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so just pass the function?
I'm not following you
Q: embedding php in javascript to switch out image in child theme

AirRon HappeI am trying to embed a some php in my javascript to switch out images... $(document).ready(function() { $('.small-port-images a:nth-child(3)').click(function() { $('.large-port-image img').attr('src', '<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ?>/images/large-brigham.jpg'); }); }); ...

I'm echoing from my PHP a little bit of JS code inside a script tag to run the function that brings my popup up, so I can throw my error/success messages into it.

But document.getElementById('uploadPopup') is null, and I'm guessing that's because the popup in question is in the footer in the code.
What do you recommend to fix this issue?
show full code bruh
@rlemon quick!
Ehm, okay
I don't know
Welcome back
How yah feelin
Laying on the couch.
I'm going to loooseee mmy mmiinnndd
@KerimIncedayi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics Here you go. :/ Sorta a big amount of code though.
@XCritics If it helps any, the function works and doesn't give console errors when called from clicking the cancelUpload button. That's what makes me think I have a problem with when what is loaded, and I don't quite know what to do with that. Only thing that comes to mind is setTimeout and even I can tell it's an awful idea.
Is the dom loaded when it's called?
or wrap the functions in window.onload = function() {}; @Ariane
@XCritics It's in the process of being loaded. upload.php is included in the middle of the body. And the popup I'm referring to is after the footer, because when I put it in the same file it was a child of the page container which was a problem.
........Actually, problem solved. I had put the popup in footer.php instead of header.php becase I had to pass some values over and wanted them to be set. But hey, silly me, they're set before the header too. So. Yeah, sorry for bothering you
Well this room is hapening
@Jcpopp Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok thanks! :)
Wait your a real person not just a robot right? :P
@Jcpopp it's a bot
@Happyninja haha ok thx
Where is the best place to learn Javascript?
@Jcpopp by writing code ;)
if you know nothing you might want to consider purchasing a book on that subject
it depend how best you learn
do you have a real question regarding the language itself?
I can max 130+ WPM, but I can't use the num pad to save my damn life
@Zirak You here buuuuuuudy
@SomeKittens say something
Now how to I use developer tools to see what you just triggered on my browser
@SomeKittens or do you not know
Okay guys I had a rad idea for a website that I am not going to tell you what it is. but I just want you to know its rad
What is it?
It has everything to do with clothing, colors and nodejs
@powerc9000 ping me
Zirak said all the information would be in developer tools wahhhhhhh
omg this tab is still open.
you can't trust that weird smiley face
It was you that told me the room thing a while back right?
@XCritics not really
@SomeKittens github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io/wiki/Exposed-events help me out for a second, any idea how I can make the socket.on('error') specific to 1 function? I tried putting it into the callback, and disabled my internet, waited 2 minutes but never triggered, I'm stumped :/
@XCritics from what I can tell "error" is emitted when there is no other handler for it
@XCritics when you disable your internet I would think it would call a socket.on('disconnect')
Say, is there a way t extract the whole source code of a page after DOM modifications? Firebug refuses to expand all of the HTML. >.<"
I'm still having a nerdgasm over just how nice my code refactored x.x
Okay, I give up fighting against TinyMCE's super complicated code.
I'll do it the barbaric way and replace its retarded URL with a PHP str_replace() just before I save it to the database.
I've spent too long on this.
@powerc9000 yeah but it seems like you just set socket.on('error') and it handles everything for every function
I need like individual ones, if a party invite fails I don't want to treat it like a chat msg fails
"error" is emitted when an error occurs and it cannot be handled by the other event types.
Then how the hell do I find out if a specific emit fails
When you send a message to the server have the server send it back to the client who sent it. If the client never gets the message they sent back it failed
Socket.io is supposed to be a persistant connection
so if it fails then the person it was destined for probably disconnected or the sender disconnected
How does SO chat know if a message fails, and then lets the person retry or cancel their message
is basically what I'm aiming for
These are things I dont know
I can only say what I would try
@SomeKittens lol
I can't figure out join.. need to select all rows from one table where a column equals something in another table..
SELECT ALL FROM transaction_history WHERE COLUMN promotion = 'something' IN members TABLE
something like that..
and the IDs need to match of course..
This isnt mySQL chat
your power of observation is over 9000
sorry.. play of words on your name and old rustic meme..
p.innerHTML = username + ' ' + searchData ? 'Accepted' : 'Declined' + ' your invite'
quick question, any idea why that returns Username true, or Username false, instead of the following string?
its a cfs thing
@SiyuSong Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens please be here I wanna show you something :)
whats cfs
in coffeescript its if searchData then 'Accepted' else 'Declined'
ah, i wanna try it sometime
I love it
Makes code look so much nicer, imo anyways
@powerc9000 help me test something
@bushdiver since you seem to be the only one here, wanna help me test something
test what
Feature on my webpage
what feature
Just if my alert feature for party invites works properly
Originally it was done with alerts and confirms, I switched to something a little more nicer, a growl notification style
sorry have to go
okey doke
@SomeKittens matt damon come here, this is so neat I want you to be proud of me :D
Is anybody here, at this point in time
@XCritics, yes. I'm here.
I just wrote a new blog post - Why Prototypal Inheritance Matters - if anybody's interested: aaditmshah.github.io/why-prototypal-inheritance-matters
@AaditMShah cool, go to gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com and sign in with [email protected] // testtest
and then click Find Players
@XCritics, I've never played DOTA before and I don't have a steam account. Sorry.
You don't need to register
just log in with the account I just told you
@XCritics, alright. I did it.
kk look back at the site
Hi all,any idea of how bootstrap goes with ajax?
Define bootstrap
can any one help me to fix this stackoverflow.com/questions/16767483/…
@charan you should check the post of the user "edd"
room topic changed to JavaScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com (hint, the controller is Zirak, the view is dystroy, and the model is BadgerGirl) [ecmascript] [javascript] [this]
But I like horse-grooming :(
I like unicorn-grooming
I like Pegasus-grooming.
I also have a special flannel for the horn
I have a special muzzle.
@jAndy Can you get me an ipod touch? :)
@BadgerGirl, yes he can. Is that what you wanted to know? =)
@BadgerGirl you mean like, thievery ?
@jAndy Yeah. Exactly like that.
I'm like an underground king
BTW do you think little ponies are like prototypes for horsies? aaditmshah.github.io/why-prototypal-inheritance-matters
just come to me I'll solve all your problems
@leesei Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But but but... I have no problems! :o
I think he was talking to me.
Oh. Sorry.
No problem, we're best friends.
Yay me! =)
@AaditMShah BTW, what's your phone number?
@BadgerGirl - You can find out. It's easy.
But I'm tired. I want to go to sleep.
wierd timezones, I just got up and doing bench presses to get fit for the day
Create a distributed computing system, roll through every possible combination of 10 digit numbers, and call each of them asking for "Aadit?". If you don't get an appropriate response in the next 2 seconds, continue. That should keep you awake @BadgerGirl
seems legit
I did that once (minus the calling) to get the number of a girl from a friend who had MD5 hashed it.
@jAndy, I visited your website but there was nothing to see. However a unicorn caught be sneaking around! -_-
@AaditMShah You're quite romantic.
Wow your phone was in the most obvious place. Why didn't I look there before googling you? :/
@BadgerGirl, only on Tuesday mornings.
@BadgerGirl, obviously.
You're cool, unlike jAndy who doesn't answer whenever I call him.
@BadgerGirl, thank you.
@BadgerGirl, I think he's too busy feeding his unicorn.
That thing scares you on his front page: typeofnan.com
You should see his facebook page.
I'll find him. =)
That's him.
Not to appear creepy, but next time you call me I'll definitely recite that paragraph from Taken.
@BadgerGirl, lol. Removed.
Yeah, we don't want to creep other people out.
the girls like the horn tho
@jAndy Joking, we love you.
crazy about it
@jAndy, why so serious?
@jAndy, girls love unicorns. =)
@jAndy, it's morning where you are right? Where are you?
Siegen, Germany.
also called, unicorn city
I actually know that from the top of my head. Weird.
@BadgerGirl, last time I checked you were in Mexico. Did you crack teleportation?
my guitar sounds awful, need to tune it
@BadgerGirl actually THAT is creepy
Oh, jAndy is from Germany.
@AaditMShah I meant jAndy is from Germany.
Wow, three people from three timezones talking at the same time.
And I wish I could teleport to Germany. :(
!!/youtube CS 1C VIDEO
1 message moved to Trash can
Yay, I deleted my first message
I need to have a bath. Good night @BadgerGirl. Best of luck bench pressing @jAndy. Read my blog post if you have the time - Why Prototypal Inheritance Matters: aaditmshah.github.io/why-prototypal-inheritance-matters
@AaditMShah Good luck.
!!/youtube The Essence Of Time - Subnote
@BadgerGirl - I don't really need luck to have a bath.
Such a relaxing song, and on that note, I'm gone too, gg everybody
i'm officially confused by that video... the bot posted
I don't know if I can continue my day now... its so... wierd.. it triggerd something in me
I can't explain, I might go crazy.. that maybe was the last bit of weirdness which throws me into madness
@Willow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@caprica six: that's a lot of rules to look over...
It's a bot
Ahahah. really?
I actually came here to see if anyone has experience with the highcharts api
@jAndy - Which video are you referring to? CS 1C VIDEO?
Q: Javascript behavior depends only on browser or browser + OS?

netempGenerally for a javascript application, compatibility is mentioned in terms of browser types and browser versions it supports. Frameworks/Libraries like ExtJs also mention about the browser versions they are compatible with. Does this mean that if my javascript application can run on Google C...

Q: center pictures in 2 columns, no stretch

Anders MetnikHey what I need is the picture below, in a responsive web solution. The top 4 is the different aspects of my images. The black is my container (section) The red is the maximum size of the images And then inside the red, is how the images should "scale". I have tried many many ways. making rows, ...

@XCritics twitter bootstrap framework
@dystroy I'm gonna do it in Go.
Q: Center images inside 2 columns of a section

Anders MetnikCode is right now: HTML: <section class="sponsorSection"> <div class="sponsorImageRow"> <div class="sponsorImageColumn"> <img src="img/kvadrat_logo.png" class="sponsorpicture1"/> </div> ...

@FlorianMargaine good ! Don't hesitate to ask questions here if you feel the need. Or in the go room :)
@AndersMetnik By providing a fiddle with links to images, you would have given other users the opportunity and test which would probably have gathered more attention by lowering the entry cost.
@AndersMetnik did you tried : .sponsorImageColumn{
    width : 50% ;
    display: inline;
text-align:center; }
text-align:center; will center your images
@dystroy I will :-)
@FlorianMargaine sorry me , do you have experience in busness models?
I wanted to know if its ok to run node behind Apahce web server
@ShivKumarGanesh why would it not?
@JanDvorak It would but I have read that Apache to proxy for node would defeat some of the performance & scalability advantages of Node.
@JanDvorak It would but I have read that Apache to proxy for node would defeat some of the performance & scalability advantages of Node.
true, that
You could make Node the proxy
@JanDvorak So is there any solution ? Since I cannot remove Apache HTTPD as the first layer since I need to do some authentication using site minder so cannot do that I guess
do you really need top-notch performance?
for the content served by Node
@JanDvorak Yes.... since I would have around 500,000 users to 1 million in future
@JanDvorak yeah content serving is by Node as well as some templating engine is also made (Custom made)
@JanDvorak any suggestions?
if Node serves most of the content, it should handle authentication too
otherwise, I'm out of ideas
@JanDvorak Hmm..... since there is no client for Site Minder authentication and the proposed architecture was like that..... I wanted to know can we scale such a thing... is anyone doing it??
does it have a useful API?
@dystroy will do another time thanks :)
If so, you could implement your own client in time before you need it
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Had tried that yes :) found a working solution :)
@ECWyne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AndersMetnik alright good
@SwapneelKondgule Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak I guess Ya.... even I am looking into it now
hello everyone , me having a jquery conflict inside by Project , i posted the question on stackoverflow but didn't find the solution , here is the link stackoverflow.com/questions/16775620/…
@JanDvorak Thanks Anyways :)
@XCritics You realize there's a list of online users to the right? There's no use in pinging me if it'll be stale by the time I see it
anyone has a working solution for yellow inputs on chrome? :U
i tryed all answers i found and no one it's a really definitive solution :(
my credit card number: 4716601253731659
@Dave Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Saurabh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so when I was first learning about xmlhttprequest, I was doing research and writing some code and generally messing around just to get a handle on how to do it with pure javascript... And at the time, I was finding a lot of people (answers on SO and in forums) saying stuff like "oh my god just use jQuery it's so much cleanerrr."
But at the time I was like "fuck that, this seems easy enough." and just learned how to do it.
Is there actually a technical reason why you should use a library for xmlhttprequest? Or is that just laziness/evangelism?
@mobileDeveloper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> Array.apply(null, new Array(10)).map(Number).join('') + ' batman!'
@FlorianMargaine Is that for golfing ? If so you can make it shorter by replacing null with 0
no, it's just fun
It took me a while to get why ` Array.apply(null, new Array(10))` wasn't so stupid... Never thought about this use case of apply
Hey guys
Hey guy
comment allez-vous monsieur ?
That's a hard question. <to be filled later>, and you ?
Just came back from mathematics 3 exam, which was a nightmare
@Zirak Is that in reference to something I said? :D
=> just passed a nightmare
@Zirak This one is just great, love it. buttersafe.com/2011/09/29/life-cycle
I have a question (might be shitty, didn't sleep a lot last night and I'm trashed). in is a reserved word but you seem to have no problem using it as a function name. Is that legal or not ? What can happen bad ?
@OctavianDamiean that's sad
@dystroy it's not legal in ES3
it became so in ES5
which means it can break in older browsers
it's legal now ?
no it's not.
it's legal in properties
not as function name
@FlorianMargaine I know but it is neat at the same time.
it doesn't break, though
function in(a, b) { return a }
SyntaxError: Unexpected token in
breaks for me...
But not in obj.in=function...
Q: Javascript (-1 <= 5 <= 1) === true?

LuketepI want to validate that a given number is within a given range: function validate(min, max, amount) { return (min <= amount <= max); } But this does not seem to work properly. I know I can do it with two comparison and a logical AND, but I would like to it in one comparison. Is there any N...

1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
it's legal in properties
I tried this in this question
And what problem can happen ?
Should I ask a SO question ?
hi every one
is there any way to upload file from client to server using javascript with no post back
@dystroy it breaks in older browsers, that's it
but that would be ok in new ones or is there a problem somewhere ?
@SwapneelKondgule Moderator flags are seen only by the site-moderators, and should be used to indicate serious issues with a message, and other administrative issues. DO NOT FLAG YOUR OWN MESSAGES TO REQUEST HELP!
@dystroy kangax.github.io/es5-compat-table/#Reserved words as property names
@dystroy it's ES5. So if the new ones implement ES5 correctly, there shouldn't be any issue
thanks. this page is painful with a small screen...
@Gordon thanks . will keep it in mind.
haha awesome. :D
(11:48:15 AM) scharrels: I can find this one: bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=874771
(11:48:18 AM) firebot: Bug 874771 nor, --, ---, denehs, NEW, Implement SNTP support
(11:48:33 AM) ***NightRaven-13 kisses firebot
(11:48:35 AM) firebot: I love you too, NightRaven-13.
(11:48:39 AM) NightRaven-13: ROFL

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