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dreams of electric sheep
"Stress is like a pulse, if you have it you’re alive." -Steve Maraboli (source)
3 hours later…
dead quiet
First human to be here this fyine mornin
o/ @jag
It must be EATEN!
@jagapathi No definition found.
:38865127 I'm running with the Truuuuump tonight, I'm running with the truuuump
@jagapathi No definition found.
/urban trump this
@LunarWatcher No definition found.
/urban trump you
@LunarWatcher No definition found.
I'm gonna Trump today.
I can't Trump today means to blow off all responsibilities and go play golf.
Fuck work,

I'm gonna Trump today.
/urban I can't Trump today
@jagapathi No definition found.
!!urban I'm gonna Trump today
@DoggyBot odds?
2/3, 20 minutter
can someone tell me how much time it takes for the apha version of android app to be avaiable to testers
@LunarWatcher jeg vant
@asifa Same as other uploads, about 4-5 hours in search about 1-2 hours with direct link
Its three days n i am still waiting
Have your testers signed up?
apha version
Adding them to the closed list isn't enough
There is a link they have to press to sign up
all need to sign up
the app is still in draft
You have a release in alpha that hasn't been rolled out
An opt-in link will be available here when you publish your app.
but i cant see a publish button
If you can't see a publish button that is because there is something you haven't filled in
there is no errors
Either there is missing data or there is nothing new to publish
thanks a lot
@DoggyBot head to NNE
can someone tell me how can I get different time zone on timepicker? I would like to have Europe/Madrid time zone.
@DoggyBot overraskelse
nope, offline
@DoggyBot odds?
... or not
Round 2?
Assume 10/10
9.5 MB of text
Can't believe I'm saying this, but if I complete a Tensorflow chatbot, I'm going to take the time to make it a Stack Overflow NN chatbot
In python
Are you now coding in python ?
I have also started it for one of my project
Python is the only language I can find with a decent deep learning API
Python is must for research purpose .
I am using it for Wearable Cognitive Assistance
I'm not really a fan of python. It is an indentation-based language
I cant understand why intendation is must for python .
I can get used to it eventually though
go through pycharm
It can help you in indentation
I use pycharm. Didn't the first time I learned python though.
btw , python is similar to Java I guess
as the topic seem to be about kotlin/android ? I'm a big user of Android Annotation, it is okay to go to Kotlin today ? I saw extension that work like android annotation, but I didn't have time yet to get into it
The entire C line is similar to Java (or java is similar to the C line)
@Sapher Any library you can use from Java code you can also use in Kotlin or any of the other JVM languages
AndroidAnnotation use annotation processing
Kotlin is just a different styled Java. The code you write is different, but the bytecode ends up in Java
It's compatible then ?
Kotlin and Java are compatible because they both run JVM. The only version where it isn't compatible is if you run the JS version. And I doubt you run the JS version of Kotlin in an Android project
Okay I see, thanks @LunarWatcher
Just like Java libraries can be used with Scala
There IS an update
1 hour later…
silence will fall
silence will fall when the question is asked
and the pandorica opens
API 15 targets about 100% of all devices
Crazy cat in on a sunday, I thought I would never see the day
Hey dog
Ha ha ha yeah sunday cat
Dusting at home and some stuff...just came from bath...evening here
It's basically noon here
Wht abt u dog..
Dont say develope something
I AM developing something
Poor dog
Can't lie to ya
Good dog
Lol im ready to go outside and starts raining
Starting a new project, picked "include Kotlin support"
and I did it again :/
but Android Studio thinks that means "generate my project as a Kotlin project"
when I mean "I may want to use kotlin here later"
Been using Python today to start making a neural net
got bored and decided to make an app
Good working on .KT huh
Too much raining
I like kotlin a bit, but not enough to have the entire thing in Kotlin
Do u knw kotlin?
I wanna to learn nw
I decided to learn it so I could judge it properly. val/var is hard to keep track of, lateinit has to be used for those that aren't initialized instantly
nullsafe is handy
but it looks like a trainwreck
Because after some time kotlin replace to java
Kotlin will never fully replace Java
and besides, it can't
Yeah i just know its null safe
Kotlin converts into Java
And just created hello world with some controls
wrong IDE
Opened 2.2.3 instead of 3.0.0 beta 2
(yeah, I have both)
(+ intelliJ and pycharm)
(someone had to say it, and you didn't @ChewCat)
(I'm surprised you haven't found this room yet lol)
1 hour later…
@LunarWatcher 9/10
Your guess is the same as mine :>
ROund 2
3000 iterations
on a 179 image dataset
How long does this take
103 more to go, in theory
More probable 153
wanders cluelessly
Running a GAN again
aiming for 3000 iterations, starting to get good results
Goes slowly though, that's GAN's for ya
... and there it can reproduce some images
Waiting for another 300 iterations and then it is time to test
Why don't Google just buy Oracle
They got the money
yeah, they should buy microsoft, and apple too :P
Gotta boot the bot core, gotta validate
DoggyBot online. Woof woof!
@DroidDev And while they are at it, they should buy the entire universe
@LunarWatcher yeah, sounds totally legit
Well of course!
I never lie
Buying the universe is totally legit and possible
@RamanSB Neither are interested
//shutdown need the resources for GAN computations
Shutting down. See you later.
much better progress this time
Gotta eat dinner. Cya all in a while
Ich bin back
What is that gif? I read something about evil neural network plans and stuff yesterday... @LunarWatcher
And this neural network room... Is that you talking to yourself or you talking to a computer? The latter is the more impressive one; just saying :P
Mostly myself. Going to get a python chatbot running ona neural network and connected to SO eventually
@geisterfurz007 progress on the GAN
Up to the 1000th cycle. Probably at the 2000th by now (not by my computer)
/wiki Global Area Network
I need to gather chat logs, so I will copy a lot from here
Not that
Yeah nice fail on my end ^^' German wikipedia won't load here >.>
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of artificial intelligence algorithms used in unsupervised machine learning, implemented by a system of two neural networks contesting with each other in a zero-sum game framework. They were introduced by Ian Goodfellow et al. in 2014. This technique can generate photographs that look authentic to human observers. For example, a synthetic photograph of a cat that fools the discriminator into accepting it as an actual photograph. == Method == One network generates candidates and one evaluates them. Typically, the generative network learns to map...
When the week starts I'll work on the chatbot when I'm free. Gotta find a ton of training data though
Ah! Good job :) I never understood people telling me I was a genius and shit. You there sir... You are ^^ You are younger and do better and even useful stuff :)
Thanks :)
You come off as pretty smart, or at least that is how I have understood you
See? That is the point I cannot get. I usually ask rather simple questions most of you could answer. I cannot help with some of the most basic frameworks. And still people see me as smart. Why is that?
You on the other hand are able to show some serious stuff like your well done Oak variation DoggyBot with (afaik self-written) dog image api or this neural network thing.
@geisterfurz007 I have been at that exact point about three years ago
It was in october or something I started programming for the first time three years ago
Being able to create anything itself is an amazing achievement most people will never be able to do. WHile there are something in the lines of 5 million developers on Stack Overflow, that aren't all the developers. Assuming the max possible amount of developers is up to 200 million, that is still just a tiny part of the population
You don't just learn a programming language
you learn the basics and then use it. When using it you learn more. You find a method, a library, a primitive type you had no clue existed and then start to use it
So while you were 13 you were at the point where I am at 17. Does not make it better :D
When did you start with Java?
DoggyBot uses hard-coded images because I don't have the resources to create a dog image API, I tried checking imgur and Google, but imgur returned polar bears (yup xD) and Google doesn't have the images directly linked
@geisterfurz007 As I said, 3 years ago in october (almost 3 years, it is basically 2.9 years ago or something)
After creating two games in Java, I tried other programming languages. I tried python, batch, HTML, javascript, php, a ton of different ones
Hope \o/ If I can somewhat keep up I might at least get some fun stuff done during college. Not at work tho. I was happy that I managed to put a Frankenstein togt
If you want a tip for learning Java, I have one:
Together from a blogpost, a github repository and some libraries that actually does what it should do :D
The tip most likely being "use it" I think?
Think of something basic, say a game or application. Create a new project and just make it. Find the resources you need, downloading graphics from Google is perfect for learning when you have no intention of using it commercially (if it goes commercial there's copyright in the images, but for private use and learning use it is different). Before you start you figure out the structure. Games is a really good way of learning, as it covers a large amount of topics while it can actually be used

afterwards for fun. Making fun stuff is also a learning technique BTW. And if there is something you
@geisterfurz007 geisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
@geisterfurz007 TL:DR of ^ is yes
Jesus Christ what a wall of text O_O xD
ended up longer than I had thought
When you use the language you are bound to find methods or libraries or something else that teaches you the language
I'm good at Java because I have used it for over three years. I didn't get good until about two years ago (june) because I had used it so much for so many different things.
Found one of the first games I ever made yesterday, and holy shit it was bad. (looking aside the game itself, the code is awful)
damn I missed it
up at the 2115th iteration
@geisterfurz007 :(
Is it because of the jesus christ? Pardon
You don't get good at anything if you don't try. So I challenge you; Sit down and create some random project (I recommend a game because it can be about something as simple as falling rectangles and no graphics (no graphics means you use the Graphics class to render rectangles instead of images)). Then, when you are done, create a different project. After that, go back to the first one and recreate it. Then compare it to the first one and see how you have progressed. Or skip the last
part and create another new project. The point is, use it and create stuff. Don't sit reading the theory and
Another wall of text xD
That is thr exact way of how I do it. I wrote a QuizBot that runs in the TwitchChat controlled by the Streamer. I wrote it based on a crazy idea and a library that was easy to use which I found on github after a short search. I even contributed some stuff (wasn't big... 3 .java files). Was fun and I got in touch with node.js and Javascript for some extra wishes the streamer had. Was a fun thing. Now I got some time at work for an audio analyzing project. Got data in a useful form...
And no clue what to do with it...
@LunarWatcher How do you make the messages that long? I cannot send them because they are too long :c reading other wall
Audio analyzing? What type? Figuring out genre or song recognition?
@geisterfurz007 when you get the "too long" message, delete the last word, press SHIFT+ENTER and continue typing
It has to be SHIFT+ENTER, just enter sends the message


You make

new lines
@geisterfurz007 no I am hindu not christain you can criticize jesus all you want :D
I made it through that stage you described :D I wrote an application for my company, went to college, wrote said chatbot and mostly recreated the application again with a more recent framework in the last one and a half months...
Audio is trying to find certain spots in music (like bassdrum kicks or drops) and react to them. If I get that to work, I am already happy :D After that I will try to create a firework simulation. Last step is bringing both together ^^
@LunarWatcher Yeah I am mobile :D Takes some time to type
Leaving now. Gotta watch a horrible movie with my brother :D Cya o/
cya @geisterfurz007
@geisterfurz007 CYA
Holy shit; good job doggo!
Now really! Cheers o/
@geisterfurz007 lol
@geisterfurz007 thanks
@geisterfurz007 cya
@DoggyBot 1/2?
Not if it happens though
Meh, VT can validate it and MF will solve it
@DoggyBot 30 min
@DoggyBot reduce to 1/3
@LunarWatcher Agreed
Though cutting it to 25% seems better
How about a linear function: y = 100 - x
Meh, just dropped to 0
You forgot to take into account the fact that it should be a non-linear function
because shit happens
gotta back up the code, then I'm shutting down
Ahh i missed this room
1 hour later…
Thank god..no dog now..rest dog @LunarWatcher
Another bread @geisterfurz007

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