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@john I haven't used coldfusion in years, but I may be able to help
John no D:
cross posting to different rooms will get you banned quickly
ok i will take care about cross posting in future
good man, post your question, and if anybody is able to help you, they'll respond :)
We have a couple people in here who have either used or still use coldfusion
@SterlingArcher i am creating thumbnails of given URL by using cfdocument and cfpdf of coldfusion but it processed some URL's and and some time it generate an erro of document processing
Can you give this a read and post the code and the error please? (post the error separate or it will mess up your code formatting and the bot will delete it automatically)
ok let me show you my error and code
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@john Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
this is my code to generate thumbnail of given URL
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@john Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
<cfdocument src="www.google.com" name="pdfdata" format="pdf" />

<cfpdf source="pdfdata" pages="1" imageprefix="#DateFormat(Now(),'yyyymmdd')##timeFormat(Now(),'HHmmss')#"
action="thumbnail" destination="." format="jpg" overwrite="true" resolution="high" scale="90">
@CapricaSix ok thanks
Could someone look at my code and tell me if it is async? I'm quite new and it's a long function so I'm not entirely sure.
please check my above code
@André Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@SterlingArcher there?
@john what's the error
const user_reset = (request, response) => {
  const { token } = request.params;
  const pw = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 10);

  jwt.verify(token, secret, (err, t) => {
    if (err) return response.status(404).send({ error: 'invalid request' });

    User.findByIdAndUpdate(t._id, { $set: { password: pw } })
      .then((u) => {
        const mailOptions = {
          from: username,
          to: u.email,
          subject: 'Password Reset',
          text: `Your password has been reset as requested. You should now use the password ${pw} to login.`,
@SterlingArcher it shows Error in document procession and null pointer exception
can someone tell me if this function is completely async? thanks in advance.
is that the exact error?
Q: Convert html to image and add into a pdf using coldfusion

Rodrigo CelebroneI am using cfpdf and cfdocument to create thumbnails and save them to a pdf. Everything works ok but I don't like the resolution. What other approach can I use to generate images from HTML, then create a pdf with those images.

above link is also related to my problem
@SterlingArcher this is error screenshot prntscr.com/kfd0bv
anyone here for help?
what horrible
tool is that
font rendering is abysmal
it's called windows
Google for DocumentExportExtension
@towc Windows doesn't have that bad font rendering. Even linux doesn't have that bad font rendering.
@towc also the offscreen canvas sounds so nice
towc has a non-toggleable feature that makes him joke every now and then
*turns it off*
you wish
builds a switch, turns it off and breaks the switch.
let's hope it is stuck in schrodinger's state
Towc is schrodinger's joke.
well, I'm clearly not getting much better at making my jokes more recognizeable
so that leaves me few choices
one of them is to just stop joking, but no
what are those other options?
+1 stop joking
the one I'll probably go for is keep trying, and not caring much about it
posted on August 06, 2018 by CommitStrip

remember when I used to append most of my messages with ? We don't want to get back to that either, do we?
idk, do we?
@towc sudo joke disable
I vote for suffixing all of towc's messages with a joke tag
that's a badly designed command
sudo systemd stop joke
@forresthopkinsa That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I always do it wrong
what did you do wrong
the replace command
you need a / at the end
@forresthopkinsa sudo systemctl stop joke (source)
nice. good catch
and damn, it is systemctl
@towc rm /usr/bin/joke
that likely requires sudo
you are insecure
@ShrekOverflow are you sure? It seems the right place for those.
@ShrekOverflow so is your unix mastery
@towc I am not a unix master, dude I am a marketting guy :P
@SomeGuy btw ^ happened, am in MKTG now
with the official title TPM Manager ;D
Technical Product Marketing
Ooh, mister manager! Nice, congrats!
I would prefer it to be Trusted Platform Module
Whom do you report to? Gonto?
@SomeGuy Not directly, I report to Amit.
you work for a different company? (question for @ShrekOverflow )
or on the same one, but on a different position?
another thing I'd love is seeing an even more forgiving js compiler, where it guesses stuff when a syntaxerror would pop up
You seem so green for that marketing stuff :D
that's maybe a project that's not too hard to work on, for basic results
closing brackets and putting commas in, for one
@KarelG same company different role
@towc that's a pandora's box you've got there
@forresthopkinsa next level semicolon omission bruv
let's not make the world a little worse pls
does it involve lots of programming?
@KarelG I see what you did there
and yes, a lot of it.
@ShrekOverflow I thought it was like 3 days ago you said you became a developer again
@LadyBird Yeah I am a developer in MKTG :P
I was just making a joke
My day is going good
Backend has decided not to tell me what state cities belong to
So I am supposed to write a function that goes (cityName) => makeAbsolutelyRandomGuessForState(cityName)
if it is important, you can request them to provide that functionality
Huh, is that not how you tag anymore?
@KarelG Clearly I requested that and am complaining of the absurd response :P
@LadyBird use google api?
Bug gets assigned to them until they make it work
Nah, I have these internal "codes" to identify them anyway. Nothing Google would understand
Ahah, there we go
another thing is chainable property declaration. You can do a = b = c = 123 (although there's almost never a good reason to do it), but I might also enjoy something like:
const config = {
  thing2: 3,
  thing3: 'sup',
}; // config.thing1 = config.thing2 = 3
maybe more like "cascading property declarations"
@LadyBird Makes sense
> Nothing Google would understand
you might be surprised how much it does understand xD
does anyone know as to why this code doesn't get triggered on IE and Chrome but it works on firefox (gist.github.com/AritonV10/5fdd8f43052d7dddd4cd75943d713bf8)
should trigger once they are at the bottom of the page
> scrollTopMax
or scroll
did you become a model?
that just returns the height so I can tell if they are at the bottom or not
oh so they are the same - does scroll work on both IE and Chrome?
Wasn't jAndy always a model
Is there a way to disable auto-play at the account level on Youtube? I have YT Red, so no clue why they are constantly trying to sneakily turn auto-play back on and absolutely trash my Watch History/Recommendations
i would have to resort to google
If I'm writing a cli in node js... should commands be executed by a child process?
I'm thinking of having each command correspond to a separate node script.. then having my main program call those scripts.
@ShrekOverflow a model? I wish...
they didn't have to mention that this happened in Canada... everywhere else... this guy would have get punched in the face lol
a little old news now :P
but yeah, messed up
kid went to the police, the gym banned the guy, and police will press charges
Good -- he could have severely injured that kid's back
not to mention he was shamed by millions online
was he pissed about the "dropping" of the weights?
was he even a staff member?
apparently not
though I've heard it mentioned
lmao "YOU'RE OUT" you don't even work here...
yea lol
Hey guys, I'm having some ts issues. I have declared a type like export type Bounds = [number, number];, but when I pass [BOUNDARY_WIDTH, BOUNDARY_WIDTH] to my function, it tells me that "Argument of type 'number[]' is not assignable to parameter of type '[number, number]." How do I get it to recognize it as a tuple?
his boyfriend must not put out
Have you tried a different library? I have encountered some malfunction libraries in my past, and just the usage of different version made the code work — Zorak 3 mins ago
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@oboecat Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
like this?
Q: Why is a Typescript array of the right structure not assignable to a seemingly compatible tuple

JolleyboyFor example: let myTuple: Array<[number[], number[]]> = []; const my3dArray = [ [[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]], ]; myTuple = my3dArray; Gives the error: number[][][] not assignable to [number[], number[]][]

er, no
that's one deeper than yours
@KevinB that one is just wrong code
I have it inside an object like this
const boundaryFilter = {
But when I pass it as

            ... other args ...

It throws an error that the upperBound is not compatible with [number, number] which is the tuple
You could try doing upperBound: <Bound> [BOUNDARY_WIDTH, BOUNDARY_WIDTH]
but thats sucky
actually nvm,
@LadyBird build your own backend
I ended up suggesting her to do

function makeBounds(x, y): Bounds{
    return [x, y];
@Mosho I am sitting right next to her
oh nvm
ProTip: Don't expect the well packed rotten shit templates that you find on the internet build with bootstrap to reduce the time you'll need to code your product. Just hire a designer.
The specific one I am dealing with uses 5 css frameworks on top of CSS -_-
Sorry to disturb
How can go a foreach loop for every Name in the following json:?
for x in json.Search[0].Name { // Code }
for x in json then do a Object.keys(json[x])
@VioAriton can you show code?
if that doesn't work, try with data[index][key].name
@VioAriton Can you add to your gist what it would be with the json data above so I have example for reference?
you wanna iterate through all the values or just the Name?
@VioAriton what the fuck lol
!!mdn foreach
@VioAriton I think just name. But Name may also have age. So here's the final json
Coming from GIS development with meteor, that XKCD hurts me
json.Search.forEach(item => // do whatever with item.Name)
well shit I didn't know you could do that
@VioAriton Java has fried your mind
@BenFortune that works? Well then: well shit I didn't know you could do that
Assuming you JSON.parse'd it first, it'll become a standard array.
@BenFortune Question though wdym by item =>
@JBis it's a --lambda-- arrow function*
@JBis It's just an arrow function, similar to ...forEach(function(item) {})
Small differences though, with the lexical this binding
too complicated for my brain
so basically gets rid of this shit
Well, no
@Ben doesn't it need to be json.Search.forEach(item => {// Do stuff with item.Name }
json.Search.forEach(function(item) {
    // do whatever with item.Name
@BenFortune is that equivalent?
baby steps
pretty much
inb4 closures
inb4 my dad beats me with jumper cables
classic roger
hello brothers and sisters
@Helpinghand Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
does this room have walls?
Anybody with any questions?
So I have a large data set for a chart bar scale, in a timeseries. However, 400+ bars is way too much, and I need to group them together in X millisecond intervals. My coworker told me to look into d3.scaleQuantize but then I lose the rect band from using scaleBand, so I think I need to take the time and data series and group them? Not sure how to go about that
wdym group in intervals?
My query updates every 3 seconds, and say X is 900000 (15 minutes) I want all the data in that range averaged, instead of 100 separate bars per query update
1 hour later…
> Caprica six has invited you to join "Trash Can".
I wonder if we can change that messaging :)
I'd rather re-phrase it as <User> has moved your message to <Room>
I always thought it was a built in message that they couldn't change
@QasimAli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API.
Why isn't there a sandbox like facility from googel. why should a developer buy a key straight away?
why do i get this error message in google geocode api so early almost after 3 refreshes?
@david I am gonna make a meta post
only meta people can change it
"ou have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. "
why do i get this error message in google geocode api so early almost after 3 refreshes?
So I have a question for anyone who can help me. I am making a app the automatically sets google alerts for my gmail account. I am trying to write it by doing a post to the google.com/alerts page. My issue is I cannot seem to find the variable names for the textbox, or other options that I would like to post and submit the information to.
@JohnThompson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@monners hey man!
How's it hangin'? Shrivelled and pustulant I assume?
@monners do you have a discord?
But I'm at work
In the future
save that
My question is how do I find the id's and options for the post request stated above?
@SterlingArcher Done
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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