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does not do anytthing
no warnings
no errors
no logs
3 hours later…
posted on March 10, 2023 by Giuliana Pritchard

The Long Term Support Candidate has been promoted to ChromeOS LTS 108 and is rolling out to most ChromeOS devices. The current version is 108.0.5359.221 (Platform Version: 15183.8240). If you are currently on the ChromeOS Long Term Support (LTS) channel (and not pinned to 102), your devices will automatically update from ChromeOS LTS 102 to ChromeOS LTS 108. We are happy to announce

I need bleach for my eyes
Q: I'm looking for logs instead of return values.Checking to see if a specific string is logged when a function is called

Mullah Kimanidescribe('logShout(string)', function() { it('takes a string argument and logs it in all caps using console.log()', function() { const spy = expect.spyOn(console, 'log').andCallThrough(); logShout('hello'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('HELLO'); console.log.restore(); i need to make this c...

As a stack overflow post critic, I do not approve
5 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/75022387/… open bounty on this question
7 hours later…
Q: Lint staged broken for lerna

afriedman111Currently I am using [email protected]. I am having problems with lerna in lint-staged. I'm receiving a weird error: ERR! lerna Unknown arguments: and after that the path for all the committed files. package.json in root folder: scripts: { ... "lint:fix": "lerna run --scope @polusai/plots-explorer ...

2 hours later…
let letters = ['a','b','c'];
letters = [...letters, letters.push('d')];

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