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Here we go...
!!> t-minus 10
@TravisJ Here
Yep, working.
Wow. I knew the field was crowded, but I couldn't see the forest for the trees on how good the candidate pool is this round...
Good Luck!
I feel bad hogging all the downvotes
...you're not?
I'm just joking :)
grow Baum, grow!
There's plenty of 'em being sprinkled liberally throughout most of the nominations now
@Floern So far, so good. =D
@Floern The Eye of SarBaum is upon you
Good luck I vote for you peeps... But I will remeber all the promises (specially those made in angular and jQuery)
Good luck all
@SterlingArcher elections are brutal
Not if you go into with positive :D
@PetterFriberg I'd rather look to the observable future tbh
@Undo 23 people watching right now.
Also just to clarify, my star'd post is 100% a joke lol
Sterling has a whole point now, so infinite times more than a couple of minutes ago
yeh, I understood that, but they're still brutal
Hmm, what do you mean by brutal though?
I have been having fun. We should keep this chat room :P
In terms of "background checks" or the drawn out nature?
@TravisJ I felt like that in the previous election
@TravisJ It'll be dead and cold 15 minutes after the election ends. =D
Did community create this room?
Where's the excitable little puppy dog?
@BaummitAugen Yeah probably
@SterlingArcher the candidates are exposed to a popularity contest in a way. There's no hiding behind anything, in terms of where the votes put you.
No puppy, only Babou
@TravisJ I think Grace Note did
I think so too, after look at the info page
It's true, I was tossed an accusation from 2017 on mine lol (I wasn't even there xD)
Which candidate will let me use swear words?
<-- right here
It gives a taste of what it would be like to be in politics. It must be rough
I've been in this election for about a week now and not one big biz offered me a bribe
@SuperStew the site won't let you use swear words. So it's irrelevant if a candidate will
Honestly I'm let down
@SterlingArcher and slurs?
@SuperStew So, uh, what would you accomplish by cussing that you couldn't through formal language?
Nah, big difference between cussing and slurs
@YvetteColomb they say "be the change you want to see"....
Where can I find the stats on the number of times candidates have voted for a permanent ban of a SO user?
@SuperStew No one can control what you say behind your monitor; it's when you actually post it on the site that it matters
I don't think that exists @Forty3
@Forty3 that's not a thing I believe
Too bad.
@TravisJ mostly properly expressing my frustration with whatever im fighting atm
I honestly don't think any have either, permanent bans are really rare.
They are handed out by employees.
Vote me, get banned
@Forty3 that isn't a thing at all
"permanent", as in like 500 years or whatever that is in days.
Users can't vote to ban anyway; that's entirely in a moderator workflow.
It is one thing to be able to quickly identify and quell garbage posts/comments .. but to actively seek the eradication of the root cause is my determining factor.
As normal users, we cannot do that any more than you can.
i don't like to be ban neither who bans... there must a better choice, aren't after all communication problems?
can we see how many bans a mod has handed out?
(the actively seeking out part)
"permanent" as in, "this username is etched in the halls of 'Rude and Offensive People'"
@SuperStew Nope. Candidates here haven't suspended anyone anyway.
We can mod flag potentially abusive users?
@Forty3 where can we see that, i'm def there
Just to clarify, none of the candidates are mods...
We reported a user so abusive he was handed a maximum suspension
@SterlingArcher would be good
@Forty3 a ban is effectively a nuke in that context. You'd want to reach for that as a complete last-ditch effort.
@Victor - spend enough time in the world and you will discover there are some people for whom there is no other way.
As for looking at what current mods have done, that would be a question for another place.
@Makoto i got a year ban on one SE site for just making jokes a few times
@Forty3 i have been around for a while...
you could ask before assuming...
I think even if a moderator agreed to releasing their mod stats (if they exist) that would be a company/CM decision
@Makoto - no argument there - last ditch, indeed. But, it takes a careful soul to be able to get there diligently.
@Forty3 None of the candidates are going to let abusive users remain on the site.
i see that most people judge, without hesitation... that is a real problem
@SuperStew I'm not convinced it's that simple - you did something that went against the CoC which led to your suspension being escalated to a year. That's a detail between you and the mods at this point, honestly.
@Victor - I meant no disrespect. But to assume there is a better choice in every situation is not a philosophy I ascribe to.
Although, tbh, it looks like Baum and Mach are strongly out front.
so, you think that we reach a limit? we have no better way to be?
@Forty3 so instead of glass half full, for you the glass just broke?
@Makoto i mean i was making jokes. Grated at peoples expense, but not like /b/ tier stuff
@Victor - agreed, again! The candidate who is quick with the banhammer is worse than the one who never wields it.
@TravisJ I would wait and see on that. It's a bit early to call on how that is going to pan out
@SuperStew No seriously, this isn't between you and the public; that's a detail only you and the mods can really own. I'm not going to get involved in that. :)
i would raher say, that to ban a person, you should do it IN PERSON...
Yup, its true @Yvette
like more or less following John Snow filosofhy os execution
Yeah @TravisJ watch out for my come from behind victory
It will be record shattering
@SuperStew can we focus on the election and not your specific suspension please?
@Makoto nah i posted about in the meta and a mod posted all my comments that got me banned.
@SterlingArcher - the glass? No, not at all. My glass is often always half-full and filling. But, there are those who have broken their glass and are actively using it as a weapon against any/every one.
@SterlingArcher There will be no shattering from behind.
@YvetteColomb yea sure
@SuperStew thanks.
Seems to pretty much be as expected so far
@MadaraUchiha rude.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, not seeing many surprises yet
The real shocker for this primary will be Undo becomes the mysterious 12th candidate and wins both mod slots.
We've got time though
is Ok Forty... i really don't know is thereis a silver bullet to all of us... but again, i guess that our major problem is comuniication and patiente... both things
@gunr2171 you never know who my puppets are
we're all your puppets :)
hope you've got a lot of hands
wait, I thought we were all rene's puppets...
I'm no good at predicting election outcomes. @Undo what correlations do you have with early primary voting patterns and election outcomes?
pretty strong
I'm just here for the popcorn, and Undo's primaries page.
at least for end of primaries
If you use @TylerH's face as the U
election phase is a bit more complex
it spells UNDO
well I stand corrected @TravisJ :/
@coldspeed, you said you did "actions in the past that the community did not agree with", is that referring to meta.stackoverflow.com/a/368124/1739000?
Coincidence? I think not. Vote Sterling.
@MartijnPieters I love Undo's primary page
@YvetteColomb Not my first rodeo :P
vote me
Star voted.
For those using my primary counter userscript, I have just fixed it to work with the updated layout.
@Undo bootstrap?! BOOTSTRAP?
Now you are a moderator, and you have to make all the hard decisions.
@TravisJ yeh I know. It's bad, I want so many people to win.. :/
how do i propose myself as a moderator?
Invent time travel?
@chepe263 It's too late now
just say "vote me" here
@chepe263 you can't for this election
Too late @chepe263 - there was a whole week for nominations
@YvetteColomb I am happy with this field, I mostly run to make sure there is an adult in the room :P
vote me!
WHAT!? A WEEK! I didn't get the memo
Make SO Great Again!
do we have a tag for "time travel" on stack overflow?
@TravisJ I think you'd make a great mod.
It's been on the side bar for a week at least :S
I downvoted all the other candidates to give myself the edge
@SuperStew i like that line!!!
I'm just going to grab my popcorn and run some tests.
(I didn't, /joke)
I've been too busy copy/paste from the site to actually read the sidebar. Ma'bad...
@Victor you can have that one for free ;)
@SterlingArcher lmao! I voted strategically. Fwiww (for what is was worth). One person't vote
@YvetteColomb Thanks :)
@Undo: isn't the page supposed to auto-update?
@MartijnPieters should have sockets. Working for me
is this chat automatic or are you all robots?
I'm a human
@SterlingArcher Wait, you didn't? Can you edit your post so I can undo mine then? :P
I actually haven't voted yet. The candidates are all good.
If you vote for me and I win, I promise I'll do moderator stuff while wearing jammies and a bow tie
@NH. Among others.
Lies! We're all bots
@NH. I am gunr2171
@Ramiro Martijn is definitely a robot
(kidding ofc)
@Ramiro we are people. Except for those who are not.
@Undo Firefox 65.0.1, I'll try Chrome.
As rbots, we gotta admit we are people
It's working in Chrome
@coldspeed care to share? if not that's OK.
Yup, in Chrome it works.
What error did Firefox have with the socket?
I typed rbots to prove I'm a human that makes mistakes
either way, thanks for your honesty.
Genuinely surprised I have votes. I'm very happy with the current outcome
@chepe263 ah, that's the ultimate robot trick! :)
Thanks for voting for me
Anything above 0 was all I aimed for :)
@SterlingArcher ofc you'll get votes! silly :)
even voting for me as a joke, i appreciate it
Good election y'all
@TravisJ no error. And the websocket sniffer extension shows a connected socket.
@MartijnPieters Do you see at least heartbeat frames?
(welcome, and pings)
I'm a horse with a human sticking their face in my pic
/shakes fist at FF
well that's weird. And no console errors?
photobombing human...
Ah, this looks like the stackoverflow socket.
Wait since there are 11 people the top 10 make it to the finals right? xD
@NH. There are various comments under my nomination. I recommend taking a look at those, if they're still visible to the public.
@NH. aye
@coldspeed - They are, so long as they weren't mod deleted.
we should work on doing this a better place for a programming communitty, downvoting system should be enabled only if you are willing to provide context
@SterlingArcher Correct
That's hilarious.
@TravisJ ty. I noticed they were no longer visible on the primary page, so I was confused
for me that would be major change HERE...
@Victor oh no, don't start that debate now... :)
I wouldn't mind dropping the threshold to 6 or 8 for this election, but that's not how it works
i'm sorry...
@Undo don't you dare
but i would like to hear some thoughts about it..
Let me have the moment
i won't arguee... i wlill just "listen"..
@Victor: This would be good reading

@Victor That is a very common request. Perhaps you should look at the decades worth of debate on it :D
It is all on meta.
In all honesty (no commentary on the candidates) cutting it off lower when the seats are less would be a good idea
@Victor just not hear and right now. It's really an election focused room. Chatting with candidates about ideals is ok, but it's really hard to open a hard discussion when the voting has just opened.
@Machavity WAIT NO
@Machavity I agree with this
what would we have to be upset about if there were no comments?
@SterlingArcher Like I said, not a commentary on anyone here
@Machavity Agree.
You're all against me :P
It'd make the elections cleaner. No commentary on anyone else in the field.
so, that is all you got?
Hey is there a badge for "Most conflicted candidate?" I'll accept that
i do think that we should change our manners... i know is not easy and trivial thing...
I enjoy election season. I always have fun running, plus it's a great learning experience
me too
this room can be quite fun at times (the current election room at the time)
forgive my ignorance, does the search in the upper right corner search JUST this chat room?
@Victor - No one supports forcing explanations for downvotes.
@Forty3 yes
have you ask me @TravisJ?
@TravisJ thank god.
@Undo: can't quite see what's going wrong. FF does successfully connect to the websocket.
All this talk about downvotes is taking away from the excitement of the primary :(
yeh, it causes so much grief at times and can lead to revenge downvoting.
Thanks - tis odd, I don't see the candidates opinions on "tabs v. spaces" in this discussion.
i see that people tend to overjudge without kowniing and dowvting sit on top of that very often...
@Machavity if it isn't too much trouble, could you elaborate on what you mean by this?
@Victor None of the candidates support it. In the community, the voting is something like 99.99% NO, and the occasional YES.
If I had to explain myself 723 times (plus however many were deleted by owner) I'd cry.
@Makoto I was really happy to see you step up. I didn't think you were going to. You are so consistent on Meta. That's a compliment
@TravisJ thanks for the fact, but you haven't asked me...
@coldspeed Well, if we have, say 1 spot open, take the top 6. 2 spots, top 8, 3 or more, 10
@SterlingArcher yep, I wouldn't vote.
@YvetteColomb I feel like I gave this consideration the due time and respect I needed to for consideration. I'm glad I stepped up.
Obviously not applicabale to this election, but future ones
@MartijnPieters Do you see frames other than the ping frames?
Should be frames with a json payload like '{"5"=>194, "6"=>417, "9"=>457, "7"=>631, "10"=>495}'
@Victor there's plenty of meta questions on commentary in association to downvoting if you'd like to chime in there :)
@Machavity I see. What's the current threshold? Or is that supposed to be kept a secret?
@Makoto I totally respect that. Honestly you would make a great mod
(first election, sorry)
In fact many of the candidates would make great mods.
@coldspeed 10 currently. We have 11 total
@coldspeed you've done well.
no one is still saying nothing about downvote that is useful to get me understand why is so dificult to impose a rule of providing context on donwvote...
is so difficult to program? I may assume that could actually BE a complication..
Nobody would ever vote
@Undo not sure, FF's dev tools support for web sockets is b0rken at the moment, I have a Websocket Sniffer extension but that shows what look to me to be the stackoverflow.com websocket, not the /cable one for charcoal.
@Victor It's because we've talked about it so many times. Search meta for 'downvote comment'
@MartijnPieters yeah, should be /cable
i have talk about that too
you may ask first...
if i have talked before...
@Victor we've told you, this isn't the place to get into this discussion right now. The voting has just started
Works for me in FF, fwiw.
Imagine being forced to comment on every vote you make. I would quit the site
@YvetteColomb thank you. TBH, I expected the downvotes but not the upvotes, so I'm quite satisfied I was even considered this much.
me post on meta were downvoted BTW
Have a look at this meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/313992/… it explains why people don't like to comment
@SterlingArcher I'd write a user script to 'solve' the problem :P
Downvotes on meta just mean disagreement
@Machavity Jinx
funny fact..
I linked to that a while ago
@Undo "I'm only commenting so I don't get fined."?
@coldspeed, I'd also like to clarify about the serial downvoting. Did you serial-downvote, or just the other person?
oh my bad @YvetteColomb...
@SterlingArcher comment w/ whitespace, immediately delete
sorry, thanks for the bearing...
@Undo: ah, no, it is the right socket
@coldspeed I think you're a strong candidate and will probably be elected if you keep running. The only thing is just a little more experience. Your contributions are amazing.
but the subscribe message isn't going out
On Chrome I see {"command":"subscribe","identifier":"{\"channel\":\"VoteCountsChannel\"}"} going out
@NH. Think of it as a tennis match. I returned two rounds and gave up. They didn't.
on FF, only pong messages going out.
@Victor that's ok. Everyone is excited about the election and that is what this room is for.
are we excited?
I forgot to each lunch again
@coldspeed I don't think of it as a tennis match, but thank you for answering.
@YvetteColomb, allow me to ask and say one more think: i just feel that beneath there is tecnical problem.... i mean, i would like to see the DB model in order to see how dificult would be to impose a restriction on having at least one comment in the post before downvoting
@SterlingArcher I'm at a cafe right now, whatchu want? :)
We are in the same room, right?
@NH. Feel free to insert your own analogy there, but it was a mess.
I'm going low carb right now so anything bacon
@YvetteColomb Thank Yvette, I appreciate your frankness :)
@Victor this is the third time I'm asking you to stop
@Victor here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/250396/… leave a comment if you down vote.
@coldspeed I can see you shaping up really nicely. Like I'm a farmer or something :p
@rene Ooh, nice. I hadn't see the actual diagram of it... I wonder who took the time to model all that... oooooh.
@TravisJ shouldn't there be some tool to auto generate a model diagram?
@YvetteColomb.. can you try to bear with me (one more time) and try to understand what i'm realling looking after.. if a'm being annoying you me talk to me in aprivate room where we can get into understanding
Mm yes, the crops are coming in nicely this year.
@YvetteColomb It was auto-generated. I only had go put the tables, columns and relations in ...
@YvetteColomb There are multiple tools to do it if you have the entire model setup properly for it with [Attributes] and whatnot. But the diagram linked was made by rene based on the data explorer (I assume)
@coldspeed well, I don't want to flame a candidate so strong in so many other ways, but I see it as taking a tennis racket to a ping-pong match. That simply isn't how you play the game.
@rene ah yep.
@Victor slow the roll big dog
when somebody says "3 times" maybe not the best idea to try for 4
Manually putting in the tables, columns, relations (the majority of work) was what I meant by modelling though. Thanks for the visual though @rene, that was an interesting view.
i just wanna know... you know...
and i do want changes...
@Victor stop or I will kick you for longer. Do you understand?
@NH. I understand your POV but with all due respect, there is more to the story.
don't need too
can we talk in private?
That's great, but you're in the wrong place for it. Try here, plenty of people ready to engage you on it
@coldspeed that makes sense. I looked at this for 60 seconds and can't possibly know all that went into it.
you could start from that point.... you know...
Ugh, this is the issue with chat sometimes. It is so easy for one user to disrupt an entire room.
@Victor no. I don't want to. There's a lot of resources on meta about this issue and I'm tired. I wanted to enjoy this room.
That wasn't the first time we said that man
Sterling... don't worry i ahve already tried to talk about that in the past in meta... and doesn't work
uh oh
@Victor - It wont work here either. Who do you think is active on meta?
No, it means you were disagreed with 😀 That doesn't mean it didn't work
I have plenty of meta posts that were disagreed with, and it's ok. But it's time to let it go
It's all good
Whoa...I'm starting to close the gap with @Machavity now
@Makoto same!
I think the field's split at this point but four days with the ability to undo votes at any time is a long time before predictions
Mostly no one undoes votes
I can change that
If I talk long enough, it'll happen.
True, but I don't want to rule it out. It's unlikely and it's more likely that the opinions are fairly set at this point.
Oh dear - so many close/delete vote braggers. Probably think it will help them =)
@Undo Oh I played around with them one year - to watch the changes in real time :P
@Undo Thank you very much for the Primary Monitor. Right before I looked into this chatroom, I was copying usernames and vote counts to a spreadsheet...
I'll Black Tuesday myself, just you wait.
@JFFIGK - if nothing else, it means you're using the moderation tools you have now, so yeah I'd say that'd help
@Victor sorry, I do not wish to have a private debate right now.
To use another manner of speech - who'd trust someone to drive up the road if they've never been seen behind the wheel of a car?
13 minutes and I can go home and eaaaattttt.
Mod tooling is far different from simply casting NAA and close votes.
Not sure I agree with the car driving analogy.
@Makoto Uber is trying to
Funnily enough I had in my mind the analogy of some teenager trying to run an errand and asking to use the car for the first time
Kind of a milestone in responsibility for most adolescents
Uber totally kills that though, absolutely fair point
They get to assume the trust of the driver rather than have it demonstrated.
@SterlingArcher there wasn't a need to kick me
i'm person, not a bot!
Oh good lord.
oh, it like good lords...
@Victor isn't this exactly what a bot would say?
@Makoto I meant their automated driving
(i'm beign funny!)
(cuz i'm ordinary person that also makes bad jokes)
@Victor for the record, a mod kicked you.
@Victor - I think you need some time away from this room.
ok, i will follow that advice
@YvetteColomb I've seen the videos of Tesla owners falling asleep letting their car drive for them. They still assume trust. :(
@Victor I think it's clear the conversation you want to have is not one that any one else wants and isn't suited for this room... please just drop it.
Stop abusing flags
This is why we can't have nice things
@Makoto so dangerous
@SterlingArcher cue Julie Andrews and the Sound of Music
@Makoto I've seen a video where the software crashes in the middle of driving, forcing you to take back control
This situation actually attributes to one of my answers. Victor should not have been flag banned, as the content he said was not flag worthy.
Kicked sure, but not suspended.
@MadaraUchiha I've experienced what people have described as "barrier lust", in which the EAP system decides that the striped barrier for some off-ramps is a perfectly straight road which should be driven towards at current speeds.
@SterlingArcher ummm hadn't seen that flag go through...
Primaries \o/
Cool - I passed Machavity for fourth place :D
@JonClements I assume 'automatically suspended' refers to flag based suspension?

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