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Well, it finally happened. Twitter replaced thedailywtf as my Chrome "t" shortcut.
is @FlorianMargaine around?
Hostess is going out of business :((((
maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ho Ho's etc.
Tallahassee won't be happy.
No more twinkies?
nope :(
/me rips shirt, falls on knees screaming
@rlemon lol
That dude is waaay more ripped than me though @rlemon
"If your first question is "can I ask a question?", ask the second one." - when should I ask the first question?
If your question is regarding asking a question, see recursion
#explaining with perl
question = shift questions while question =~ m/can I ask a question/i;
@rlemon Who is that guy? He's memed himself several times over
@habeebperwad Never. It's an OBO.
@Neil Frogman
Lies. He's not half frog half man.
Notably the mib sunglasses in face guy
Cool Guys! This is my first chat message in this chat room. I want to be noticed! That is all. bye.
We will forget you in 5 minutes
@habeebperwad Technically, it's your second at least
Q: Is the escaping provided by the Google-Gson library enough to ensure a safe JSON payload?

Lifetime_LearnerI am currently using the Google-Gson library convert Java objects into JSON inside a web service. Once the object has been converted to JSON, it is returned to the client to be converted into a JSON object using the JavaScript eval() function. Is the character escaping provided by the Gson librar...

Q: What is the best practice for customizing a plugin's JavaScript/jQuery?

StephenMost well written plugins support a safe means for a developer to customize/theme the plugin by copying PHP files to the theme directory and modifying the copies rather than the original plugin file. But, unless I'm overlooking something, I'm not aware of any that support this with JavaScript/jQu...

Is it just me, or has Google been getting stupider?
It just sent me to a Russian language site
@SomeKittens ?
Had a node/express question.
I'm not the only one who knows about node, you know :)
Most of the others seem to be around my level of knowledge
I thought you were our only expert
Ok then: @nodepeople how can I set up safe AJAX POSTing without worrying about users browsing to the URL?
@SomeKittens what do you mean?
it's just like in any other language :/
@rlemon nice that sounds pretty interesting
Ill star that and donate when I get home!
watch the video
uber impressive
Ok, it may be a stupid question based on my half-understanding of what's going on.
As an aside, could someone check the and tell me the smart way to do that?
4:30 in they demo the terrain editor.
it's so fucking awesome. I almost have a hard on.
@Neil Oh God! here full of tech peoples!
@habeebperwad How on earth is it surprising that a site called "StackOverflow" would be filled with geeks?
@SomeKittens which code review?
@SomeKittens for any url, I can send a request
11 mins ago, by SomeKittens
if it's an ajax request, it's like any other request, why would you treat it as special?
you can have special headers if you want to send json data or something though, but that's beyond the basics
Ok, better question: Should I have a special URL to post the data back to?
your choice.
ok. Thanks
@SomeKittens addEventListener has 3 arguments
!!/mdn addeventlistener
!!/mdn insertRow
@SomeKittens ^
there is something for td too, don't remember it
!!/mdn insertColumn
Hi Guys, I have a question in backbone when I try something like $(this.el).delegate('select', 'change', this.method)...the function is getting bound to select view...can I make it bind to the current render view?
@habeebperwad If you think we're being pedantic now.. stick around..
My jaw is still dropped over this game.... I want it now... I want it to have my children... I have been waiting for a game like this my entire life!
if it were first person id like it more :P
but I will donate for sure
@FlorianMargaine The third one's optional...
@Loktar the amount of detail is overwhelming.
I am afraid to see minimum system requirements
@SomeKittens not in some browsers ^^
@SomeKittens it's just best practices to always put it, because FF 3.6 chokes when it isn't there
(chokes = doesn't work)
@SomeKittens did you get YC answer btw?
As it turns out, I'll hear back by Tuesday. My assumption that it was coupled with the other interview decisions was wrong. Whoops
Will I need an epic computer?
No. The system requirements are similar to other titles in the genre.

Last updated: Thursday Nov 8, 8:14pm EST
looks like I won't need to buy a whole new system
2014 is the scheduled release
I'm so amped
@rlemon <Please insert context here.>
Ubuntu on my tablet and awesome game ... 2014 I cannot wait!
Wait, it's for Linux?!!
That looks awesome
Looks like skyrim meets diablo
The kittens on the bus go refactor, refactor, refactor.
A: Remove from String (from Array) in Javascript

Muthu KumaranUsing jQuery, var mystr = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"; var lipsums = new Array("dolor","consectetur","elit"); $.each(lipsums, function(i,v){ mystr = mystr.replace(new RegExp(v), ''); }) alert(mystr); Test: http://jsfiddle.net/cu45X/

str.replace(new RegExp(v), ''); // ??????????????
Or skyrim meets some awesome game such that the culmination of that game and skyrim makes Sui Generis
mystr.replace(/v/g, ''); does this work?
@theshadowmonkey it's pointless
mystr.replace(v, '') is good enough
@FlorianMargaine yeah isnt replace only the first instance?
Watch the main video. the physics stuff and world interaction is astounding. the amount of detail is just wicked for a game. I mean, lightening and thunder being based on the real physics of it, sound travelling at accurate speeds... your movement is based on muscle movements and not pre movement events.... shit man...
It's like someone finally figured out that gamers want a "real world" in a video game
the art is all demo at this point made by the head dev guy - they are looking for an artist to improve on it. (although I think it is pretty damn good right now)
What gamers really want is a way to get away from the real world, into a fantasy world. If games get too realistic, eventually games will have games in them, to get away from the realistic fantasy world.
gamers all want to be god - in this game it looks like I can achieve that.
it's why I play minecraft.
I'm not god in minecraft. Those f-ing creepers are.
The funny thing is, the closest I've come to death was from staying underwater too long. My own fault.
yeah its all about emergent gameplay, which theres a lot of games as of recently going to it.
I only enjoy playing games that aren't linear
@Neil same here for the most part
Like feign?
some linear games can be fun still though
Well you're right, I shouldn't exclude all linear games
what up yall
Halo was damn fun, and that is considered linear gameplay
yeah exactly
but yeah I know what you mean
Look at how Dayz exploded due to using emergent gameplay mixed with perma death
Hi Guys, I have a question in backbone when I try something like $(this.el).delegate('select', 'change', this.method)...the function is getting bound to select view...can I make it bind to the current render view?
Can somebody help please?
"What's a game if you can't lose?" <-- Someone has been playing too much Dwarf Fortress.
I like games that provide some sort of goal still. Its one of the reasons I stopped playing MC
I played the hell out of it for a while, but just got bored and moved on
Terreria was an awesome example of sandboxing + having some goals
Why? Did you finish off the boss?
Minecraft has goals.
I played way before that was added
guys im trying to extend the Object prototype like this:
Object.prototype.slice = function()
var target = {};
for (var i in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
target[i] = this[i];
return target;
I played back when Notch still had the reigns, and when Jeb just started working on it
but its not playing nicely with jquery
heres the error i get: pastebin.com/pAPgFiUy
(the stack trace is there as well)
there something wrong with extending Object like that?
hm looks like a jquery 1.8.2 issue
heh crazy looks like I bought MC Sep 2010
I knew it was a while ago, didn't think it was that long ago
wait I lie
April 2010
Why must it be a DOM element? The function works perfect using document...just curious — VIDesignz 2 hours ago
To need JavaScript is to need jQuery, since it's faster (to type up) and easier to later review (and understand) jQuery = JavaScript on Steroids (only instead of shrinking anything else, it just shrinks your code length :) — VoidKing 34 secs ago
lol thoughts..
I think hes lacking in thoughts.
jquery is not js on steroids
That's just been commented on a solution I posted that does not involve JQuery, which I mentioned specifically because it does not use JQuery.
OK, there is a more elegant version of my answer also posted, but the point still stands.
jQuery is in fact Javascript on Twinkies. It's slow(er), Fat(ter), and Lazy people eat it up in massive numbers. — rlemon 7 secs ago
@rlemon WHYYYY
s/document.getElementsByTagName('img')/document.images/, Please use "var i" and cache the length. — rlemon 33 secs ago
Why must you speak badly about twinkies on the day of their death?!
for( var i = 0, images = document.images, l = images.length; i < l; i++) {
    if( images[i].src === "theOneThatIWantToReplace") {
	    images[i].src = "myNewSrc";
What the hell? I didn't know I was here
@CallumMcLean not you have introduced more errors.
@rlemon Hmm?
var images = document.images;
var iLength = images.length;
for (var i=0, i<iLength, i++){ // expected ;
    thisImage = images[i];
    if (thisImage.src == "theOneThatIWantToReplace"){
        thisImage.src = "myNewSrc"
What's up with that?
for (var i=0; i<iLength; i++){
thisImage is global
I like Abhishek Bhatia's loop better
I suppose I betted on the OP understanding that.
And yeah, as I say, there is a better version, namely Abhisheks'.
but, his answer isnt complete
his loop is just better imo
@CallumMcLean your code could be reduced down to this
2 mins ago, by rlemon
for( var i = 0, images = document.images, l = images.length; i < l; i++) {
    if( images[i].src === "theOneThatIWantToReplace") {
	    images[i].src = "myNewSrc";
damn @rlemon 9k.. jesus
Nicely done.
tbh you shouldnt of even answered him
hes asked 10 question, and has answers
and has accepted none
[].forEach.call(document.images, function(img) {
      if( img.src === "foo" ) {
            img.src = "bar";
Is accepting answers really that important?
The SO community is much better at picking answers than OP
yeah its important
since SO is about rep
its nice to get credit for giving the most correct answer
!!/mdn setattribute
ohh good lord
56 KB
> Most browsers have bugs in their implementation of getElementById, getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByClassName and querySelector.
there are bugs in getById in most browsers?
Yeah. Netscape 1, 2, 3, 4, Lynx (all versions), 98% of browsers made for personal projects, etc.
so by "most browsers" they really mean "most browsers [you have never even heard of]"
Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
@SomeKittens Maybe that should be added as a system
@phenomnomnominal This wasn't a bad suggestion or anything, but why did multiple people "star" it? haha
@twiz because it shocked and amazed us.
Bootstrap is so amazing. JavaScript how I want it to be.
A quick poll: Do you think that it makes sense to show vote counts on click at the Questions list by clicking on the big number at the left?
SImilarly to how (up/down) vote vounts can be shown by clicking on the number at a post
Meh. I rarely do that, and only after I've read the question.
better idea would be to randomly show a number on the screen on a pseudo random interval. Only show the number for 2 and a half seconds or until the user hovers their mouse over it. The only way for them to get any real information from this number is to press in sequence - up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A
I don't think it'd be really useful there.
I would love to have the detailed vote counts thingy on the review page though...
I'm extending my script for /review/, but ran across the possibility of what I've just said
@ThiefMaster Besides /review/, is there any other useful application of the vote counts feature?
don't think so
I was kinda disappointed when I got it. I was like "I'm 1k, and what is this?"
I initially joined Stack Overflow just for the Vote counts feature.
I joined Stack Overflow because I didn't want to admit to my employer I was in over my head. #every-js-question-i-have-seen-today
I joined for homework help, ended up with a lot more than that.
tbh I joined because I wanted to comment and tell someone he was wrong. then I got sucked in
discovered the chats a few months later - main site activity dropped significantly for me
Interesting to know such motivations.
What was so exciting about vote counts?
room topic changed to JavaScript: redundancy is redundant. #tldr goo.gl/hBOhP [5318008] [git] [javascript] [why-is-git-here]
@SomeKittens There is a difference between +20 / -15 and +5 / -0
I suddenly LOVE JS
I knew that vote counts existed because I saw it at my brother's screen, who has been a member of the Stack Exchange family for about year at that time.
It's friday - another long day of support for mr. lemon so this was lacking all day - we (i mean I) talked about a new game, check it out. kickstarter link watch the main video. Kyle loves js (sharepoint was getting too you?) and Rob hates vote counts (idk, I likely made this last fact up.)...
SharePoint 2013 (and Office 2013) has shifted gears in its development model. Apps are created using HTML/JS with a JS library (office.js) that allows integration with the app. OAUTH is used for app trust. Prepare for lots of JS newbs.
I like this tl dr update thing - Imma steal it for c# room
I hope its not patented
@rlemon you should change the tldr link in the title to this:
only shows tagged posts
good call.
room topic changed to JavaScript: redundancy is redundant. #tldr goo.gl/LTQwE [5318008] [git] [javascript] [why-is-git-here]
Hey there.
hidey ho
@ThiefMaster I have added the ability to view Vote counts at /review/ to my script / Chrome extension, see stackapps.com/questions/3082/view-vote-totals-without-1000-rep.
Hola everyone!
Bonjour mon ami!
Bonsoir. Ça va?
Or, to put it another way:
Eh up, how's tricks?
Tres bien, RIP twinkies...
no more twinkies to be eaten by humans
As opposed to twinkies to be eaten by cats?
What happened to your twinkies?
Liquidising Twinkies sounds disgusting.
where r u from ?
How come?
you do programming?
That's why we're all here, isn't it? =P
I guess
by all, u mean 2 people only
you people like music...?
I LOVE music bro
I listen to music so hard sometimes
what genre ?
Alternative rock mostly
any favorite band ?
Everyone loves Mark Knopfler.
Local H right now
Is that an American Band ?
I don't know. Maybe?
have'nt heard of any of them
You've heard of Dire Straits, right?
no...any good ?
... =O
thecaravanmusic.com "Six Strings" awesome tune
I live in Canada, we are bombarded by american music
@Alex that is because Bieber and Celine suck
<- not only from Canada - is actually a Native American. so really from Canada
Bryan Adams was worth it though.
But yeah, Canada's musical exports have declined over time ;)
no, we just get attacked because our biggest names are laughable to the rest of the world.
bottom line is that there is no music in canada...
but.... Bieber makes more money in the states from CD sales.....
Platinum album in the US charts.
in Canada we recognize him as the "man in a lesbian couple"
LOL, never heard that before...
and correction: Canada has fucking awesome musicians however they often don't get the recognition they deserve.
people will wonder why you are looking at a site full of the biebs though
Green Day?
The Caravans, Choclair, USS, the list really does go on
most move to the USA because there is more money to be made from media there
USA #1 export: media
my nieces are crazy with ONE DIRECTION...
nice, i find them so annoying
ugh, someone please spam so i don't have to see that picture @rlemon posted!
@ThiefMaster How's that?
.. and now we have another user in the ignore-list
anyone seen the james bond ?
5 messages moved to recycle bin
What the....
I picked a bad time to look at the chat window
It was Bieber time...
@ThiefMaster hey! I only posted one because he asked if it was safe for work
needed to give a content example
the following four were not my doing
also @ThiefMaster and @tereško
I tried to change it to a link without the edit ping, sorry, wasn't thinking. clearly removing text qualifies as an edit.
are you sure it works ?
/me hopes i get bounty for this!
Q: Glow Effect on HTML Canvas, Potentially Using Convolute Kernel / Matrix

Rob EvansI am drawing a PNG image to an HTML canvas and I have implemented a filter system to allow convolute filters to be executed against the image data before it is blitted to the canvas. Does anyone have an idea how to create a glow effect using either a convolute kernel / matrix (I'm not sure what ...

thats what I worked on most of the day
should work on all image tags
You know the BBC has got money to burn when one of their fundraisers involves Tom Daley stripping.
some sites are wonky, on the chat I've tested in FF and Chrome
^ the end result
ty for the up vote btw :P
tl;dr.... but I know you, so I'll assume it is correct... +1 — rlemon 1 min ago
lol I went ahead and bolded Live demo so he sees it
it is a pretty awesome answer (still haven't read it... but text wall + working demo == rep)
yeah, hopefully the +50 rep
have never seen a canvas question with a bounty
It is a pretty awesome question, and if you ask me the bounty is too low
Q: Javascript remove duplicate JSON records base on having the same attribute

user1830741I have a JSON object json = [{id:1,name:a, cat:1},{id:1, name:a, cat:2},{id:2, name:b, cat:8}] I need it so that I just get the first of the duplicated id json = [{id:1,name:a, cat:1},{id:2, name:b, cat:8}] I need this using Javascript Thanks, Gerald

Definition of a help vampire. Doesn't even try to hide it.
@SomeKittens lol
@Loktar i'm whoring around your answer link in the hopes to gain you massive upvotes for it
screw bounties. my Javascript circle on G+ will love this answer
so far... nothing.
@rlemon +1'd
(The answer not your post if you posted one)
Nice, I think I've got a new project idea. quick smoke and then i'll be tickling the keyboard into producing some awesomeness

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