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sucks that bitch.es goes to some lame voyeur site. could be a fun site about the "bitches love ...." meme
I would have dedicated my work to make a bitches love... meme generator
i tried to register fuck.ie but the irish republic denied me
I applied for fuck.me but nothing.
yeah a lot of those images have errors :D
emma watson poses topless?!!111
alert the internets
fuck.it now that would've been awesome.
aw.fuck.it :D
i would have liked a better 2 letter io but all the good ones were taken :(
how are those even close?!
nice price tag
man I wanted to have 4k link karma today
only got up to 3,968
:( I could have had all the Karma in the world :(
w.tf.... holyshit lucky
dongle.me/n <- bet you that would piss off Adria
whoever got that
fuck godaddy
aww donglegate.com is registered
lol *correction HAHAHA
donglegate is serious dude
claimed two jobs
man Im so happy
I know thats mean, but it feels like justice was served
something you dont often see when it comes to feminists
In a nutshell, whats with all this dongle and fork shit suddenly, did somebody get offended
well I don't know if she is a shining example of a feminist
It's available.
Go for it. :D
would be cool to get it
make a site that sells shirts
all proceeds go to the dude who was fired.
haha, yeah
steve.jobs registered :/
@Loktar That would be awesome.
like that guy on reddit that recommended wearing t-shirts with usb-sticks on every tech-conference from now on
comeon.me could get you some money too, @rlemon :D
haha wtf
@Zirak mouhahahahaha
A friend of mine was really bugged by this girl, he wanted nothing to do with her
I trolled her saying he needs to forgive her and stuff
Don't know how, ended up with uzielyshouldforgive.com
@Darkyen no sound
Expires in a week
@Darkyen I love the design
@dievardump playes after a while
@Darkyen work on that
i have sound, but it's definitely not Linkin Park
@rlemon Firefox...
@GNi33 its playing radio but i hve to write something to allow it to support getting media
oh, okay
i.imgur.com/yT9R9Ev.jpg no stupid autoinsert
for chrome it wont work
had some country-music on :D
Uncle Kracker - To Think I Used To Love You
thats n
@phenomnomnominal 1:01 (hour and one minute), Crockford saying he loves CofeeScript again
Also ripping on dart
mem.es what a waste
document.write("Hello :)")
That would delete the entire chat and replace it with the string "Hello :)" :P
Oh, I am a hacker :P
He has a so weird body
@dievardump ?
Oh lol, yeah
He has a large tronc and so skinny arms
Like Farnsworth :P
Gotta love that video youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ
Okay I realize now that I will have to use jquery. Never used it before. Why doenst this work?
@JABFreeware $(window).load is incorrect
Or simply
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, but this doesnt work either:
> XMLHttpRequest cannot load cnet.com. Origin fiddle.jshell.net is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so shouldnt this work?
I made it work for you jsfiddle.net/rlemon/jgtZt/2
you have to serve from same domain
@rlemon That uses @jAndy 's code from yesterday
@rlemon okay thanks. Sigh, I need to go outside my domain. Can jquery not do this?
@JABFreeware It's a limitation on the browser
@AmaanCheval Have you watched Daria? If not, then do.
@JABFreeware why do you need to go outside your domain?
do you have control over the target site? you can enable CORS very easily
@rlemon I have program, and wanted to put the reviews like on cnet for example, the rating and all. Thats in a certian div, that I wanted jquery to grab and put in my site.
I assume @MikeMyers is @SteveJobs but can't speak because he doesn't have the required reputation. Love how the small stuff in SO chat is well thought about.
@rlemon Tried that, but I only want a single div from their site.
and iframes cant scroll to certian positions if the src is outside the domain
You can't, you need a server-side proxy
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is getting complex...
It was complex from the beginning, you just didn't know it
can you make a page taht in essence is like cnet's page. For example, could I have a page that simple takes the entire url I want, so if you went to my page it would identical. Then, in another page but in same domain, use jquery on first page and get that single div
make sense?
Stealing content and design?
That's what you're talking about?
@dievardump no...
look down
@rlemon I have program, and wanted to put the reviews like on cnet for example, the rating and all. Thats in a certian div, that I wanted jquery to grab and put in my site.
but where do you want to get the reviews from?
Websites like cnet?
@dievardump correct
wait, what?
@JABFreeware So you want to take cnet's content and put it on your own website... like stealing content?
Okay yeah thats what I want. I was going to have link like <a href="......">Cnet Review:</a>
.....The contetn from their site
good luck with that
You're not really allowed to do that.
@GNi33 not recommended or not legal?
Not in that manner.
@dievardump Show how would YOU do it?
or would you?
Writing my own reviews
égetting enough power to have users rating the content
@dievardump just figured hacving cnet content and other credible sites would make it look better
Or I would create my search engine
probably based on Solr or Elastic Search
@JABFreeware This is stealing content.
You can not really do that.
And if you try to become a search engine, it'll be hard to be referenced
In all case... hard is hard
@dievardump Okay I wouln't. I dont get it though. How is it when you have a link that saying the below content is from cnet?
you are giving credit to the owner
@JABFreeware So I can copy the content of all your websites and put them on mine, and put a tiny little link saying: yeah, everything is made by this guy. Am just using it to get you here.
No, that's not how it works
@dievardump sigh. I was truely going to make it obvious but I can see this is not a good idea
@dievardump okay well thanks for your help
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse, incapable of understanding English, shits on the floor and leaves
@SOChatBot nice story!
Responsive Web Deisgn TV Commercial
I need help with AJAX! The PHP page I call to with JQuery AJAX doesn't "know" the object $mysqli I created in my MySQL connect file, and I can't figure out why it doesn't get the variable/object, or how to get it to receive it. And thing is, I'm pretty sure it worked in class, and I haven't changed anything since then. Maybe different WAMP configurations..?
it does not look like an Ajax Problem
but like a PHP problem
if you access your script directly what happen (open the webservice directly in your browser)
@SOChatBot help
@dievar Uuuuhm... What do you mean by that? I think if I type the URL to scripts.js, I'll just see the code.
no script js
the php you are calling
your problem is php related
Oh. It obviously won't see the variable, because do_search.php relies on variables supposedly set previously by other files.
And well, I wouldn't say it's strictly PHP-related. Mostly on how AJAX changes the way variables are made available. Because if I ditch the AJAX and just put my PHP there bluntly, it works.
So you have to include them
Something like that, if we wanna do it in a dirty manner
Include them directly in do_search.php? Why? mysql.php should already have set the variables when I included it in index.php
But are you reading index.php?
Your Ajax call is a NEW call
DOesn't it just parse the content of the file into the page? o:
So you have to redo all the process.
Two files: index.php and do_search.php
When you call index.php it does what it has to do.
Then send the content to the client.
The client type something in the search input you provided.
Your code make an Ajax call to /ajax/do_search.php using jQuery
I thought AJAX was like an asynchrous include();, in that it just literally pasted the content of whatever file you linked and ran its scripts. I was sure previously set variables were still available.
do_search.php does not know you are on index.php. The execution context of indexphp is dead when you sent data back to the client
You have to recreate an entire "execution context"
Really? That's a bit sad.
But anyway, it should solve my problem.
Oh no. Every call to your server create a new "execution context"
does there exist AJAX that "has a memory"?
(The word is probably not the one a native English would use, but I have no other traduction)
Ajax is a conglomerat of different techniques
There is no really "ajax type"
And usually, server try to not keep memory like that
That's just a killer.
Imagine this person goes away without ever making a search
Mmmh, okay.
How much time will your server keep the "memory" linked to this page?
I just poked someone who wrote something similar to my weasel (the bot question thing), asked her what she did to get impressive diverse results. The answer was so damn simple, a kindergartener could have told me that theory. It's one of those "simple...yet genius" things.
What the heck?
I do not like the fact you're still up @Zirak
You were up all day long.
I'm busy
So it almost means you'Re not Australian
while($row=$result->fetch_assoc()) { [...] }

...Undefined property: mysqli_result::$free in D:\wamp\www\4-Recherche d'images\php\do_search.php on line 48
...and you're not my mom :P
What's your problem with freeing my result? D:
Omg you're French speaker
You use spaces in your directory names
You should feel bad
And say 42 "Je vous salue Marie"
I forgot you were French Canadian
@diavar This is WAMP. WAMP is strong. I was too lazy to make a web-friendly folder. :p
wamp is strong?
But anyway it's never had a problem with this before.
Yeah. WAMP endures spaces in names.
Wamp is as weak as a woman when she sees Chocolate
I'm weak to begin with.
@GNi33 I think I solved it :)
If the Internet had an anus it would look like the comment fields on The Verge and Engadget.
or wait, youtube comments are more like the toilet of the internet
that issue is 2 years old and yet that simple thing isn't fixed?
@GNi33 it was bad default behavior, he added a flag for it
See most recent edit
@Ariane: you forgot the () when calling the free method
A: each in one element

Benjamin GruenbaumAfter looking at node.io's source code, it appears that by default it uses node-soupselect and not jQuery. Try setting: $.options.expand_single_selected = false; From node.io's creator chriso: To be honest, this is a design fail on my part. I was sick of typing first() every time I wante...

oh, now i see
the flag is there for backwards-compatibility?
@GNi33 for forward compatibility :(
@Thief Oh.
uhm... yeah
It uses two selector engines that behave differently, and you have to explicitly set a flag to cause them to act the same
He admits it's a design mistake on his part though
pretty weird, he should specify that on the wiki-examples
Oh no...
I know where my problems are from.
I forgot to upload my files before I left school.
I just hate this broken Dropbox at school so much. Can't access registry. Do your job properly, tech service! D:
@rlemon :D
that sounds fun
oh, the programmer placeholder art
worked on a flash-game way back, had a first presentation of it
just to show some of the functionality
people where just "WTF is that?"
placeholder-art all over the thing, it looked like someone puked at the screen to be honest
oh too late
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein
You go sue their asses off, stealing css is the worst kind of offense! — adeneo 4 mins ago
^ @FabrícioMatté lol
Yeah I laughed out loud at that :P
			url: "php/do_search.php",
			type: "POST",
			data: 'search='+$('#frmSearch input').val(),
			success: function(data) { $('header').after(data); }
I understand why it was closed, the downvotes seem to be a little harsh though
Is there something wrong with this ajax call? The Jquery documentation is NOT helping me with its 8889897 options. :/
is there an error or some kind of wrong behaviour that you want to share with us?
Oh uhm. Nothing happens when I do my search, and I get no PHP error at all, so I think it's probably AJAX, since I understand very little of it.
strang problem , slidedown effect behaves like slideup
@Ariane have you provided an error-callback already? does that one fire?
@GNi I haven't because there are parameters in the function that I don't understand and they don't explain
active and selected options are same in jquery's tabs?
@GNi33 it solved it for him :)
nice :)
@Ariane provide one and console.log the first and second parameter
the first one is just the XHR-Object in a jQuery-wrapper
@GNi What's the XHR-Object?
second one is a string that's showing the status of the request
^ what you are doing/sending
Ajax is just a buzzword for doing XHR-calls
@Ariane oh, log the third argument too, probably the most useful for quickly seeing what's happening
it's a string describing the error
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, that's a good idea, this really should be noted in the docs
All right.
Grr, this is what I get for buying cheap cables... I can't fucking work with only one screen
@BenjaminGruenbaum an upvote well deserved :)
@GNi33 I'm just glad I was able to navigate through all that source code and figure it out :P
@phenomnomnominal sympathy. I hate working on a single screen
My HDMI cable is being a dick
!!> s/dick/dongle
@GNi33 "ReferenceError: s is not defined"
i'm too stupid for the bot :(
4 messages moved to Trash can
Nothing happened XD
!! s/a dick/a dongle/
@Zirak My HDMI cable is being a dongle (source)
@GNi Is this all right?
			url: "php/do_search.php",
			type: "POST",
			error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
				console_log('jqXHR='+jqXHR+' / textStatus='+textStatus+' / errorThrown='+errorThrown);
				alert('jqXHR='+jqXHR+' / textStatus='+textStatus+' / errorThrown='+errorThrown);
			data: 'search='+$('#frmSearch input').val(),
			success: function(data) { $('header').after(data); }
you're missing a comma after the error-property
@BenjaminGruenbaum Israel is +2, right? Isn't it 4 AM?
@Zirak Yes, I got back from a BBQ where I drank a lot of black coffee after eating a lot of meat.
@GNi No alert. :/
Also, my sleeping hours are reversed a lot of the time anyway
@Ariane did you fix the syntax error?
@GNi the comma? Yes.
so, not even the error-callback is getting fired?
Do there exist PHP errors that don't display a PHP error?
@Ariane Go to the network tab on dev tools and look to see if the request completes
yeah, check the network-tab
if something goes wrong on the server it should at least fire a 500, right?
You'd hope so
@phenom @GNi I'm sorry for bothering you. It's a PHP error. I'd forgotten that Ctrl-U didn't take into consideration changes to the document's HTML code. I checked in Firebug, and my <article></article> created by do_search are there. Just missing all of its contents. So it has to be a PHP error.
oh, okay
i tend to always console.log the returned data before doing anything with it to see what actually gets returned, just a tip
!!god or no god
@Zirak no god
My error: I forgot to finish a line.
Now we know
!!Zirak or No Zirak
Now we know
Cold blooodddeedd
!!/urban Benjamin
@XCritics Benjamin The most wonderful an amazing person who ever lived the planet. He know absolutely everything in the world and anyone who knows him is lucky.
!!2b or !2b
@GNi33 !2b
Well we know who submitted that @BenjaminGruenbaum
now I'm curious
!!/urban Lukas
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
haha, dongle probably too long smirk
!!/urban Dongle
@XCritics dongle A piece of computer hardware that is provided with software. This hardware has to be attached to the computer (example: Printer port) to allow the software to work.
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
dammit, this won't work
hey, I have a curiosity question
@Ariane just ask don't ask to ask
folder/php/doSearch.php, called through AJAX on folder/index.php, does the following things, using the image folder folder/images:

<a href="../images/full/'.$row['filename'].'" title="'.$row['filename'].'">
(^In an echo and blah blah)


Why do I get the image size BUT the link is invalid and calls to localhost/images (which is outside "folder") and how is this supposed to make sense?
Grrr, I'm just so furious I lost 4 hours of hard work
Who offers good Nexus 4 cases
Ruby is short for rubbish
A: Variable Variable in JS

IOIO MAD@xdazz is correct some ways in normal http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_objects.asp http://www.phpied.com/3-ways-to-define-a-javascript-class/ var apple = { type: "macintosh", color: "red", cost: 10 getInfo: function () { return this.color + ' ' + this.type + ' apple'; ...

what is this guy trying to say?
@copy Are you here?
@GNi33 I... don't know
A: How do I navigator to a javascript function in eclipse?

Benjamin GruenbaumEclipse does not support this behavior at the moment. Some editors I know that do are Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio+ReSharper (2012 also without it), PHPStrom and WebStorm, unfortunately, none of those are free. One solution would be to use the jQuery viewer which makes going through the jQuery ...

let's ask :D
sorry, but... what? how is this related to the question? — GNi33 15 secs ago
If you're using an Editor that supports go to declaration, and is not in my answer, please edit it in (@copy probably vim)
@GNi33 some guys just don't know how SO works
i read his answer 3 times and I really don't get what he's trying to say
Hey, uhm. I have a row of display: inline-block images. They're aligned with the bottom of the tallest image. They're all in <li>'s and links. Is there a way to make the link/clickable area the whole height of the row for each image, even if it's shorter?
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's busy ;)
@Ariane hmm, have you tried setting the link to inline-block as well?
@GNi just did. No effect.
well, it's 4 am and the only other way I can think of right now is floating the li's and setting the a - element to display: block
or does inline-block and height: 100% help?

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