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hi all
can anybody answer this for me plz: stackoverflow.com/questions/57387550/…
i am blocked to find a solution to it, need clarity if there is a room to find it or i should skip this
lol, that first comment you got
the equivalent of "just use jquery" when it's entirely inappropriate
yeah, cant help :(
David and Gaudenz are masters in mxgraph. But they are not active, david moved to draw.io. I dono if i can get any support on this :(
if you can make a demo people can poke at, even though we don't use the library, we might be able to find a solution
Oh, Im feel now really happy to made a good, easy and readable answer of this famous question. What do you think guys about this answer? stackoverflow.com/a/54195741/6542186
any help here guys
Q: how make event happend without refresh page to change language by javascript

Hefmi have created this code it`s work but event listener not work need to refresh the page to feel the event here should change language when click anchor, but this case happend just when i click than refresh page <h1 class="text-center" id="hi">hello i `m english </h1> javascript var navb...

i think ajaxStop is an awful solution to the problem.
Yeah, I think the best are promises
var ajax1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { is an antipattern in this case, since $.ajax already returns a promise
and promise.all was already suggested by another answer, with 270+ upvotes
so... it has issues, and doesn't really present anything new.
Yeah, I was thinking more about people never used promises, cause that answer doesnt have a example
Of course not
jQuery's $(document).ready was deprecated
I wish jQuery was deprecated
it basically is
I was more or less talking about you making a demo to showcase your problem
that is preferably editable.
@BenFortune Why do you want that?
@rlemon ok
@SilverSurfer Deep, emotional, personal reasons
also because it's redundant and painful and slow
The hate is real xD
le xD
It's because people mis-use the library like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/…
jQuery is a solution to a problem most people no longer have. it's wildly misused, and most people don't understand the code they're writing when using it
jQuery today causes more problems than it solves.
What alternatives there are?
Not using jQuery
I mean libraries alternatives
what do you want?
You don't need libraries.
dom manipulation? ajax? animations?
tell us specific things you want, and we'll tell you how to do them better without jQuery
At least you didn't call it a framework
really, it's a coupled toolkit now that it's modular.
Is it modular enough yet for tree shaking to work?
no clue
haven't actually used it in years.
React all things
now the most I touch it is translating code from jQuery to not jQuery
and stupid legacy projects
@rlemon, Should I hit this meetup today? meetup.com/torontojs/events/zjxdfryzlbkb
I still write jQuery, because we still support IE7
I feel like I'm already talking to the best of the best here, so why go.
ha, you still support IE
I have an app that the front end is mostly jQuery + raphael.
Retail, lots of old people
I'm gonna have to support that for like another year
I also am supporting node 0.8
and will be for a long while
yay embedded
What's raphael?
@OvieTrix those meetups are a bunch of people trying to shill their app ideas
@BenFortune yes sir.
how did you know?
You told me
@BenFortune yea that's such a clunky distro
hate it
even the project maintainers realised this and now are just pushing debian or ubuntu
the BBB project people, not the Angstrom people
If only you could remote update an entire OS
I could upgrade to like node 4
but I'm super nervous about doing that remote
@rlemon - i am not able to add all the files to editor as it contains more than 175 files in the folder :(
in fiddle
do you suggest any other alternatives?
if it's on npm
you can just import it
Wait yeah use the one lemon suggested
I always get them mixed up
@rlemon & @BenFortune: stackblitz.com/edit/js-sycscg
i have added my code here, its just a html. New to stackblitz, the program expects index.js, i think it needs node
i managed to create express server, but i get this error: stackblitz.com/edit/js-sycscg
in local machine, its working fine
Import error, can't find file:
cant deploy in codesandbox as there is a limit of 250 files
am i missing something? all that stackblitz has is an index file and a stylesheet
Addressing to: @rlemon and @BenFortune
we both said to use codesandbox.io
then you can import the deps
codesandbox.io has a limit of 250 files, it did not support
you don't need 250 files
look, perfectly fine example using mxgraph on codesandbox
ok great, considering the example you are referring to, can we get parent cell information when clicked on: shape2 cell?
expecting the parentcell.value === shape1
here's another quick one just to make sure I was not crazy
can this be deployed?
u r deploying react
my project looks pure html for now
look at my second link
no react
but yes, if you want parent information
if you want sibling information, no clue
so... with react... i've been contemplating the possibility of using react, without routing... using it as more of a tool to control specific parts of some pages. for example, maybe there would be a part of the header of every page that would be a react component, and then on some pages there would be an additional react component that's not particularly connected to the one in the header... and i'm wondering if this is even something i should persue
usually i'd handle these kinds of things outside of react with just vanilla js
it's valid
just .. why?
i think building these components with react would be easier
rather than having some standalone piece of code separate from the rest for that given page
so mix SSR with some client side dynamics?
plz see this
click on cell, it throws undefined
ill consider ur points and ill change it to react shortly once i pass this hurdle
@Mithun what do you expect when I click 'world' ?
The issue i'm running into is our site is SSR, it's coldfusion. and we do have a react-controlled area of the site, but it's difficult to mix the two the way we're currently doing it
it is connected from Hello, as hello is the parent, i need its reference. So cell value to be Hello
currently if a page needs react, we render the entire page with react
Hello is not the parent
Hello is a sibling
this is hello as a parent
see the difference?
which... requires a bit more work if all we want to do is control just one small portion of an already existing page
if u visit my actual demo page
v1 is child and root is parent
when clicked on v1, root details required
actually they all share 1 parent
they're all siblings.
      var w = graph.container.offsetWidth;
      var root = graph.insertVertex(parent, 'rootNode', 'Root', w/2 - 30, 20, 100, 30);
      addOverlays(graph, root, false);

      var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, 'rootNode-v1', 'v1', 0, 0, 100, 30);
      graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', root, v1);
      addOverlays(graph, v1, deleteIcon);

      var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, 'rootNode-v2', 'v2', 0, 0, 100, 30);
      graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', root, v2);
      addOverlays(graph, v2, deleteIcon);
you insert them all to the same parent
so, what you wanna do is find out how to get information for connected siblings
if you keep going down the parent road you won't get anywhere
I'm positive what i'm thinking is possible, i'm just trying to figure out how developing such a thing would look, if it would actually be any better than just having a standalone file/component(s) with it's own build process.
In most of the cases the components won't share data, but they may share components
@rlemon - i dint get
Im wondering right now if tabs should make a history entry
how it is considered as sibblings?
Because you added them to the same parent
var parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); is a toplevel entry
so u mean, all vertexes rely on this?
It's what.you passed them
what if i want to have root as a parent to v1 here
It'll change how it looks
i should pass root in place of parent?
a parent is a container
children live in it
like this is a parent-child relationship
the arrows connecting things don't determine parent-child, they are just visuals as far as I can tell
all of those elements are siblings of eachother
if my understanding of parent here is wrong, atleast can u plz suggest me how to fetch its connected edge details?
root -> v1, onclick of v1, need root details. Whats the ideal way?
the connecting line stores that information
if you want best practise, I have no clue. I have never used this library
man, either you are really bad at debugging or I'm a god 😃 v2.edges[0].source
      var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "Hello,", 20, 20, 80, 30);
      v1.data = new CustomData("v1");
      var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "World!", 200, 150, 80, 30);
      v2.data = new CustomData("v2");
      var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, "", v1, v2);

      graph.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function (sender, evt) {
        const cell = evt.getProperty('cell');
        console.log( cell.edges[0].source );
this works
ufff, thank u
thats the reason u have 14k and i am still at 1k points in s.o :P
how did u find it? debugging from console or documentation reference?
logged the v2 element, and the e1 element
noticed v2 lists the e1, and e1 lists the source
bingo bango, we have an answer
Thank you, u r a life saver. My mind was blocked referring to documentations...
your largest block was thinking that just because there is a line connecting something in a tree view, internally, they are not in a parent-child relationship
you would never have gotten anywhere with that assumption.
If the target is connected with more parents, then ill have to handle it with edges[..n] here
@rlemon - Yes, i was like frog in a well
because parents are a thing
for nested cells
Hello and World are siblings here
and here, Hello is Worlds parent
@rlemon, thanks for showing me dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael it's cool
@OvieTrix I was using it in some charting. but I probably wouldn't recommend it today
depending on your needs
d3 is going to be better
github.com/Canop/hu.js is good for simple SVG
and @DenysSéguret wrote it 😃
sometimes it be like that
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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