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A: notifyDataSetChanged() in Adapter doesn't seem to work

Nilesh RathodYou are not removing item from your list that's why notifyItemRemoved(position) and notifyDataSetChanged() is not working Make below changes in your code handler.postDelayed(Runnable { dialog.dismiss() // remove here item from yourlist then use notifyItem...

I need to use removeAt instead of remove
@JohnJoe didn't get u buddy
I get this Using 'remove(Int): T' is an error. Use removeAt(index) instead
@JohnJoe ok did it works?
yes,thanks a lot
hi bro, I have another button called A in the recyclerView. If A clicked, it will call some function, then I want A to be invisible. How can I achieve ?
@JohnJoe than you need to take a boolean variable for that and maintain boolean visibilty of button called A using that boolean varble, means when user click on button change the state of boolean variable and disply button based on that Boolean variable
@JohnJoe for hint check my previous answer
hello there
I don't really get your answer
The button A is one of the recyclerView item
First take a boolean varble in your class
not adapter class right ?
if boolean == true display your button A else make invisible
in your model or pojo class
when user click on button A make boolean varble false and use notifyDataSetChanged()
my POJO class
var selected:Boolean = false
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {

val item = mValues[position]



adapter class
/// display button A
/// make button A visibilty gone
and this is A button onClickListener in adapter class
holder.mAppButton.setOnClickListener {
var dialog = Util().callDialog(context)
// do somethig
// then hide the button
holder.mAppButton.setOnClickListener {
var dialog = Util().callDialog(context)
I think is mValues.get(position).selected=true
its `mValues.get(position).selected=false` because we have used below condition

/// if true display button A
/// if false make hide the button button A visibilty gone
but you can change the logic as per your requirement
wait ya
when it come to OnBindView
if (mValues.get(position).selected) {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
context.longToast("SSS "+mValues.get(position).selected.toString())
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.GONE
it will display SSS false
and all A button not visible
share your adpter code
@JohnJoe make sure when u set adapter your selected is true
for all item
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {

val item = mValues[position]

if (item.work_order.equals(null) || (item.work_order?.equals(0)!!)) {
if (!item.status.equals("Complete")) {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
mValues.get(position).selected = true
} else {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.GONE
mValues.get(position).selected = false
} else {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.GONE
mValues.get(position).selected = false

if (mValues.get(position).selected ==true) {
Initially there are 3 list in listView
the first one has mAppButton, but the other two dont have
where you are adiing data in your list
fun getListFromServer() {

GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
swipe_container?.isRefreshing = true

val response = WebApi.getWorkRequests(context)

if (response?.status ==101) {
response.work_requests?.sortByDescending {

if (list != null) {
list.adapter = WorkRequestsRecyclerViewAdapter(
swipe_container?.isRefreshing = false
simple reverse the condition my friend
/// display button A
/// make button A visibilty gone
holder.mAppButton.setOnClickListener {
var dialog = Util().callDialog(context)
now try
how about in pojo class
var selected:Boolean = true
i don't why don't u check that
all 3 buttons become visible
is it because of this ?

if (item.work_order.equals(null) || (item.work_order?.equals(0)!!)) {
if (!item.status.equals("Complete")) {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
mValues.get(position).selected = true
} else {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.GONE
mValues.get(position).selected = false
} else {
holder.mAppButton.visibility = View.GONE
mValues.get(position).selected = false
may be because i don't know why you have added that conditions
let me try
the three buttons still visible
but the recyclerView not going to refresh
update *

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