
@JaiSoni there?
@JaiSoni i had also tried,but no results
@Shyildo vgm
Good Morning to All...
im having exception of rusing soap web services in anroid like ksoap2 org.xmlpull.v1.xmlpullparserexception expected start_tag error i have enter corrct url namespace and soap_action would any one help me.
@PiYusHGuPtA wait
@Manoj Just check for isDotNet=true;??
@JaiSoni Okay. But let me know something
Sorry @Manoj I am using soap but not Ksoap
@PiYusHGuPtA ya ask
@PiYusHGuPtA i can not get u
@Manoj IS that in your code?
@Manoj Show ur some of part ur code.
@AditiK k
@PiYusHGuPtA sure wait
@JaiSoni did you try all steps of my answer?
public static boolean Loginvalue(String username,String password, String webMethName) {

boolean loginStatus = false;

SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, webMethName);

PropertyInfo unameproperty = new PropertyInfo();
PropertyInfo passwordproperty = new PropertyInfo();






try {

androidHttpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);

SoapPrimitive response = (SoapPrimitive) envelope.getResponse();

loginStatus = Boolean.parseBoolean(response.toString());

} catch (Exception e) {
// Assign Error Status true in static variable 'errored'
LoginActivity.errored = true;
// //Return booleam to calling object
return loginStatus;
Anyone here can answer my question?
above that i declared ,my , namespace,url,soap-acion,method
@rekire yes.. I hv
@Manoj i think this line very important enveloper.dotnet = true;
@PiYusHGuPtA where i have to use this line
At where you have created SoapSerializationEnvelope object
@JaiSoni After ur work just give me one ping
@PiYusHGuPtA k sure
@JaiSoni did you call setHasStableIds(true); in your adapter?
@PiYusHGuPtA did u check my above code
@rekire Is RecycleView implemented only Android Studio??
@PiYusHGuPtA no you can use it outside too
@rekire Means can be used in eclipse with latest kitkat version?
if you cet the sourcecode sure why not
@rekire Okay Thanks. One question it is the same conceptualization like ListView and GridView??
@PiYusHGuPtA it is compleatly differnt implementated, the viewholder concept is now mandatory
@rekire oh Okay. Thanks
@JaiSoni There bro?
@PiYusHGuPtA please help on changing the title when coming back to the FragmentActivity.
@JaiSoni @PankajSharma
@JaiSoni There??
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni Bro have you checked?>
@PiYusHGuPtA i hav use this envelope.dotNet=true; even i got same excepton wt to do next?
@JaiSoni i am able to display header Group view in EXP. But can't get child view data
@rekire great it's working now.. but I hv one question.. how can can get now that recycler is viewing last item..in ur updateBounds() I m getting pos=8 while recycler is viewing 20th item
@PiYusHGuPtA checking bro.. plz wait
@JaiSoni Okay
@PiYusHGuPtA wil u help to me
@Manoj Ys but right now solving my issue so will be later
@PiYusHGuPtA k
@Manoj any exception in ur code?
@JaiSoni Do you know my requirement bro that how i want to display data in child view??
@PiYusHGuPtA no I don't know
@JaiSoni have you ran it??
@JaiSoni Have you seen code? when you expand the view then in child view there is another listview in which i have to show data
@JaiSoni Got i t??
@JaiSoni for that i have created two different bean class.
@JaiSoni xml pul pasrser exception
@PiYusHGuPtA I can't see image here
@JaiSoni something like this way
@JaiSoni click on it
@JaiSoni my code tries to get the middle element of a horizontal recyclerview, you can simply use the rect of the view and take that one with the highest top value
@JaiSoni check this imgur.com/3wMs0xy
@JaiSoni got image now???
@JaiSoni org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException
@PiYusHGuPtA in the child view you can design that layout.
@Harish I know but my problem is different. Thanks
@JaiSoni See in my code there is project details array and for that i have created different bean class and i want to show that array list of projectDetails list when expand view in child view. got it now bro?
@PiYusHGuPtA You are using arraylist right?
@Harish Yes bean class arraylist
@JaiSoni have you understood? Because after some times will go in lunch
@PiYusHGuPtA could you please show me the code how you are adding data to the child list
@PiYusHGuPtA now pass worklist to expandableadapter
@PiYusHGuPtA where is groupitem(parent) data?
@Harish Override method??
@PiYusHGuPtA how you are passing parent data?
@Harish this way
PMSWorkReportBean playerdetails = projectstatusArrayList
@PiYusHGuPtA are you getting ProjectDetailsBean data from it?
@Harish Yes because in url there is two json array so made two different bean class
@PiYusHGuPtA i mean your data is not getting attached to the view?
@Harish Yes i can't get data for child view.
thats the problem
@JaiSoni there bro?
create temp list and in the child view get
tempChild = (ArrayList<String>) Childtem.get(groupPosition);
and text.setText(tempChild.get(childPosition)); try this
No its not workign
want to check demo?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@Harish mail me anything getting my id from my SO profile
@PiYusHGuPtA please show me your getChildView method of adapter
@PiYusHGuPtA please do that change which i mentioned in the above in your getchildview method
@Harish tried but casting problem
@Harish Ok now going for lunch but sending you demo
@PiYusHGuPtA ok
@Harish i think mail sent
@PiYusHGuPtA ya got it
Hi guys
Have anyone experience about adding the Facebook Log In with your android application?
Protip: Ask your question directly instead of asking if somebody has experience in the subject.
opps my bad
How to integrate Facebook with Android Application?
@Lorenz I must star that :D
@Beginner with their sdk, but I have no experiance with that. See that page: developers.facebook.com/docs/android/getting-started
@rekire @CapDroid <center> tag not working for Html.fromHtml
is there any alternative ?
@JaiSoni hey bro there??
@KetanAhir no idea... :(
@KetanAhir I guess there is no other way
@CapDroid hey bro
@PiYusHGuPtA hey
@CapDroid one issue in expandable listview yar
thn solve
@CapDroid help me in that yar.
@Harish have you checked that?
@PiYusHGuPtA ohh okey
How to do like this in android ?
@PiYusHGuPtA i ran it i'm checking it
@Harish ok
@Strider make one view and inflate it in Dialog and open it with bottom animation
@PiYusHGuPtA i do that but i cant that result
@Strider SO how it look likes which u have implemented
@PiYusHGuPtA its in center
@Strider set gravity for bottom
but client need same like iphone which i saw in image
@Strider yes i know for that you have to set gravity bottom
@Strider i have created same this type. but minor diffrenent
@Strider do it right (with a dialog) and not the iOS way. Tell your customer he will get bad reviews if you don't do it the right android native way.
@Harish If there is some possibilities then let me know
@rekire ys bro u r right ..!
@Strider @rekire is right. STill want to show then use this for ur dialog
WindowManager.LayoutParams wmlp = alet.getWindow().getAttributes();
wmlp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
wmlp.x = 0; // x position
wmlp.y = 0;
@PiYusHGuPtA I guess that puts the window at the top right?
@rekire using this code??
@Strider Use this code pastie.org/9428990
I have implemented it
@PiYusHGuPtA ok bro
@Harish there???
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma i have to apply condition in button click
how can i do...i do foer single value..
@navya what type of condition cehck?
i want when i clcik on button my layout should visible..
@navya means want to show alternate view on button click??
but after sending text when i remove popup window ,at that time my edittext layout should invisible
@navya Show ur code
amm..littile bit same..@PiYusHGuPtA
@navya for that you can use toggle button
@navya or you have to check it by one boolean flag
ok...how can i do it with flag??/ @PiYusHGuPtA
first time that flag will be false and when you click on button make it true in if condition or in else it will be false.
@all i have the connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred .issue please help me..
@Aravin restart or ADB
@PiYusHGuPtA yeah... or does it work like you expect?
ok..@PiYusHGuPtA i try..
@PiYusHGuPtA i go through this one but not helpful stackoverflow.com/questions/4072706/…
@rekire SOmething minor different
@PiYusHGuPtA and also increase the ADB connection timeout...still same..
@Aravin have you did it using command propmt??
@Aravin Yes that answer is better
@navya OK
both command prompt and task managaer..
@Aravin Oh still same ??
@PiYusHGuPtA yes..
@Aravin Just restart youe eclipse also
@PiYusHGuPtA several times restarted and also restart the system..but not get success.
@Aravin Do you have latest ADT version?
@Aravin Oh. Then not happen if you properly killed and restarted your adb conncetion.
@PiYusHGuPtA in my android sdk manager android 4.4.2 is installed...
@PiYusHGuPtA nthninh happened..:(
@navya show me that code
wait sorry..
i forgot..hehehehe..wait
@Harish @JaiSoni wake up bro's
@navya if done then let me know
nothing happend.@PiYusHGuPtA
anyone has used amazing list view
good after noon to all
@PiYusHGuPtA @navya @rekire
@Anil hi ;)
@rekire one thing i want to ask
@navya Is it done?
@PiYusHGuPtA hello
@Anil see @Lorenz protip on the right^^
i am printing name and phone number in list view corresponding i have punted list view search name wise and Phone number wise search i want to put filter name and Phone number wise search auto complete text view how i will do
@PiYusHGuPtA thnks..it is working..one more query ..
@rekire, I have read the doc and I dont know why when I add the Facebook in my project, it has errors
@navya Yes ask
@Anil uh that is not really trivial do you use the arrayadapter? if so it would be much easier
@PiYusHGuPtA can i do something like this like..after writing text ..now when i press outside..or touch outside..that layout gone invisible
@navya when you touch out side then you have to setOutSide touch property for
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
yo @all
yo Beginner
@JaiSoni Check that please
Did u know about the integration Facebook with Android app? @berserk
Yes,but I hate it :(
@berserk why u hate it?
Idk XD
get keys and stuff
@navya yes i have answered
Hash keys
Then again different key on signed apk
@JaiSoni got it?
@navya hi...
ok :( @berserk
u wanna ask something abt it?
okok....@PiYusHGuPtA :)
Can I add emoticon images in chat?:3
@GB_Bhayani hi
About when I add the facebook sdk in ma project, it has errors @berserk
Which errors ?
@navya hw r u
@berserk here:
@PiYusHGuPtA sorry bro u hv to wait.. I hv to do some task first
[2014-07-29 16:51:07 - WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)] Versions found are:
[2014-07-29 16:51:07 - WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)] Path: D:\WorkSpace\T&I APP\WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2014-07-29 16:51:07 - WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)] Length: 484258
[2014-07-29 16:51:07 - WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)] SHA-1: bd6479f5dd592790607e0504e66e0f31c2b4d308
[2014-07-29 16:51:07 - WOORI_Demo(testing_main_screen)(old)] Path: D:\WorkSpace\T&I APP\FacebookSDK\libs\android-support-v4.jar
@JaiSoni Oh Okay...
There is a jar in facebook SDK named android-support.v4
and one i ur project's lib
they are different
So what I should do? @berserk
delete v4 from ur project
and copy v4 from fb sdk
and paste in ur project
or just remove from ur project
let me try @berserk
@PiYusHGuPtA i'm checking it..
@Harish take much time?
.l@Harish have not yet got solution for back press?
@Beginner worked?
@GB_Bhayani f9 u say
It work @berserk
@PiYusHGuPtA i had ..
@PankajSharma title change on back press nope
@Harish So working now?
What should I do next @berserk?
@navya busy??
@PiYusHGuPtA yup response is json
@Harish in my demo which i have sent you
@PiYusHGuPtA json
@Harish No my mean the demo in which there is issue expandable listview is done??or not bro i m asking that
@Anil yes
image uploading i have to set croping image also
@Harish u can change it on fragment activity but u need to use custom actionbar
@Anil okz
@PankajSharma where are u
in office ?
read documentation @Beginner :)
@Anil yes
@Harish got it now?
@Anil what removed is it for me something?
@PankajSharma i'm doing that only this is my fragmentactivity,layouts
@PiYusHGuPtA ya checking.
@Harish i m using custom actionbar view and setting text according to fragment .if u r using default u can also set actionbar title on each fragment
TextView textView = (TextView) getActivity().getActionBar().getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.tv_title);
if u r using default do this
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
on each fragment
@PankajSharma have you seen my layout and fragmentactivity?
@PiYusHGuPtA in the ProjectDetailsbean the data is not getting stored it seems.
@Harish u r just using simple thing yaar.u r also including header on each fragment??
@PankajSharma not including.
@Harish No it is becauase in parsing i have checked i have got all data
((HomeScreen) getActivity()).setTitle("FragmentName"); in this way i'm doing in all the fragments in the onStart method. @PankajSharma
@Harish u r using same header for each fragments?
@PiYusHGuPtA in parsing you are getting the data but it is not adding to the bean it seems.
@Harish this is not a prper way to having custom header for each fragments.u have to use custom action bar for it and is easy to handle
@Harish Oh but all data i have stored in worklist named arraylist
@PankajSharma hello
@GB_Bhayani Hi
@PankajSharma hi
wassup @GB_Bhayani
@PankajSharma hi
@PankajSharma nthng dude.. u say
why nothing?here all doing help someone.why u not?
in all the fragments i'm not adding that header i'm added that in the fragmentactivity only.and from the otherfragments i'm setting the title
((HomeScreen) getActivity()).setTitle("FragmentName"); in this way
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

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