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12:28 AM
o/ @forresthopkinsa
12:47 AM
Hi, I'm having trouble with Vue 2, I'm trying to only get my button to send out an event to be triggered by the component through Vue but it's not working.

I'm kind-of sure there are many problems but if someone would explain i'd be glad

12 hours later…
12:58 PM
good morning
I'm trying to learn react from a youtube video, simple stuff. It's all going good so far, but there's one thing I'm not getting
codepile.net/pile/v6r5vNA1 here in line 28 right after "Set state"
I have "todos: this.states.todo.map"
this first "todos" what is it doing? I understand that the rest is a for each in the items of the list and then changing the attribute
1:23 PM
Hi, I have a question on dates for testing here: stackoverflow.com/questions/58098909/…
3 hours later…
3:55 PM
Hey there ;)
Why would Ajax Post query to php file in the root of site cause a 405 error (CROSS domain)? So, when trying to request browser's debug shows 405
Current ajax post url is set to 'contact.php'
4:07 PM
array(2) {
string(3) "100"
array(2) {
string(3) "100"
array(2) {
string(3) "100"

I have this type of the whole array and I have similar group number like ( here 100 ) and I need between id of array

I need this type of result = (105:107)
@NishargShah So?
What's the problem?
4:40 PM
I need result like that 105:107, how to get it?
tell me
For example, sort and put in another array duplicate ids while matching current with next one
let me try
anyone here familiar with Nuxt and its TypeScript integration?
I'm having an issue with loading modules and keep getting "Cannot find module '~/my-module'
Q: Nuxt TypeScript error: nuxt:typescript Cannot find module '@/my-module'

DugiI have setup Nuxt with TypeScript using the instructions from https://typescript.nuxt.org. The transition was pretty seamless and ok, except that I can't get rid of this error that nuxt:typescript "Cannot find module", which obviously is a false-positive. My imports look like this: import Input...

Help would be appreciated!
4 hours later…
8:33 PM
So.. can somebody help me?
It won't let me quote but it's about this:

Hi, I'm having trouble with Vue 2, I'm trying to only get my button to send out an event to be triggered by the component through Vue but it's not working.

I'm kind-of sure there are many problems but if someone would explain i'd be glad


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