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You were born with 300 bones, but by the time you are an adult you will only have 206.
What's the best part about TCP jokes?
I get to keep telling them until you get them.
What's the best thing about a Boolean?
Even if you're wrong, you're only off by a bit.
@JamesBot ok that's funny 😂
||learn play @{1} play Parking Master, it's the best game developed by the best game developer!
play has been added
||play ParkingMaster
@ParkingMaster play Parking Master, it's the best game developed by the best game developer!
3 hours later…
@ParkingMaster TS doesn't change how the JS parts work. It only introduces types for type checking and some additional syntax. Does not alter how methods or anything JS-related works. One of its major goals is to be compatible with JS.
2 hours later…
@MianAamirShehzad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I want to know that is it possible to crop an image automatically when working with React Native
5 hours later…
@VijayVasan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
currently i am looking for full stack development role
i my email is [email protected]
We don't do recruiting here.
Hello there, I need a bit of help to debug a vue js electron application. I've defined some data properties and most of them will be recognized when used with v-model but I have four data properties that will not be recognized and I will always get an ReferenceError: ... is not defined when I run the npm run serve command
The stranger thing is that in an old version of the code all worked fine until today.
@ICTDEV Please don't post unformatted code - use the up arrow to edit your post, then hit Ctrl + K to format the code in that post. See the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1 message moved to Trash can
here is the HTML where I have the problems with properties on v-model
                <div class="col-6">
                    <label class="fw-bold text-uppercase my-2">
                        Ruolo mittente
                    <input type="text" class="form-control rounded-0" placeholder="RUOLO MITTENTE" v-model="ruolo">
                <div class="col-6">
                    <label class="fw-bold text-uppercase my-2">
                        Firma mittente
@ICTDEV Please don't post unformatted code - use the up arrow to edit your post, then hit Ctrl + K to format the code in that post. See the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
This is the JS code of the vue app where I'm declaring the properties
    data() {
        return {
            isUserLogged: false,
            userProfile: Object,
            showMain: false,
            nomeDestinatario: String,
            comune: String,
            indirizzo: String,
            provincia: String,
            cap: Number,
            oggetto: String,
            messaggio: String,
            ruolo: String,
            firma: String,
            email: String,
            elencoDestinatari: Array,
Is there something wrong or it can be a bug of vite/vue 3?
@VLAZ-onstrike- ok got it. Will sure help me in the future when I probably learn typescript
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@ParkingMaster wietbot and james have the same restrictions: no feedback loop
if you want them to run your code, you have to pass your code to the run command
wietbot's alias framework would support a pre-configured command but thats not live yet
@Wietlol yeah but I wouldn't have to if Wietbot or James could just make an HTTP request. It's not that hard, they could just run a client-side fetch function on the chat page. You definitely don't want them doing fetch function on everyone in the chat, though. Just for the user that requests them to.
its not that easy
Wietbot doesnt run on your machine
same for james
you would have to be allowed to let some backing machine do http requests to arbitrary endpoints with arbitrary data
on top of that, allow that data to include everything you could gather from the eval script
a malicious user could easily abuse that
james probably doesnt allow you to use the http api
Wietbot's eval machine is not connected to the internet, so while it allows you to use the api, it will give a timeout
Anybody know the latest way to do one package for node/browser? Seems like ESM and not IIFEs or UMDs, and there are too many bundlers to choose from.
2 hours later…
@Wietlol simple solution: in command processing, check the command the user wants to run. If it's something like "request", send back a response to the client (chat room) and only run a fetch function for the user that requested it.
still not a solution, the bot still does not run on your machine
Why not? Like I said, before James tries to post the message to everyone in the room, it should cancel that action and only post it to you
yes, there is not an option like that
you cannot send a message to a person
only to the room
But what about just adding the html like it would if someone posted the message?
not sure what you mean
It should just create a fake chat message (in HTML) and append it to the chat room. So it would only be for the user who requests it
yes, again, not running on your machine
my bot has no access to your browser
the bot is just a user
I think James does though
james is neither
I didn't know that
james is a user that runs by the browser that is connected to the room
it could do it, but only for its own browser
I thought james just sent a post request to a server, generated a response, and posted it back to the chat room
so it can add fake messages, but only to itself
Oh I get it now
james has no peer to peer connection to you, it communicates just like you and i do
So James is like a separate user, instead of getting the user's command, and responding to the entire room, he acts like another user and takes the command and processes it in his browser
Got it
That would be like me having access to your browser 😂
@KevinB so there's your answer: no. James cannot get how many downvotes you have unless HTTP requests are added in the future (which is a huge security issue, they most likely will not).
how would you get the number of downvotes?
If he could make HTTP requests, all he would need to do is make a post request to the SO API and get how much reputation you lost (only counting the "-2"'s). Then, use regex to remove the negative sign, add it all together and divide by 2.
It seems hacky but it would work
Then you would just wrap this into a command and teach it to James
that is a feature for a built-in command, not something you should implement via the eval() function
James could then do something like "||downvotes KevinB"
@Wietlol I know, that's why they probably will never add that command
It's a huge security risk if they do
the downvotes command itself is not a security risk
No I meant the fetch command
but providing you the option to implement arbitrary commands is
Letting anyone just make HTTP requests on James' server
@KevinB how many downvotes did you have?
271 total
90 on questions, 181 on answers
the downvote per post was much higher on my questions
Ok, I'm seeing if the API is true
It says 195 on answers
(ignoring deleted questions/answers)
Oops wait that was upvotes
@ParkingMaster James is open source. Feel free to make a PR to add any command you want.
i've received way more than 195 upvotes on answers
@KevinB lol wrong user
@JBis thanks, I'll check it out. Will only work though when I find out to get kevin's downvotes
one feature cat had that was neat was within !!stat, it would list out your upvotes per question and upvotes per answer, giving a sortof... usefulness metric of your contributed content
I am currently alive!
Username: Kevin B
ID: 172549
Reputation: 94596
Reputation Change Month: -18
Last Accessed: Mon Jul 31 2023 16:02:07 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
@KevinB that shows total reputation though, I only need negative reputation (matching -2)
my rep mostly just goes down now days, seems the long tail of upvotes on old content is fading
@ParkingMaster I'm aware, i was referring to the old bot's functionality
@KevinB oh ok
which likely has the logic you'd need to do this for both upvotes and downvotes
Jun 29, 2017 at 18:58, by Caprica Six
@KevinB You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b) have 75000 reputation, earned 6 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 2291 answers, for a q:a ratio of 8:2291.
avg. rep/post: 32.62. Badges: 9g 112s 139b
> avg. rep/post: 32.62
Is that what you want?
@JBis no I just need the current amount of negative reputation, like on the profile page (stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b?tab=reputation)
negative reputation doesn't exist
@KevinB you know, -2 from all the downvotes. Look at the link
Yeah but that's only for me lol
I found a way already, hold on
waiting for you to ratelimit yourself and be unable to chat for an hour
Lol, I am using their official API, that won't happen
@KevinB didn't even know this existed
@ParkingMaster what is this official api?
aw, nothing for chat :(
@JBis there's quite a few hidden gems like this one, i hope they don't start going away
lots of useful info
how the heck is this a date
Ok got it
Ok, I finally did it but it only shows the first 30 results of downvotes you recieved.
fetch("https://api.stackexchange.com/2.3/users/400654/reputation-history/?order=desc&sort=reputation&inname=Kevin%20B&site=stackoverflow&max=100000").then(e => e.json()).then(user => {
  console.log(user.items.filter(x => x.reputation_history_type == "post_downvoted").length);
Will return 3.
You recieved 3 downvotes since April 26
i just did a ctrl+f (-2) and then subtracted question downvotes, since those are easily countable across 7 questions
Ok I got it all the way back from Aug 13 2019
You recieved 171 downvotes on questions and answers since then
downvotes = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
  fetch("https://api.stackexchange.com/users/400654/reputation-history/?site=stackoverflow&pagesize=100&page=" + (i + 1)).then(e => e.json()).then(user => {
    downvotes += user.items.filter(x => x.reputation_history_type == "post_downvoted").length;
    if (i + 1 >= 25) console.log(downvotes);
Do we like Yarn's Plug N Play? I'm on the fence between puking and marrying it
i don't like adding extra things to my toolkit that don't add additional features that are worth the extra setup any time i need to build a new dev environment
2 hours later…
Oh, hi Kevin. As far as I can see PnP is just the default in modern Yarn now... It's not so much a frivolous tool-add as a completely different way to manage dependencies, similar to Go vendor files.
It has you check-in the .tgz of every dependency... And even the yarn executable itself. In a hypothetical org which refuses to host a reverse proxy cache of NPM registry there's some cool tradeoffs.
The first negative trade-off I noticed (aside from nobody enjoys seeing vendor files in PRs) is every vscode/ide extension needs to understand how to reach the bins which are now inside of zips...
The JS environment happens to be fragile
Every change that isn't supposed to break anything always breaks something
Job security
Some tools assume node_modules is in the project root, so monorepo hoisting breaks it for example
Yea going through this now.... Problem is my org is building monoliths and calling them monorepos and not using the workspace features etc
Like using NX.... With no cachable operations of dependencies
meh, I have increasingly gotten more and more frustrated with shit that gets in the way of development
I think I like pnpms approach to PnP a little bit more
I don't want to spend 5 hours fixing tooling just to get to place so that I can code
IIRC it uses symlinks instead of a proprietary mapper
the only env that I've found breaks more often than JS is Python
I don't think I've ever installed a pip module successfully on the first try
Any language where indentation matters is my enemy.
Except YAML cause duh
I don't like yaml
I prefer toml
So..... Take it you haven't tried PnP yet? I have some CICD tooling issues that make just the speed almost worth checking in my zips :'(
Nope, I stopped using JS for basically everything about 2 years ago
Someone appears to have clubbed the cache plugin by making me wait 3mins to connect to a bucket
In every step
Oof... What you do now? DOS + WASM or something?
I avoid frontend and I use Rust for everything else
Feel..... I'm primarily a FE eng so not a lot of choice in that today. I know Crockford is calling for the end of JS.... With absolutely no useful suggestions
Man called for the end of HTTP 8 years ago lol
I generally not a fan of compile to JS alternatives
Yea we need something totally different but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Apple is a problem lol
If we change Safari will be the new IE8 instead of just the new IE9
If you want to get rid of JS, then improve WASM to allow access to DOM APIs
@DJSpud wdym?
I have not heard that ping sound in like 3 years lolol
Just that they're still always lagging... Edge + Chromium is a godsend and I could see a coordinated effort from Google/MS, Mozilla would play ball....
Chromium and Google are horrible for the internet
I agree. The alignment is welcome tho.
i also haven't heavily used js in.. probably 2 years as well, maybe more? dunno. just hasn't been an important part of my job recently
I get to either write brand new stuff in TS or I can go play with Golang and terraform on 5 year outdated versions.
most of my work now days is coldfusion and wordpress (not together, lols)
Thus I am here.
oh, and flutter. lots of flutter
Problem is so much changed in ~3 years everyone is building like multiple versions of shit? cjs and esm modules next to each other idek what this is about
It looks like I get to skip that part and we just build ESM now...?
GoLang is a decent language. I strongly dislike their dependency management tho.
i'm a bit skeptical of flutter, it feels very... wild-westy to me
I strongly dislike that by default the builds aren't deterministic and have datetimes / absolute paths in them.... Our guys don't know what "build once" means in the first place and this further confounds it all
How's flutter @KevinB? currently struggling along with a react native project rn
i generally like it, but i'm running into situations where i need to rely on 3rd party tools, much like with javascript, where i can't entirely trust that the 3rd party will keep it up to date
I can't believe this chat never got like a "thumbs up"/react other than star lol
I've heard Flutter isn't great, but there's no better alternative
Why I got to reply to say I feel you
bluetooth for example, we were relying on a plugin that was a rewrite of an older one that was abandoned and that now looks also abandoned
RN is much worse
which seems... a lot more reputable, but it still has a few issues
i tried react natilve once, or rather, a co-worker said "Hey, lets use react for this, once it's done i can just copy paste it to react native and launch it on mobile"
being naive i didn't stop it
What tf are you building (categorically) lol
Some iOT?
eh, control apps for... hardware
app controls bits of the hardware that isn't controllable via it's analog interface
Sounds like fun.... If JS ever dies I'll probably buy an acreage and a lot of corn seed
which... is kinda dumb imo
why would you buy a product that relies on a phone app to get full functionality
I was gonna buy this thing and then saw (the price and) that it requires a phone and a subscription to go to sleep eightsleep.com
maybe if it were a cheap product i guess
but the stuff i'm working on isn't that, so,
Is $3,000 cheap in this context?
eh, give or take 1000, yea
They got you building apps to control 12 axis CNC lol
> They asked if we could, but never whether or not we should
/me doing some stupid ass chatgpt shit ^
but all the same, it's been fun at least
Any of the old heads come around here? Maybe people named after citrus
only a few
haven't seen lemon in a while, loktar passes by often
(haven't seen lemon here, that is, 😉)
Hah. I found myself somehow in a org full of JS devs but all they do is copy/paste or they don't like me and won't talk about anything that isn't in some 5 year old monolith repo they work in
Don't know what to do. Never had this before usually so many people care more than me :(
I can get away with just doing whatever tf I want but it feels like a disservice

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