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@ReedCopsey Yes. translation, scale and rotation. We have a graphic engine that manages its own scenegraph where you can insert nodes that aren't visible on the screen. I've created unit circle, line, etc. (not visible). For a branch of the graph that are visible, I add nodes that then just references the invisible nodes.
@ReedCopsey So, If I want to display 1 million circles. I create one million nodes referencing one circle. Each of the referencing nodes have their own transform and it changes. I figure it would be less time consuming to just transform a referencing node back to the original (unit circle) then apply the new transform as opposed to calculating the transform between the old the new.
@ReedCopsey As I was typing this, I realize that I could just delete the old node and create a new node referencing a unit circle then apply just one transform. Although, now I would need to notify that the node changed.
1 hour later…
posted on July 12, 2017 by Rich Lander [MSFT]

Today, we are releasing a new Security and Quality Rollup and Security Only Update for the .NET Framework. Today’s update applies to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Security Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2017-8585 A denial of service vulnerability exists when Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully... R

2 hours later…
@A.Hussainy bro it was merging issue of audio and video while using ffmpeg . it stuck in waitforexit()
1 hour later…
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan a short follow up on the UnmanagedMemoryStream memory leak: I used Visual Studio Diagnostics Tool and dotMemory to confirm it was an issue with FontFamily using resource based fonts just like the SO answer described. When I changed to file based fonts the memory leak stopped. I was having this issue in an application depending on Material Design in XAML Toolkit (awesome library by the way!) github.com/ButchersBoy/MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit/issues/746
@MagnusLindhe Cool. Nice breakdown.
Q: WPF TabControl ItemTemplate icon pixels offset/duplicate on focus

DanAn odd problem appears to be happening to icons placed within my TabControl tabs. When a single tab is constructed, the icon appears correct. When another tab is added, or the tab is selected, the icon(s) seem to offset upwards by one pixel, and duplicate the bottom row. My ItemTemplate looks...

2 hours later…
Hi all
Hiya Alex
Hey Lynn
It's going to be a scorcher here today
No kidding..
Probably about same where you are
@Alex I feel your pain.
This is from last week. It's "only" 34.6 here now.
Woof. Too hot
We're a couple of weeks away from moving to new offices. So no-one really wants to spend time and money to fix our air-conditioner, which is a bit too old and clunky to handle this ridiculous heat.
The A/C in our building is also pretty crappy. It's a cube farm and parts are freezing, other parts scorching
Our part is usually hot
What's a good web platform to document some C# code?
Has anybody explored Pheonix/Elixir combo for webapps?
@Alex Are you trying to document an API?
It's supposed to be 94 here today too
@LynnCrumbling Kind of. Documenting how an authentication system works
should implement OpenAPI Alex (Swagger)
Ah - so you're not looking to take a class file as input and output a formatted page similar to msdn
Not so much. Just have some nicely formatted C#/XML code and write up some paragraphs explaining them
looks up OpenAPI
I talked about it in past Alex - Swagger.io
Swagger is now OpenAPI - though old name is alive and well still
Nice tool
asp.net has a swagger middleware that you can implement to expose documented endpoints
Is that like WSDL is for SOAP?
But, you know, not horrible?
ah.. wsdl is meant for machines
swagger is meant for humans
it presents you with all the parameters / documentation and offers you forms to perform quick get/put stuff
..i have swagger ;)
sure :p
Is swagger/openapi only meant for RESTful svcs?
no Lynn - its a standard -- anything can implement it
but it might be harder to deal with endpoints that follow rest since the standard sort of expects to be implemented on it
and its got a ton of generators for the purpose (they want you to start from a Swagger Spec and start working from generated stubs that implement spec)
@franssu did not use vim since university, i guess it has a bunch of shortcuts?
sorry i disappeared mav
hey kevin - np biggi
check your other message :(
@NovitchiS I don't know what ctrl + shift + enter does but I guess in Vim it's just 'o'
the plugin works quite well
so i'm getting a binding error trying to bind the text property of a textbox
Text="{Binding ParsedSystem}"
then in codebehind doing this.ParsedSystem = sysNumber.ToString();
any ideas?
fixed it
good job :)
so I don't have binding errors and when I set this.ParsedSystem it doesn't show on the front...
Are you raising a PropertyChanged event for ParsedSystem?
no, i'm doing it in code behind. PropertyChanged still necessary?
Binding is binding.
so yes I still need INPC i'm assuming
You're in code behind, so you can just set the Text property of your textbox, and that won't require PropertyChanged.
I think he's trying to learn how to bind :)
But Binding is Binding. The engine doesn't care who you're binding to.
i'm binding so I don't have to marshall from a datareceived thread to the ui thread
That's... one reason to do it, I guess.
i can almost sense the sentiment all the way from here Avner
@Maverik I find that a well-placed ellipsis can convey a world of meaning. :)
I think its my first time hearing that particular reason to use a binding
my original guess was he was testing how to bind stuff
Mav: To your point, yes I'm learning Binding. But it also seems easier than marshalling
its may be - but its not always
After next week, I'll probably off this project anyways, so I'm learning as much as I can
it depends on what you're binding to -- if the bound item has thread affinity - you'll still need to marshal on dispatcher (or whatever thread that owns it)
so setting text from the datareceived even binding will require marshalling?
wouldn't think so
ObservableCollection on the other hand will
julien is here, hide!
Julien went quite after his gentlemen bit - i was waiting for next line
Simply setting text would be fine.
@Maverik Maybe he simply wanted to assert the existence of gentlemen.
if I try to to textbox.text = "fody" here, then I have to marshal
wow this is a nice article.. i didn't know it was possible in EFCore 2.0
Nice find, Maverik
just picked it from Feeds links :)
var dialog = new Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf.VistaSaveFileDialog();

            var result = dialog.ShowDialog(Application.Current.MainWindow);

            DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
i have this as a command binding
the CloseDialogCommand runs, but doesnt close the dialog
somehow the file dialog is interfering with it
anyone have any ideas?
if i comment out the VistaSaveFileDialog stuff, it works fine
i guess i have a dialog opening a dialog?
what if you don't set parent window
no change
pretty annoying lol
i have a dialog popup that lets you click a button that opens a file browser
select your file, close popup
check the props on the filedialog
guessing its topmost or whatever
like many apps, i think, you can't do stuff to a 'main window' behind a dialog (in general)
no nothing window related that i can see
idk seems weird though
because when you return from showdialog, it returns a value
i'd think everything works fine after that.
I haven't used Command.Execute explicitly before
                    await DialogHost.Show(firstUsePopup, delegate(object sender, DialogOpenedEventArgs args)
                        _dialogSession = args.Session;
Spent all morning tracking down an issue with Identity Framework... I'd messed with the data and left users in an inconsistent state. Only took 4 hours to track it down.
morning all
Guize...I'm super excited. Fired my app up and connected to the client...it works!
always a good start :)
grats :)
text is measured differently on win 7 and win 10
now to add a few bells and whistles...then I think i'm done with this
i'm also super excited .. made my ice chocolate (without the ice :( )
uh what?
gonna mean pain fo me
re: ice choc -- heh
Cadbury hot chocolate powder as base + 1tbl spoon Cacao powder to add strength + 1 tbl spoon thick & gooey Chococlate sauce -- mixed into as cold a water as I can find ... works.. pretty ok
i remember seeing something about teens are starting to snort cacao powder now or something... anyone read into that?
ideally i'd throw soem hagendaaz belgian chocolate ice cream in there too.. but there's no freezer here (thus no ice in my ice chocolate either!)
eveytime i make that - i think about sharing it with you lynn.. then i virtually cheer and drink on both of our behalfs :D
@JohanLarsson Are you saying that MeasureString behaves differently?
@Maverik <Grin> I'd have no qualms with that
Did not know about that one but I think it might
solution... stop measuring text?
problem is it breaks a bunch of tests
I just had to demo another one of our products. Went well. Stopped for ice cream to celebrate :)
Which kind of ice cream? (as if it matters -- it's ice cream!)
yay ice cream!
I like Baskin Robbins, but ice cream is all delicious
Alex: Dairy Queen Pecan Cluster blizzard
idk @LynnCrumbling Alex may take your dankest spicey memelord title
btw if anyone is looking for something good to listen to on this scorching Wednesday afternoon youtube.com/watch?v=L2OR9XoFFWw
my music contribution for the day: youtube.com/watch?v=3_-a9nVZYjk
aww man, I just found the perfect song + video...but I don't want people to take offense...I think it's really cool though :(
@Julien +1
biggid, did you ever get slack inv?
Unable to perform action because the specified Storyboard was never applied to this object for interactive control
Action='Remove'; Storyboard='System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard'; Storyboard.HashCode='52809255'; Storyboard.Type='System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard'; TargetElement='System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar Minimum:0 Maximum:100 Value:35'; TargetElement.HashCode='26444494'; TargetElement.Type='System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar'
?? wtf does this mean
lol uhhhh
@Julien are you using the MDXT style for the ProgressBar?
all my controls are using MDXT by default
<ProgressBar Style="{StaticResource MaterialDesignCircularProgressBar}" Value="35" IsIndeterminate="True" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
that is the culprit
I think it is a known issue with MDXT. I've seen it too and I think James left it like that because, you know, WPF.
gah i hate having crap spam my output screen
Do not look at it :)
Are you using MahApps as well? Perhaps for the Window style?
I think MahApps got a custom control for a circular progress bar
i dont like it as much. lol
No, and it might not look at when its very smallish
wow those are snazzy
no problem
Q: scrollviewer zoom only one element

marsalal1014I have to zoom an image in uwp application, which works fine, but the design requires to have another image (that works as a button) in front of it and I dont want that element to be zoomed as well. It has to be only the image inside the canvas tag, this is how I have it now. <ScrollViewer MinZ...

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