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@KevinB I hope that was many years ago :P
every job I've started this year the difficulty is them wanting me to do backend work even though they hire me as a lead front end engineer
I need to expand my horizons I guess
It was many years ago, but it’s still my current job, ;)
I’ve kinda decided my ideal focus is enterprise work. internal applications to aid in project management, data control, etc
And it’s ~90% of what I do here, so it’s been great
The only part that sucks is there’s all these SAAS companies selling “easy” solutions that do what I do
But… I can do what they charge 60k a year for… in a few months, at my salary cost… which is a weird place to be in
On one hand it makes me feel good about what I do, saving us money and all, on the other, I’m in the wrong business
Last year I replaced a 60k a year solution, and it’s looking like I’m about to replace another
4 hours later…
Does this question qualify as caused by a “typo”, or maybe a duplicate? Attempting to create custom directory during image upload with Multer They’re essentially doing someAsyncFunc(async () => { await anotherAsyncFunc(); }); myCallback(); instead of someAsyncFunc(async () => { await anotherAsyncFunc(); myCallback(); });.
2 hours later…
@SebastianSimon Yes, I think so. When distilled to the essentials, it's another one of "How do I return from async" or the "async function reference" questions. And a whole slew of other questions about async. I'm pretty sure we have questions on async code that covers all common scenarios a dozen times over.
But some times it's a pain to find the correct duplicate because there is just so many of them.
Also, I'm happy to see you in chat :)
Hello Guys...
Am working with payment intergration in my project. I am facing the problem on decode the secret into hex ..and use HASHMAC256 to encrypt my message + the resulting decoded hex...I was thinking maybe their is a problem in way js decode into HEX
I would appreciate for any advice
@DanfordKija What exactly is the problem?
@VLAZ the problem is ,the resulting decoded value is not correctly ...the documentaion suggest using of php (using pack function) but we are using Js,,,so we were move with Buffer function
1 hour later…
Is it possible to use html2canvas or similar to generate a html page preview (e.g. for Facebook / Twitter shares) on the fly?
3 hours later…
@KevinB I also run into the same types of things and it annoys me thinking how much more money I could make and how much more freedom I could have, thing they have over me though generally is they are good salesmen.
Glad you're still at the same place I think you've been there the whole time I've seen you on here and you really seem to enjoy it, that's been my goal lol but so far not hitting that.
@duhaime puppeteer would work
You need a backend solution a pure front end one wont work
Surely there must be some frontend hack
like blocking JS that base64 encodes the image derived from html2canvas?
The html is entirely populated by JS, possibly render everything offscreen, take a picture of it, base64 the picture, and smash it into the meta property?
can certainly generate a screenshot of the page programatically, the question is, is a dataurl valid in a meta tag, will facebook get what it needs from it
my assumption is no
because it won't be available without the JS loading
if not one could post in a blocking fashion to some static server that will host the image. Sounds like a mini product
but the JS can be inlined in the html. It's all a question of how smart the crawling agents are
Hmm, what makes you think the fb crawler can't handle this approach?
anything you do to the page after the page has loaded, isn't going to be visible to facebook's crawler
ah where does it say that?
This is how it suggests you simulate a crawler request:
curl -v --compressed -H "Range: bytes=0-524288" -H "Connection: close" -A "facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)"; "$URL"
but they also mention the content must be available within first few seconds
I suppose it's bootless to squibble over the docs, might as well just look and see
yeah i don't exactly know what they mean by first few seconds
does that mean the server must respond in that amount of time?
or that the page must render in that amount of time
They do have a debugger
5 hours later…
posted on November 05, 2021 by Daniel Gagnon

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