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posted on October 22, 2021 by Daniel Gagnon

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Do you think JS could adopt a utf-8 setting similar to strict mode or not?
thinking this over I'm not sure how useful this would be
5 hours later…
@VLAZ Well, actually its a nodejs thing ๐Ÿ‘‰ github.com/nodejs/node/blob/…
5 hours later…
Good morning
Recently when I try to test Chrome's SpeechRecognition API I immediatly get a "network" error when I start the recognition, regardless of site. Is this a Chromium issue cause I work on Linux or does Google not accept free chrome speechrecognitiojn requests anymore?
OK it just seems that Chromium just can not
manually installing the chrome deb and trying it on Chrome it works fine
1 hour later…
Hey, is there anyone here?
I'm looking for some web advice that isn't really a question
highly subjective
Just ask?
Ah right, sorry, got distracted
If anyone has experience with web frameworks
I'd appreciate the following advice: for my text-adventure-ish, interactive fiction game, should I use Vue or something like that?
The prototype can be found here
I intend to add text effects and progress bars and such, and I feel like beating HTML into keeping up with game state is gonna get annoying soon
"You can"
THere might be much more and better suited frameworks, vue is especially useful to implement highly interactive websites.
But you could still use vue and it would be useful to learn
I understand that it could help me bind state to presentation, handle events and such, and templates, right?
@AlexMitan There are several engines for a text adventure-ish game: Twine comes to mind but there are more that directly work for a web page. There is also a thing called SugarCube which is another framework or something on top of Twine. Not sure what its official classification is but you get a pre-set UI in the browser with actions and stuff you can bind to your game.
Check for even more engines here because I don't think you need to reinvent the wheel. Some of these are a decade or more old - they've probably solved the problems you've solved better than you.
1 hour later…
Angular, I want to capture all links on a page that doesn't have a .com ending and show a message if they click on non .com link
@VLAZ Thank you! I think I'll use a front-end framework when the HTML gets too tedious, right now I need to work on the data model
It'll be a pretty systemic game with systems for crafting and combat so I need more than what Twine can offer
@Hypergardens I've seen some games that have inventory and stats but I'm not entirely sure what they were made with. Still, there were several that seemed similar, so it must be some sort of engine they use. Perhaps not one with direct support for stats and inventory but where you could add them, if needed somehow. Not an expert, I just dabbled a bit with playing these.
@BrianNezhad I don't know how to do it in Angular, but here is plain JS with event delegation: jsbin.com/leyecepicu/1/edit?html,js,output
I'll be experimenting quite wildly with the gameplay mechanics, so I need to "own" the game engine, I think I just need a front-end to help present it
Just a warning - I've seen many ambitious games fail because of this. Not because they can't do it, the authors seem to eventually give up. And many crappier games do end up finished by using existing tools. There are also good games that come out with existing tools and eventually some custom-built game gets released, however, that's not the general trend.
How to install .deb package without breaking debian?
@pong Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@VLAZ I'm aware, to an extent
I have very clearly-defined goals per phase of the game
and expectations from each phase
Q: How to install a deb file, by dpkg -i or by apt?

TimI have a deb package for installation. Shall I install by dpkg -i my.deb, or by apt? Will both handle the software dependency problem well? If by apt, how can I install from the deb by apt?

I do have issues with over-engineering, which is why I try to focus on avoiding analysis-paralysis when deciding on architecture and tools
You can also double-click it. It should install it using dpkg. At least it does in Mint, I've not actually used Debian.
Would it be a bad idea to name a class "Link" in my game architecture?
@Hypergardens ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯ If it's not misleading, then whatever.
There are many things that can be called "Link" usually. But if the domain logic is clear, no real reason to avoid the name.
I'm probably overthinking this, though I know it's rough changing a class name later
maybe I should write in Typescript or somethiing
If you have a more appropriate and less ambiguous name, you might elect to use that.
it's an object that represents a relationship between two game entities, such as "parent of", "inside of", or "on top of"
I can't think of a better name than Link for this. Maybe "Relation"? I'm also bad with names, so feel free to ignore my suggestions.
I should just name it Link and actually code instead of staring at the screen
And now I'm wondering if I should have a Link for each conceptual relationship or one big Link containing all the potentially-overlapping data, and if I might some day forget to remove obsolete links when manipulating entities
should I switch to Typescript?
@Hypergardens I think it makes sense.
1 hour later…
What...um... builder thing should I use? I know there's gulp, browserify, webpack etc
I want to output a html file with a js script that can be hosted somewhere for free
no fancy business
like github pages or itch
I dreaded this stage, I feel like I ruined my project... I don't really know where to start, I have this Typescript migration guide but it tells me to put something in webpack config and I have no file like that
@Hypergardens going right to TS might be a bit of a pain for you until you figure out a pretty standard process, I'd recommend learning JS first.
If you do know JS want to use TS and are lost on the build process, webpack is alright, dead simple would be ts cli, typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html
No, no, it's the webpack/node that's messing me up, I'm quite good at JS
it was bound to happen though, I mean I couldn't just bash together a bunch of imported scripts
not forever
I'm having a TS error that I don't understand with events, can I paste it here?
    textNode.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
        e = window.event || e;
        if (this === e.target) {
            game.focus = entity.id;
            game.player.command = [];
at "e" on line 2 it says "Type 'Event' is missing the following properties from type 'MouseEvent': altKey, button, buttons, clientX, and 21 more.ts(2740)"
I got it
The only problem I have now is that I have a "./dist/dist" folder
not sure what creates the extra dist
I got TS to work, but now I lost the auto-prettify that was helping me a lot
is there one for Typescript?
Got it
1 hour later…

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