You need to add the SSH key to the Travis UI under an environmental variable for your desired repo. You also need to add the key to the .travis.yml file on that repo. is the docs for Travis
I have already added it to my Travis UI. Can you provide specifics(example) as to how to add the key to the top of my .travis.yml file? I have already looked at the docs and it is not clear as to how to do this.
Actually, I have it set up right no under SSH key, can you elaborate on how I can set it up under Environment Variable?
I see that! But what variable do I create? Do I call it SSH? or GitHub Password, etc.?
ok, let me try that!
It is still getting stuck when I run the build. I have it saved in my SSH key setting, and copied it, and made an E.V. called SSH and it still stops at "username for :"
could it be become I do - julia --check-bounds=yes -e 'Pkg.clone("")'
that package I am referencing is a private repo. Is the point of SSH keys that it will download all required dependencies by default, such that me doing this manual clone is unnecessary and throwing off the system? this package, xxxxx, is a dependency of the main package/file I am trying to build.
so what my repo did was take any changes to my files on my repo, and deploy them to a GitHub pages. so it updated the content automatically when the repo was changed