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11:42 AM
Hello everyone
chalo hwe mobile mathi type nie krwu pde
room topic changed to Android-iOS Programmers : Sometimes we even talk about Android! New users are required to read the rules ( We have a blog ( Remember that this is a chat room, not a helpdesk. [android] [android-studio] [ios]
11:43 AM
Guys english please :)
@MayankPatel use whatsapp web :D
please some one give it a star
bhai company ma na krie @ArthTilva
ok sure we will use only English with the things
Please use english lang mostly
otherwise moderator will remove this group too :D
11:44 AM
@MayankPatel lol
@RaviRupareliya @ArthTilva @MayankPatel @ParagChauhan Close Vote :
:D :D :D
11:46 AM
@PratikButani Your have gold badge, i guess you are enough to close that question :p
Sorry i don't have android gold badge
:D :D Butani have it
feeling like normal people after long time
@RaviRupareliya Closed :D
I thought to give chance to have name in yellow color with me @RaviRupareliya
Simform is hiring android and iOS developer
11:50 AM
@RaviRupareliya Exp.
I want to apply
Our old starred messages and useful links :…
upto 3 yrs Create JSON for WhatsApp Sticker Pack
Page not found
12:22 PM
Eyyyyyy all
Anyone wants to be owner of this group?
not me
12:39 PM
Hi all
1:20 PM
any ios developers
1:39 PM
thankyou @DharmeshKheni
am new to ios
so may I ask a doubt
thanx alot
in my api am getting this kind of string
actually its in millisecond yeah
so am trying to convert
like this
let milisecond = "/Date(1540273712487)/"
let dateVar = Date.init(timeIntervalSinceNow: TimeInterval(milisecond)!/1000)
var dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"
/Date(1540273712487)/ this is the compelete string you are getting?
it wont worj that way
1:41 PM
yeah i know
you need remove extra characters first
it should look like 1540273712487
yeah am trying that too
let s = "/Date(1540273712487)/"
let replaced = s.replacingOccurrences(of: "/Date()/", with: "")
like this way
even this one is wrong
is that we cant remove llike this
actually how can i remove that
import Foundation

extension String {

var length : Int {
return self.characters.count

func digitsOnly() -> String{
let stringArray = self.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(
let newString = stringArray.joinWithSeparator("")

return newString

try this first
and get only digit from string
1:45 PM
let me
let phone = "/Date(1540273712487)/"
one more doubt
@DharmeshKheni this one i can create a class
or in my view controller itself i can use
you need to add it out side the class
you can first try in playground
like this
};extension String {

var length : Int {
return self.characters.count

func digitsOnly() -> String{
let stringArray = self.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(
let newString = stringArray.joinWithSeparator("")

return newString

which xcode you are using?
1:56 PM
do you have AnyDesk installed in your mac?
help me with your id
okay once u did just explain me what u did
haha ok
1:57 PM
dont confuse with my code
am really new
to this
its invalid id
thats fine
am an android develoer
got it
still its invalid
your id is not valid
1:59 PM
I can not use keyboard
connecting again
open it again
is anything i ne to give
skype me on dharmesh.kheni.root
2:04 PM
skype am not using
teamviewer please
I have issue with teamviewer
let me reinstall
ha ha
skype actually i forgot my username
so long am not using that one
but why anydesk cant access keyboard
help me with teamviewer id
1 192 507 861
anywhere we can get on call?
told you
my TV has problem
2:08 PM
ha ha
they detecting comercial use
anydesk why its like that way
lets try again
can you open it again
2:10 PM
help me with your mail id
still cant
check my screen
should i want to download this
2:13 PM
but am not using chrome
and firefox
you can if you want to
leave it
let me try on my side
one sec
try anydesk now
2:15 PM
this settings should be like this yeah
can you download crome?
my mac is
it will work yeah
i have installed chrome
click on link I gave or open it in crome
2:58 PM
I have given you the request over there

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