@BenjaminGruenbaum Editing a message is difficult. I know that it sucks, but among the prime issues I have is message editing (see github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/27)
hey, I'm writing a recursive descent parser and in the process I thought that maybe I should ask for a second opinion, how bad is it having something like 10 non-terminal methods ? :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Nonterminal symbols (or syntactic variables) are replaced by groups of terminal symbols according to the production rules." that's what the wiki said I didn't know what was the book referring too before I read this.
@SadStudent Oh, you mean non-terminal symbols, I read non-terminal methods
@SadStudent a RDP is not an object based system, it's a bunch of recursively calling actions. There are no objects involved other than the symbol tables and tree being built
@SadStudent that'd be completely working against the language, have a parser module for each part of the language, that parser should contain functions
@BenjaminGruenbaum So would refactoring the functions into classes would still suck in Java ? (it's not that I'm a big fan ) Sadly I'm just thinking in the "what would CS graders like" hat
@SadStudent I know that feeling :) forcing the functions to be classes and using something like 'the command pattern' makes sense in Java, I guess, just don't make every function a class or anything
Question: Is there a way to access user_data outside of the $.get(), without having to make it public? $.get('someScript.php', function(response){ user_data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); } );
:9703816 thats what I did, it didnt work though
var user_data;
user_data = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
I didnt knew that $.get executes before body
@rad $.get is a function that takes another function (here, called "body") as an argument. It is passed as a separate function because it is called later.
I am inquiring about a web app which uses Spring MVC and hibernate on the server and
ExtJS 4 (Sencha JavaScript framework) for the client framework (widgets).
The app is cloud-hosted - it is not "distributed" to users. It is required that users
of the app shall need to purchase a license from ...
E is an object-oriented programming language for secure distributed computing, created by Mark S. Miller, Dan Bornstein, and others at Electric Communities in 1997. E is mainly descended from the concurrent language Joule and from Original-E, a set of extensions to Java for secure distributed programming. E combines message-based computation with Java-like syntax. A concurrency model based on event loops and promises ensures that deadlock can never occur.
The entire language is designed with secure computing in mind; this is accomplished chiefly by strict adherence to the...
@mikedidthis man, after reading what was said after I left I kind of feel bad. These guys are way uptight (imo), if i'm not talking about code probably 70% of what I say is sarcasm or meant to be taken in a joking manner. Sorry about that dude, I didn't think anyone was actually taking me seriously other than Wes. Generally my sarcasm is pretty transparent.
@Mike Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If you're not using jQuery in your code, this answer is for you
Your code should be something along the lines of this:
function foo() {
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.open('GET', "/echo/json");
return httpRequest.responseText;
var result =...
Where I work we have over a dozen internal SW systems that we have developed in-house using a variety of technologies, frameworks, and languages. Those include various from Microsoft (ASP.NET Web Forms, WebAPI, WinForms, SharePoint, Office Automation, Win8 Native Apps, SQL Server, SSRS) and other...