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@rekire What was that for ?
Heyo All
good morning
@AshuKumar cat
Here Ashu Kumar came......
@ChewbaccoCat That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ashukumar
@ChewbaccoCat he is good kid
@ChewbaccoCat vgm @AshuKumar
yo @TetrixUser
@ChewbaccoCat how's weekand
@ChewbaccoCat thanks for posting my pic
@ChewbaccoCat yea yea..
good morning everyone
@AshuKumar week start :D
@AshuKumar , please help me .
@TetrixUser yes, bu still no gf :D
@osimerpothe yes sir ? how may i help you today
I have this code in style.xml
<style name="DarkTheme.Dialog" parent="Theme.Sherlock.Dialog">

<!-- TODO : use android:attr on 11 -->
<item name="actionBarItemBackground">@drawable/abs__item_background_holo_dark</item>
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">false</item>
<item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@null</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/panel_background</item>
But the eclipse shows me this error :
error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Sherlock.Dialog'.
How can I resolve this error ?
@osimerpothe it is theme error.
and are u working android ?
How can I resolve this error ?
Can anyone take a look at my question? stackoverflow.com/questions/42196910/…
@osimerpothe before giving solution just tell me why you are you using Theme.Sherlock.Dialog ?
I have downloaded a open source project named CSIPSimple
@TruongHieu never work in retrofit
In there this code is written
@osimerpothe OKay, on what is activity is extend ?
What is the relation between extending activity with theme ?
@osimerpothe activity which is extend on .. will use style defined i style.xml file
and it is necessary to use same style
There are so many activities .
I do not see the code
After running the project , Iwill see code .
where this style is calling ?
in xml file of drawable folder
and in layout
@osimerpothe i meant which activity called that layout
is her any FCM GUY present ?
@MukeshRana yes, i m not able to come into hell :D
android webview has some problems when hardware acceleration is enabled..:(
webview is blinking and veryslow to load
CallLogAdapter @AshuKumar
@osimerpothe please tell me now activity is extend on what ?
@gei You might like this one: youtube.com/watch?v=dV_m1H3hDio
public class CallLogAdapter extends GroupingListAdapter
implements CallLogGroupBuilder.GroupCreator
@チーズパン okay no prob..congratulations for a new job :)
@TheFlash is now more powerful then ever
GM @AshuKumar
good morning flash :)
@TheFlash gm
Hey chew cat G M
@ColdFire exactly my thoughts
@TheFlash sama
kicks @TheLittleNaruto in his butt
@DroidDev wolf - sama
gives malam to fox
@TheLittleNaruto finally someone answered with logic ^
Not possible without breach of individual freedom.
@RobinHood hence my comment below that answer.
As we saw, political parties are using those articles to gather vote bank
@DroidDev Cool
@DroidDev ;-;
beaf ban is a play button for the politician, though none of religious against eating as per their divine books.
@RobinHood that is incorrect
The second statement of yours
yup, totally agree with play button part. Plus, I haven't seen one example of a society that developed by sticking to old ideals, in human history. We always need to change, in order to develop. Sticking to old ideas will do no good to anyone in long run
Hi Guys
on the other hand, there are examples of societies and communities, that lost their dominance over the time, because they stuck to their ideals, and denied the advocates of change
Is it possible to create this seekbar: stackoverflow.com/questions/42188817/… ?
@TheLittleNaruto That is fact, you have to digest if you need more detail, let me know.
@RobinHood I was talking about second statement of yours. First one is totally correct
yes yes, I know
Even in Islam it is not written to eat beef anywhere. There is a story behind it why people of Islam started eating beef.
once I was listening to a guy, who told me that nature isn't a fool, to give us a digestive system, which enables us to digest meat. Restrictions are in place because of other things (like animal extinction, gene pool extinction, and other benefits from animal by not killing it). But these days, that system doesn't exist anymore, so those restrictions don't stand true
People just keep blindly following things written in a book, that refers to someone who no one has ever seen
@TheLittleNaruto He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than God. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." (Quran, 2:173)
@NitinMathur Hi it is possible and I am agree with the guy who commented
@TheFlash I looked on Arsenal. But I didn't find any related example.
And that is not Range Seekbar
Range seekbar has two thumbs while mine is one only.
The problem is with the knob of the thumb at the bottom, it is getting cropped.
That shouldn't happen
@NitinMathur its cropped as it won't get enough space so you need to keep the thumb view above the progress view like RelativeLayout
Q: Amazon Kindle fire Notification

DoeI am Making Application for Amazon Kindle fire device, I used information at given here. https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/adm.html. I also added amazon-device-messaging-1.0.1.jar as per guide line. and I tried to run in kindle device but it got crashed. Below is the logcat: 02-13 12:0...

@DroidDev so you won't believe in nature?
@RobinHood do you think people eat without belong malicious or deliberate?
Being *
@RobinHood I actually do, that's why I asked that question, and that's why I don't follow much of religion. I believe that in nature, everything is interconnected for survival of everyone, but that's not because there's a supreme entity or whatever, that's because of evolution
Nature is only God around you
Which you can really see and believe on
And apart from that everything is a lie
@TheLittleNaruto hehe
@DroidDev How once brain accept that such beautiful things in entire universe come into existence just of becoz of evolution?
that's what I am saying. We don't need the concept of god to explain things like nature. We can do that by explaining evolution. Also, if there "is" a god, then which one there is? There are like bazillion religions
@RobinHood yup, exactly. Let me quote Epicurus here
@TheLittleNaruto nope nothing :)
i do not want to discuss on God
@TheLittleNaruto ^
Ok then don't but don't laugh without any reason @ashu
in short, why has religion mostly been the front runner in taking human lives, throughout the human history, if there is a god?
@DroidDev lmao perfect
religion = way of life
@TheLittleNaruto yes, i do have reason, there is line "mano to bhgwan nhi to pthr"
its not how everything came to life
@AshuKumar lol, that's not a reason to laugh
Was that a joke ? @ashu
@TheLittleNaruto yes, it is not joke, but relates to ur previous message.. and i m neither making fun nor laughing
and sorry for disturbance
@TheLittleNaruto u can write WTF, yes, i know i did mistake
Same feeling ^
@TheFlash there ?
Good morning guys
@NitinMathur yes
@rekire - sama GM
i m really sorry for hurting you guys.. @TheFlash @TheLittleNaruto
will never do this again
@AshuKumar ?
wrong ping I guess
@TheFlash I have one background set to the seekbar. this one: hastebin.com/diyimavoya.xml
this one to show secondary progress along with it.
@AshuKumar nobody was actually hurt. Don't worry about it ;)
@TheFlash oops yes, it was for @DroidDev
@NitinMathur u have to make custom seekbar
@ashu no one is hurt except you lol
@TheFlash I have custom seekbar only
gives malam tablet for internal wounds to @AshuKumar
anyone know how I can use a switch statment to find a word inside a string?
@Donnie if you know the words, you can just use case for every word. If you don't know the words in string, then I don't think there's a way through switch statement
the idea is to return true if the word exists in the string
I updated my DependencyLookup: Firebase is now supported. I also wrote a article how to disable Firebase for debug builds.
I won't know the words
@DroidDev He is Atheist !
@RobinHood I don't think acceptance of someone should be based on their religious background. He is/might be an atheist, but what he said there is most logical thing ever only
@RobinHood btw Robin bro, you did not answer me ^^
I request you to do comparatively study of religious in order to understand NATURE and its existence!
@TheLittleNaruto ohh, Sorry, whats your question?
@RobinHood I don't have a problem with religions existing, I have a problem when someone tries to manipulate other people based on religious things. Vote bank politics, crucification, communal riots etc etc. There are people trying to make their religion prevail whole world and every religion has those people (hardcore orthodox followers)
that's what I have problem with
when religious people try to negate science, because their book doesn't say so.
Try to introduce logic and common sense into any religious book and bam!
half of syrian population want to flee their homes. Is there a god there? No, I don't see any god there. Then who's tending to wounded? Doctors without borders and red cross are main organisations there, looking after people
they have latest science and technology, not god
if everyone understands this above statement of yours. Everywhere there will be peace
@TheLittleNaruto thanks. We should start a youtube channel man!
Waiting for you...
@TheLittleNaruto waiting for appraisal. Today's is meeting (that's what CTO said)
@DroidDev cool I'll soon give you a good news
@DroidDev cool
@rekire there's spelling mistake, if you don't mind me telling. "Quiet = be silent". It should be "quite". Like below:
My solution is quiet quite simple when you found out how to block the original dependencies:
@TheLittleNaruto lol, that's usually said when a girl gets pregnant. Good news = a baby is about to come. LMAO
@ChintanRathod yup, if all goes good, there's a party, and you are invited ;)
@DroidDev ;-; its related to job stuffs. Wish me good luck
Hello, I am drawing Polylines on google map in android. I want transparency. So i applied transparency, but transparency was not set from start to end. start was dark.. and as it was reaching to the end... it got transparent
@TheLittleNaruto all the best man. May you get what you want :)
Thanks Man. That means a lot.
@DroidDev Super cool
Everything is from God indeed, when sins/injustice etc increased. then God give lesson to others peoples.
Peoples are selfish when something happen god with them then they feel proud and when something happen bad with them then they start blame to god.
@TheLittleNaruto I didn't get you
@RobinHood never mind.
@TheFlash As far as I can see, the seekbar has two background one is primary and another is secondary progress. Do you think we have different attribute for both of them ?
for secondary progress we have progressDrawable
for primary I am using background
And that is certainly not correct for what I am trying to achieve.
@RobinHood I am not "blaming" god. I am saying that it doesn't exist. Let me quote George Carlin here:
@TheLittleNaruto ^
@DroidDev lmfao xD
no one knows?
So true man
full video here @RobinHood cc @TheLittleNaruto ^^
@Donnie knows what? Sorry, didn't see your question
So my question is, is there any attribute for primary progress background ? @TheFlash
my question: anyone know how I can use a switch statment to find a word inside a string?
Let me ask you simple question.. How universe come into existence?
@RobinHood Big bang
Its an hypothetical theory please study in deep.
@RobinHood so, how do you think universe came into existence?
@TheLittleNaruto good luck man. have a wonderful day :)
@DroidDev God!
@RobinHood isn't that hypothetical to every end? How do you prove it?
I can throw books and wikipedia articles in support of big bang theory, experiments still undergoing, proving it. But, what proves that god made everything?
Divide guidance @DroidDev with logical examples.
@DroidDev fixed. thx!
@RobinHood please explain. I didn't get you
@rekire anytime :)
@rekire oh...you forgot another occurance.
> This is quiet quite simple now just release builds with have the crash reporting, however the analytics part is not so simple.
I need to re-study to give better explanation with examples, let schedule the discussion on another day.
@AshuKumar thanks boy
and even this place is not good to discuss on this topic.
@DroidDev not that simple*
@RobinHood yes please. Anytime. Just ping me when I am in room. Please note that logic should be there in examples. :)
@RobinHood it's ok as long as we're not going to offend anyone
@RobinHood I know of a place where we can discuss. Its Shadow's Den
Please let me know when the discussion starts
@TheLittleNaruto I said discussion not debate, so from my end no need to worry :)
@RobinHood We can shift to that other place, if someone argues. Please just let me know when we can discuss :)
@RobinHood that's pertaining to single religion. But anyway, if you know of a chat channel there, i will be happy to visit :)
I already have an account on that site
We will do in private room!
@RobinHood also, please don't forget to invite @TheLittleNaruto as he was also interested
@DroidDev fixed
@TheLittleNaruto fixed too. thx
@rekire thanks for "how to disable firebase" article. I have implemented it and tested it in two of my projects just after seeing it there from you
@DroidDev cool!
Is there anyone can clear my doubts ?
@NitinMathur about the seekbar?
it is depend on ur doubt
@DroidDev yes
morning cat master
@TetrixUser nice dp :) but do not think u r so cute like ur dp :D
@DroidDev WWC
LMAO, tru dat
:D @AshuKumar
sweet cat
@DroidDev gives name of these cat please...
@TetrixUser yes, and lovely
innocent also !!cat or tiger
!!cat or tiger
@TetrixUser :3
@AshuKumar Randy Ortan and other can be named as pleased ;P
@TetrixUser and hungry too
@DroidDev Big daddy :D
@ChewbaccoCat hans is a catmaster!
and i'm won
Did anyone try in-app purchase?
@NitinMathur check arsenal libraries..you will get some idea
@HarshDalwadi before long time..in app billing lib version 2
ohhh sad
current version is V3
yeah whats ur query
post it here
Fox, wolf, CF all know in-app
actually it doesn't working
i've put code of google sample
and they got me this error: IabResult: Billing service unavailable on device. (response: 3:Billing Unavailable)
tried already @TheFlash
As you command, Grandma ;-;
man need to install a complete new system for a Spain system
from scratch with database , server and stuff
never did this before
@Hans1984 u will do it easily
no its very complicated
will take me the whole week
even my advisor said its painfull and he doesnt know how it is done
man it sucks
i hate doing it already
ahh, then do ur best and or start doing cat things when u stuck
after 30mins
!!can hans is able to complete task ?
@AshuKumar Yes, absolutely
lol spain comapny has to work with this database
yeah, see even @CapricaSix know u can do it @Hans1984
that hanscat creates
i will creat alot of cat tables
its not even our job
but the company that supposed to do it
doesnt know how to do it and asked us to do it for them
and now ist on hans
@Hans1984 yes, hans can create new cat then can do this work also
yeah i need cat helpers
very smart cat helpers
then call @ChewbaccoCat he is good cat
hey catman
whats up
can anyone help me with in-app purchases? @ColdFire wolf, fox?

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