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Is there a good convention for "property forwarding"? Say I want to write a combobox control that has a clear button on the right. I would write a user control that wraps a combobox/button in a stackpanel, but I would like to be able to set combo properties on the custom control itself, eg: <MyCustomControl ItemsSource={...} />
posted on October 09, 2018 by Cesar de la Torre [MSFT]

Today we’re announcing our latest monthly release: ML.NET 0.6! ML.NET is a cross-platform, open source machine learning framework for .NET developers. We want to enable every .NET developer to train and use machine learning models in their applications and services. If you haven’t tried ML.NET yet, here’s how you can get started! The ML.NET 0.6... Read more

7 hours later…
@EvanTrimboli Yes there is a good convention for this, don't do it with a user control.
You can create a CustomControl that inherits from ComboBox, or you can just override the template by adding a button to it and attach a Behavior to the button that will clear the selection on click. This way you preserve all Combo control functionality, you can override the template.
Not sure the behavior thing will work :)
morning all
1 hour later…
@Jeffrey very advanced
1 hour later…
Hi all
1 message moved to Trash can
Don't randomly spam question in a completely unrelated (or even related) chatroom
@Maverik why ?
because it's rude and it's noise that wastes our valuable times
tell me how I can bind my ImageSource to a BitmapCache and i'll let you cross post
Silence.. of course..
Cross posting questions is a no-no
Sorry, Maverik. Wasn't in the room when user posted
nah no worries.. i just came around the same time he did by coincidence.. was going to say hi but he just injected his wordpress post in there so I had to deal with that first
so.. Hi Alex :)
Hi Maverik :)
We get them once in a while
WP questions here? Yeesh
didn't really have the need to check even.. based on the instant hi + copy paste question timing.. but i decided to be extra sure about tags anyway
1 hour later…
@EvanTrimboli In the case of "ControlX but with feature Y", inheritance is a good thing to reach for. It's also possible you could change the control template in some cases. But I disagree with Novitchi in that sometimes it's not possible to do it with templates and behaviors. And inheritance can get messy.
If you must do that sort of collection forwarding (and sometimes you must), you probably want an ItemsSource dependency property in your control, which the ComboBox has it's ItemsSource bound to. The clear button would most naturally be calling something that forwards to the .Clear() method of the pointed-to collection (though you'd probably need to check if that's supported, or catch the exception)
Hi Lynn!
We had a drive-by earlier
Maverik cleaned it up
I see that. :-/
I could even handle the person staying afterward and learning some C#/WPF
But to then just vanish
It's just insulting to jump into an off-topic chat room and ask for help about a technology that they know nothing about.
Also: Morning all!
In Google Canary, you don't get that nice blue dot on the tab to indicate new activity
morning Zarenor
How's it going, Lynn?
Well, I'm abnormally anxious today, and haven't even had my coffee yet. So I'm this mix of very tired (kiddo woke up twice last night.. very odd) and yet on edge :-/
On that note, I think I'll retrieve some.
Heh. Coffee is love. Coffee is life.
Anxiety isn't fun, though. I'm sorry about that
I have chronic anxiety. Sometimes wish it could be used as a clean energy source. Light up a city!
I have super doctor anxiety....and dentists.
Went to dentist for cleaning yesterday. Gums are so sensitive, had to get 20+ shots to numb me up
morning all
that sucks
In case you want to see one of my sideprojects: icelanddogs.com
Used to it by now. Been doing this last 5 years
Okay, my heart just exploded from cuteness overload
Cute babies!
There's a ton of work on that site you can't see, most of it is 100% generic and what you are seeing is data driven
at least off the home page
v2.0 with a shopping cart is next!
EF Core as well
This guy says Framework is to be phased out
we just had go live over the weekend
Very nice job on that, Bradley
I think he's got the first part right (burying the framework) but the conclusion wrong. WPF, WCF, etc will just run on .NET Core
I've heard rumors v4.8 is the last Framework version, but I've also heard rumors of a v5.0 coming. But they're wrong about losing WinForms and WPF etc - they're all available on core 3.0
Zarenor and I are reading the same stuff :D
That's what I've heard too... WPF, etc., will live on
But it will only run on the Windows version of .NET Core
so... .NET Core will still basically have a .NET Framework version
I forsee little difference besides terminology
Of course. Windows Presentation Framework can only run on Windows
until someone gets DirectX cross-platform anyways
Guess you guys heard Win update issue, deleting some users files
no, hadn't heard
Heh. I wouldn't be surprised if one of a couple of things happens (my opinion only):
note to self: don't run windows updates for a bit
WPF stays windows only (odd) and .Net Core on windows is just different
We've seen MS take some cursory interest in WPF again - they may decouple it from DX and put it on Vulkan, which would drive it cross-platform.
I'm not familiar enough with the deep-layer rendering and compositing to know how difficult that would be.
I'd love to see that happen
but until non-windows OS adoption goes up... I don't see the value for MS
ASP.NET went cross-platform due to the ubiquity of Linux web servers
the same isn't true for desktop development
I think it's broader than that; how many non-power users do you know that run a linux desktop environment?
yeah, that's what I'm saying
only exception would be if they could get WPF to run on Android
and eliminate the need for Xamarin
Pull 10 people off of the street and say: here's a computer. Install Linux.
How do they acquire it?
Can they order it?
Actually, you can
or at least you could the last time I installed linux
Heh... I had Slackware install disks... 4 cds... in 1995
afk; meeting
huh, don't see the order a DVD option anymore
must have not been worth it
can't imagine why
at least for Ubuntu
Yeah, I think chromeOS and Mac are the places where app development in WPF on Core would be nice. But I'm not holding my breath or anything.
xamarin is already wpf-lite
straight up WPF on mobile doesnt make any sense
and since you can use xamarin on mac
i'd expect more and more stuff to flow into xamarin
except WPF is easier to understand... too much weirdness in Xamarin still
Huh... "Nikki Haley Resigns As U.N. Ambassador"
Yeah, just saw. Meh. The idea that she qualifies as a moderate - and as 'too moderate' - terrifies me.
I'd love to know if she disagreed with the supreme court nomination.
Odd, that these two events occurred within days of each other
Bradley, is the Xamarin weirdness b/c it needs to output apps for iOS and Android?
probably part of it
I've heard it's not an easy tech to use. Not as easy as WPF
Set of controls are limited, for obvious reasons (it has to support both platforms)
PWA might be a better choice for some apps. It might not deliver native perf, but easier to build
Years ago, the Famous engine was meant to alleviate that
Work stopped on it in 2015
xamarin is just as easy to use as wpf
the issues are more that the tooling is iffy, building/testing is somewhat painful, and the implementation of the native controls based on what you specfied in xamarin is not perfect
like with WPF, when you ask for a ListBox, you get a ListBox. in xamarin, you get the equivalent native control, and the more complex your requirements the more likely you are to run into issues
in general though, you'd create a xamarin application in a very similar way to any wpf
also performance is sorta weak
i hear flutter is nice for cross platform right now
but it is not .net
Hey all. I recently realized I probably have been misusing the UserControl project, mainly because I am adding a lot of business logic. Is there another pattern or design project I should be looking at for a situation where I want to create a resuable FrameworkElement (in a separate assembly) with a lot of business logic?
I kinda ran into this when thinking about the MVVM pattern and setting the DataContext of the View to a VM internally to my UserControl, which is not in line with the normal use of a UserControl as strictly a Visual element (like, without connections to a database or webservice)
I don't think that's really an issue
When I did a plugin based system those were "User Controls" just not reused
if you have a bunch of reused business logic always tied to that control... I don't see an issue
Like, I'm overthinking it?
If you are worried about swapping in different implementations or something there are ways to loosen the coupling
but just the use of that base class/project, I don't see a problem
Tnx. I would rather use a UserControl. It seems to fit in every other way except the normal use of DataContext
User controls can have their own data context. Its just that when doing that + reuse you have to be really careful about accidentally using (or intentionally relying on) the inherited data context
its a bit error-prone
exactly what I was running into when considering DataContext.
But I'm not seeing an amazing way around that if you need a really complicated chunk of stuff in multiple places
Only thing I guess you could do is take your VM (for all intents and purposes) and pass it to your UC on a DP
Then everything will bind through the DP and your mistakes will be less likely
I was thinking of overriding the DataContext prop in the codebehind so I could disable the Set...
if possible.
well, by Disable, I just mean I would have it do nothing.
I don't think that property is virtual
the best you could do is hide it... which would almost certainly do nothing in effect
ya, I should have said hide it
Just so it can't be re-set
I would have the code-behind new up an instance of my VM and set the base.DataContext to that.
But its only going to be hidden to direct reference's to your UC. I don't think it will have the effect you would think
but I could be wrong
Maybe I've not thought it all the way through but the main thing I wanted to do is make sure something external to the UC didn't overwrite the DataContext (e.g. be able to bind it to something else).
I don't think you can prevent the data context of the UC from being set
The two ways around that are the DP I previously mentioned, or setting the data context of a child element (say, the root Grid) to your library VM
then the inherited context should be functionally ignored
This question made me cry.. feel free to fix any typos or offer suggestions on my answer to this misguided soul: stackoverflow.com/q/52725542/1783619
+1 for your answer to help this person
Sometimes I feel sad about noob devs
> This is 100% the wrong approach to this.
That was ... unexpected.
Well... it is ;)
The comment below it "I had 3 courses only and the teacher doesn't really teach much but we have never changed anything in the XAML"
shakes head
Oh I got it thanks for the help! — Min Jie 7 mins ago
^ accepted too
can't be avoided there
newb just wants it to work
understandable, if sad
le sigh
queues Touched by VAST
back to rfid.
not sure i caught all of the usercontrol datacontext discussion
but one option as well is to set datacontext using relative source finding a parent that you know has the right datacontext
@LynnCrumbling You should see my password hashing answer...
eg. you want some nested sub control to always have MainWindowVm as datacontext, you can use relative source to find the top Window control and use datacontext
I have another one somewhere...
unless that one got deleted
Julien, he wants exactly the reverse
for his UC to never use the inherited DC
darn, can't find that other one
I get really worked up when people store passwords as plain text :)
He accepted the -2 as the answer?!
You can lead a horse to water but...
Oh geez. And using margin.
“People are generally irrational, unreasonable and selfish. They deserve to be loved, anyway.” -Mother Teresa
@BradleyDotNET My explanation to someone trying to "decrypt an MD5": stackoverflow.com/a/5283527/656243 back in '11
That's the #1 thing I keep wanting to tear apart the designer for.
Quote above to keep me sane when people do irrational things
what DC does he want it to use then?
Amen Zarenor
its own Julien
Using margin as the default way to position things is just so wrong. At worst they should spam columns and rows in the grid they autogenerate
wouldn't you just create and set it in the c'tor for that control then?
Sure, but setting on the UC itself can have issues
Hence the suggestion to set on the root grid instead
I've always passed in a second DC by way of a DP
Using a named, root grid as a way to have internal datacontext is pretty standard
Then needed to use both.
I think it's what several of the system controls do
of course, MD5 shouldn't be used for passwords anyways...
in case someone still doesn't know that in 2018
I mean, MD5 is better than plaintext, but only barely XD
I'm totally reusing this one.
MD5 is a digest algorithm. Think of it as converting a cow into a steak. Now try to reverse that. — Mechanical snail Jan 7 '13 at 23:42
most excellent
ah, the visual
omg genius
that's awesome
BCrypt is digesting said steak a whole bunch of times :)
The other answerer to that WPF question is actually arguing that teaching this way is OK...
To each his own I guess
If the friends in this room hadn't helped me learn MVVM in WPF, I'd been lost doing MVC the last two years. Plus EF, LINQ, best practices,....
So there's wisdom in what we share with folks. Then it's up to them what they do.
what do you guys use for messaging in WPF?
like the functionality mvvmlight provides
...use MVVMLight? :)
I'd say hes arguing for the sole reason that he answered with that approach and got accepted
Julien, can't say that I've used anything. If I was pressed though an intermal 0MQ bus would be fairly appealing
Pub/Sub is really easy, and you can even do RPC with a fair bit mor work
hiya mav
how are ya?
we should SysReq-s at some point
i'd like to see a stand alone implementation
got any samples?
Nothing on GitHub atm. The docs include some really simple samples: netmq.readthedocs.io/en/latest
And there are community ones here: github.com/NetMQ/Samples
but I haven't looked at any of them in-depth
Julien, MVVM Light Toolkit has a nice Messenger class. You could probably just take that and use it
You can pass an object with your message. You register your recipients to listen to the message
25 mins ago, by Julien
like the functionality mvvmlight provides
Actually, it was your message above that got me to add my 2 cents :)
23 mins ago, by Lynn Crumbling
...use MVVMLight? :)
I didn't read far enough up to see your first ref to it
Next few days they're providing MS Azure training
Wondering if it's worth it
If you think you might be using Azure
picking the right products and setting them up is not simple
just like AWS
Well, eventually, yes
I mean, is it free? If so, knowledge is knowledge :)
MS stack is the way we roll here
Yeah, MS is offering the training free
Go for it!
I'd take it
Okay, okay!
i dont want to include all of mvvmlight just for the messengering
light as it may be hehe
You shouldn't have to
i'll see if i can pull it out of mvvmlight
yeah but it imports a bunch of other mvvmlight stuff
well. maybe not a bunch. but there is a using
i havent dug into it
It shouldn't be too much
2 hours later…
Hi all. Does anyone know good Timeline control?
I found only this one
Sorry, no
2 hours later…
posted on October 09, 2018 by Tara Overfield [MSFT]

Today, we released the October 2018 Security and Quality Rollup. Security No new security fixes.  See .NET Framework September 2018 Security and Quality Rollup for the latest security update. Quality and Reliability This release contains the following quality and reliability improvements. CLR Updated code to prevent errors regarding invalid date format when Japanese Era 4 is used... Read more

posted on October 09, 2018 by Vivek Mishra - MSFT

Today, we are releasing the .NET Core October 2018 Update for 1.0 and 1.1. This update includes .NET Core 1.0.13, 1.1.10 and .NET Core SDK 1.1.11. Security CVE-2018-8292: .NET Core Information Disclosure Vulnerability Microsoft is aware of a security feature bypass vulnerability that exists when .NET Core when HTTP authentication information is inadvertently exposed in an... Read more

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