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so any ideas guys, im stumped as to why in IE that its stretching the shit outta it :)
also its weird how the fonts arent working as ive used @font-face and it should work with the right fontn file type
@KirstyHarris put it on jsfiddle
or tell me how to edit i will fix
is js fiddle working now, can i stick it on codepen?
@KirstyHarris codepen works ;D
its just needed becasue i cant edit it on cl9
or i dunno how to
i really appreciate this @Darkyen im STUMPED as to why it dont work lol
one sec will whack it on codepen
i know why it doesnt
its a PITA
i still gotta figure out that lightbox yet, as i dont want it display the image i want it to display a div with the image and text in :)
YAY! sorted it! in a fashion!
because i forgot the DOC TYPE decleration :)
i swore i had put it, now i just gotta fix the fontface and im sorted :D
"big active inline" how to shortly remove "active" from this string
@KirstyHarris lol
var s = "big active inline"; s= s.substring(0, s.indexOf("active"))+s.substring(s.indexOf("active")+7, s.length)
any better?
@Loktar How's Ravaged?
@KirstyHarris whats
ur minimum Ie support
Do it @Darkyen. Prove yourself!
im confused as to why the EOT font aint working thou in IE...
@AmaanCheval fuck you
always IE... why cant they be like other browsers... its shit anyways
@AmaanCheval 9:41 am here. not too bad for getting up
didn't goto bed until 2am
I wake up at ~12 noon on weekdays
no school no job no responsibility means no knolwdge of 6am
Hahaha yeah :p
Well, I was up till 6am one day last week
Played Ravaged? Metacritic score of 65. But the gameplay looks alright
to take a piss... then I went back to sleep
@rlemon I do have a job :p
@AmaanCheval it's nice. I like it. Do you own Ravaged?
Na. Considering buying it
@rlemon... you know your lightbox thingy... can you do it where it displays a DIV rather than the image?
@KirstyHarris You can do whatever you want! Even have unicorns that fart gold!
> AmaanC already owns Ravaged
i think i need to have a fiddle with that lightbox, and see how to do it, as the tutorial i saw just showed the image, and i want to display a DIV :)
@rlemon Na, weekend offer
Hasn't even finished downloading yet
well I can't gift it too you if you have that offer active.
Oh, thanks. You can gift it tomorrow, once it ends
i bought 4 copies.
Or, I could remove it now
one to the gf, one to me, gifted one to Abhishek and you can have the last
Abhishek always talks about his FPS games so I figured he'd be a good team mate :P haha
Hahaha, he told me he sucked
But he still enjoys it
ohh yea, that game the learning curve is steep
I hoped on for like 30 minutes... died like 100 times
^ maybe exaggeration but felt like that many
Check now
It's out of my library
needs time to refresh
i'll go make a coffee and have a smoke
Oh, it isn't actually out of my library. It will be in 6 hours
note to self: 2pm, gift Amaan the game
@rlemon thx man
@rlemon Tell me when you're up for some Awesomenauts
Got my ass kicked today when I was thrown in the middle of a session against three humans with 3/4th of my turrets destroyed
@Loktar fff.cmiscm.com/#!/section/surfacewaves I liked your waves demo better -.-
@cab Yes. s.replace(/active /, '');
@Darkyen np
@BadgerGirl ------- ^
That's me.
ok, i was wondering.
off to awesomenauts
@rlemon I'll join in a bit. Playing some CS:GO with @Darkyen now
@FlorianMargaine ah thx
Q: Facebook autoshare wordpress plugin?

sm13294I tried to find a plugin that ask for access to a facebook app, if you confirm it, then each post that you visit should be automatically posted in the user wall. I have seen this example on several pages: www.hajgare.com, www.flej.eu Since I couldn't find nothing yet I have started to build it by...

@AmaanCheval counter strike ?
Hey, does someone here know how to make dependencies between two autocomplete widgets of jQuery ui? meaning when you enter a value in the first input the second input send ajax request with the term searched AND the first input.
Hi @ThiefMaster, do you know how can this be done?
36.7k, really ??
Wel.. I searched and couldn't find an answer.
I found answers only to local data, not to ajax request.
No idea... Ask on SO :p
@ThiefMaster, I'm tired with SO... :) I think I'll continue my searches then :)
@gdoron than it would worse then so..
I think I can concat to the term the first value delimited by semicolon, but there must be a better way than this!
Ohhh, God I'm stupid, thanks, I found where I was wrong. @NullPointer, @ThiefMaster.
@gdoron yours welcome ..
@ThiefMaster i flagged this question to merge with this question
and flag was helpful but nothing happen
@NullPointer, Thanks, and I believe the fact that I delete my answers to bad posts or if I see that other answers were already given contribute to that rate... :) I try not to spam SO with duplicate answers.
@gdoron ahhh ..that is very nice of you ...
@nullpointer flagged with good intentions but the moderator decided not to merge i guess
Went to implement what I learned, thanks.
@ThiefMaster question got 5 delete vote and will be deleted .. .. but it has better answer than other
I'll look later.. Mobile version sucks for mod stuff
@ThiefMaster thankyou .. ...its very nice of you... since this answer which is best among all will be deleted
chat profanity filter is mostly done (and configurable) chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/…
if you wont merge ..:(
Who the fuck would install that?
couple people already but I don't know who they are
@AmaanCheval now is when my computer finally booted
dear christ
@FlorianMargaine look at me :D
1k :D
@FlorianMargaine Yes, sir ?
@Darkyen any idea why this js aint working ... c9.io/rusticblonde/sf/workspace/index.html
actually i think i know why
[21:53:50.801] ReferenceError: $ is not defined @ c9.io/rusticblonde/sf/workspace/js/custom.js:1
@KirstyHarris I think you are not loading jQuery before using it
Q: This blueprint has already become a mess, please suggest some restructuring

TulesI'm particularly concerned about where I have declared the functions, can I move them around to clean up the code without breaking anything? The "conjugate" function contains a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with actually conjugating verbs and rather handles output strings and html DOM objec...

yh that was the problem :)
@NullPointer Yep
@Darkyen Hahaha
@AmaanCheval raged is fun!
@Darkyen Meh. You changed your username.
and I like those waves they are pretty cool
@copy Baby lock.
thats a really cool site. I need to make something like that
@FlorianMargaine yes i did
@FlorianMargaine Sewing machines ?
@Loktar Raged? Or Ravaged?
lol Ravaged oops
@copy Sniper dressing.
@FlorianMargaine Can we start talking in full sentences ? I have no idea what you're talking about
Nor do I. I was just wondering what the "36,7k, really?" was for.
Are you trying Markov chains ?
@rlemon Ugh! Steam is down for routine maintenance
It was referring to the above post
Oh, it's back
I don't really get it.
but wait, really?
A: Facebook autoshare wordpress plugin?

ibI'm also searching for this. I think this is a PHP code

this is an answer?
@FlorianMargaine Flag it if you have an account there
@copy Still don't know what you're talking about
What's 36.7k?
The file or something?
Go to the doctor
> Hey, does someone here know how to make dependencies between two autocomplete widgets of jQuery ui? meaning when you enter a value in the first input the second input send ajax request with the term searched AND the first input.
How is 36.7k relevant? o.O
Think harder
Don't care enough
@FlorianMargaine how is the x86 project going ?
Didn't have time to work much on it. The disassembler is starting to work, though.
god now to have fun with this lightbox thing... GRR haha!
aint a clue how it works!
@copy oh my god, this guy really has 36,7k rep?!
@NullPointer fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/… <- thats what i feel when i write for node.js
@copy as you can see, I'm starting to handle the opcodes.
A: What is the cost of '$(this)'?

gdoronInspired by this question on meta, I'll answer my question. In the jQuery tag info this warning appears: The jQuery function $() is expensive. Calling it repeatedly is extremely inefficient. Well... that is true only for strings selectors, which get parsed with regex to find out what are ...

how is 10% performance a "little effect"?
@copy this might interest you letoverlambda.com/index.cl/guest/chap1.html
> Because macros can be used to transform lisp into other programming languages and back, programmers who gain experience with them discover that all other languages are just skins on top of lisp. This is the big deal.
this might make you try out lisp :P
Meme of the day award
@FlorianMargaine Damn that actually sounds interesting
But first, 2 different certificates with the same md5 hash shall be created by my hand
@copy haha. md5 has plenty of collisions iirc.
A: Which hashing algorithm is best for uniqueness and speed?

Ian BoydI tested some different algorithms, measuring speed and number of collisions. I used three different key sets: All 216,553 known English words (in lowercase) The numbers "1" to "216553" (think zip codes, and how a poor hash took down msn.com) 216,553 "random" (i.e. type 4 uuid) GUIDs For ea...

hm. there isn't md5 there.
@copy how are you going to get the same md5 hash with 2 different certificates?
Cryptographic hash != hash (used for hashmaps)
@FlorianMargaine Create 2 x509 certificates, with different names, cut off at public RSA key, change dynamic-sized fields so that the size is at md5 block size, use program to generate collision for the start. Append numbers so that the collision block becomes a valid RSA key. Generate signature for that key and append to certificate
@copy oh crap, I read that link wrong
Spiderman Cartoon Maker, that is all
I decided today my last spare tank will be a newt tank for my office.
pictures once it's setup (eta. 5 hours)
will go above my startrek setup on my nerd-book-shelf.
@FlorianMargaine Holy crabappel
@rlemon Okay, maybe I won't invite you to a game of Awesomenauts
...or will I? :p
Na, I won't. Have fun
my laptop can emulate ps2 / 3 with ease!
Can you use .push to push objects into an array?
A: How to debug node.js applications

JulianWNode.js version 0.3.4+ has built-in debugging support. node debug script.js Manual: http://nodejs.org/api/debugger.html

Needs more upvotes
I think the web-based remote debugger would be worth mentioning, too
Can someone please point me in the direction of nice, well laid out code. I'm indenting all my code correctly and think I'm spacing it out sensibly but it still looks terribly messy. Looking for some inspiration!
Whitespace is not the definer of cleanliness
@zirak thanks. I'll take a look at that, do you have any web examples though, just so I can get an idea to see if I'm doing something obviously wrong. Having looked at a few website source code I haven't found any that looks exceptionally neat!
I'm incredibly biased towards my own code (wonder why...), but I can't think of an example where it meets the usual standards.
Matt's DOM Utils is very nicely written, but people hate his style
Ok, going to look there now. Do you have an example of yours, I'm sure it will be hugely better than mine...
Honestly, the amount of clean code you'll find is nearing zero.
Ahh, he uses lots and lots of comments but nicely laid out
and larger than usual indentation
I used to think working on dark background Visual Studio was easier to read, but after looking at GitHub I'm not so sure. Your code still looks a lot neater tha mine. More indentation than I use.
css question? I've got three images side by side.. equal width.. how to percentage the padding-lefts to fits multiple devices?
by percentage of padding-lefts, I don't want the images to be right beside themselves.. want to distribute them amongst the available screen width evenly
@SOChatBot You iz in mindjail
have I been missed?
Anyways, sorry all. My master forgot to restart me after my last system update.
Fuck, I have to set up network access on the server...Don't worry @SOChatBot, not a single worry!
@SOChatBot you're a chatbot?
not a very good chatbot..
@phenomnomnominal 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, spec, get, todo, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, 3point14, camel, echo, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, stab, popcap, timer, hang, stat, nudge, beautify, undo (0.04 pages left)
!!/ tell bushdiver i_am_a_robot
@phenomnomnominal I AM A ROBOT
@bushdiver I AM A ROBOT
!!/tell phenomnomnominal wow that's amazing
@bushdiver Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on column 36
not so amazing after all
Because you used a single quote but didn't close it
!!/tell bushdiver help
!!/tell bushdiver echo "still, pretty damn awesome though"
@bushdiver https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@phenomnomnominal Command still, pretty damn awesome though does not exist.
hmm, i thought that worked?
/tell has always and will always only delegate command output
@bushdiver 0
Yeah there was some bug there...forgot to fix it. Whoops.
Meh, still awesome
!!/urban awesome
@phenomnomnominal awesome Something Americans use to describe everything.
@bushdiver I awoke on Sun, 13 Jan 2013 19:09:57 GMT (that's about 16 minutes ago), got invoked 10 times, learned 19 commands
!!/choose "get back to work" "keep playing with chatbot" "tell zirak hes awsome"
@bushdiver tell zirak hes awsome
Zirak, you're awesome. nice bot
  |   |

oh dear
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
!!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
a, e
!!/hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i
!!/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, r
!!/hang o
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, o, r
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o, r
!!/hang engine
@phenomnomnominal Correct! The phrase is engine.
Work time!
!!/help die
@Zirak die: Kills me :(
I like myself
Hey. Anyone know how I can decompress a blob using JavaScript? I'm sending a gzip compressed jpeg image in blob form via a websocket.
r.onload = function(){
    draw(btoa(r.result), count);
I can use this to read the blob as a string and then convert it to a base64 string, which I can then draw on a canvas.
Hey guys is there anyway to put node behind a browser window? I love html + javascript but i miss the power of a desktop language. Node empowers javascript really nicely and it only lacks a user interface.
!!/google "decompress a blob using JavaScript"
@bushdiver There are no search results. Run.
Lol. New bot?
Is there a way to add a property to a class with javascript?
!!/google add a property to a class with javascript
ehh i'm not good at google.. :|
anyone know of a way to add a property to a css class via javascript?
to the whole class?
just have a separate class and add that.
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.yourclass', function() { /* do CSS-y things */ }); // terribly inefficient and probably not what you're looking for
"just have a separate class and add that." was thinking that, but all the classes are being applied pretty deep and will take a minute to do all the exceptions.. was hoping to just add to it
You can, but it's ugly (both in syntax and in logic). Why do you want to do that anyway?
wanting to add padding on some devices and I don't like flexbox that was suggested, or media queries (because there's too many width sizes) - so was going to add to class if android..
eh, I'm not that savvy with css. I'd go with phenomnomnomin's suggestion and ass a separate class - a tiny class, containing just the change you wanted.
yah I think I'll do what phenom suggested and Add a class
hey guys, can i ask a question question. When it says forbidden on a post form... any ideas why?
Array.prototype.push = function() { console.log("no!") }
when i click the button and it says forbidden,... no idea why
try again?
Q: Finding a short cycle in a directed graph with maximum weight (bonus)

PatrykThere's a directed graph. Here's the example: input: (graph from the picture) 4 // max cycle's length output: 4 // best possible path (that do not exceed 4 of length) gain 4 bonus 1,2,3,1 // cities from this path (1->2), (2->3), (3->1) Let a bonus graph be a directed graph where...

Where's the question?
will $('.class').css('marginLeft','10%') add the property to every elem with class of 'class' or do I need to iterate with each() ?
@bushdiver first
Get the value of a style property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more CSS properties for every matched element.
The video promoted: "Douglas Crockford: The JavaScript Programming Language" for For what audience does it aim? from 1 to 10.
"or set one or more CSS properties for every matched element."
@RoyiNamir thanks
@bushdiver yeah I confused you. it gets the first but sets all
@Zirak And that's all you need
@RoyiNamir so $('.class').css('marginLeft','10%') will set marginLeft to all elem with .class of 'class' right?
hi, i neeed your help with points 1-3 here
Q: jEditable - using tab button to switch

breqso I found an example on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885616/tab-key-with-jeditable-fields and want to use it on my site but i can't figure it out how to use it. Here is my example on fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ALMx2/ And here is what I need: I'm clicking on random column in examp...

can some 1 help me please?
this website wants me to click ALL the links on the page (there's about 2000).

This is the code for each link:
<a href="#" id="27426879" class="unfollow">UNFOLLOW</a>
the ID changes all the time depending on the link.

Is it possible to supply me the javascript code to write into the console of google chrome to click ALL the "a" tags with the class of "unfollow" at once? thanks :)
@RahulKhosla imacros for firefox
@bushdiver wats that? im using chrome, can u not help with that?
hmm theres an extension for chrome too but i dont like it much..
do you have to use chrome?
Assuming jQuery
ye i use chrome
try phenom
@Zirak Are you on Steam?
ty worked
Question please : When I write in console '\xe1' - does it refer to unicode codeprint or utf-8 encoding ?
I didn't realize you could just run active jquery in devtools console.. thats awesome
Course you can
I think someone was say that in FF & Chrome, $ is actually an alias for querySelectorAll?
Unless the page is using jQuery
any 1 use mac?

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