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12:33 AM
12:54 AM
@Feeds Couple billion years ago, my neighborhood was fortunate enough to see the big bang
6 hours later…
6:48 AM
@user7886229, can you explain how you build james, i was trying the other day and couldnt get it to build, can you explain the build steps
5 hours later…
12:10 PM
hello matt
James, is that you? Is your spirit trying to communicate with us from beyond?
Knock once for "no", twice for "yes".
12:25 PM
hahaha no unfortunately, i just built something simple in nodejs, i'll just tidy up the code and post it
;( James, we miss you
3 hours later…
3:29 PM
3:56 PM

        var roomid        = 17;
        var email         = '';
        var password      = '';

        var https;
        var wsmod;
        var cookies;
        var opts;
        var get;
        var url;

        await init();

                                                                                console.log('initial fkey');
and i was so sure i had actually tested it before posting this time
hello matt
//  james.js

        var roomid        = 17;
        var email         = '';
        var password      = '';

        var https;
        var wsmod;
        var cookies;
        var opts;
        var get;
        var url;

        await init();

                                                                                console.log('initial fkey');
4:48 PM
what the actual fuck is that formatting? :D
3 hours later…
7:57 PM
@ThiefMaster I see code like this all the time 😂 (no, it's not my code)
8:44 PM
Why does running npm update suddenly installs 32 additional packages? fsevents, 22 different @esbuild things and 14 @rollup things.
9:02 PM
things updated

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