@phenomnomnominal Yes, I've tried using the CSS only method as well. Both methods work in a simple JSFiddle. So it must be something else in my code. There must be a conflict or something.
I am working on a software rasterizer for educational purposes and I am having issues with the texturing.
The problem is, only one face of the cube gets correctly textured. The rest are stretched edges:
You can see the running program online here.
I have used cartesian coordinates, and all ...
Okay, I just had a thought. This project is a tetris AI right. Currently, each turn it takes a given piece and finds all the places it could go, then gives them a score based on a whole bunch of rules. Do you think it would be better to have the list of all possible moves and remove the invalid ones, rather than build the set of possible moves each turn?
hi there, in my backbonejs app I am writing whenever i go to a page within the app it works ok but then when I refresh it shows up blank? can anyone help?
I don't know about other browsers like FF, Opera etc ( not MS one ), but I have feelings, that FF-developers use llvm for such aim, but it's only my suggestion and no more, about IE - I know well, but not about another stuff
A JavaScript engine is specialized computer software which interprets and executes JavaScript (also known as ECMAScript). Although there are several uses for a JavaScript engine, it is most commonly used in web browsers.
Before the second browser war in 2008-2009, the JavaScript engine (also termed JavaScript interpreter or JavaScript implementation) was known as simply an interpreter that read and executed JavaScript source code.
The first JavaScript engine was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape Communications Corporation for the Netscape Navigator web browser. The engine, cod...
Opera Carakan, by Opera Software, used since Opera 10.50 Futhark, by Opera Software, replaced by Carakan in Opera 10.50 (released March 2010)
I have a series of buttons which when clicked display a popup menu positioned just below the button. I want to pass the position of button to the view. how can I do that?
ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
events: {
'click': 'showMenu'
initialize: functio...
You just need to pass the extra parameter when you construct the MenuView. No need to add the initialize function.
new MenuView({
collection: itemColl,
position: this.getPosition()
And then, in MenuView, you can use this.options.position.
I need to match all of these opening tags:
<a href="foo">
But not these:
<br />
<hr class="foo" />
I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z.
<([a-z]+) *[^/]*?>
I believe it says:
Find a less-than, then
My memories a little bit foggy, it's been a while since I did digital electronics, but is you consider flash memory to basically be rows and rows of capacitors either holding charge or not to be 1's or 0's, then the state with no charge, has less energy that the state with charge, and therefore less mass?
Do you know what blows my mind? There is so much water stored in reservoirs in the northern hemisphere, that the change in the weight distribution of the planet increased the length of the day.
I've already received it here, my internet is just that fast.
water in north versus south doesn't make the day longer.. water further away from earths core would do it, like a skater extending his or her arms while spinning...
Your responsibilities will include, but are not limited to Develop experimental features that engage new & existing Wikipedia contributors Extend the MediaWiki platform to support new experimental features and A/B testing capacity The skills and experience you'll need Three or more years of solid experience in Web development Experience with A/B testing Ability to iterate quickly and meet tight deadlines Familiarity with version control systems (we use Git and Gerrit) and continuous integration systems
Hi guys, I have a click function that only work once. Can someone help me spot where it's coming from? jsfiddle.net/RF6df/45 (click the thumbnails to open/close the container)
Well I can clean that in a few days. My real problem is that I have to click twice on a thumbnail to close the container and then I can't open it anymore.
@phenomnomnominal I like to take note of strange things I hear, because, as I reason, there are some sentences and phrases that one may hear only once in their lifetimes
The Google Nexus 4 got SOLD OUT in the US in an hour! This power packed phone with its improved hardware runs on Android 4.2 Jelly bean. With its amazingly low price, its a STEAL!
Using HTML5 and the new Mozilla-proposed standard APIs, developers everywhere will be able to create amazing experiences and apps. Developers will no longer need to learn and develop against platform-specific native APIs.
@Abhishek I mean, before we can make phenomenal programs using html5 for example, we require platforms and frameworks.. we can't start from nothing or it is really too much to handle