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or you can return a new page from the server which contains all the tabs pre-built for you.
any clue?
@GNi33 I simply asked if you wanted. Since you do, great
@loading... is it possible to focus back on the original tab after i have opened a new tab, i have tried window.focus() but it aint working
I doubt it. But if you're not in control of how your browser opens new windows maybe this is the wrong path to go down.
I need a backiatimy
@xcx @Connor any clue?
@rlemon Whassat?
@Amitd i don't understand what you mean
Is it something that lives in water?
@Connor which part?
the point part
Oh right!
I've got a bad back atm, and it sucks. But it's only muscular thankfully.
@byf-ferdy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor ah ok..the image represents a large floor plan and rooms(markers) on it .. and we only show a part of the image..when the user clicks the room name..(some list of room names), the room (marker) needs to be centered in the viewport
jsfiddle.net/q6r8f/163 .... fiddle here
@rlemon You'll have to do a Health and Safety assessment of your workstation. Insist on a sun lounger for work.
suppose the image is 1200 x 1000 .. and we only show 500 x 500 part in the div.. given a room is located at location (700,800), i want to pan the div to that location
Nahh. I threw it out. Left work because sitting at my desk was killing me
jsfiddle isnt working
did it crash?
wonder what happened
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to jsfiddle.net
Other users are also experiencing difficulties connecting to this site, so you may have to wait a few minutes.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1280px" /> gives me Viewport argument value "1280px" for key "width" was truncated to its numeric prefix. I'm supposed to fix it by comma-separating the values, but there's only one value. What am I doing wrong?
Ah, I'm not supposed to use px
fiddle is up now
I need some help with JQuery form validation. I have to check if the email entered by the user is already submitted by someone else.
are the emails stored in database?
do u use jquery validate plugin?
Kind of
I have this inside a <script> tag in the php file:
    jQuery("#email").validate({ expression: "if (VAL.match(/^[^\\W][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+)*\\@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/)) return true; else return false;" });
in the same file I have the input with "email" as id
that will only check if the format of entered email is correct or not
!!should I get FFX?
@Zirak Not a chance
You suck
Yeah, I am not sure how to add a "check for duplicate" test in that.
@Zirak I kind of agree with the bot on this one
FFX was horrible (assuming we're talking about Final Fantasy ;) which is the only FF in my books)
you will need to use the 'remote' parameter
I've heard a lot of praise for it. What made it horrible?
too much cinematics for me and not enough freedom
@DemCodeLines check this example jqueryvalidation.org/remote-method
"Freedom" in what sense?
like freedom to just fuck off from storyline for a bit and sidequest.
FFX-2 was even worse. although the music / scenery was nice.
For me, gameplay and atmosphere are the most important parts of a game -- how easy it is to immerse yourself in the world.
Was it fun though? I'm really just looking for something awesome to play, I've been running stale for several months now. TES, Kingdom Hearts, some other FFs or Dark Clouds won't do (I've already done them).
Maybe Morrowind
have you played FF7 before?
But of course
Bastion is a quick yet great play
Been there
@rlemon bro help me test, @SomeKittens you too
do you care how old they are?
This is my favourite game on my phone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superbrothers:_Sword_%26_Sworcery_EP
It's all atmosphere. Not really even any gameplay to speak of.
Not if they're good
Lufia was always a great game series
I don't have a Super Nintendo or GBA at hand
FF Tactics was also very fun
emulators man
I have to give FFX a try at least
you could always go back and play HOMMII and HOMMIII
nah, if I go into RTS I'll try LoL and Warcraft/DotA
project .hack
that was super fun
That was amazing
@Zirak DoTA, please... don't do lol..
FFTactics isn't really a RTS
it's a turn based strategy
HOMM is. I've already done FF Tactics
14 is a scary number
I'm waiting for them to top 7
LoL and DoTA are defined as 'MOBA', Starcraft, red alert would be your RTS', just sayin :D
It's got 4, which is awesome, but that 1...
14 is the number of lines it takes to write a BNF parser generator.
Mystic Quest was fun!
ugh, MOBAs are RTS
Arcanum and Fallout 2
@rlemon So can you help me test bruh
home sick
just in for the distraction while the drugs kick in
You're right, I don't think I've ever finished Fallout 1
But not in JavaScript: http://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/bnfparse.htm
Interesting paper though.
@Zirak help me test
onnceee... ir srtat talkking likk dis u knoo iz wrknng
@XCritics Download a 2nd browser
@Zirak I prefer human interaction
what other good games...
Then go touch yourself
are you just looking for console (ps) games or are you ok for pc games as well?
Mech Warriors have always been a fun PC game
PC games preferable
dunno when the latest one was released
Soul Blazer is a SNES game but you can grab an emulator
@XCritics They're making an FF MMORPG?
you could give Terriara a show
Blegh (for the MMORPG part)
They already have, FFXI was my favorite MMO of all time
FFXIV was their second mmo, it failed so hard it wasn't even funy
Ultima Online :P
^^ +++
So they closed the servers, and are reopening as FFXIV : A Realm Reborn
which I played the beta and it's amazing
@Zirak Just Cause 2 is an awesome open world type game
I've played around for a bit, didn't care for it too much
GTA V cream
@Zirak You want a strategy game?
@Zirak ever play Civ?
Anything good
Frozen Synapse is pretty awesome. (Turn based)
@XCritics That's a rhetorical question
Megaman is awesome
@Zirak what?
@Zirak how fast is your PC, how much time do you have, and what style are you looking for?
...yes, of course I've played Civilizations before. And some Total War series.
The sims
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pretty awesome CPU and RAM (GPU lagging behind, GT 430), I've got some time, and anything good. RPGs and shooters are always welcome (the former needs to shine, though)
Sims is boring. I made some houses, put some 2 families and pit them against each other, get bored and kill them all.
First time I played the sims, I let my computer run overnight so that they could continue about their business, I had no idea just how stupid sims were at the time, I woke up in the morning, nothing but ash and carnage, everything was dead.. I was sad..
I've heard good things about Tropico
I've played classics
But did you ever play them, as a troll?
Is there any other way?
I like your style, sir
I don't remember the name of the game, but you basically had to make trains and stuff to help economy and transportation and shit. So I got bored, and made 2 huge ass trains. Populated them with several cities. Then crashed them against each other.
@XCritics lol
I remember something like that in Age of empires :$
well not exactly that but :D
The death toll was in the millions
@Zirak Man if you could find out how that game was called, I've been trying to find it.
200 pikeman and archers vs 40 Cannonears, 200 bomb towers and 40 paladins :$
@Darkyen this ones for you
Spore was fun-ish
got boring after like a month
I don't think it was Transport Tycoon.
Anybody played AOE 2 in here ?
@Zirak You probably plated Mass Effect already, right?
@Darkyen pretty much everybody
Wanna play it altogehter again ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Of course. Man was the 2nd one lame.
we can get an 8 player death match :D
@OctavianDamiean That's it!
it'd be boring extremely long but fun at the end
I think it was Transport Tycoon
Zoo Tycoon
put tigers with dolphins all day
Zoo tycoon sucked
fuck.. dammit Zirak now I just wanna buy a ps2 so I can play FF7 and .hack
This was more fun @XCritics
I really liked Starcraft, the original campaign was good
Ok, I've created it, now what? — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
so many downvotes in 1 minute
hrm, I haven't tried Skyrim yet
Walking dead and Borderlands 2 are supposedly great games
I can confirm the former. :P
I have Borderlands, but have yet to try it
@Zirak I'm playing through RE6 right now
You should too
Borderlands is supposed to be amazing
I missed the last sale by like a fucking day
Play Singularity, I screamed so loud my gf started crying cause she thought I was getting attacked while she was sleeping (true story)
now I have to wait
/me only buys games in bundles or on sales
I told you to buy it then!
What I don't want happening is game fragmentation. I feel so bad when I leave a game unfinished.
and I hesitated!
People should listen to me :p
now I regret it
I got it for $13
yea now it's like $40
For instance, I did like 60% of Dark Cloud 2 in a very short time. And then I had stuff to do. It weighed on me for about a month before I did everything else in nearly one sitting.
And don't get me started on Kingdom Hearts 2...
good bye.
Or 358/2
cya all tomorrow :-)
@Zirak I have done that with some of my more recent steam purchases
@Darkyen o/
@Zirak Why? It is a solid game
What I described above happened
Actually, that was KH 1
I got quite a bit into warhammer spacemarine then it got boring
Ever play Fable?
For KH 2 I used up my vacation time.
I have with 90% of the games I own
L.A. Noire is pretty great, though
Woke up in the morning, played KH 2, went to bed. Repeat until game finished.
It was a good vacation.
lol, sounds pretty accurate
I love those games when you're all "awww, it's done?"
It can get a little boring when you're stuck in a place clicking around looking for clues, but the action scenes and interrogations are interesting
@AmaanCheval I found LA. Noire to be extremely repetitive
I have a hard time playing single player games, or anything non-competitive, I add out and do nothing
I did maybe 1 mission in GTA IV, the rest was free roam doing stupid shit
Yeah, me too. I stopped midway. Then a friend forced me to play it again because it gets really interesting after you get promoted
Maybe you should try skyrim, I think TES games are getting gradually worse with Arcanum being a peek and the new Fallout games being a blasphemy to the original series
Hahaha, I was the same with GTA
I didn't even know it had missions, really
Play it with a trainer, it's so much more fun
I built like a 400 ft ramp on top of a huge building
was fun
I buy games and never finish any of them. I fail.
I'm still busy getting furious at Crysis
Oh, Red Dead Redemption
I haven't done that
@Zirak tie people up and leave them on a rail road track
Qualification for playing?
Do above ^
Who originally created this room anyways, curious..
!!take more drugs or wait for the first ones to kick in
@rlemon wait for the first ones to kick in
@XCritics God
@Zirak Whoever really created it, is going to get a nice compliment
Oct 15 '10 at 8:38, by Mathias Bynens
o hai
damn, you're faster.
@OctavianDamiean so what ever happened in the Android room a year ago?
need some advice please, im using a for loop (jQuery.each) to insert multiple iframe into the document, i am wondering if its possible to wait for the last iframe to load before carrying through the each to the next frame?
Yes, it is possible
Use an iterator pattern
@Zirak Do you have an Xbox?
Start by something simpler, write the number 1 through 5, where each number is written 1 second after the last one
@AmaanCheval Nope
Red Dead is the only game that makes me want an Xbox
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok thanks im googling the pattern now
Ah. It's an Xbox exclusive
It's on PC?
Isn't it?
RDR looked...slow.
Not as far as I know
I've never played it
I coulda swore it was on the steam store at one point
but there seemed to be a lot of man-on-horse action...as it were...
No, I'm pretty sure it's an exclusive title
Hahaha yeah
It's an amusing game
It's possible you've been seeing horse pornography
You're probably right
@Zirak Do you like open world games?
If you do, try Skyrim, obviously
And Witcher
Witcher is cool
Far Cry 3
Heavy Rain
Dead Space 3
Alan Wake
Alan Wake is on Humble Bundle too
that's all I can think of that I would recommend off the top of my head
I've heard great things about it
@XCritics still need testing help?
hey why entering chat i get page reloaded ?:O
[email protected] // testtest
it happens just only at first visit don't know why :U
@SomeKittens then go to Find Players
@BenjaminGruenbaum im the guy that had that uglu jquery script to order records on a table, you suggested to use a JSON array to do it on the client's side, im here to ask you if you can point me in the right direction to figure out how to translate my ugly script into JSON and dialog with the database (php/mysql)
@XCritics Can't login
@SomeKittens that idiot must have logged in with it
@SomeKittens do [email protected] testtest
nah, using my account
@sebas sure. Would it be possible for you to actually get the data from the server easily?
oh ok
@XCritics what are you working on dude?
That is, get the actual objects from the server, rather than the template rendered on those objects?
I can't remember if I dropped the collection since htat
@Stripps Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes i can get the data from the server, i mean, i do have access to the particular talbe on the database where all the data is stored
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mhmm, was that a question?
@OctavianDamiean Yes.
@sebas ok, let's build a similar example together, I have a JSON with objects I picked from the database (only the fields that are relevant), and I want to build the table, so far so good?
It's a long story. I should probably start with the beginnings of the Android room and the part that was my fault which lead to those events.
@OctavianDamiean go on
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
@Octavian Get to it, then!
@sebas I have 'Analysts' at work (who work on stocks), let's say we'll work on them as sample data, and we'll use this JSON: databroker.azurewebsites.net/Analysts/?ticker=AAPL
So basically, when I first joined the SO chat and found the Android room, it was abandoned. The original room owner was inactive and I wanted to change something in the room description, asked a mod to do it for me (that moderator was balpha) which also appointed me as the new room owner.
@sebas It's a JSON for analysts, it contains analyst names, and ranks, let's ignore the rest of the data there for now, you can view it more clearly at jsonviewer.stack.hu
I've got a jQuery Mobile application, my problem is that i'm loading <li> elements dynamicly for the application. This results in that the first page's <li>-elements does not get their class-attributes = no css. I've tried element.trigger("create") but that didin't result in anything :/

Anyone got any idea?

I changed what I had to change and used the chat the way it was supposed to be used for a couple of months.
@sebas here is a bootstrapped JSFiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/ jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/1
The room became quite popular, mostly because Android became popular around that time.
A lot of new developer, mostly Asian-based joined the chat and all was fine.
@sebas it contains a basic object that represents our objects, with a single method that grabs those objects from the server. The bottom is Knockout, we'll get there
Now to the part which was my fault.
@sebas if you don't understand something, let me know (right now the syntax is invalid (fetch never ends)
Back then I was still a Q&A community noob, I had no idea what a help vampire is and didn't know how to deal with them so I just continued to be a good host for them and let them suck my energy and knowledge.
ok go on
Now the turning point. I was actively trying to get high profile users and Google employees to join the room, even succeeded in doing so but certain users that happened to be help vampires of course alienated the high profile users within hours.
@sebas The next thing we do, is add an observableArray which will be our array of actual analysts, observable arrays are objects in Knockout that automatically change their appearance in the DOM when they change. We'll also implement the fetch. jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/2
The situation got worse when those users started to chat in their native language all the time, the chat became a mess.
how are they observable? does this require multiple requests to the db to see if any update on the data was made?
@sebas no, but every time we fetch new data from the db, or manipulate the data on the client side (sorting it for example) it'll automatically change what appears in the HTML for us
@sebas this is called 'Data binding', so far so good?
@OctavianDamiean continue
My first attempts to get things sorted out by asking them to keep their conversations to English and trim down on the help vampire lifestyle were met with ignorance.
The room was still open back then.
@sebas now, we'll actually call 'fetch' when the object is created (and make it a member functions), jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/3 , if you check the network tab, you can see an AJAX call is now made
I had a group of regulars that shared my opinions and ideas on how a room should be operated.
We were still fighting windmills because we thought we could convince them to behave in a more community friendly way.
So...in regards to people that are using JSP, you guys would say?
Things got out of control when Manjot Singh entered the scene.
@sebas I know, this all seems "in the air" right now, let's add in some HTML so we'll see what we're getting it, we'll use a foreach binding (go through every element) and a text binding (change the text of this element). See jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/4 , if you have any questions, feel free to ask
So there is a project I want to do. Now the big question: in which language should I do it? C, C++, lisp or nodejs? It's a cli css minifier.
He and his clique started to actively ignore what we were preaching and troll us, mock us and then insult us in their mother tongue which a regular and co-room-owner happened to speak as well.
@FlorianMargaine go
(or nodejs if you're lazy and don't want to learn)
It became quite a flame war where both sides started to hate each other.
@FlorianMargaine Is it a personal project?
@sebas when you're ok with it, let me know and I'll continue
It escalated to the point where said user and his clique threatened my co-room-owners life, they started to stalk his online activities, found out where he lived and so on.
@OctavianDamiean WOW
Personal project, yes
@FlorianMargaine It might be interesting to do it in all of them.
Go is on my list too indeed.
im sorry, im here
@sebas is the last example ok?
A group of users were instantly suspended for one year, both from chat.SO and SO itself.
(can we move to the next one)
@loading... no. The 1st time would be interesting, the second would be boring.
@dystroy go what is
Then maybe do it in the language you know the least well, to learn it better.
@dystroy I'm not good enough with lisp, so I'd learn quite a lot there too. Same with C++
its returning the list of analysts
@XCritics google "golang"
I just did
@FlorianMargaine What's your project?
@sebas Yes, we have a fetch method for the JSON which we call, and we're building a list by data-binding, even though the analysts are not there initially, as soon as they're fetched the list updates. The next example just applies some css jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/6
However that was met with a log of anger towards me, most uninformed people instantly believed I was Lucifer himself (or a equally bad character in their religion), suddenly I was a Nazi and all bad on earth because they believed it was a racial thing.
Oh well I'll think about it. Good night peole. @OctavianDamiean I'm reading.
That's intense
@BenjaminGruenbaum before you on, you must know that for my use case Im dealing with a ton of records (and data on each one) and then on the html output i will have 650 records showing, given these facts do u still think this is the best way?
@sebas undoubtly
@XCritics golang.org
At some point I got tired of all the disruptions and tired of explaining myself all the time to help vampires and users that were just here to disrupt and decided to become that bad rule everyone though I was.
It was the only way out.
@sebas we can fetch 2000 analysts if that makes you feel better, I just feel bad for my traffic :)
no its ok
2 things: (1) I'm thoroughly enjoying this room, and (2) @OctavianDamiean - dude, I'm sorry
I set the room to gallery mode and trained the other room owners how to distinguish between a good user and a probably disruptive one.
@sebas jsfiddle.net/qpdcR/6 now we're returning computed analysts, note how we're binding to shownAnalysts which is just a function returning the analysts
@sebas now let's say we'd like to sort the analysts by rank, which is similar to your case where you wanted to sort based on something, we just change the function shownAnalysts returns
pffft, shows you. I got in on my first day without any problems :P
I wish we could just do resolve(life)
Real world why u no programmable
it is
@sebas as such, now we're showing rank, and we're sorting by it, the highest ranked analysts are shown first jsfiddle.net/cYhTF/1
get a fish tank
doesnt seems to
i need valgrind or a profiler to debug and optimize code... i cant get one in real life
The situation wasn't over though, the other users, the locked out ones, started to create myriads of other Android related rooms which was met with confusion and incomprehension by other chat users that weren't even related to the room and the incident.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i see, but what if u have to BUILD that score/rank on the fly based on combinations of contains and not contains on each record (and the score is not in the db)
I took the flack form multiple sides for doing what I did.
@sebas Just for a taste, here is a FULL BLOWN example, I made this in two days (most of which were server-side) for work as a proof-of-concept, in practice my work is a lot more polished :) However, given the time constraints I'm satisfied, tipranks.com/resources/finance.yahoo.com/MSFT.html
(Only works on new browsers, being a POC and all

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