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@skopp You'd just fork GitLab and be done with it.
@AmaanCheval Florian Margaine's correct.
@OctavianDamiean GitLab?
you get a server, you get a domain, you setup te git server, you make a front end for it, and you are done.
@Zirak Yep
You could have said "each and every single time"
gitlab is a self hosted git service
@skopp don't pssh, or sign, i'm giving you the links you need :P
you have to run a git server, then create a magical front end for it
afaik isn't github all open source?
does anybody works with mocha? I need to know if mocha comes with require.js or I have to do something to include it
@rlemon No.
damn, that would be cool
@Tomás mocha is for testing, it has nothing to do with require
@OctavianDamiean wait, has this thing a issue/ticketing-method where you can attach pull-requests and such to comments like gh has?
@Tomás the two are separate modules for separate purposes, if you want to use them together, you need both
@skopp ok, so use gitlab and just open to the public.
then it's no longer self hosted ;P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks
@GNi33 Afaik, yes. We're using it for a new project.
@rlemon A lot of github is open-source, but the platform itself (which they make their business off) isn't. The founder had an article about it tom.preston-werner.com/2011/11/22/open-source-everything.html
I am disappoint
!!/mustache Tomás
@OctavianDamiean yep, seems like it does. freaking awesome! I'll show this around in the office on friday
@Zirak yea I think I thought so because the doc? or something were open source
@Zirak finally
ahh well, not my issue :P
@skopp What? An article from the founder about what to open-source from your business?
That was the most ... relevant answer
despite me knowing that already
Forget Github itself
I'm confused. Your question was how to build a git service, right?
let me rephrase.
@Zirak Don't worry, he's more random than Math.random().
@Bogdacutu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/mustache rlemon
@OctavianDamiean I build a rand.seed generator in C++ into my 10000 in 1 tetris as a kid
!!/mustache Connor
@skopp I bet it was a good generator.
it kept my family warm in winter
so yeah
oh wait that was the heater
Where's the rephrased question?
@rlemon Sorry, saw this too late to see the flaggers
!!/mustache Zirak
@ThiefMaster that was an amazing sentence before. :D
indeed :D
Maybe I should write a userscript that logs flag data whenever one comes in.
/me drops a delete nuke on that crap
@ThiefMaster That's a great idea
The answers (especially Nathan Taylor's) are also...wow
@zirak what makes git, git?
Have you heard of arrays? — Benjamin Gruenbaum 4 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum who hasn't
that crocodolie dundee guy from aus was stung by one
@skopp Linus Torvalds made git git. Not his semen, it was more like Athene's birth out of his head.
@skopp git is a bunch of software. Here, look: github.com/git/git
@FlorianMargaine you french dude right? i need you if you can please
you give me no choice
super sayan level 5
For < 10000 people
@Markus403 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
data-force_wall="true" - am i the only one who things using underscores in attributes is extremely ugly?
Are you talking about the git protocol? As in, git://something.git
@ThiefMaster data attributes are a horrible, broken approach, you could say that the underscore is the icing on top
@BenjaminGruenbaum How else would you store e.g. an id in a <tr>?
Because really, your questions are trivial, or you're not phrasing them right
abusing id attributes for it is much worse
can someone help me make a little RegEx?
@Zirak actually, that's actually part of it
@ThiefMaster What? Why would you want to store an id in a tr with anything other than an id attribute?
how do git:// or ftp://, spdy, work
<tr id="123"> vs <tr id="user-123" data-id="123"> or even <tr data-id="123">
Then it's just a part of what the server accepts. Servers can speak the http protocol, but can also implement others
Look at how git servers are implemented
@ThiefMaster All of these are wrong -_- Why would you want to store model state in your views in the first place?
I need to find the number from a string like "tag-123"
most common case: markup that is generated on the server and then enhanced with javascript
@BillyMathews \d matches a digit, + matches the preceding thing several times.
@Zirak thank you!
e.g. in-place editing and deleting. in both cases you need the id of the elementsomewhere.
@FlorianMargaine how is "Invite friends" in French? :P is it "Inviter des amis" ?
@ThiefMaster Markup that is generated from the server and enhanced with JavaScript is a bad approach to begin with. If you're doing the mark up in JavaScript, pass a JSON object, and do the markup with a templating engine on the client side.
did you read the whole manual
Hell no
@zirak did I mention I don't know RegExp?
@BenjaminGruenbaum: not really a good solution if stuff should be properly indexable by search engines and maybe even be partially usable for users who disabled js
@ThiefMaster I'd even go as far as extracting the data from the markup, building a JSON object, and having a proper model to work with rather than 'attaching' markup.
this is what I'd prefer to @BenjaminGruenbaum 's answer:
A: Detect if user clicks inside a circle

Simon SarrisTo test if a point is within a circle, you want to determine if the distance between the given point and the center of the circle is smaller than the radius of the circle. Instead of using the point-distance formula, which involves the use of a (slow) square root, you can compare the non-square-...

@BillyMathews gskinner.com/RegExr look at the right side
cc @FlorianMargaine (that's why)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Déjà vu
@skopp That was a simple "git transfer protocol" googling
@BenjaminGruenbaum markup should always be not in json really it's a bad practice
!!> "tag-123".match(/\d+/)
@SimonSarris we had this discussion with @Loktar a while ago, turns out not using Sqrt is surprisingly not much faster. I was arguing your stand by the way
@OctavianDamiean ["123"]
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone That's not what I was talking about at all, I was talking about separation of concerns
@BenjaminGruenbaum for all those things you can put in html do not use json ;)
@Zirak Thanks
I mean it is faster, but not crazy faster
@OctavianDamiean and Thanks
yeah its not as bad as it used to be
@SimonSarris I just did not think it was faster enough to not use the correct formula, in ActionScript it's a must
regardless I upvoted both
well, still 30% faster on IE10 :D
@SimonSarris upvoted. It doesn't really matter though.
@ThiefMaster There are solutions to SEO in SPAs, we're not the first two people discussing how to make an AJAX site SEO friendly, Angular has a whole section on it. The easiest thing to do is crawl your own site with a smarter UA, and make SEO friendly pages
@BenjaminGruenbaum use html5 localStorage nope?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you usually do not have an object's ID in the normal markup at all. After all, it's usually nothing you show to users. And having it in an hidden element would be really ugly.
I mean, c'mon, who is going to notice the click handler took 0.01ms longer?
@Zirak sometimes I just like talking to people
Google is always correcting me
Try and ensure they'll enjoy talking back
@skopp Get the latest Chrome Canary build and you can talk to Google. I'm not even kidding and best part is, Google will even respond.
@ThiefMaster The DOM should not be aware of it to begin with! Your source of information should be a JavaScript object, and not the DOM. That's separation of concerns 101. If I want to ask my collection something, I do not intend to ask an HTML structure representing the collection anything. What I intend to do is ask my collection, which JS represents as an array something.
@OctavianDamiean but it blocks swearwords
anyone on app.net?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum: For a full-featured dynamic web application I totally agree with you.
@FlorianMargaine oh dude thanks a lot, sincerilly i have an array of english => french things, if i prepare you can you check that please? it's not so long :P really
@ThiefMaster For anything, when you're storing data-attributes you're not writing code like an application, you're making a "document dynamic", you're writing PHP4.
@OctavianDamiean honestly, I'm sick of Google and their nonsense
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I won't do it if I'm bored, but you can give it a try
@skopp Well, I'm not that happy about where they're heading either.
@BenjaminGruenbaum when you're making a throwaway project, it doesn't really matter if it's a tiny web-app (model/view) or just a dynamic web page (model=view)
@BenjaminGruenbaum If I have e.g. a list of entries where the only dynamic element is an ajax-based delete button doing that is massive overkill.
Even though that example is a bit bad because it could be done with a link that's simply AJAXified ...
@FlorianMargaine np man i just let you check that when finished i put only relevant things i'm unable to translate correctly, then as you want if you boried np i'll try going on by myself :P thanks
@JanDvorak So your argument is that it's ok to write bad code when you're making a project that you think is a throwaway because code structure and maintainability is not important in such cases?
@BenjaminGruenbaum MVC can be overkill just as jQuery can be overkill
@JanDvorak Woah! Who said anything about mvc?
@ThiefMaster It doesn't have to be AJAX delete, it can be a simple delete from the model, that removes an element from a JS array
@BenjaminGruenbaum how big is the knockout library?
@FlorianMargaine just if you see somenthing totally wrong/no-sense :P pastebin.com/bj9Fxh5A
@JanDvorak The only thing I'm claiming is that a good design must obey separation of concerns. I don't understand what you're saying 'Well, sometimes a bad design is a good idea"
@JanDvorak I didn't say Knockout either in this debate, not once. Around 3000 lines before minification.
Oh what are we discussing here?
@JanDvorak 14kb
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yeah there are some wrong things
gimme a sec
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not saying "bad design". I'm saying "not neccessary"
@OctavianDamiean Why I think data-attributes are evil
@FlorianMargaine ok thanks!!!!
if you want to propose MV for eeeverything, I'll have to propose jQuery for eeeverything.
@JanDvorak A design that mixes what we're viewing and what objects we're working with is a bad design. data-* attributes are the pinnacle of that bad practice. Even if I were not using jQuery or Knockout at all, I can simply have the object in the closure scope when I attach the event listener, tada, data-binding.
@BenjaminGruenbaum after a brief thought about it I'd say because your view shouldn't be concerned with what belongs into the model.
Hey @Loktar, you should try to get compatibility with this Unicode chart: unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F300.pdf
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone 'about-this'=>'à propos de cette',
"cette" is feminine
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, what they're suggesting is even worse imo, they're suggesting that the view should be the model in small applications
oh ok :) go on if you can ;) i'm here editing :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum data-attributes let you avoid generating inline javascript
@JanDvorak On the contrary, data- attributes store application state inline, much like inline javascript.
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone pastebin.com/y0WpJUY0
@JanDvorak I'm not suggesting MVC, or any other specific design pattern, all I am saying is that a fair design must separate what I'm showing and my business logic. data- attributes rape that concept to hell.
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone 'what-is-this'=>"qu'est-ce", change with "qu'est-ce que c'est"
@FlorianMargaine thank you man!!
oh right ok :)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone and I forgot: you need a space before the ?
uhm if it was there yep :P
only if
@BenjaminGruenbaum data-attributes scope the values to their respective elements. A separate model scopes the values to the global namespace.
@FlorianMargaine 'what-is-this'=>'que c\'est', right now?
"qu'est-ce que c'est"
@JanDvorak Again no, you can bind the entire data and events to the elements when creating the relevant elements in closure scope, this is part of why closures are so powerful, the event listeners are implicitly bound to the model in the closure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Hey, were you able to get that PDF on nested stack automata? I read every other article on the web but I still can't wrap my head around it.
@ShotgunNinja haha that would be awesome
Apparently, there is a Unicode symbol for Tokyo Tower, but not the Eiffel Tower...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yet the data itself has to be in the global namespace
@ShotgunNinja - Who knew.
this can be problematic when you're writing a widget
@JanDvorak no, you don't need anything in the global namespace -_-, you can load it in an IIFE
@FlorianMargaine oh ok :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum then you can't cache the code
@JanDvorak You're saying "well, it doesn't matter for a small project", I agree. Writing bad code for small projects who die soon is not nearly as bad as writing bad code for big projects, if you're willing to take the risk your project will die soon, and you're ok with producing bad code, which I'm not.
@FlorianMargaine shortest way to say "Invite friends" ? :P
@JanDvorak Now you stopped making sense, what does 'caching' the code mean? (that's not an insult, I'm just not understanding what you're saying) It can still be a .js file if that's what you're referring to.
@AaditMShah Sorry, I completely forgot about it -_-'
Speaking of bad code. How many people actually use true prototypal inheritance.
@AaditMShah I do all the time, why?
@AaditMShah It's a great way to share behavior
@BenjaminGruenbaum if the data is dynamic, it cannot be cached. If the code is inside an IIFE with the data, it cannot be cached either
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone "Inviter des amis"
@BenjaminGruenbaum - A lot of JS programmers use the constructor pattern of prototypal inheritance. Not the prototypal pattern of prototypal inheritance.
if the data is loaded via AJAX, then you have unneccessary delay
No I'm not making this stuff up.
@JanDvorak you mean that a JSON response can't be cached? What do you mean cached? I have event listeners that are bound to the closure of the data in the IIFE, I have access to the data in my business logic, what are you talking about when you're saying 'caching'?
@AaditMShah you mean using Object.create?
@BenjaminGruenbaum cached, as in "not downloaded again"
@FlorianMargaine - That's a small part of it.
@AaditMShah do you have an example so that we understand what you mean?
@JanDvorak so now you can't cache AJAX requests?
I don't want to use AJAX requests
Sure. I wrote an entire blog post on it: aaditmshah.github.io/why-prototypal-inheritance-matters
@JanDvorak o_O
@JanDvorak then you can embed the data in the source code, just like this very chat room does
@FlorianMargaine don't kill me :P pastebin.com/AXu7vbc0 only if you can and not boried :P
I have the data when generating the web page. I would like to store the data in the web page, not send it separately
@AaditMShah then it's about Object.create.
@BenjaminGruenbaum where would you store such data?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yeah, not doing that
@JanDvorak right click on this page, click view source
@JanDvorak in a JS object!
In the global namespace!
@FlorianMargaine - Partly. Mostly it's about selfish objects.
@FlorianMargaine damn i have tons of these :P may i need to ask you these day by day little by little? :P better yep? :P
!!plugin or balls
@JanDvorak why? why can't it be in an IIFE? Since when has scoping variables has become such an issue?
@rlemon balls
@Loktar you having a busy day?
@JanDvorak deep down in your heart you know you're just arguing now for the sake of arguing. You're a good coder, and you know the value of separation of concerns, you feel the problem with data attributes and storing the actual model in the DOM. Step down from that tree. data- attributes are a bad idea formed by the jQuery crowd who do not understand separation of concerns. We both know this.
Caprica demands I get faster metaballs. After I attempt to understand your code will you be around for questions?
@rlemon yeah :?
@OctavianDamiean dude it's your first language Deustch?
er yeah Im having a busy day that is
damn, damn damn damn
Do you prefer underscore or lo-dash?
@BenjaminGruenbaum either the code must be inside the IIFE (hence, uncacheable) or outside the IIFE (hence, you must store something in the global namespace)
There is no problem in saying your HTML is your view and should be aware of state and update accordingly, the issue is with the DOM storing application state
we are moving offices, and I have to write propsals for our contract, sucks
@Shmiddty "y"
@rlemon - Any good reasons?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone More or less.
TIL what IIFE stands for.
@AaditMShah lo-dash sounds stupid to me
@JanDvorak Or you have the data and the rest of the relevant code in the same IIFE, problem solved.
@AaditMShah lazy.js
is there someone spanish/portuguese language natives? :P
@Shmiddty "l"
underscore is more instantly recognizable to what you are referring to.
@AaditMShah You're right, a lot of programmers do :)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone No. Pay a translator like everybody else.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hence, code inside, hence, not cacheable
@AaditMShah a lot of programmers use bad stuff in JavaScript in general :)
@OctavianDamiean eheh will you help me one of these day translating some array keys english => deutch ? :P not sooo many uh ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Lol. JavaScript is just too awesome to be left as it is.
@JanDvorak Do you really not see a possible solution for this?
@FlorianMargaine :( i already tranlated :( just if you can check if they sounds good :( i don't have money :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum show me
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone best bet to get this done for free would be to use google translate first, then take your lists to a forum that deals with said language and ask them to review to ensure it all makes sense
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I thought your mother gave you money
when asking someone to do something for you for free, please ensure you are doing as much of the work for them as possible beforehand.
@JanDvorak Here, trivial one. My entire application code is stored in a single global which has a .injectData method, my data is a separate JS file which starts with .injectData({/*data here */) , I can even remove it from the global namespace (my app name) later if you'd like
@rlemon yeah, first part (g translated) already ready, i just need some native to check the sound i think, can you suggest some forum?
not at all
go on google and see
@FlorianMargaine no MOM is out for the week i'm lost :(
@rlemon ok thanks!
@JanDvorak not mentioning that if you're using an AMD loader, which you should be doing anyway like RequireJS this is a non-issue
asking here probably won't do you any good. it is a better request for a long term post on a forum. that way it will be viewed by many people over time and in a week you might get everything you need for free.
@FlorianMargaine - So if I had to choose between underscore, lo-dash and lazy.js as my first utility belt which would you suggest?
@BenjaminGruenbaum so, instead of storing data in the global namespace, you store code in the global namespace
@AaditMShah I'd go for lazy.js
ohh I thought you were debating the term "underscore" vs "lo-dash"
my bad
@AaditMShah for work I'd go for underscorejs though
@AaditMShah never heard of lo-dash.
@FlorianMargaine thanks dude for helping me, tomorrow i'll ask you once more to help me with hoping you forgot i need a translator (treacherously) :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is still not applicable when you are writing a module for a web app.
hope you too old to remember what you sad the day back :D so i'll get friendly advantage :D
@ShotgunNinja - Neither did I. Until I heard of underdash. =P
@JanDvorak There is nothing in the global namespace -_- are you even reading my messages? Also, we're not even talking about the problem with globals, that's not the topic of discussion at all. We're talking about separation of concerns, storing data in the presentation - that's the problem. Treating what you're showing to the user as a source of truth - same problem.
@copy Here's a more interesting golf: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?A+familiar+face
^ pretty nice
lost the link yesterday just spent a few mins trying to find it
@JanDvorak Sure it is, define("origData",{/*data here*/})
@BenjaminGruenbaum where is the code, if not in the global namespace?
I'd go with underscore.
@Shmiddty Okay, let's see
@Loktar is it not useless sorry? :U
what am i doing wrong when i have this array ["110117223699", "110117223704", "110117224033"] and i delete one so i have this ["110117223704", "110117224033"] but arr.length still = 3 ?
idk why it would be useless
I think its purdy
@JanDvorak In an IIFE, just like other modules in loaders like Require work for example. How is where the code is even remotely related to the problem of having model data in the view? THAT is the problem.
@Connor use array = array.splice(index,1) instead of delete array[index]
@Loktar i don't think you not good in writing an inline menu or to re-use the one you have in the previous work you already finished :P
that's probably wrong
I think splice returns the removed portion
@Shmiddty and index would be the key in a for loop right?
whatever, as long as there's functional concepts present.
@Loktar have you used it in a project?
@Loktar That's pretty swell!
@FlorianMargaine - Not to sound stupid, but what's the point of these utility belts. I know they provide a set of functions you find in languages like Haskell. However for me 1) Function call overhead in JavaScript is too much 2) Most of these utility belts aren't structured well - it's just a bunch of functions in a namespace. So I would rather write the function myself and then continue working.
No just found it yesterday
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm afraid I don't understand. Can you show me an entire (self-contained) code sample including the separation to files and the cache settings?
Im thinking of using it in my new portfolio
doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a utility JS library without some functional stuff.
@JanDvorak Have you ever used requirejs ?
@AaditMShah why would you rewrite a function if it's already there?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I could write the stuff very true.. but Im not awesome at design
@Loktar It looks just like what I've been looking for.
besides, lots of those functions allow you to write less code
and I think this just looks really nice and clean
thus, you spend less time on the code, more maintainable...
@OctavianDamiean awesome :)
var array = [2, 5, 9];
var index = array.indexOf(5);
array.splice(index, 1);
@Loktar oh ok in this case you need to learn not to copy :D joking ;)
@FlorianMargaine - Because I usually only need one or two functions. Not the entire library. Also, it's fun.
yeah I randomly came across it on reddit yesterday
@Shmiddty ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope, but I think I understand now - you're fetching the code via AJAX
the fact that lot of people use this library also mean that it's easier to maintain
@Connor yeah
Thanks for the tip
@AaditMShah lazyjs looks interesting. I wouldn't use either though
@FlorianMargaine - I'm a bit picky. I don't like using code I don't understand.
... which is instanteneus because it's cached
@AaditMShah what if your code has a bug? will you just spend a day writing a utility function that already exists?
your business will hate you ;)
@JanDvorak I think you should check out RequireJS :)
Oooh, underscore.js has time-based event dispatching utilities? I recognize some of the functionality from Rx in C#.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what it does behind the scenes is loading scripts via XHR, doesn't it?
@FlorianMargaine - Luckily I'm still a student. Plus I don't think I can make many mistakes writing functions like forEach and extends.
@Loktar it looks like a bootstrap without responsive part is it?
@ShotgunNinja I always wondered, I hear people talking about RX but never got what's so great about it
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yeah it looks like a very watered down bootstrap
@JanDvorak RequireJS uses plain ol' script tag injection
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone No not at all.
i hate bootstrap file sizes :D
It is completely responsive.
@Loktar Keep us updated
Sounds like @OctavianDamiean might use it too
@OctavianDamiean so it's bootstrap :)
Ill def try it though, hope my site looks nice, I need a new job soon!
can't catch the main differences actually
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Bootstrap has nothing to do with being responsive or not ...
@OctavianDamiean uh? :O
@BenjaminGruenbaum ... to much the same effect as XHR would (except synchronous loading?)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?pure/0.1.0/base-min.css&pure/0.1.0/grids-min.css&pure/0.1.0/forms-min.css">
@Zirak Do it!
^ thats all it is @badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone
bootstrap is a bit more
@JanDvorak Require exposes two globals iirc "require" (start here) and "define" define a module. It works quite nicely. Still, I think deep in your heart you see the problem with data- attributes
@JanDvorak Yeah, pretty much, you should check it out it's fun to know
@Loktar @OctavianDamiean well it doesn't uses media-queries i guess
Is there any feature of JS that you avoid using just because of its syntax?
seems a really lightfull bootstrap nice :)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone First of all, the main difference is that Bootstrap is not purely CSS like this framework and second, Bootstrap is just a framework that happens to also be responsive.
@AaditMShah switch case
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Of course it does, why shouldn't it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum still kinda complicated to do it manually IMO
@BenjaminGruenbaum - What do you think it should look like?
@JanDvorak Play with it :)
@OctavianDamiean yeah i mean bootstrap,since is responsive, it uses media-queries and so on
@AaditMShah Should not have break;, should not allow fallthrough, should pattern match like in Ruby
@Shmiddty Maybe btoa
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Ooh. Pattern matching in Haskell?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone well, yea, however both are responsive.
@AaditMShah Yeah, switch case should be like in Haskell, exactly :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ruby's case defines the matching via ===. Pretty cool indeed
Or eval
@OctavianDamiean well i would like to understand better main differences :P
lol that is a long ass user name @badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone
@copy what's wrong with btoa or eval's syntax?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Do you like immutability?
@Loktar it's the poop guy, aka okok
@AaditMShah I do
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm talking codegolf
@Loktar yeah problem is i need to wait 20 days to change that, it was only my mistake i didn't checked how long it takes to edit that once more :/
@copy ah :)
hi guys
@copy For the fib problem?
@AaditMShah it's not as important in JS though, being mostly single threaded
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I already told you, one is pure CSS the other isn't.
@OctavianDamiean that seems so light ... mmm... too light :D
@Loktar sorry I know you are busy, but can you do me a huge favor and comment this for me?
for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i <n; i += 4) {
anyone like to take a look at this question?
Q: How to restrict the draggable div in this case

AmitdI have the following html structure: HTML <div id="outer"> <div id="inner"> <div id="bounds"> <div id="myimage"> </div> </div> </div> </div> CSS #outer { border: solid 1px red; padding: 50px 30px 50px 30px; float: left; } #inner { widt...

yeah one sec
@OctavianDamiean which is purecss benefit? can't understand i would like to try that
@Loktar <3 ya
@Shmiddty Yeah, for generating the uppercase letters
@copy might be shorter
String.fromCharCode is shorter than toString().toUpperCase()
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Well, try to think about it for a while, maybe you'll learn something.
But maybe eval or btoa
don't forget about e4x
Oh, yeah, let me look that up again
@BenjaminGruenbaum throttle().

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