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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@JohanLarsson It doesn't like your Nuget packages
Even with restore enabled
ah, fail I'll remove them.
But tomorrow.
@BradleyDotNET pushed an update with the packages removed.
Its pretty cool
The 3D rotation still needs a lot of work
and the control generation is pretty slow
First thing I tried was to "drag rotate"
And it didn't work :(
The spheres are slow
Boxes are fast
Gonna try to optimize the spheres later.
The 3D stuff is another lib
I'm just working on a PR for ItemsControl3D & Selector3D
Your little "rotation circle" in the lower right was only able to select one other side, then double click toggled it
Not a big deal of course
not mine
part of the Helix lib
and the # of items being toggle buttons was odd
Those were more observations
Since I'm sure they wouldn't be there in the final product :)
nope they are just sanbox stuff
they are 5*5 10*10 20*20
^ that is where I'm stuck now
setting Visual3DModel = modelVisual3D.Content; breaks all ~template~ bindings (as expected)
I could not get it to render with just Child set
also huge hack with cloning all bindings and rebinding with new source
8 hours later…
John Skeet, I have a question for you!
I don't think John is here?
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear @Billdr! Happy birthday to yoooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!!! party horns
Jon Skeet minus the h doesn't come here AFAIK
AFAIK, you are right.
Yeah I know :P
Happy birthday, @Billdr! If rumors are true.
Happy birthday, @Billdr! If rumors are true.
Happy birthday, @Billdr! If rumors are true.
Now I want to eat.
Chatting is always like that.
The rumours are true
My phone told me
It's the only reliable thing in my life
And I misplaced it this morning
So I am officially the least reliable person in the world right now
Cool ^^
@Sean did you work with rudy?
I work with Rudi, yes
For another 8 days
So if you want me to happy slap him, time is limited
are you qutting?
Already quit
Well I handed my notice in ages ago
Was rudy to hard?
I dunno, you would have to ask his girlfriend
so what's up next?
It's not Rudi, it's not any of the people I work with really. It's the company in general and the fact that I haven't had to use my brain in aaaages
Boring maintenance work, nothing new
I'm going round the WPF room
Next up is Mav
If that doesn't work out, I'm gonna go hang with Billdr
Then you're next on the lis]
So prepare your anus
Mav was looking for a web developer and it's stuff that suits me more than payroll-related crap
Good times :D
good morning everybody
how ru guys?
Damn, you reminded me to start learning web developing, Sean.
why first word I've seen here is anus? :P
Morning, Francesco.
Because it is something that everyone has.
Because who doesn't love a good anus?
good answers ;)
Same goes for tits/boobs. Everyone likes them. Eyes are used to focus on these words.
guys, from the top of your WPF experiences, is there a good way to manage about treeviewitem.name character limitations?
Define "good way". Your option is to truncate the string in a way that makes it more readable because it will be truncated anyway
Sean, as written in MSDN about TreeViewItem.Name...
The string values used for Name have some restrictions, as imposed by the underlying x:Name Directive defined by the XAML specification. Most notably, a Name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores. For more information, see WPF XAML Namescopes.
So, how to chek about not allowed character when managing the String?
I would avoid to do something like
if(name.contains +) remove it
I can't tell you but that WPF XAML Namescopes might be able to help
I've never had an issue with naming XAML elements, sorry
No problem Sean ;)
Also I totally thought you meant the text
Not the element name, so my first reply makes zero sense
Cos I have zero brain :D
noooo...you have lot of brain Sean :)
About TreeViewItem, think about when user would like to rename it...I need to change also Name property of Item
User renames the Header property of a TreeViewItem, but I need to change also its Name
so I need to check what user insert into Header...
Maybe it is good to post the question in SO
Not really, they'll tell you to look at the documentation
Or maybe some rep-whore will do it for you
I've read docs
Wait it says it right there
See, about that brain - it doesn't exist
"a Name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores"
So a simple regex would do
So do a regex replace on characters not in that range
Bam, done
What a brain...:)
If yours doen not exists...what about mine??
Regex.Replace(myTreeViewItem.Name, @"[^0-9a-zA-Z_]", "");
exactly... :)
Ack, bad
There, needed the negation
with "there" you mean into the pattern?
could I use ![pattern] ?
No, in Regex to negate a character group you use ^
[^a] anything that is not the ascii character lowercase a
I'm reading about how to create regex :)
I use regular-expressions.info as my reference
Thanks Sean...and thanks to your brain too :)
Hehe you're welcome
2 hours later…
@Billdr Happy birthday!
@maverik did you invite me to the recycle bin because you meant that I should throw my own garbage, or is it just that when you move stuff there, the user who wrote the stuff gets invited?
When anything you commented on the chat gets moved to the recycle bin, you get invited there
I wish that MS would build a tracker into VS so that the callbacks would so the function throwing an exception!
So you can catch thrown exceptions in the callbacks ?
no. so when my code is inside of a catch, I can see who did the throw
Like, line that the exception occurred, which method made that happen ?
Is that a yes?
now I have to start over, and step the last way
Q: Show line number in exception handling

Crash893How would one display what line number caused the error and is this even possible with the way that .NET compiles its .exes? If not is there an automated way for Exception.Message to display the sub that crapped out? try { int x = textbox1.Text; } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex...

nae that doesn't really help...
or wait a minute...
I'll take that back... thanks
._. No problem
I was going to tell you that you could use nameof too but that is 4.6 and it isn't in full version
I don't know if it is called 4.6 or 4.5.x
.Net 4.6
.Net Core 5
They're not making this name thing any better
looks like a nice tool
what do you guys think?
Seems really nice
But 131$ so you can use everything for something that is a cloud service with archived websites.. I don't if I'd use it enough to make that price count
Currently only using free account
just started
Is it easy to use ?
Q: Hide/Show Grid inside TabControl based on IsChecked of a child

Nicke ManarinI'm trying to make my own TabControl, here is some part of my Style: <Style TargetType="TabControl"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> ...

Currently im happy with it, annotating stuff on webpages is awesome
@Sean slackin?
@NETscape All day every day
1 hour later…
sorry guys...need some help...
No need to feel sorry
its about binding
I've a TextBox binded to a property in VM
that property is a String
I need to call a Thread that, when starts, invokes a function
inside the function I update the value of the property String
that I've passed as parameter
but after changing its values, the property in the caller seems not updated
Does this property has INPC ?
Yes, INPC is implemented
Mind showing the property?
here is the property
private String _plasticHingeValues;
    public String plasticHingeValues
        get { return _plasticHingeValues; }
            _plasticHingeValues = value;
here is the XAML binding
Text="{Binding Path=plasticHingeValues}"
And when the method gets invoked, you update the property, not the auxiliar, right ?
plasticHingeValues is inside VM
yes, I update plasticHingeValues, not _plasticHingeValues
And you use async/await for the threads ?
Just trying to eliminate possible misplaced code
how are you calling the thread with the parameter
MyThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadTest));
wheres the parameter
     public void ThreadTest()
            int i = 0;

            while (threadAlive)
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>

Into Calculation() I call the method in which I pass the parameter
why are you invoking dispatcher to do some calculations
I don't he is doing because it is needed, but to see how it is done
because the method has a bool variable which could be changed to stop the calculation, clicking on a button
I've inherited that code...
well you still havent shown where you are actually getting the string value you are updating
that is like the most important bit
inside Calculation I call a method
results = Method(this.viewmodel.stringvalues);
sounds like you are getting a copy of the var
not the same object
inside Method I update the stringvalues parameter
but after update, with debug, I see that this.viewmodel.stringvalues is not updated
and if you put a break on the Set of your plasticHingeValues property
does the break get hit inside your Method after you change the value
aren't strings passed by value ?
yeah pretty sure he's losing the object
I've tried to pass another parameter, creating a String inside the class where I've defined the thread
but I've passed it with ref
and when the parameter inside Method is changed, in the calling method I see the update correctly
does the set get hit on your property
that is all that matters
I'm checking it but I think that no is the answer
then you are not modifying your ViewModels copy of that string
so your ui will never update
They should have open sourced it
YEs Julien...
why @JohanLarsson ?
so how to manage it to have the UI update?
@franssu why not?
Have you read much of the wpf source?
nope, why ?
and Julien, it is not possible to pass the Property with ref
> Embraced extensibility. Nearly everything in ASP.NET MVC has an interface or abstract class that you can extend to change how the framework works. There's a beautiful pipeline that you can plug into. I'd swear the WPF team never even heard of an interface, and the only abstract classes have internal constructors.
@franssu I've been reading much the last couple of days. I'm pretty unimpressed :)
because it's hideous
Hey guys! I have my own BindablePasswordBox class, but I'm not able to set a child <Binding ... > element on it. Anything special I need to do?
@FrancescoDS well i would start by simplying your code. try updating the value directly in your thread and see if it works
but where did you get the source from @JohanLarsson
ok Julien
@MarkRichman <BindablePasswordBox><BindablePasswordBox.Text><Binding ... doesn't work ?
@franssu my property is called Password not Text, and no it doesn't work.
my class derives from Decorator if that matters
is it a DependencyProperty ?
ok @JohanLarsson I didn't take the time to catch up on exactly what part of the framework the open sourced
@Julien updating it in thread I see that control jumps into the setter
but TextBox.Text value does not change
@franssu oh I misread you question. Large parts of the framework is open source {Roslyn, ASP, EF, ... }
remove your dispatcher.invoke
Ok Julien
@Julien nothing changes...
hahaha ok
lets see your textbox
without Dispatcher.invoke I cannot debug the textbox
i meant show the xaml for the textbox
<TextBox x:Name="plasticHingeValues_TextBox" IsReadOnly="True" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="342,195,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Path=plasticHingeValues}" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"/>
@JohanLarsson wow
that source code !
        /// <summary>
        ///    String representation
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            return _name;
I was expecting more from MS
@JohanLarsson good article, i agree with a lot of his points. but i still like wpf
and am excited for the changes coming
@Julien the differences that I see are: Binding is without Path and DataContext setting
path is not required for simple property bindings
uhhh if you didnt have a data context set your label would never display anything
nevermind update
i have set DataContext with Property
this.plasticHingeValues_TextBox.DataContext = viewModel.plasticHingeValues;
do I need to change it with
this.plasticHingeValues_TextBox.DataContext = viewModel;
wasn't there a video posted recently about the future of WPF ?
this.DataContext = viewModel;
you shouldnt need to associate one textbox with an entire viewmodel
generally you have a view model for an entire view
i dont know about video but ms confirmed they were continuing development on it
i play magic online, and their client is written in wpf
and it eats memory like crazy
im curious how much is ms's fault
client is mainly wrap panels with thousands and thousands of images
@Julien now I correctly see the value inside the TextBox when I update it outside the Method but, when I do the modification inside Method, it does not update
ok good
i dont think you are going to be able to pass the list of strings to the method like you are doing
@Denver @Sean @Maverik @Markus @furier Thank you!
        private void Test(string testme)
            testme = DateTime.Now.ToString();

        public void ThreadTest()
            //TestString = DateTime.Now.ToString();
this breaks it
you'll have to figure out a different way to do it
you should have something along the lines of this:
while (threadAlive)
                var result = Calculation();
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    vm.property = result;

Julien it is not a list of string but only one String
Maverik, do you think that I need to call the method outside the Dispatcher.Invoke?
I cannot update the property as you have suggested, because it changes multiple times inside the Calculation()
@FrancescoDS sure you can, you can always use a buffer variable that pulls from property, and pass that into calculation.. then pull the result back out and assign it in a dispatcher
if you do everything on dispatcher, your UI will hang
never used a buffer ...
(it defeats the whole point of another thread)
temp variable
shadow variable
copy variable :)
variable must be visible from both points
also, you can READ value from property inside a different thread
am I right?
you just cannot write
i dont get why dispatcher is required
so pass the property in, but don't change it.. instead return the final result and assign in dispatcher
dispatcher = switch to main UI thread
yeah why would you want to do that
this has to do with ownerships
when you've bound a property to view, the view "owns" that property
in order to now change it from a different thread, you have to ask view to update it value
cant he just pass his view model into the calculate method
and modify the props on the vm directly
nope, not in a different thread
he can pass it to read value
but he can't write
I don't need to pass it if I cannot write into it
he said his values are changing multiple times, and he wants the ui to see all those updates
so an end result from Calculate isnt good enouigh
I don't need to read it in Method() but only to write it
it is
the end result is an intermediate step
before dispatcher comes into play
its like umm... say one dish party
you're supposed to bring a dish with you to the party
but do the actual cooking at your own place
so, thread is your own place in this context
if you've only cooked the dish and left it at home, its still pointless
Ok I will try to implement it and I will let you know guys
Thanks for now :)
if you've done the whole thing at the other persons home, well you've defeated the point of one dish and overloaded the hosts kitchen
sorry for the corny analogy - it was the only one that popped in my head
I need of some help with binding again. I thought I had this figured out but I guess not. I am trying to bind the Header property of a DataGridTemplateColumn, and I know at some point this was working (not sure why it isn't now). I'm using just as all the examples describe: Header="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}, Path=DataContext.HeaderVal}" but keep getting an error saying Cannot finde source for binding.
Great. I killed the room
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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