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@chocka did you just copy-paste your question here?
I guess he did, the guy is in need
Instead, link to that question so that we don't duplicate the effort to answer it
1 message moved to Trash can
post it once more..
Weird, the welcome message didn't trigger
8 messages moved to Trash can
talking about trigger, about mysql triggers anyone?
Maybe he was here already?
any Ideas regarding this
Yes, we just keep them hidden so you'll never solve it
stop random pinging please
@Zirak does Caprica have a logger?
I'm new to this chat room
we see
Yeah, it logs a shitload of stuff. Too many.
@chocka That doesn't mean you can't use common sense
ah hehe
read the room pseudorules please @chocka
!!/welcome chocka
@chocka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
K tnx
@xcx I know about mysql triggers
seriously, I would have to work with a remote mysql databse, I can ask their proprietary to set triggers, but that's all, else, I'd poll the db which is sucky
Q: Looking for an Archetype for a scaleable web app

afr0I'm trying to revamp a backbone application built using Marionettejs and asp.net mvc. I can see many missing components and not to mentioned most of the time miss managed implementation based on these library/framework. So my question is what is the best possible architecture that I can look up...

Anyone know some PDF online viewer like docs.google.com/viewer alternative ?
!!/google online pdf viewer -google
@Zirak not docs.google.com/viewer
Here you go, I told it to ignore google for you.
@CapricaSix any else ? (pdfonlinereader.com have to upload a file) (view.samurajdata.se doesn't look so goo )
Dude...fucking google it
@Zirak dude... you have been flagged
Fuck people who flag shit.
I'm just a messenger
Of course :) but the point still stands.
@phenomnomnominal flagged too. Again, I'm just a messenger
Fuck whoever flagged that
both twice
That's just silly.
I wonder who that is
I apologise to any 10kers
Who actually sees flags? Only 10kers?
And mods, yeah
How you guys know someone has flagged you? (I didn't, just want to know)
ohhh got it
@Mr_Green you can't
you need 6.5k
I mean, you don't know who
but 10kers can see all flags
ohh k
As we've said in the 2 messages above you
they also ding if your notification level is at least "when notified"
ok correct me If I'm wrong but mysql trigger only do other mysql operations
Are you speaking of chat flags or question/answer/comment flags ? If it's the latter, I'm over 10k and I've never been notified of flags and I don't think I can see all flags.
lol just learned interesting thing from v8 source xD
huh? where is that pointed out?
so if you try to detect if( document.all ) --- it fails, but it's still there
I'm not able to post a image data to a url does post have a limit to the length of a parameter
also, 10 KLOC header file ftw
// Tells whether the instance is undetectable.
  // An undetectable object is a special class of JSObject: 'typeof' operator
  // returns undefined, ToBoolean returns false. Otherwise it behaves like
  // a normal JS object.  It is useful for implementing undetectable
  // document.all in Firefox & Safari.
  // See bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=248549.
  inline void set_is_undetectable() {
    set_bit_field(bit_field() | (1 << kIsUndetectable));
I didn't knew this thing
typeof document.all
This doesn't really sound compatible with the description the MDN gives of if
I think the point was not to fall to IE browser detect
and still have websites working that use document.all directly
OK, so how do I make my custom JS object undetectable (in case I think my code is too easy to maintain) ?
you can't from JS obviously
@dystroy Probably with an ES6 proxy
@dystroy is there a limit on the length of a parameter
in a form
@DineshVenkata Why are you asking me ?
I think it's valid from the spec point of view. Host objects can do anything.
I don't think there is a trap for ToBoolean or typeof in Proxies..
And yes, there is, and it's browser dependant.
@dystroy I thought you could help me
@DineshVenkata Sorry, I have no knowledge related to this topic (or any other one)
@DineshVenkata And you think I can't help? What's wrong with me?
@DineshVenkata And you think I can't help? What's wrong with me?
@Mario Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the closest you can come to objects evaluating to false is with
({valueOf: function(){return 0}}) == false
@DineshVenkata zirak knows everything
@JanDvorak haha nothing like that
define a .valueOf that returns 0 on your object
@Esailija what if you proxy another object like document.all, but override all property access?
@zirak didn't mean to hurt
~_~ he's even ignoring my complaint of not being important!
@Esailija still truthy
yes, with direct ToBoolean
but == false returns true
@Zirak @JanDvorak I'm not able to post large data don't know why
No, it's too late, the opportunity has passed.
!!> !!({ToBoolean:function(){return false}})
server limit?
@dystroy true
!!/tell dystroy spec ToBoolean
@Zirak I'm sorry
@dystroy only .toString and .valueOf are magical methods
@JanDvorak the data isn't even reaching the server
var d={a:3,n:5}
var handler = {get: function(target, name){ d[target]}};

var p = new Proxy(document.all, handler);
@DineshVenkata how does it manifest, then?
Why 1===2 (false) in JS ?
@JanDvorak manifest as in?
@l2aelba what do you mean ? You'd like 1 to be equal to 2 ?
@l2aelba why it should be true?
@BenjaminGruenbaum but in this case you would do !!p
isn't that always true
@DineshVenkata I mean, how does it behave if not correctly?
@Esailija Wouldn't that evaluate to the same as !!document.all? Isn't that Proxy's contract?
Also, how are you submitting the input?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no
@JanDvorak I'm submitting a form
How long an input? What type? What occurs instead of submission?
!!> 'all' in document
@Esailija Why not?
@dystroy "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
@CapricaSix you're not helping... why no document in your webworker ? You should always document !
@dystroy being in something and being truthy are very different
well you can try
@JanDvorak the input is a base64 string which is a canvas object captured using html2canvas plugin. The data gets posted but I'm not able to debug where is it breaking on the server
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was wondering what would be the simplest test to check if document.all exists
(doesn't mean it has a value, yes)
@DineshVenkata it could be rejected by the server before it reaches the server script
@JanDvorak oh so you mean could be a server issue?
possibly. How long it is?
2MB is a bit too much
rejected by most servers
@JanDvorak cant say since it is in base64 format
@DineshVenkata Why don't you use post instead of get ?
try logging the size before submission
@dystroy I'm using post
Can I convert some video from 200MB+ to >100KB by JS ?
@l2aelba u serious?
simple create shortcut
using windows
@DineshVenkata Are you sending your image in the body of your request ? You could normally send Go this way...
@l2aelba yes, by deleting most of it.
@l2aelba yes, by posting it to youtube and storing the url
@l2aelba 200MB is over 100KB
@dystroy the image data is part of a form in the body
hehe.. stackoverflow.com/a/4884402/1125394,the guy is right, it's terrible
I demand a bagillion dollars.
And a tuna sandwich.
1 message moved to Trash can
@DineshVenkata the server post limit refers to the entire post, not to one field. Try splitting the submission to several requests.
@l2aelba stop randomly pinging please
@JanDvorak ok :(
oh @JanDvorak how can I do that never came across that approach
@DineshVenkata Splitting a string and chaining ajaxes is not too difficult. Reassembling it server-side needs some effort, however.
namely, effort identifying the requests
By the time sent, or pass along a request id?
@JanDvorak the rest of the parameters are quite short
@DineshVenkata you should focus on reconfiguring the server
@Zirak I will donate a gazillion but I'm afraid that's all I can spare at the moment
One day...one day...
@l2aelba I'll do it for you, what do you need?
@BenjaminGruenbaum free websocket port :P
What video game?
I'm saving up to buy the next next Microsoft product, which I understand will be $7 bagillion and you will need to sign an agreement to donate every penny you earn for the rest of your life.
@DaveRandom, that's almost as bad as Apple!
@Zirak If you can divert one million dollars from your gazillion or bagillion, I'll provide you not one, not two, but three tuna sandwiches !
Three tuna sandwiches!? What is this madness of which you speak!?
Served at home (provided you tell me where it is) !
It's a trap.
@phenomnomnominal Yes I'm afraid I can never buy anything from Apple, they demand a contract on your soul and I don't have one since I agreed to maintain a VB6 application.
@DaveRandom, Hope is not lost, they will accept the soul of your first born son I believe?
You aren't one of those scam Russian brides? I've already had all my dildos manly possessions (which have nothing to do with sexual stimulation) stolen
@OwenOByrne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I had to sell him in order to purchase Windows 8
@DaveRandom Don't worry, there's always a jQuery plugin or an ipad application : macupdate.com/app/mac/33320/isoul
@dystroy, damn, you got ripped off.
@DaveRandom Isn't windows 8 like 40$?
I still want to market some gobstoppers with the Apple logo on. I will call them iSuckballs.
@Zirak Of course, I'd need some payement in advance, mainly for tuna sandwiches making courses
You had me at balls.
I've heard that about you
Ever since rlemon did the ball attraction experiments...
Like putting a mustache on a ball ? Reminds me of somebody...
Mmmmm metaballs
I <3 balls in n-dimensions.
@dystroy Of course, I'll mail you a cheque. I need to get to the post-office anyway, a Nigerian prince needs my help enlargening his penis.
@JanDvorak the length of the string is 181996 bytes
@DineshVenkata That's tiny for inclusion in a post request.
Are you sure that's the source of the problem, and not something else?
@BenjaminGruenbaum SSssshhhh! My boss will hear! <resumes rolling around in his pile of £50 notes>
(I wish)
What is a nice way of saying: "You can't write a professional report to save your life."?
@dystroy the what could be the problem?
Try sending an empty request
Or a small one. See if size matters
Not sure if we're closing stuff too fast stackoverflow.com/q/16917285/1331430
Though that had an overly obvious answer for many, now I wonder if it didn't at least deserve an answer
Q: What is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

AnilWhat is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

@phenomnomnominal "Your reporting skills are not your strongest area" with a footnote of "I have yet to determine your strongest area, but I hope for your sake it isn't your reporting skills."
> this is nice question
he comments that on his own question.... hah!
Maybe the question got up and made him some coffee
> jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
Yeah, reopen it so we can close as dupe
@phenomnomnominal I edited the accepted answer, was very annoying
meh it is not even a dupe anyway
looks like I edit-rampaged on that question before :P
Why is there not an auto search feature before you can post a question?
technically there is
There is
@FabrícioMatté I'd say this is a shitty lazy question. We should delete it instead.
@dystroy yeah, my CV was due to no research effort
@BenjaminGruenbaum and aravind3 is confused about your edit
@GNi33 Yeah, I just so I'll reply to him
Okay, then so how is it so broken that people still manage to post the exact question with the exact same title?
Maybe it's not the system that's broken, it's the people
^ that
People are inherently broken, systems need not be
well, you could say that about almost everything @Zirak
Speaking of lazy questions...
Q: specify image source in javascript

user2363025I was wondering is there a way to only specify the source of an image in javascript. So if I had the following image tag: <img class="CustomerPict" id="Image" alt="name" src=src style="left: 18px; top: 18.5px;"> And in javascript I want to declare the variable src? Any help would be appreciated!

If you give them a giant banner that screams "GO LEFT", they might still ask you where to go. Or whether they should go right.
@GNi33 And sometimes it'd be correct
@mikedidthis hehe no rush. Just wondering. sometimes I finish projects and forget to notify people :P (ADD)
Don't give them the option to go right, herd them around like animals.
So "close the ability to open a question because it seems related to another"? Maybe it looks related, but isn't.
@rlemon ahh right. Nah its on my list just wrapping up another helper project first. I am hoping Thursday as I want to create my HTML base at the same time :)
@phenomnomnominal how in the goodfuck was this upvoted so many times
@phenomnomnominal Yeh there should be a if (levenshtein($q1, $q2) < strlen($q1) / 100) { $user->pissOff(); } check
"Whats the difference between C and a spoon" +38
@rlemon C exists, but there is no spoon.
@Zirak, no but if the title is completely identical...
Dave, that was random
@rlemon probably people landing from google, or whatever
or aliens
@rlemon cat /dave/random | @rlemon
it is proof they exist
lol and the lemon memefier thingy still exists?
oh nice :D
hi @CapricaSix
@shankar.parsanamoni HEY SEXY!!!
hello @phenomnomnominal how are you dude
@shankar.parsanamoni I'm sad :(
Everyone is really stupid :(
y so dude
I'm doing marking of a 4th year graphics paper
It's a bit depressing
oh my god .don't depress dude .you will get it
touch.trademe.co.nz looking very nice
@DineshVenkata are you from india
@rlemon have you seen the most recent couple of oatmeal comics?
Any bad thing about url parameter with slash ?
It involves manbat and womancat
!!/mustache malikGee
@CapricaSix what is that img
@rlemon User -1 was not found.
@Zirak wtf?
I can't just mustache a url?
that should work
!!/mustache shankar.parsanamoni
@GNi33 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand mustache shankar.parsanamoni (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
room topic changed to JavaScript for Beginners: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
@rlemon You can, but it has to identify it as a url (ending with a jpg/png/gif)
(and beginning with http or www)
@Zirak Y U NO PICK UP HTTP(s?) ?!
@Zirak thanks
Any reason the following code would crash IE8?
var stars = document.createElement("div");
stars.style.backgroundImage = " url(../img/sadstars.png)";
@l2aelba You're welcome, guy who had nothing to do with this conversation
@BenjaminGruenbaum transparent png?
@BenjaminGruenbaum try attaching first
@rlemon But you're right, I should only check if it begins in http / www
@JanDvorak I'll try, seems like a bad idea though since it'll be considerably slower, maybe use a fragment
@BenjaminGruenbaum perhaps the URL isn't correct? Check if your root is what you think
@JanDvorak it works in IE9+,Chrome, Firefox and Safari
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you using <base>?
@JanDvorak attaching first doesn't help
what does it work in?
everything else?
Even if the URL is wrong, I don't get why it would throw an exception in JS, it should 404 or anything
@phenomnomnominal pretty much, even IE9+
@Zirak kick('617762'); ban('617762','3600');
Maybe IE8 doesn't like image backgrounds?
@BenjaminGruenbaum add a ';' at the end of the string?
Try quoting the URL
@phenomnomnominal like stars.style.backgroundImage = " url(../img/sadstars.png);"; ?
also, remove the leading space
yeah, maybe?
It should 404, or show bad CSS if that's the issue, it throws a JS exception
@BenjaminGruenbaum try setting the background not the backgroundImage (now i'm just grasping at straws)
@phenomnomnominal why would that help?
what's the error?
holy Internet Explorer!
@JanDvorak fuck knows, maybe it stores all styles as one string and adds it to the start?
@phenomnomnominal unlikely
Very, but you never know with IE
Removing the space at the start fixed it
Thanks @JanDvorak
(and other people who tried to help too)
IE8 is whitespace-sensitive
I remember it was totally there for a reason, probably broke some other version of ie :P
Yay, SVG doesn't work in IE8 now :P
if (isIE8) ...
now to the real question: can we see what sadstars.png looks like?!
!!/google unhappy celebrities
look for 'sadstars' in the resources panel
not there
I see star
@rlemon you got no codes
one sec
Uncaught Error: SecurityError: DOM Exception 18
@phenomnomnominal that's yahoo finance, not us :P
Invalid Credentials.
Sad stars
Uncaught Error: Script error for: jquery
huh? What browser?
Chrome 27
@rlemon enter code TestForIE8Code
that is a 'sadstar'
the name greatly disappoints
It's sad, because it has lower ranking :P
@BAUER102 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar dx.com/p/… @OctavianDamiean as well.
you know you wannnnnt it
dx.com is amazing
crazy cheap stuff.
looks like dicks.com to me
So clearly it's awesome.
take for example cell phone cases ($20-30 in store) are $2.50 on dx.com
I just bought a $90 pump for $13.50
Damn, that's pretty good! And if shipping is free, dayum.
takes like 2 weeks to get to you
I bought an iPhone external battery case that's decent, a few other mobile gadgets like cables and such last time, got in 2 weeks, all good
but it's free.. so who cares right.
I bought a lot of stuff from them over the years
2 weeks is fucking good to NZ haha
It's pretty well known and popular here
I buy a lot from them
Normally costs like $50 for postage and takes a month
We get screwed down here.
@phenomnomnominal it's from singapore
so you're a hell of a lot closer than I am
Haha, still doesn't tend to matter! But hopefully!
What should I buy?
check out the site
if you don't already have one. $35 dash cam

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