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9:32 AM
@matt eval? You're insane
1 hour later…
10:59 AM
@BenFortune, theres not a whole heap of difference between eval, require, import, Function, npm install, however you get code available to be called, i wrote the wsmod function, it can be downloaded from the same url and just required locally
what you dont want to do is
        var str   = some_source();
because that effectively turns off any garbage collection and compiler optimisation because you cant tell what the string will be referencing
11:15 AM
well what you have to be careful about i should say, a one off static eval is pretty much identical to any other method
i did leave the require commented out to sugguest that if anyone was unhappy about the purely dynamic nature of this code snippet there are alternative methods
remember when i post code to the chat room, theres no npm install, no dependencies, its a single post and just has to work there and then, if anyones interested im sure they'll take the poc and rewrite the whole thing far better than me
its really not intended to be production ready, i could have made the whole thing 10_000 lines, type checking sources and producing fancy error messages
@ThiefMaster, yeah i do tend to go overboard with the whitespace haha, actually somewhere towards the bottom of my coding philosophy is use as much whitespace as possible
me and vscode dont see eye to eye lol, with their rendering whitespace and indent guides enabled by default, and i love auto formatting on save haha not to mention the amount of time i actually spend undoing things like this
        for (let i = 1; i < (numImagesForTraining + 1); i++) {
11:51 AM
anyway i thought if anyone would get upset it'd be with the way i just brutalise the cookies hahaha i dont care about the domains, the paths, the expiration dates and just send 'em back haha seems to work though
10 hours later…
10:05 PM
@matt yarn && yarn build
then go to the SO directory and run it
something like that

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