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@Abhishek lol?
upvote pls v
Q: user_login_finalize() logins the user, but I remain anonymous

Florian MargaineI'm using user_login_finalize() in my code to login a user (right before the review page), and this works because I can see the log in drush watchdog-list. However, it only works behind the scenes: the browser session remains anonymous. The browser has a new anonmous session though. It's almost ...

@benlevywebdesign put you code on jsfiddle :P
@FlorianMargaine ... I don't have a drupal.SE account. And I probably won't go through the trouble.
@Abhishek ok
Hei all js bangers!
same old same old
banging my head to the keyboard
to pay the rent
posted on October 08, 2012 by miraculous1

Here’s three things you can do easily to improve your low-density website or app for people on Retina screens: For photos, use high-resolution JPGs with low quality settings. Let the browser scale the image down on normal screens. Bonus: no increase in file size! Use the same high-res background images for both normal and retina. [...]

what just happened?!
Just Feeds
I'm surprised that this is the first time I see it
yeah, weird
Sometimes, feeds as some good stuff
@AmaanCheval SAW THE MATCHI :
Guys, anybody tried to keep track of some DOM element?
mm.. for example to implement a Ctrl+Z functionality
I'm currently taking $().html() snapshots and pushing them to a stack
@Abhishek I don't watch Cricket
then popping when catching ctrl+z
who wants cricket i was watching the whole wi team doing the gangnam style
the thing is, I'm losing all the cool jQuery objects "attached" to the elements
@Abhishek here this should work jsfiddle.net/Xc9U6/40
you know, because I'm storing and restoring strings
anybody has a better idea?
Add a mutation observer
When a node gets removed, store it
On Ctrl+Z, restore just that
mmm.. interesting
Mutation observer, okay?
Intercept all input, only act on the DOM with atomic undoable DOM actions
well I need to undo all sort of things
moving, resizing
There are more events
couldn't I just get all the children of my parent element?
because all the stuff I need to keep track of, are there
You'd still lose your "cool jQuery objects"
damn! :(
@Abhishek lol
Well I guess I'll go with the first suggestion
@TimDown, is that the same as Amaan suggested?
Can you elaborate a bit more please?
mutation observers are new. You can't use them in anything other than recent Mozilla and WebKit
aha, I see
I'm suggesting that whatever you're doing, don't let the browser do anything automatic
for example, if you're accepting keyboard input, intercept the key events, prevent the default and do your own DOM manipulation to insert a character or whatever
granted, this is non-trivial to implement
aha.. now I get what you mean
oh shoot! That's gonna be a bit difficult
if you can wait a few years, there will be full undo support in the browser
Q: Execute from any dropdowns

I'll-Be-BackIf a user select any dropdowns in the .SalePlugin then I want to execute it and pass the value into Ajax. It not working how it should, whats wrong? $('.SalePlugin > *').live('change', function(){ saledata = $(this).find('select').serializeArray(); $.post(host + '/ajax/salePoint.php...

sorry, possibly I'm not being that helpful :)
actually you are
you're helping me explore the possibilities
Okay then, what you do you think of the following
(this is one idea I had to solve this)
for example, CodeMirror collects keyboard input in a hidden textarea and does its own DOM manipulation
oh damn! now that I'm thinking about it so I can write it down here, I can see how awful it is!
I was thinking of tagging the elements with a class (draggable)
@TimDown This is like your field of expertise, isn't it?
W3C website and it has a real layout
o/ all
then recalling $('.draggable').draggable()
and all the other thigns
@Loktar \o
How's retroships.com? :D
@AmaanCheval Pretty much
its slooooow. Nodejitsu is kind of sucking
@TimDown, thanks again.
Im thinking of switching to Azure
W3C, Adobe, Facebook, Google, HP, Microsoft, Nokia, Mozilla, and Opera launched http://webplatform.org/ — documentation for web developers.
they still don't offer any paid plans which sucks
@dievardump Not W3C alone :p
@AmaanCheval Ooh, they have a chat!
/leave "Jumping ship to webplatform.org"
If you exclusively used event delegation on the container element then you could use HTML snapshots or DOM clones and the events would continue to work
@RyanKinal it's just freenode :x
DOM clones sound reasonable
@Adnan but I see what you;re saying
@FlorianMargaine ... nevermind then
It's moorcock on Freenode
At least for me
I feel so immature for finding that funny
anyone can help me that would be great!
@AmaanCheval no, the server's name is moorcock.freenode.net, the channel is #webplatform
Yeah, I know
no you don't, you noob
But I diiiiiiiiid
@Loktar I can give you some name tomorrow
my co-worker already looked at them
you guys know echojs.com ?
Can anyone tell me how I could loop through an array 4 items at a time on each click/trigger?
Yeah, I think @dievardump had posted it here
@Dan In the loop, increment by 4
@FlorianMargaine, can't see About page
var hrefs = jQuery.makeArray(jQuery('ul.js a'))
var arrayCounter = 0
jQuery('<li>').append(jQuery('<img>', {src:hrefs[arrayCounter]})).appendTo(jQuery('.img_gallery'))
I wish I can DownVote chat messages :(
At the moment I get the next item using arrayCount, which increments by 1 each click.
I don't know, I just became too accustomed to that
Oh.. the best place would be Facebook
imagine you can downvote that attentionwh***
Can I wrap code tags round some of this so it looks a bit neater..?
by the end of the night you'd feel good..
the world is a better place because of your vote
@Dan Ctrl+K
I love Stack Exchange
We're always looking for brilliant @nodejs hackers if you want to play with node full time.
@AmaanCheval I'll try and remember for next time, thanks. Either way, do you know how I could modify my code to out put 4 items at once?
"I'm so sad we broke up"
"Here's a photo of my food"
@Adnan Thanks, you need some help maybe?
@dievardump, possibly.
@dievardump, thanks for what?
Thanks for sharing with us your bitterness
Oh Yeah.
you should come to Finland :D
@dievardump cool thanks
Did you see this on that website you posted?
Q: jQuery scrolling images for e-commerce site, what to do about users who disable JS

Livingston StormAs the title suggests, I am developing an e-commerce site and I intend of having two jQuery plug ins on the default page, one for scrolling images and the other for the navigation menu. Should I be concerned about making the site work if the users disables JS? Cause if they have it disabled my ...

@benlevywebdesign jsfiddle.net/Xc9U6/41
@Abhishek what did you do?
did you saw that
.album:hover .record{
thats doing the magic
its tops the record spin on hover , i guess thats what u want .
you can change it to .album:active for when the user clicks
@Abhishek you're gonna love this n8.io/converting-a-c-library-to-gyp
especially the example used
so why should i like web platform over mdn?
@FlorianMargaine what is it
i mean the example
@Loktar mozilla folks are moving mdn content over webplatform
@Abhishek libmp3lame
ah well ok
I guess thats a good reason :P
@FlorianMargaine ah now i see sorry mate
my web is pita
So, now that Google is behind something like WP.org. I guess the days of the "DoNotGoThere" site are finally numbered when it comes to search results?
@Abhishek how would I get it to reset to the beginning of the rotation
@Abhishek I just flipped it so when they hover it starts spinning and how would I get it to reset if they hover off
@IvoWetzel w3schools is still much older than wpd, and I don't think Google is going to cheat about this :)
@benlevywebdesign sorry mate i am busy now
@IvoWetzel o/ btw
cant help much "thinking is ur best friend"
@FlorianMargaine Then it's another meaningful effort, they people who care already know about MDN so yeah...
@IvoWetzel the thing about MDN is that it's "Mozilla". wpd is about "anybody who cares about open web"
mozilla, google, microsoft, w3c... all the stewards
adobe, facebook, nokia, and surely more to come
hi guys, is it possible to create fonts in photoshop like small separated images, and use them in css3 ?
> Right now, it has a wiki, docs.webplatform.org, which anyone with an account can edit, and structured templates for ensuring consistency. It has a massive import of data from Microsoft, Opera, Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Nokia, Adobe, and W3C, still in a rough form, that needs a lot of polishing.
I hope google doesn't cheat
I mean granted Im not fan of w3schools
but they are good on SEO apparently
Maybe someone at Google is just trolling us by multiplying w3schools search index by 1000 ;)
nah I think its just all the web devs who suck who keep it going strong :P
Wait, you mean there are web devs who don't suck? No wAi!
btw interesting read if you're a real starcraft nerd: forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=17702.0
I'm here. :(
@FlorianMargaine You know, I always tend to read your lastname as "Magarine" ...
@IvoWetzel I always tend to think about Bretzel.
Doesn't help that it's in italics either :/ We should be given more than italics. I DEMAND BLINK TAGS!
@FlorianMargaine That would actually be a better lastname...
@IvoWetzel have you been reading the blog posts from one of the original Warcraft/Starcraft devs?
really interesting stuff
you'd like to be that?
@Loktar Yes
< huge warcraft fan... aka Loktar :P
Funny how they changed their game in response to a pre rendered fake :D
the original sc looked so bad lol
like warcraft at a rave
gotta go, cya guys
bye bye
see ya
why are we sharing food pictures
@Abhishek Why not?
well you can , just wondering why we are ?
besides "cool" new photograph ivo
look who! , creator of python
@Abhishek Well, thanks. And yes it was a bit fresh yesterday and that 2 hour bike ride was a bit too much in the end but yeah, 1 week vacation so I'm most likely gonna do more bicycling this week
:D nice fun !! Bikes are awesome
It only looks buggy for me?
Do any of you guys have insight on whether it's being considered to transform the global environment into a declarative environment?
(I mean in one of the future ES standards)
posted on October 08, 2012

This is a roundup of some of the news and cool things I’ve found recently.  Let me know what I missed in the comments and don’t forget to update your RSS subscription to rss.badassjs.com instead of the old FeedBurner URL.  More info here.  Thanks! New Collaborative Docs Site WebPlatform.org Launches Fresh out the gate this morning, the W3C, Apple, Adobe, Facebook, Google and ma

Hi there. I'm having a javascript issue... I'm doing something in a callback and it's working, but when the callback finishes, everything reverts to its previous state. Is this the expected behavior? Is there any way to make things stay the way I put them? Thank you!
What do you mean by "everything reverts"? What is everything?
I am building up a table, one row at a time, using the JSON I get back. The rows all get built, and then after the last one, the whole table disappears
Actually, in this simple test case, I'm not even using a callback!
That is definitely not expected behavior.
That's bizarre. It's just a javascript function. So I click the button in my html page, which triggers my function submitForm(). submitForm builds up this table, and then when it returns, the table goes away.
Yeah I didn't think so
I guess I'll just start over and build it up again so I can isolate the issue
Thanks. It's helpful to know I'm not missing some fundamental concept here :)
submitForm? Does it actually submit the form?
Your page probably refreshes or redirects
no, I'm not doing anything serverside
ah, that could be it
Doesn't matter
I'm glad we all had the same realization :-)
maybe it's just refreshing and going back to the original index.html
Good catch!
How do I get around that? I don't want it to refresh.
Trips lots of people up
Stick an e.preventDefault(); on the submit event handler
Perfect! Thank you so much.
nobody is in the css chat so I'm asking here
I have a list of links and I want them to be justifyed
left, right, or center?
the right side touching the right and the left touching the left
this is one list of links
text-align: justify on the parent container?
they're not all the same length... do you want the letter spacing to change?
@Dan has the right of it
no I don't
@benlevywebdesign Have you tried the text-align?
Can anyone finish this? I've had some help but it's not quite there...
Q: jQuery/JS Output from array/loop

Dan I have several links on a page, they are turned into an array with jQuery. Basically, when the user clicks "load more" on the page I would like to generate a <ul> with 4 images inside (or less if there aren't 4 remaining. I then need to shut the </ul>. I cannot figure out how I'd writ...

Yes I tried that
What does it look like? What other CSS is on those links?
@benlevywebdesign What is the markup you're using? And what is the display attribute of each of the links?
Without trying the code I can't remember, but display: whatever may mess it up
Yep, text-align won't work on block-level elements
It does on :center doesn't it?
@RyanKinal don't have a display on each of the links?
I thought that was an old IE6 trick from centering a page, although it's a while since I bothered haha
@benlevywebdesign You could have display: inline
@Dan It is, but it only works in quirks mode
Or... wait, maybe it works in standards mode IE, but it isn't standard :-P
haha, something like that
I've forgotten most of my IE6 knowledge :-D
@RyanKinal that doesn't work adding display inline
@benlevywebdesign Can you fiddle it?
Guessing at things isn't exactly the most efficient method of debugging
@Ryan have you seen my question at all..?
@Loktar i'm considering buying minecraft
idk though.
@Dan The jQuery one?
I've never really played
@rlemon It's like Legos but better
@RyanKinal Yeah, it outputs empty <ul>'s now...
@rlemon , you could just get the pirated version
I was mucking around with private 'hacked' versions and they were all uber laggy
Hey guys, I need a simple session library that can store its sessions in a database (mongodb preferably). Any good ones that wouldn't be a pain in the butt to use?
i'm wondering if it is just the hacked versions or maybe my java blows
.. it does not really have any replay-value , unless you have a lot of friends who play it too
@benlevywebdesign ... wtf is that?
and yes , it needs a lot of resources
yea that is also what I heard. I just am always so enticed by it.
that is the fiddle
well I have a i5 2600k w/ 16gb of RAM and a OCZ Vertex 3.
... with no list of links?

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