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Q: What is the best way to execute Task on specific Thread (not main one)
4 hours later…
Generally speaking I'd just pass in the SynchronizationContext if i had access to it (generally if i want to force a specific thread context, i do have access to SC). But if you really dont have access, that answer does seem like the logical next step
2 hours later…
So unlike other platforms SKGLView on Android draws on its own thread. I figured it's easier to execute everything ui-related there instead of trying to force execution on the main thread
Q2, finally WPF-related :) I'd like to execute some Task, this time on UI thread, and return some result. Current implementation:
member _.InvokeOnUiThread(func: Func<Task<'a>>): Task<'a> =
    if Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() then
        let tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<'a>()
        let d =
            Action(fun () ->
                async {
                    let! result = func.Invoke() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch
                    match result with
                    | Choice1Of2 r -> tcs.TrySetResult(r) |> ignore
                    | Choice2Of2 ex -> tcs.TrySetException(ex) |> ignore
will it work in all cases? is there is better way?
wait, wait, I know, I forgot to specify TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously
2 hours later…
posted on June 13, 2023 by Rahul Bhandari (MSFT)

Check out June 2023 updates for .NET 7.0 and .NET 6.0 The post .NET June 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.7, .NET 6.0.18 appeared first on .NET Blog.

posted on June 13, 2023 by Jiachen Jiang

We're thrilled to announce .NET 8 Preview 5, featuring enhanced Metrics APIs, SourceLink integration, default Dynamic PGO, and Alpine ASP.NET Docker Composite Images. The post Announcing .NET 8 Preview 5 appeared first on .NET Blog.

posted on June 13, 2023 by Daniel Roth

.NET 8 Preview 5 is now available! Check out what's new in ASP.NET Core in this update. The post ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 5 appeared first on .NET Blog.

posted on June 13, 2023 by David Ortinau

.NET MAUI makes its way to .NET 8 Preview 5 and is full of new quality improvements for developers across the entire framework. In addition, we are introducing NuGet packages even greater flexibility going forward. The post Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 5 appeared first on .NET Blog.

2 hours later…
posted on June 13, 2023 by Salini Agarwal

June 2023 Security and Quality Rollup Updates for .NET Framework The post .NET Framework June 2023 Security and Quality Rollup appeared first on .NET Blog.

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