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@Machavity when it comes to URLs, always assume it's an encoding issue
idk about your thumb, but it's definitely my rule of thumb
Madara's code worked fine until I tried to split it by pipe. Switched to [sku, id] = value.split('%7C'); and it works
what kind of URL are you working with that has pipe operators in it?
!!> "ABC|123".split(/\|/)
@rlemon ["ABC","123"]
A former coworker wrote a whole library of code around showing some of our options to customers. But he was driving them with AJAX. As such, he chose to use URL fragments with weird delimiters to put the data in the URL
why can't you just escape the pipe?
or is it being urlencoded?
A little extra work, but you could possible correlate that to a local storage key val
!!> encodeURIComponent("abc|123")
@rlemon "abc%7C123"
no more urls, no more pipes
So I guess the lesson for today is don't do drugs use pipes for delimiters in your URL
yeah that's really not a good way to pass key val information
yea it looks like it'll be encoded either way
hrm. not everywhere.
the less a URL says the better, you don't want to be passing around 13000 character URLs just to get some info around
seems like if it's part of the actual path it is encoded, but not in a url param
Problem is marketing was linking those URLs everywhere. I had to redirect them to the new pages or they'll freak
example.com/foo/bar| gets encoded (makes sense)
example.com/foo?bar| doesn't.
possibly different rules for directory levels vs get params?
probably because the path is a path. it has rules.
arguments are arbitrary strings
New pages use PHP and nowhere near so many weird conventions. But fragments aren't passed to the server so I couldn't just parse it on the server end either
paths be wildin
@Machavity oh your poor thing :(
Burn it down
start again with react and node
make $3.50
Three fiddy?
my ex said wildin all the time, and I used to just smile and nod, because I had no idea what she was saying
@SterlingArcher you silly goose. JS Frameworks are like fashion. we are circling around now. Ember is hot again
Ember was never hot
it's called "ember"
And meteor can shove it
clearly you're wrong
@SterlingArcher No, the worst thing is the whole thing uses PrototypeJS
not about meteor
I'm working on my Custom Elements + Shadow DOM React-like library again, but I rewrote it in typescript. I just added JSX support to it as well. gist.github.com/ndugger/7af73ba26f1d3ec5a2cd3c680401e51a
early 2000's actually
You should all support me in this effort
mid would be 2500
@SterlingArcher #totem (source)
he's making a native joke
I'm native.
We're all native to somewhere.
Well yeah but I'm jewish so it evens out
but are you a native jew?
Meteor is boarding? Oh dear lord no
great. so we don't have a home land and we don't even get a name to ourselves now?
I spent a year in hell caused by that disaster of a framework
Is there any other ethnicity that's also a religion?
cries in cree
I think Mormons consider most Natives to be Jews
Like "My family's from Catholonia, but we moved away years ago and converted."
isn't that what Ronan the Accuser is @rlemon
wait no that's Kree
I still haven't watched Captain Marvel btw
nor I
I haven't either
I've heard it's good
I haven't seen it either. I want to though
I'll watch it once it goes on Prime or Netflix or w/e
I really enjoyed it, and how much screentime Nick Fury got
I probably will just wait until it hits google play at this point
and (spoiler) he gets to say his word
paying for Marvel movies = nope
and you get to find out a lot about fury
I pay for lots of things. I support the economy by my doordash purchases alone
yea I pay for things that I think will be worth it
@SterlingArcher All PG13 are allowed one F-bomb
I don't think marvel movies are worth $20
I thought no more marvel on Netflix
some streaming service will pick it up eventually
Infinity War is still on Netflix
and I have 4 of them
@MadaraUchiha The MCU overall seems decent. DC needs a hard reboot because their previous director was crazy
honestly Aquaman was awful
it's very rare that I watch a movie and really hate it
@MadaraUchiha and he used his wisely
My fantasy is a PG13 Deadpool movie, where he knows that it's a PG13 movie, and he knows he only has 1 F-bomb, so he keeps almost slipping but catches himself. Then, at the end of the movie, the moment arrives and someone else beats him to it.
@MadaraUchiha Pitch the idea to em
@SterlingArcher For sure
@MadaraUchiha ha great
Is there a way to hold a Docker container up even without an entrypoint to I can scoop some files out of it?
tumblr already had that idea and shockingly I don't hate it
DC cinematic universe is terribad
Christian Bale's batman was the last time it was good
it really is astonishingly bad
It's been downhill hard since then
I don't know how they can have so much money and still end up with such bad content
Justice League was entertaining, but it's hardly a justice league when 99.5% of the justice is Superman
@MadaraUchiha Well theres once upon a deadpool
A lot of the Marvel movies have been craptastic too.
The DC movies easily have the worst investment-quality ratio of any movie I've seen
I want more "fringe" super hero movies. no DC no Marvel. start looking at classic games / TV shows for inspiration (but don't copy) - can you imagine a super hero movie (done well) with the story of something like EarthWorm Jim?
that would be amazing.
That includes Tommy Wiseau's and Neil Breen's movies
@rlemon like the netflix marvel shows?
the batman vs superman was was so bad... Like batman having flashbacks when superman mentioned his mom's name... like could you even have worse writing?
or even fringeier
no like not Marvel or DC at all
why does it all have to copy comics.
@rlemon Fucking great game
there were so many good TV shows and games in the 90's that were not direct rips
we can go it.
EarthWorm jim
The only other ones I've seen were like super edgie. Like Superbad.
@SterlingArcher DC makes vastly better TV series and animation. Justice League Unlimited is amazing
we just don't. "Marvel X" is guaranteed to make you $300 million.
so why make anything else until that is no longer true?
thanks, I hate it.
Yeah I was never a fan of the marvel animations
I wish sony didn't have control of all things spiderman
don't get me wrong. I don't mind marvel movies.. I'm just tired of them.
Venom was good, but it had so much more potential
and the marvel universe is played out now.
Also, I just learned that the Hellboy reboot is rated R
@SterlingArcher Well, they had rights to the spiderman universe, but not to spiderman himself...
I thought Thanos was the ultimate baddie in Marvel, so are they just gonna reboot once he's dead?
Ducking copyright laws
@ndugger time travel
@ndugger prequels.
pls no
@ndugger in the MCU thanos becomes the universe itself
@ndugger Most likely
lots of infinity gauntlet wielders after that
prequels is the new thing when you've exhausted the main story. look at Harry Potter.
yeah he "fuses" with the heart of the universe to become the actual universe
there will be like 5 more movies. on a dead series
I honestly like what they tried to do with Thanos, but I hate what they did with Thanos.
I mean, I think I'd be game for some reboots... It's gonna be really fucking hard to beat the original iron man film, though
In the MCU that is
@MadaraUchiha I don't know too much about thanos outside the movies, but for a "mad" titan he's quite calm
@ndugger just don't change this
ToBy McGuIrE
You have the glove, and the 6 stones, you claim that the universe is finite and that its resources are finite and that killing half the universe is the only way to save it. You can literally reverse entropy with that gauntlet. You can literally create more resources out of nothing.
(if spiderman gets rebooted again)
also, into the spiderverse gave me a headache watching it
Spiderman keeps getting rebooted because it keeps sucking. I like the current dude though
I hope he gets a couple more movies
@MadaraUchiha I think the laws still exist. Matter cannot be created
I hate it when an entire line of reasoning is invalidated with the equivalent of "Why didn't they just call the police?"
half frames, or double frames, or w/e they call it is PAINFUL
@SterlingArcher The red stone is the counterforce to entropy. You can reverse entropy with the gauntlet (and all stones).
the reality stone is all perception, not real
@MadaraUchiha I mean.. antman can't exist as a super hero unless he breaks like 100 laws of physics
or rather, ignores them sometimes but not others. selectively.
@rlemon They will. If Sony goes too long without making one they lose the rights. Hence why a terrible Fantastic Four movie never got released
the Marvel Universe doesn't make sense to you because it isn't our universe. :D
According to this, the infinity gauntlet cannot break the Law of Conservation of Mass
at most, transmutation
@SterlingArcher Also, wanna talk about laws? The half-killing wave or whatever from the snap, can't travel faster than light, because nothing travels faster than light
So how come the folks on the remote planet also died instantly?
it's not moving
technically you can create matter without violating conservation of mass
ITT nerds bikeshedding over Marvel's implementation of the laws of physics
@MadaraUchiha now you're just being silly
Magic, duh!
@KendallFrey By converting energy to matter?
@MadaraUchiha technically a shadow can travel faster than light
Man, I think I might just go for a third reading of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.
@Allenph aye
Also, it does not appear that the Dustening was instantaneous
It's just so good.
perhaps it was an epicenter?
I mean. if you wanna get anal about it, who says it 'exists' in this universe following laws. our universe is a 'fabric'. he applied it to the entire thing at once.
@MadaraUchiha Are you sure? I think you can go faster
Also remember the space stone, so anything thanos wills, can basically "wormhole" itself through the universe
also in the realm of blue people with flying arrows and talking raccoons, the speed of light as a universal constant seems like an odd thing to be concerned about
> ITT nerds bikeshedding over Marvel's implementation of the laws of physics
> ITT Nick shitting on a fun conversation
@rlemon If you wanna get anal about it, there's no such thing as "at once" because that's not how the fabric works.
Hey, I never said to stop
@KendallFrey time is part of the fabric.
Oh, cap's alive
So @MadaraUchiha you haven't seen captain marvel yet but there's mention of a light speed engine as well
@rlemon and it's subjective, depending on your reference frame
So that's also assuming that there are ways in the MCU to reach light speed without any of the effects real science says
Magic in almost any creation out there seems to operate based on how the creator/author thinks that physics works, but not based on how physics actually work
I got really unsober the other day and watched like a 15 minute video on youtube that walks you through the life and death of the universe, and it was really entertaining
@KendallFrey so in this mystical unknown that is outside of the fabric..
Which is fun to think about
The most glaring example is magic that causes lightning bolts. It would take much less energy to make the electricity travel through the ground, rather than the air :)
@SterlingArcher There are theoretical ways to go "apparently faster" than light.
@SterlingArcher the speed of light is fixed on the medium it moves through.
I don't think science could ever make "real magic" but I think a sort of alchemy is possible with the right industrial revolution
what if I move the medium.
go read up on an alcubierre drive
@rlemon Still fixed
@rlemon move the medium how?
@MadaraUchiha missing the entire point
Is this like star trek's "I didn't consider space to be the thing moving" theory?
The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, and galaxies are moving past us at that same speed. So either the laws of physics stop working at the size of galaxies, or they're not actually moving, and the space between objects is expanding instead
@rlemon That's what I was looking for. Couldn't remember the name.
@SterlingArcher go read up on an alcubierre drive
Still fixed no matter which perspective you look at it from
@SterlingArcher Basically yeah.
i dont read after 4:30pm
@MadaraUchiha and again, missing the entire point :P
14 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
i dont read after 4:30pm
Space totally is the thing moving, though. Which fucks my head up
dark energy pls
but what is space moving through?
@SterlingArcher alcubierre drive in a very dumb overview doesn't move you through space, it moves the space around you through space.
I dunno, it depends on how you define a universe
@SterlingArcher itself
@SterlingArcher You're not moving space through something you're stretching space.
@SterlingArcher If you went back 500 years and told people that you could communicate with people in that other village without having to go there or send someone over, that'd definitely look like magic to them.
Which I guess is not that much different, but.
So let's assume for example the technology exists. Could you manipulate energies outside the event horizon to move this inner universe space faster?
Like a person walking on the treadmill thing at an airport
no, the warp bubble for lack of a better term moves through space. you don't move in it
that bubble can move faster than light because there is no law governing how fast space itself can move
you stand on the treadmill
Here's some nice brainfart material: If I move to one direction at .75 the speed of light, and @SterlingArcher moves to the other direction at .75 the speed of light, we get further away from each other at a speed of less than 1 speed of light.
and the treadmill rolls along the ground
I don't think it would matter. Any amount of extra speed your sublight engines can give is so negligible that you wouldn't bother trying it anyways
like a segway
@Allenph Haha nice. My gaming rig is usually in the living room and I use my Steam Controller
@MadaraUchiha Isn't that like basic time dilation?
@MadaraUchiha my 4th grade math teacher is gonna call you and yell at you in a moment
I've got a webcam from 2008 for a microphone lol
@SterlingArcher When you consider how velocity is measured, you'll find that it makes sense.
@Allenph Yup
A Steam controller? Ewww.
@rlemon is it possible to measure the speed of... space?
@SterlingArcher yeah
@SterlingArcher yea
read up on how fast the universe is expanding
and how we determined these things.
the hubble sphere is the region of space so far away from us that it's moving at the speed of light
tomorrow ofc.
I know your 4:30 rule
@KendallFrey and thus "visible universe"
so basically the speed of light is not the actual speed limit of the universe
@SterlingArcher No.
@SterlingArcher no it is.
it's the speed limit of anything "happening"
sort of like the speed of waves on water
so exceeding the speed of light is essentially time travel because it hasn't happened yet?
but if the water is moving, the waves can move with it, faster or slower
@SterlingArcher It is exactly time travel
imagine driving down a road that is getting longer and longer until you get to a point where the road is growing faster than you are driving.
also, google tachyons
@SterlingArcher There's a principle called "locality" which roughly states that cause and effect travel at the speed of light and no faster.
you can't go faster. that's still a constant. but at a point you stop moving
So let's assume you're going twice the speed of light, you'll end up in the future. If you go the opposite way, are you going into the past or just the future of the direction you're going?
@rlemon also, imagine that ant on a rubber band paradox
That is, I cannot press a button and something will instantly happen on the sun.
@KendallFrey that's probably better
@SterlingArcher It doesn't work that way, because it can't work
science fiction is a lie!
that's why travelling faster than light is impossible
@SterlingArcher Reaching that speed will require an infinite amount of energy.
Impossible for now*
well if you consider alcubierre drives and such... idk
it still violates causality
You can't do it "the normal way" of just accelerating more and more. You need to "cheat"
you can (in theory) leave point A and arrive at point B before light does. but you don't at any point travel "faster" than it.
just relatively.
is this all subtext for "wormholes"
even with an alcubierre drive I think you still can arrive at your destination before you leave
@SterlingArcher no, I'm talking something we can measure today
time dilation
So instead of trying to break the speed of light, we're manipulating the time factor instead?
my brain hurts
no. time is relative to the observer
but what is nobody is watching
the faster you move, the faster time passes relative for other people (from your perspective)
and don't say jesus is watching
like that astronaut that spent a year in space is like 0.0004 seconds in the future or something silly small.
because of how fast they went there?
no because how fast they orbit
@SterlingArcher No, because gravity bends timespace
the ISS moves at 17,130 mph
around earth
y'all need to stop playing so much KSP
@SterlingArcher Things don't just stop behaving when no one is watching
@KendallFrey laughs in Quantum Uncertainty
@KendallFrey Uhhh...quantum physics.
prove it
@Allenph yeah... no
@KevinB ._.
cap is back?
!!stat ndugger
@KendallFrey Have I internalized a "lies to children" answer?
@forresthopkinsa That dude sucks
@Allenph That's not how it works
@Allenph probably
it's pretty confusing though
But...but...the cat...and stuff.
I'm currently baffled by the Frauchiger-Renner paradox
I'm still torn up by the False Vacuum Theory
@Allenph There's a principle called "causality" (which is being challenged by various things in quantum mechanics, for sure) that basically states that "what's true is already so", that is, that there's always a cause and effect relationship behind an observable effect.
I'm struggling with one right now. it's more of a social behaviour theory - the one where there is open parking spots in the parking lot directly adjacent to a store, but people still leave the car running with the hazards on in the fire lane. It baffles me to this day
Even if you don't know what causes a thing (for example, a lightning storm), you can assume that there's some other phenomenon (friction, electric potential, etc) which can explain how it happens when it happens
@SterlingArcher Have you heard about Roko's Basilisk?
@KendallFrey are you seriously asking me if I've heard about something
It's perhaps one of the most terrifying thought experiments
@MadaraUchiha explain this then
> If light travels faster than the speed of sound, how come I can hear the guy in the BMW behind me honk before the light turns green?
With quantum mechanics, we don't know many of those background phenomenons, so many things in quantum mechanics appear truly random to us.
@KendallFrey for me it's the knowledge that I could be in a coma and not know it. wake up one day in a new body as a new person who isn't me.
not super anxiety ridden about it.
but it's pretty fucked up
@MadaraUchiha I remember vaguely watching a PBS Spacetime video about this.
Many people will describe quantum mechanics as "strange" or "weird", but they are not. They simply are. It is our understanding of them which is lacking.
@rlemon reincarnation could be a type of coma
@rlemon You could wake up as a different person every day and you wouldn't know it because your memories don't carry over.
@MadaraUchiha makes sense, I don't understand my toaster, let alone a quantum toaster
@Allenph An excellent experiment that shows that our way of looking at causality and locality is at the very least problematic is the the one with the polarized filters
@MadaraUchiha I made those.
I have one somewhere that I printed.
I think I even posted it on here.
That thumbnail leads me to assume the universe is a venn diagram
@SterlingArcher your toaster operates on principles that quantum physics was invented to explain
(black body radiation, or, why things glow red hot)
that the bread is in every state of toasted at one time?
I read a story a while ago about a guy who was in a coma for a while.. lived a fucking lifetime in that coma. like the TNG ep where picard gets sucked into that thing and gets his flute. anyways this dude was in a coma - found a wife, had two kids. lived a life - then one day he noticed the geometry on a lamp or a table or something was not right.. and it all unravelled. he woke up - lost that coma life and still misses his made up wife and kids - that story stuck with me.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah but referring to quantum entanglement as "insufficiently defined and understood action at a distance" doesn't quite have the same ring to it
@SterlingArcher If you have two filters, and they block some amount of light, you can, in some configuration, add a third filter in the middle, and the three combined would block less light than just the two.
@rlemon Isn't that the plot of the Matrix?
It's super trippy to see in real life.
@rlemon that's just a creepy pasta lol
We have officially gone down a route I can no longer keep up with
So am here
@rlemon I watched a documentary on this guy that has some severe amnesia, and he always thinks he's just woken up from years of being unconscious.
@DavidKamer even if it is, it's still a messed up story. I can believe it.
@SterlingArcher Watch that video. It's pretty mindblowing.
that lamp tho
And it works, you can take 3 sets of sunglasses and reproduce that effect easily.
I would but I won't be able to understand things
@SterlingArcher You don't need to understand everything. There's a bit of math involved
@MadaraUchiha ftr, that's not Bell's paradox
@MadaraUchiha you clearly don't know my college GPA
or me
the 3 polarized filter thing can be easily explained locally
in general
@KendallFrey If you explain it with locality, causality breaks down
And vice versa
the fact that I'm a semi-decent engineer blows the minds of top science everywhere
@MadaraUchiha Not for just 3 filters in a row
I did post it here. i.sstatic.net/mssqr.jpg
But apparently this can actually be explained classically.
I think you need entangled pairs to get the paradox, don't you?

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