hmm, I guess I might as well try and see if I could hack something that does this. Making a rectangle on a live web page isn't too hard, getting all of the links from a page isn't either, but the main thing I would probably get stuck on would be the "get only the links inside the area of the rectangle" part
will see if I can make an MRE and come back here :)
Yeah, I think the "get only the links inside the area of the rectangle" is going to be quite annoying.
As a suggestion - consider finding all links in marked text. It's not a rectangle but should be easier to implement.
Also, when you say "a rectangle" should that cover multiple unrelated HTML elements? Because if not - if all the links can be traced to one common ancestor, that might be even easier to implement. You can do node.querySelectorAll("a") to grab them in that case.
As in, use the DOM tree as leverage, if possible, rather than try and figure out where items lay on the rendered output.
I know what you mean by that, but I wouldn't call that being lazy :P if you truly were lazy, you wouldn't bother remembering or knowing any of this. You might even not want to use Javascript, etc
Fun fact, I really only got into JS because I was lazy. I'm at least half serious. During uni, I'd some times I'd need to figure out how some more abstract code would work and I'd just write it in the browser console. Like a loop or some condition. The language didn't matter and writing it in Java (which was my main language at the time) would have taken too much time. Boot up Eclipse, start a new project, just to write a simple loop, for example.
I'd call that being efficient, if anything. If you know X but don't want to use X, Y, Z, then using one, regardless of it's cons, as long as it helps you do W, is totally not being lazy. You're working around your goals/problems.
In not very related news, if this is the payload you send over HTTP, wouldn't it insecure? I've not tried to tamper with it but looks not great at first glance:
@NordineLotfi I'd bet it's a custom data structure. See the video Fantastic ASTs and where to find them. The talk is by phenomnomnominal who 1. occasionally shows up here 2. works or worked at Spotify. Won't be surprised Spotify adopted a custom data scheme that gets AST transformed into something.
Like, it might also be an existing language. Don't know. Just know that it looks like a structured query. And I know a person who is fond of writing internal tools who did work at Spotify.
I am trying to implement some idea ,like that when any user visit any website ,browser store it into history and user can have necessity to search same thing again that is stored in history.In this case, he/she can go to history and copy it but as i am lazy developer i want to get this functionality as extension on top of the browser. Is there any solution like that?
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