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@Meredith omg lol.
@Meredith that statement makes me sad 😟
1 hour later…
Anyone can suggest npm package for responsive mobile tables of some sort?
finally a better CPU.
and upto 4gb ram, rather than being limited to 1
And gigabit ethernet is actually gigabit, rather than sharing the USB bus it has its own dedicated controller
true that
I am checking the usb power atm tho
it is still 1.2A for all USB ports together :x
I have "burned" three pi's so far because of underestimating the power requirements of the connected devices
no that's 1.2a served to each usb as I read it
I think the usb-c port takes upto 3a
ah might have misread it
nvm you're right
oh too bad
one of my projects is to have a rpi with a dvd drive on top of it
Still won't be able to say, power a usb HDD without external power
I only have to plug in the cable to the screen and put the dvd in the drive to play movies.
currently a setup requires two power sockets :|
What is this, 2001?
I have a lot DVD stuff (series/movies) at home <.<
my parents have such a library as well. That project was intended for them.
now there is a little old laptop that acts as a dvd box. In order to watch something, they have to turn it on and ect ...
with the pi, I only have to put the disk and connect the tv
@BenFortune did you have seen other interesting projects with rpi made recently?
Hmm in case of a file that really needs just "one export" (A class). Do you guys recommend/prefer using "default" exports or "named" exports?
Hmm so default export is never really useful?
not anymore IMO.
even if there is one file with one class / function, I name it
Hello everyone gm
good morning
Hello! I got a problem, I added JWT Auth to my Angular app and now my old requests won't work. What could it be?
check your traffic. (eg does your client send tokens as well ect)
Well, I'm not sure how to handle the token
return this.http.post(endpoint + notifications/send/topic/${notification.target},JSON.stringify(notification), httpOptions).pipe(map((result) => console.log(result)));
This is how my request to the server looks like
hey guys, for nodejs, should i start page by 0 or 1 in queries?
@grrigore what does response status says?
by convention
@Raimonds Well, the post is not executed
Someone here who can tell me why I get error 403(forbidden) when I click on a button with a simple: window.location.href? It works on the server, but for some reason not on my laptop when accessing it from another network.
Not executed or returned as 401?
wups sorry i don't know haha
i would have said enable cors
but actually not sure
whatever you are accessing is forbidden ....
(i'm new to js)
what is your backend @Falcon
@Raimonds Not executed, it doesn't return anything
@Raimonds it's C# ASP.MVC but even when the back-end is blanco and returning a simple json string it remains "forbidden"
This is odd to me, I didn't work with angular2+ and jwt directly
but adding jwt shouldn't prevent you from making requests
are you sure it inits mvc properly?
403 is usually when you try browse directory
and IIS forbids it
Just a second
I know Raimonds. That's why I am completely confused.
Try to enable directory browsing
I think it works now
globaly on application
see if it makes difference
I think I need more background to think about that 403 issue
How does your query string looks like?
Oh, you're not talking to me :D
No :D sorry, I was referring to @Falcon
window.location.href = "https:/somewebsite.nll/somename/TimeRegistration/GeneratePDF?FirstDate=" + firstday + "&LastDate=" + lastday;
well somehow you helped me :P
I even wrote the entire string just to test
@Falcon Nope I have no clue, I think it should do 500 if it is some sort of permission related issue
@Falcon are you running any sort of auth or permissions?
Nope nothing
it's weird. the rest of the application just works perfectly
IIS express?
except for this method
Are routes set up properly ?
inside the app? ye should be good
If you look at GeneratePDF while running debug
            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Login", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
does it shows red buble with cross "failed requests"
it might give more detail
so inside Visual Studio you mean?
Yes, but your routes are wrong aren't they?
it would lookf for "somename" as a controller
are they?
unless somename is virtual application
it's a virtual
Timeregistration is the controller
GeneratePDF is the action
should be good
let me check in VS
When debuging it, can you see "failed requests" just above action name?
Not sure which vs version has that or that is just code analysis tool but sometimes it shows that something tried to hit that method but failed before reaching it.
and it has more info inside
Frontend people, do you know any lightweight js plugin to make html tables responsive for mobile, like a slider thing?
goes flawless though
Not really. I'm not really into front-end myself
does it work now or not?
request does not "fail" if there is an internet connection available.
So it goes through action but returns 403 in the end?
but I added some loggin to the controller
but it doesn't even gets to the controller
What if your params are wrong
they aren't
Also it works on the server
403 = forbidden
means not valid request data
Won't not valid request data end in 404 not found?
what is the value of firstday ?
I do suspect wrong date format
@Raimonds no. 404 means that there is nothing that can serve your request on that url
What if you swap those for strings and see if it hits it then
403 is that there is something that can handle it but it does not acknowledge the data. You want to send two date objects but it does not see it as date objects
what if I simply console.log the url on the server, copy paste on my desktop. so we're sure that the params aren't the issue
btw, asp.net expects the date in ISO format
@KarelG my point is that it won't know what action to invoke with wrong params supplied so 404
I mean if should see what to use from query string keys
so It fails at modelbinder stage
> what is the value of firstday ?
THat kinda makes sense
or that lastday
also I just noticed that https:// is red on the server, where it does work
Also in case if it we are wrong on this

Here is what i was talking about.
and on laptop the https:// is valid
Emm you could use self signed certificate
yeh I understand @Raimonds but none of those here
and add it to trusted root
I'll console log the params , sec.
@Falcon Was that correct, it does work on server, but doesn't work on your machine ?
it does work on the server, but not on my laptop/phone etc when accessing it from my home network
Params are identical
Can it be due to your work security policy of some sort
but why do other request work though
would it work if you are in same network as server
other requests are made with Ajax though
and not window.location.href
I don't think there is a difference for server
it's still a request
oh man
Have you tried to chaning datetime? to simple strings and see if it even hits it?
why is this happening lol
IDK but it seems interesting ;D
not really:P it's quite depressing haha
hi , does anyone knows a way to check if the url changes all the time ?
i had a question here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56687657/chrome-extension-chrome-webnavigation-event-fires-multiple-time?noredirect=1#comment99944009_56687657

someone posted link to this but it didnt really help my case
window.addEventListener("spfdone", process); // old youtube design
window.addEventListener("yt-navigate-start", process); // new youtube design

this only fires first time i put Youtube on the URL
but if i navigated to any video inside it doesn't fire at all
i'm looking for a method that fires whenever the URL changes but so far all the ones i've tried either fires multiple times or doesn't fire at all !
i don't want to use a while loop because it's a bet risky , if it fails it can crash the entire browser
@Raimonds look I entirely removed the controller lol imgur.com/7uHMGSO and still forbidden
compiled afterwards I guess
that is not "removed". The endpoint is still same
It seems like something is blocking you on higher level
what is the request. Headers? Body?
there is 2nd param
if you don't specify it it will give you 403
commend those arguments and do your request
"return json(true jsonrequestbehavior.allowget)"
pseudo code
Okay sec
will do it again
JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet is exact line
I mean if it is a get request by all means
looks like it is since there is no HttpPost on top
@JRick If you change url all your listeners will be gone by time it change page, unless it's spa where url change isn't a change really
returns true on the server and error on my devices.
So does it look like
return Json(your stuff, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
Yes I am familiar with the line but I forgot it in the first place :P
Happens to me as well
but it works on server and still 403 on my devices
I'll change the JS to make it a ajax request
instead of window.location.href
app pool refreshed?
I try to use webapi more so I can avoid doing Json() calls
Got no errors if I change windows.location.href into a ajax.
like whaaat
very strange ;D
I mean for server there should be no difference in ajax or straight browsing by url
oh wait
but will it make sense if you serve bitestream back so it downloads file
window.location.href also works if I remove the params doh.
forgot to remove those
I think it fails to bind data properly
@KarelG mentioned it
but I checked the params in a alertbox and they were identical
so what's next
I'll check Fiddler
Q: Push event not fired

DwighI've downloaded this https://github.com/Minishlink/web-push-php-example. There is a send notification button in it which fetch a php file which pushes a notification using webpush https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push-php. It was working for a while and then just stopped working. After it st...

It's hard to tell, seems like it is device / env related
compare both requests in fiddler
see if there is anything odd
besides actual urls
Check custom errors in webconfig
or error handling
Just to make sure it is not erroring and then redirecting you to error page which is forbidden for some reason
@Raimonds so what are you suggesting ?
i meant to change the url from youtube.com to youtube.com/watch?=* for example
how can i check if the URL have change
specially for youtube it doesn't refresh
fiddler remains null lol
Any one used FCM with Node.js?
ok i think i figured out
just quick question  if i'm trying to check if the URL contain "youtube.com"

if ('youtube.com' === window.location.href ){
  //code here


if ('youtube.com' === location.pathname){
  //code here

which one is right ?
the former, since the latter gets everything after the domain
Did you even try running that?
@BenFortune i saw it here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18397962/chrome-extension-is-not-loading-on-browser-navigation-at-youtube/18398921#18398921

but i don't know if its going to work as i have never seen it before
if ('something' === location.pathname){} // this one specially looks weird
assertTrue("https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript" ====== window.location.href)
(I may have messed up the number of equals signs... I always get confused about that)
maybe you want to use host instead
assertTrue("chat.stackoverflow.com" ====== window.location.host)
I'd rather use indefOf to see if there is mention anywhere in url not to make specific match
@Raimonds @Wietlol both worked thanks alot !
yay, we both worked
I find my work unproductive
@Raimonds js string does not have a contains method?
I think it has but in es6
contains or includes
one of two
isnt es6 deprecated yet?
and we are on like... es 14
I mean it is not even supported in some browsers
I think we are like es7
at best
7 is version not year just in case
is wasm supported by all browsers already?
Versions here don't make much sense to me
Emm I think most of them
    window.addEventListener("someEvent", function Checker(event) { alert("Checker called");

whenever i call the function underneath it (aka: function should have been defined ) .. e.g."Checker(event);" it it return with error
Checker is not defined

    how can i call the function checker from another function the right way ?
IE and blackbery don't support wasm
hmm... I am fine with IE and blackberry users not being able to use my websites
I think it is because you are declaring function inside your listner
which is magic of JS :D
take out your argument and put it few lines above, and then pass "Checker"
as argument
hmm , should i declare it outside like

function Checker(event) {}
window.addEventListener("someEvent", Checker);
like that ?
function Checker(event) {}

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