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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

Q: Condense jQuery script?

CharlieI'm not sure if this is the right way to do this, but I want to simply this script and hopefully use CSS3 animations. The code is really large, and parts are very irrelevant, so I'm wondering if I should first get rid of all the irrelevant parts, then go from there? Here's the code: var _target...

2 hours later…
@Loktar OMG
going to put it on codepen
idk if its front page worthy
but still random and kind of cool idk
it's front page worthy
I want to make them more "contained"
so I could have like 20 on the screen at once
diff sizes
I'm kind of fond of this codepen
mainly for a creepy Halloween type thing
yeah same here
its like JS fiddle, where your cool things get seen
I get a lot of heart with my share it
yeah I saw your recent one
really neat
I think with a good design it could be good
(usable in production)
oh wtf, you can export them as zip's too!
thats something I really wish jsfiddle had
did you share yours on twitter @dievardump
Yes but not with the share button
And I don't have a lot of followers on twitter
found it/retweeted
So it doesn't help to make it review by people
I like yours a lot its practical
lol mine are always random impractical things
You're playing with CSS
that totally good
Be aware, when you share with codepen.io, it begins with @codepen so only people who follow codepen and you will see the share
ah ok
well im going to go for a run ttyl
And me i'm going for a "get drunk as hell" party
Have a good night
quick question: how do i combine $.trim and $.each elegantly to trim an array of strings?
otherwise ill just do something like for( derp in herp ) { herp[derp] = $.trim(herp[derp]); }
alright scratch that i think i got something
just a dumb thing i was fiddling with
I'm convinced I"m being followed by a serial down voter.

Not that I mind the downvotes as much as I mind the downvotes without explanation. If I'm wrong, nail me for it. Please. But at least tell me why my post is 'not useful.'it
could someone please help me out with homebrew path issue?
Q: homebrew path issue

Shaun StanislausMaster:~ shaunstanislaus$ ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go) ==> This script will install: /usr/local/bin/brew /usr/local/Library/... /usr/local/share/man/man1/brew.1 Press enter to continue ==> Downloading and Installing Homebrew... remote: Counting objects: 82368, don...

4 hours later…
Q: What is the purpose of Console in Sublime text editor?

MikeI want to know what purpose does console solve in sublime text 2. This is invoked by pressing Ctrl+Shift+` Is this a kind of debugger, or It just helps you to install packages.

@FlorianMargaine: can you please help me in setting up a domain. I am not getting it.
anyone feel like discussing how to implement stack api usage with full throttling / limits rules?
Q: Performing client-side OAuth authorized Twitter API calls versus server side, how much of a difference is there in terms of performance?

Terence PonceI'm working on a Twitter application on Ruby on Rails. One of the biggest arguments that I have with other people on the project is the method of calling the Twitter API. Before, everything was done on the server: OAuth login, updating the user's Twitter data, and retrieving tweets. Retrieving t...

A common problem, but unable to rectify:
Q: Avoid page reload on Button click having onClick and onClientClick events in ASP.NET

CdeezI have an Asp server control button for which I have onClick for processing code in code behind and onClientClick to process javascript code. The codes are: Code behind: protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (con = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost; uid=root;p...

Guys please have a look
the page is reloading on button click
I have a onClick and onClientClick event and both should run without reload, is it possible ?
Hi everyone
I'm having a front-end (javascript) developer interview next week, and I'll be given a task to complete in about 4 hours. What do you think the task would look like?
Developing a small library to manipulate the DOM? some OOP?
should be both
developing a jquery plugin why not
that was my first thought
I can handle that
but anything else?
@Cdeez my answer would be work
see my comment please
@island205 also refer the question once again. The codes have been updated
@Cdeez as i say, droute func going wrong is why the page reload
so if the mistake in function is rectified, the page wil not reload?
@Cdeez as i say, droute func going wrong is why the page reload
@Cdeez the life cicle is .net(server) onPageLoad -> client(browser) onClick on button -> .net(server) Button1_Click
using (con = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost; uid=root;password=as64ws;database=Gmaps"))
da = new MySqlDataAdapter("select * from routes where uid='" + Session["uname"].ToString() + "'", con);
da.Fill(ds, "mroute");
foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
croute = new string[uroute.Count];
croute = uroute.ToArray();
hdncroute.Value = string.Join("&", croute);
this server code shold be in the onpageload func
but sorry I cant have this code in page load because I ll later have something else to write there instead of this operation.
is there ANY reason why you are not using prepared statements for this ?
@Cdeez yes
@Cdeez you could try to let the function do nothing
@tereško I donot know much about them yet. Will learn them soon. The basic code isn't working yet.
@island205: There is some error in the droute(), which is shown in the chrome console and I am unable to look into it because of page reload. And I cant move the code behind code into page load. So what exactly should be done. I couldnt get you in the last comment.
1 hour later…
@Cdeez let me see,you could insert a debgger; statement in the first pos of droute func
Although the name “JavaScript” has become ubiquitous for client-side browser-based
scripting, only Mozilla and the popular Mozilla browser, Firefox, implement
JavaScript, which is the actual name of an instance of a broader-based scripting
specification, ECMAScript. TRUE?????????
i read tht in the oreilly book
How old is it?
IE supports JScript
Chrome, Opera, Firefox, all support JavaScript
IE does too
@Amaan: can you help me in setting up a domain?
@AnujKaithwas Google it
done that, got nothing much, thats y asking here
What do you want?
I have done all the settings, but when I type the custom url in the adress bar, it always goes to sites.google.com/...
i bought it from google
you dont buy domains from Google
haven't you read the reviews?
Uhh, did you pay for it?
yeah i know, u buy it from godaddy or enom
yup i did
i biught it
Try talking to the support staff
no, that was more of a discipline thing. do not buy domains from Google
why so @Nile
@AnujKaithwas because you're an ignorant bug who won't do the time to do some research
@Nile had a session on cyber security
@Abhishek hm?
well let be it, I am ignorant, so why don't you spare some of your time and elaborate your point?
perhaps you are too busy for that?
@AnujKaithwas EXACTLY, why should I spend my spare time on somebody who's to ignorant to type in a few words in a google search box and press [enter]
yeah man, you are absolutely right. then why waste time addressing me.
@AnujKaithwas to hopefully save the rest
Basically the speakers were like
well, you donot know the answer, that's it
dont buy /use no nothing from google and facebook
cause there privacy settings suck
me :-| wut ?
@AnujKaithwas I actually do know the answer...
you do not
@Abhishek and their customer support is inexistent
@Nile true that
@AnujKaithwas you're not going to get the answer by saying that... don't think I'm a little 1 year old kid who is threatened by the feeling of somebody else thinking i dont know the answer...
don't you use google+ or gmail? They have been out there for years
Both are things where you most likely won't need customer support ever
i was not thinking of that at all, you thought of it that way dude, you are the kid
@ThiefMaster thats not true.
However, I'd say the same thing is the case for a domain...
yeah right @ThiefMaster
now if you say their seettings sucks just ban them from your lives, but you won't do that because that is the only best option out there
anyways am off to work cya guys later
so as a matter of fact, you yourself aren't aware of what you are speaking of
and a note for self , never ever attend a conf/summit/hackathon if its originised by normal indians
@AnujKaithwas okay that's fine.
cause the stuff will be damn to outdated :-|
@Abhishek okay thanks =D
yeah true :) but except for a few Indians
@AnujKaithwas fixed that statement
seriously 5/5 i have been bored till hell :-/
have u ever listened to manu zacharia?
nope , got to listen Rakshit Tandon today
and his cyber security lecture was more like standup comedy , enjoyable but for laymen
not to be tagged as "Advanced Cyber Security Summit"
people hack sites and becme hackers in India dude, thts the way it rolss out here
lol, advanced, i bet the first thing he might have started out with would be phishing and sql injection level 1
finding an SQL injection in a site does not make you a "hacker"
Can someone explain what is the connection between ECMAScript and JavaScript ?
@AnujKaithwas he was telling all the cases he solved
and the only hands on demo for today was "Android Spy Agent"
Ive searched vikipedia , bUt I didnt understand
which pretty much made me go .... blah whats new ?
ecmascript is javascript
yeah @tereško, people do not understand it here, you must chk out the victorious pages of those"hackers here, thy r loaded with site hacking pics
well .. it's India
Although the name “JavaScript” has become ubiquitous for client-side browser-based
scripting, only Mozilla and the popular Mozilla browser, Firefox, implement
JavaScript, which is the actual name of an instance of a broader-based scripting
specification, ECMAScript. ECMAScript is actually the industry-wide client-side scripting specification. The latest released version of ECMAScript is ECMA-262, Edition
However, most browsers honor the text/javascript type, in addition to the more
appropriate (though far less common) text/ecmascript, though there can be differences,
@RoyiNamir this is the answer
yeah, tht is India, some how things are alive
@RoyiNamir yuiblog.com/crockford , watch the lectures. "What is JavaScript" will be covered in second one , but you need to start from the beginning
we have most domestic cyber crimes in world , above china
but anakata got arrested, tht was bad news
@AnujKaithwas loads gets arrested but the increase this year was 402% in cyber crime
dude, we have the most website defaces in the world :D
5/10 teenagers are bullied on internet
i was responsible for that :|
compared to 0.2/10 in UK
and 1.3 in USA
@AnujKaithwas have you see the questions that are asked on SO ?
why would you even be surprised
why does crockford gets the honor while Brendan Eich Is the creator ?
SO = StackOverflow
nope, o never went tht way, it goes over my head, place an example here
@RoyiNamir how did you manage to turn on the computer without hurting yourself ?
Im asking from un-knowing the answer / stroey.
hahaha same way steve job got the name while steve wozniak stayed behind
Ok thats an answer too.
@RoyiNamir why does Martin Fowler get all the credit when Alan Kay is the creator ?
gods below , how do they find this place ?!
simple, Google search string:chat, javascript site:stackoverflow,
@tereško who ?
@AnujKaithwas that's way too complicated
Is it the place to ask jQuerymobile question too ?
martinfowler.com tht is a bad site for such a protagonist
TIL "To be crystal clear, it is not merely OK to ask and answer your own question, it is explicitly encouraged."
Jeff Atwood on July 01, 2011

The FAQ has contained one key bit of advice from the very beginning:

It’s also perfectly fine to ask and answer your own question, as long as you pretend you’re on Jeopardy! — phrase it in the form of a question.

So …

if you have a question that you already know the answer to

if you’d like to document it in public so others (including yourself) can find it later

it is OK to ask, and answer, your own question on a relevant Stack Exchange site.

To be crystal clear, it is not merely OK to ask and answer your own question, it is explicitly encouraged. …

Now you tell me -.-
how can I center a div vertically on a page?
@Olli With CSS :P
Does the DIV have a fixed height?
@Sime no the height depends the text hwo much there is text.
still .. with css
div#id{ margin: 0 auto; }
How exactly is that spam/offensive?!
@AnujKaithwas maybe you should go and looks up the word "vertically" in the dictionary
o sorry, i did not read the question
@ThiefMaster .. sorry .. my mistake. I guess I am only one, who finds stupidity offensive.
however, you can align it this way
margin: 0 auto 0auto;
will try that
that does not work, actually :(
I want simple,not so complex
then you can go **** yourself
tht is way more than simple
@tereško lol
what ? I recommended him to become a movie star
wat movie stars ******* thenselves? ;)
@AnujKaithwas Pornstars
tht is not movies man, that is junk
I dont think so :-(
@FlorianMargaine o/
@Abhishek: With all the audio stuff you did.. i guess you haven't written a mp3 header/frame parser in JavaScript yet?
@ThiefMaster wrong
actually i did wrote an mp3 frame parser
but never matured it enough to parse it audio in real world application , JS is just not made for this
Does it provide proper duration/bitrate/samplerate information?
nice, is it available somewhere?
wait a minute i think my hdd has it
@Abhishek o/
@ThiefMaster o/
this code is about a few months old ... :-D have fun it works though
u can ignore where its starts reading for body :-) , its not finished in the gist
@ThiefMaster github.com/ofmlabs/jsmad you also have this . but it never logs it you will have to hack the code its port of libMad in JS
yeah, i know about that one
but it's pretty huge - especially to use it client-side
(my idea is to prevent users from uploading crappy mp3 files with a low bitrate/samplerate since that's much nicer than uploading a large file just to get an error after the upload)
:o goodie
just read the first frame 8-)
edit my code with binary.js by NihiLogik for binary reading :D or the blob API
But maybe I'll just see if there's a way to upload only the first ~200kb and do the checking in my python code
Shouldn't be too hard with XHR2
@ThiefMaster actually the file reader API provides u the capability to do so
you can read binary blobs and do so
yeah, that's what i was going to use
but its a BAD idea
since id3v2 can be of any size
ah yeah
there can be a nice png image in the front of mp3 file
but most people don't have huge images there
and it would mainly be a convenience thing anyway - so if i don't get any useful data i'll just allow the upload
still bad practise :-)
what is wrong with this:
and then reject it when the whole file is available
try {
	$conn = new PDO("
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{'
didn't even try running it yet though
why it wont' recognize the {
jshint passes on first try
and execution passes on first try with strict mode
@Olli: What's in the line before that try?
try {
ancient php version?
imo the problem is the php code before
Help Vampire Detected
we say "spotted"
I am a half computer
is 5.3 wrong ?
the use of spotted is not defined properly for me
pls tell me whats wrong with 5.3
It's "ok". Not super-new but also not that old
it does not support try { ?
it does
so why it then throws that error
does the same thing happen when you run that code e.g. on codepad?
@Olli imo, the problem is what's before the try
Theres nothing before it
try {
	$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=XX", "XX", "XX");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
	die("Err: " . $e->getMessage());
that's the total code
yes but why it wont work on my site
I really cannot understand that
@Olli is PDO enabled ?
@Abhishek how can I enable pdo
dunno general cause of error :P thats why i said
and this is not php room

PDO support enabled
PDO drivers sqlite, sqlite2, mysql
thats what the phpinfo says
I did something now and it started to work
@florian ok
why Chrome adds some space before h1 tag?
Add a normalize/reset CSS to get rid of browser-specific styling.
@FlorianMargaine lol
even if I added that normalization, there is still strange space before h1
Chrome adds these:
-webkit-margin-before: 0.67em;
-webkit-margin-after: 0.67em;
-webkit-margin-start: 0px;
-webkit-margin-end: 0px;
why on earth?!!?
Q: -webkit-margin adds unwanted margin on texts

tbleckertThis haven't hit me until now (and this is not only in webkit browsers). On all texts in like p tags, h1 tags etc...there's an extra space over and below the text, in chrome I found this: user agent stylesheet -webkit-margin-before: 1em; -webkit-margin-after: 1em; -webkit-margin-start: 0px;...

@Abhishek What does this Frame parser actually do ?
Im on mobile I dont have the ability to run it now
@RoyiNamir read an mp3 file stream
spit out the information inside a frame :D
in the header & side-info part of the frame
and play it client side ?
how does js has access to your file?
@Abhishek does it access a file in file system ?
yes , its for nodejs
oh ok .
Regarding Node js : after I install it , now I can write js commands to communicate with the server side . right ?
(im new to nodejs)
help ?
after u have installed node.js
create a file server.js , and write js code init
and then goto command line
cmd or terminal
and then goto the directory where ur file is
then do

>node server.js
to start executing the javascript of your file
ok , If I execute it via cmd , will other users will have to do that also ? It suppose to be via browser....Am i missing something ?
@RoyiNamir its like php
or any server side language
u write server side code for your app
like file server
why td does not automatically grow up, if I have big element inside it ?
or realtime server
ok but what about the client ?
for example : var http = require('http');
@FlorianMargaine can u explain Royi this ? its out of my capability to parse out that much english output
how the browser will know the [require] command ?
@RoyiNamir The browser doesn't read the code
Have you used PHP or any server side language?
I didnt say it reads , but it can SEND
It can send what?
The browser doesn't know what's happening on the server, and it doesn't need to.
@Amaan i guess he is expecting nodejs to send the js file to browser
As far as I read , nodejs allow me to communicate with the server with efficiency
Soi i guess the browser sends requests , and recieve responses.
the server Part - I understand. ( cmd ...)
@RoyiNamir that's wrong
node.js is the server
node.js is simply a program that will execute a javascript file
Node.js isn't a library
After executing a javascript file , he serves requests...no ?
That depends on your code
For example ( sorry , Im a nodejs beginner)
`var net = require('net');

var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.write('Echo server\r\n');

server.listen(1337, '');`
TCP server which listens on port 1337 and echoes whatever you send it
Right, so?
How can I send it a request - so that he will echo back ?
It's a TCP server, right?
So you go to a terminal
telnet to it
Or nc
telnet 1337
ok got that. If i send the server a jquery ajax request - will the response will contain the echo ?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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