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02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

but it opens twice
what is ur code 100 % some thing wrong ..
its very long...
come in private chat
Q: OnItemClick of a list wrong item getting selected?

anup On click of a list I am passing some values from one fragment to the other.When I select say the 0th item I am getting a Toast msg for the correct row but a wrong value is being sent to the other fragment.Also sometimes a null value gets sent.According to my code I think is the problem might n...

can anyone help with this question please?
only when I first start my app
then, after that. it never hapens again
only first time
post me any link for see the app code
either upload code to dropbox and share link of code
it may be in manifest
ill send manifest
could it be the intent filters and stuff
do u try to clear activity:- finish() to close last activity for this
share your code some other place to see exact issue
backendless needs an internet connection to make your application turn -_-
there is no other offline API :'(
bye friends
I will back
how can i restore the view in android studio?
the right side of the layout manager is missing
whos the man now ?
now i can rotate the pics with my own rotate function
stackoverflow did barely help this time
which is rare :o
im leaving guys
how i can convert millisecond to second and minutes?
posted on December 10, 2015 by Google Blogs

Sharing photos and videos between friends and family after your birthday bash or holiday gathering shouldn’t be difficult. But between the great shots your brother has buried on his iPhone and that friend who keeps forgetting to email you her pics, you're often left reliving the event through just the photos and videos you took yourself. Today we’re introducing shared albums in Google Photos—a

2 hours later…
3 hours later…
posted on December 10, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've just pushed Android Studio 2.0 Preview 3 to the canary channel.  This build contains a large number of bug fixes, along with the following notable changes:  A new lint check which looks at switch statements used in concert with @IntDef integers, and makes sure that all constants from the @IntDef are handled: Note that there is a quickfix for adding the missing statements as well, so af

02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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