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Ahh, just realised it is April Fool's Day today.
That's why SO is so fcked up.
you misspelled Beautiful
!!stat ndugger
when Caprica 007 comes, she must begin her career by immediately following up on the entire backlog of commands that Six missed in the interim
2 days ago, by forresthopkinsa
bot is dead and we killed her
Q: Is this year April fool joke really welcoming? Are we joking about technology or people?

SPArchaeologistI think by now almost everyone using the site has already seen the fake "90's style" redesign that was created as an April Fool joke. Many words were already spent discussing about it. From people stating it was poorly tested to people arguing that we should only prank logged-in users to people ...

@KevinB it's extra annoying that I have to opt out of the 90s theme each time I visit Meta
i didn't have the same experience
I should clarify, each meta site
it's not an account-wide opt-out
iS tHiS yEaR aPrIl FoOl JoKe ReAlLy WeLcOmInG?
So Don't VisIt MulTiPle SiTes
People will always find something to be offended about
I can't believe people are so upset about the joke
it's not like it's going to be a permanate fixture on the left hand side of the page with a teams ad in it
StackOverflow has become a cesspool for degens and their degen ideologies
@forresthopkinsa " glittering text, sparking cursor, unicorns and pinkish colors seems specifically aimed at making fun of younger female amateur programmers"
everything is about sexism
the sooner you learn it the better.
That's hilarious. I never once thought it was designed aimed at females. That's just how graphics were back then.
I'm sure people will flag me saying people are idiots
Because that's offensive too
I get the meme, and as obnoxious it is, it's not wrong.
I totally had a cursor trailer script
I just don't wanna look at it now
I'm wondering how many of the people complaining have ever seen real sites that look like this
> But I get the joke only because they explained it to me
I didn't get the joke, therefore it's unwelcoming
What an entitled little shitlord
Guys, I need your help :( Can you have a look ? stackoverflow.com/questions/55383161/…
The "Back to the future!" message that's sometimes displayed regarding this prank says "If you want to switch to the current site, you'll find the option here", however I can't find where "here" is to turn the formatting off. Does anyone know how/where to do this, as I find it very annoying. — martineau yesterday
uhhh maybe try the button that the message has an arrow pointing at
This is a sinking ship, bruhs
And bruhettes
@forresthopkinsa literally everyone's custom user page on neopets when I was a preteen
    .then(res => {
      res.status(201).json({ body: data });
    .catch(err => {
      res.status(500).json({ error: err });
TypeError: res.status is not a function
tryed using, .then(function (res) {.....}) with no luck
@TylerH that's what I'm talking about. hell yes
any ideas?
@Shamaran it isn't the object you want
assuming that's inside of a express handler.
you are probably over writing res
router.get('/foo', ( request, response, next ) => {
  // status and json are on the _request_ object.
if you don't have that, or you over write it, that won't work
Ohh not sure I understand
app.post("/name", (req, res) => {
  const data = new Data({
    id: req.body.id,
    name: req.body.name

    .then(res => {
      res.status(201).json({ body: data });
    .catch(err => {
      res.status(500).json({ error: err });
So the res is not actually res?
function foo( bar ) {
  someThing().then( bar => {
    // do you see what you did to `bar` here?
you're introducing a new scope that has a variable of the same name. in that scope it will reference that new variable.
Now I see :D So I should change .then(res.... to .then(result etc?
Note to Self: Do not set Windows password when drunk.
do whatever you want. I'm not here to name your variables :D
That makes sense, you are awesome @rlemon :)
$foo, $bar, $foobar, $baz,
$fizz $buzz $trizzle
response ofcourse!
internal network at my work is broken today
can't reach internal Github but can use command-line git
unfortunately command-line git does not work very well for code review
what a headache
wow, coming up with another name for "res" was quite hard
@Shamaran how about putting context to your variables
data.save().then( queryResult => ... );
Q: Why does JS keep insertion order in Set?

AxsRandomly experimenting with JavaScript (ES6) and reading its documentation I found out that Set maintains the insertion order of its elements. I wonder what is the rationale behind this decision? I always thought of a set as an unordered collection. Requiring anything more would lead to a more c...

because that's the way it be
that was actually a debate on a question last friday
on a question about slicing an object. no one seemed to acknowledge that object keys are in a predictable order today
Happy new month
I'm now engaged in a fight in a comments section about the prank
1 message moved to Trash
comments section gonna get purged in 3.. 2.. 1..
@ChrisP please format your code for the chats. ctrl + k before posting
or 'fixed font' button.
		line_completed = true;
				line_completed = false;
			complete_line_found = true;
			console.log("Line "+i+" completed");

alert prints true 13 times
console.log doesn't
alert blocks
could be a reason
alert is a crapshoot for debugging because it changes how the browser should be executing the code (i.e. it halts it)
but i have clearInterval the functions before
make an example of it doing what you don't want it to do
So the correct is the output of the alert?
then tell us what you want it to do
(and stop using alert to debug)
also, I hope your variables are declared.
I am making a tetris games.
And i would like to clear the completed lines
That's all about the above code.
The up code
so make a demo of it failing - self contained. not the entire game
for that second if statement to be entered, all of the values in the given row would need to be true
So why is it weird that all the alerts of those values are true?
No, that is the correct
The wrong is in console.log output.
Ah, i see.
I suppose
you're being fooled
By the time you expand it in the console, it has been updated.
From where?
somewhere else
presumably you're removing the completed row from the array some time later
I really don't like stringify function.
then use a debugger statement or a breakpoint
yes that's true
Aaa ok.
Thanks for the help.
So you tell me that console.log runs assychronsly.
yes, but that's not why it's doing what you're seeing
it doesn't inspect the value of the object until you expand it
Thanks Kevin.
I will try the debugger(); or debugger; solution
Ok now i see 13 times true in console.
ever notice the little [i] beside an object in the console?
I'm making a game
because I have no life
if you hover it, it will tell you that the object was re-evaluated at the time you expanded it
because console logs are "live"
well. console is "live"
Hero Name
@Allenph Oh nice!
Name Your Hero
Your gravestone shall read:
I actually really like the gravestone idea
Makes me think of gauntlet for some reason
This game is basically a hybrid of DnD and Jackbox Party Pack
so you have your character and profile and inventory and all that on your phone, and you join a game with your friends, and you see the game world on the TV, but you make your moves, roll your dice, etc on your phone
make a digital HeroQuest
I know some people who would use the hell out of that
if this game wasn't like $400 used...
best DnD type game out there imo
@ndugger check out mansions of madness.
only slightly related
but nice game.
@Jhawins Mic is coming on Wednesday if you want to play. Discord?
I have never played in a group of more than 3 so I always used Steam chat
Whatever works tho.
I'm trying to debug an ECMA regex and I found that a pipe outside a matching group didn't seem to need to be escaped. Is that normal? regex101 seems to think it should be
Steam account?
Same as here
@Machavity Can you give an example?
Here's the thing. I don't even play DnD. I'm using my best friend and my sister as "RPG Consultants", lol
But yeah, I've had a lot of good reception to the idea so far
I also want to build "DM" tools as well, where you can create your own campaigns and dungeons and stuff like that
But that will come after the base game
@KendallFrey I'm monkeying with /#(.+|)fabric=[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+\|(\d+)/ to try and get the number after the pipe in this fragment #search=scott+living&page=3&fabric=STARFISHVIS|7771
high visibility starfish PPE?
am I reading that correct?
@rlemon I think it's a product SKU. Probably not what you're thinking of
@Machavity and?
so not this with a starfish pattern?
that's a bummer
@KendallFrey I get null for .match
regexp seems like an odd choice for that task
!!> "#search=scott+living&page=3&fabric=STARFISHVIS|7771".match(/#(.+|)fabric=[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+\|(\d+)/)
rip cap
@KevinB I'm not guaranteed to get the same data there all the time so it was the best that I know of
But I'm not getting null so you'll need to give more info
it's essentially a param string, i assume it could potentially be in different order from time to time, but if you broke it out into key/value pairs it would be fairly easy to get the fabric value then split it
hmm. That might not be a bad idea
Just split it
> str = "#search=scott+living&page=3&fabric=STARFISHVIS|7771"
> noHash = str.slice(1)
> parts = noHash.split('&')
[ 'search=scott+living', 'page=3', 'fabric=STARFISHVIS|7771' ]
> relevantPart = parts.find(part => part.startsWith('fabric='))
> [key, value] = relevantPart.split('=')
[ 'fabric', 'STARFISHVIS|7771' ]
> value
With lots of extra steps in between ^
Can easily be a one-liner
@Jhawins Added.
@Allenph Gotcha. Most of the long servers BP wipe on the 4th so I'm sort of just waiting atm
It was a perfect time for me. Now I can fuck around and learn how to play without getting butthurt when it wipes.
Yea exactly
omg lol
@Allenph you said you bought a whole new PC too??
Hooked it up to the 70" and a got a wireless mechanical keyboard/mouse and a desk that is made to sit in front of the couch.
2 messages moved to Trash can
kevin bacon, pls
reaaaaly don't want to go down that road again
@ndugger ಠ_ಠ
@MadaraUchiha it gets even worse if you skim and then also read some of the comments
I can't see your removed remarks; are they some wonderful quotes?
@rlemon Darkworld is another good clone
There is a digital version out there of Heroquest, but it's old
hi json
well one that I know of
for the CD32 and AMiga
yea I want physical.
hey @ndugger
so I can put it in a glass case and never play it
@ndugger Nah, just that the link wasn't cool to post here
haha yea
my love for that game runs deep
you're right dude they are expensive af
even the clones are rising in price
but I'll check out darkwood
@Loktar what do you think of my very early and full of holes idea for a game?
This game is basically a hybrid of DnD and Jackbox Party Pack
so you have your character and profile and inventory and all that on your phone, and you join a game with your friends, and you see the game world on the TV, but you make your moves, roll your dice, etc on your phone
Dark World.. tbh that's gone down in price dangit
only $50 now
@Loktar speaking of games. if it's still on sale, check out earthlock
@ndugger that would be cool if it's not already out there
only one phone, or everyone has a phone
It might, but I haven't found it in the exact form that I'm thinking
@rlemon I'll check it out
dude did you see my mention of Risk of Rain 2?!
It's out and it's pretty great
yea I bought it like the day it released :D
I know there's some rpgs and card games that have a video component to it, but nothing like what I'm thinking
It was a friggin sneak release I had no idea man
Came out Friday apparently
@KevinB everyone has a phone
On your phone is your character
apparently I played less than I thought
I thought I had at least an hour in it
but meh
fun game
Your phone becomes your game controller & character sheet & profile & stuff
@rlemon yeah I love it just because they really just made the 2d one 3d
by game controller, I just mean that you touch buttons that the game presents to you as options, like . "Move Character" or "Buy Item From Shop"
or whatever
hmm my messages are posting late, JS chat lag I guess.
I want it to play like a traditional RPG, but updated to make it digital
@Loktar earthlock is another turn based battle type with swappable characters. Octopath but with a more streamlined story
and was like $15 on sale
@MadaraUchiha @KendallFrey Bleh. If you use pipe in the string it URL encodes it when you wash it through any text function. And that's why it was failing out in finding something with a pipe. The string no longer had it

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